27 research outputs found

    Profile of cortisol, glycaemia, and blood parameters of American Bullfrog tadpoles Lithobates catesbeianus exposed to density and hypoxia stressors

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate alterations to the physiological profile (cortisol, glycaemia, and blood parameters) of Lithobates catesbeianus caused by the stressors density and hypoxia. The organisms were in the prometamorphosis stage and exposed to different tadpole densities: 1 tadpole/L (T1), 5 tadpoles/L (T2), and 10 tadpoles/L (T3) for 12 days. The blood was collected through the rupture of the caudal blood vessel and collected under normoxia (immediate collection) and hypoxia (after 15 minutes of air exposure) conditions. Cortisol levels rose on the fourth and eighth days of treatment and returned to basal levels by the end of the experiment. The stressor mechanisms tested did not affect glycaemia. White blood cells (total number of lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils) showed a significant difference at the twelfth day of the experiment when compared with the start of the experiment. We concluded that, under controlled conditions, a density of up to 10 tadpoles/L and air exposure for 15 minutes did not cause harmful physiological alterations during the experimental period. The answer to these stressors maybe was in another hormonal level (corticosterone)

    Uptake of cadmium from water by beech leaves

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    Salim R, Al‐Subu MM, Sahrhage E. Uptake of cadmium from water by beech leaves. Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology. 1992;27(3):603-627

    Desempenho produtivo de fêmeas leiteiras alimentadas com silagem de milho e concentrado à base de farelo de soja ou farelo de algodão Productive performance of growing dairy heifers fed corn silage and soybean or cottonseed meal based concentrate

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    Foram avaliadas dietas com silagem de milho e concentrado à base de farelo de soja ou farelo de algodão para fêmeas leiteiras. Quatro dietas experimentais foram constituídas da combinação de dois níveis de concentrado (1 ou 2 kg) e duas fontes proteicas (farelo de soja ou farelo de algodão). Observou-se efeito da interação nível de concentrado &#215; fonte proteica no consumo de matéria seca (MS), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e no consumo de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT). A quantidade de concentrado influenciou os consumos de proteína bruta (PB), FDN, extrato etéreo (EE), carboidratos nãofibrosos (CNF), matéria orgânica (MO) e de PB por kg de NDT. Não houve efeito nas digestibilidades da MS, FDN, MO e para NDT, porém a fonte proteica influenciou as digestibilidades de PB, EE e CNF. Houve efeito da quantidade de concentrado sobre o ganho de peso (GP) e da interação quantidade de concentrado &#215; fonte proteica sobre o ganho de peso por cm de ganho em altura da cernelha. A dieta com 1 kg de concentrado à base de farelo de algodão foi insuficiente para ganho de peso de 800 g/dia, enquanto as dietas com 2 kg de concentrado propiciaram o maior ganho de peso. Entretanto, a dieta constituída de 2 kg de concentrado à base de farelo de soja foi mais eficiente, pois propiciou maior crescimento linear das novilhas, com ganho médio de 820 g por dia. Equações de predição do peso corporal com base no perímetro torácico apresentam maior acurácia em relação a equações baseadas em outras medidas lineares.<br>Diets for dairy heifers were assessed with corn silage and soybean or cotton seed based concentrate. Four experimental diets consisting of the combination of two concentrate levels, 1 or 2 kg, and two protein sources, soybean meal or cotton seed meal. The effect of the interaction was observed for intake of dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in % live weight and total digestible nutrient intake (TDN). The quantity of concentrate influenced the intakes of crude protein (CP), NDF, ether extract (EE), non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC), organic matter (OM) and CP per kg TDN. There was no significant effect of the treatments for DM, NDF, OM and NDT digestibility but the protein source influenced the CP, EE and NFC digestibility. There was an effect of concentrate quantity for weight gain (WG), and there was effect of the concentrate quantity &#215; protein source interaction for weight gain per cm of height gain of the cernelha. The diet consisting of 1 kg cotton seed based concentrate was insufficient to reach 800 g/day weight gain and diets consisting of 2 kg concentrate resulted in greater weight gain. However, the diet consisting of 2 kg soybean meal based concentrate was more efficient because it gave greater linear growth to the heifers with an 820g mean gain per day. Body weight prediction equations based on the thorax perimeter are more accurate in prediction compared to the other linear measurements