238 research outputs found

    Temporal Changes in Total Serum Immunoglobulin E Levels in East German Children and the Effect of Potential Predictors

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    Background: Elevated total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels are a prominent feature of allergic and parasitic diseases. An epidemiologic study was conducted in East German children to describe trends in the development of total serum IgE levels and analyze the impact of potential determinants. Methods: The study consisted of three cross-sectional surveys in 1992-1993, 1995-1996 and 1998-1999 and was conducted in three areas of the former German Democratic Republic. In total, 8,051 questionnaires were completed by the parents of children aged 5-14 years, supplying information on allergic symptoms and potential risk factors. A total of 5,918 measurements of total serum IgE and specific IgE to 5 common aeroallergens were available from 4,353 schoolchildren. Generalized estimating equations were applied to data from all children and stratified for atopic and nonatopic children to identify trends and estimate the effect of potential determinants on total IgE. Results: Total serum IgE levels decreased significantly with a linear trend in East German schoolchildren between 1992 and 1999, the effect being stronger in nonatopic children. The following factors were associated with lower total serum IgE levels: female gender, living in a household with fewer than 4 people, no history of helminth infestation, younger age group (5-7 years), no parental allergy and high socioeconomic status. No association was seen for `smoking at home' and close contact to pets. Conclusion: Total serum IgE declined parallel to helminth infestation; however, the latter explained the decrease only in part. Furthermore, total IgE developed in an opposite direction to specific IgE, indicating that it has determinants other than allergic sensitization. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Direct and dynamic detection of HIV-1 in living cells.

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    In basic and applied HIV research, reliable detection of viral components is crucial to monitor progression of infection. While it is routine to detect structural viral proteins in vitro for diagnostic purposes, it previously remained impossible to directly and dynamically visualize HIV in living cells without genetic modification of the virus. Here, we describe a novel fluorescent biosensor to dynamically trace HIV-1 morphogenesis in living cells. We generated a camelid single domain antibody that specifically binds the HIV-1 capsid protein (CA) at subnanomolar affinity and fused it to fluorescent proteins. The resulting fluorescent chromobody specifically recognizes the CA-harbouring HIV-1 Gag precursor protein in living cells and is applicable in various advanced light microscopy systems. Confocal live cell microscopy and super-resolution microscopy allowed detection and dynamic tracing of individual virion assemblies at the plasma membrane. The analysis of subcellular binding kinetics showed cytoplasmic antigen recognition and incorporation into virion assembly sites. Finally, we demonstrate the use of this new reporter in automated image analysis, providing a robust tool for cell-based HIV research

    Betriebs- und Landnutzungsformen 2008 in Sachsen

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    Der Bericht analysiert die Anpassungsreaktionen sĂ€chsischer Landwirte auf geĂ€nderte agrarpolitische Rahmenbedingungen und auf Marktentwicklungen im Jahr 2008. Untersucht wurde die Entwicklung der Acker- und GrĂŒnlandnutzung und der Betriebsformen. Ebenfalls wird auf die flĂ€chenmĂ€ĂŸigen VerĂ€nderungen infolge der Agrarumweltprogramme eingegangen. Die Aufhebung der Stilllegungsverpflichtung, Steuererhöhung fĂŒr Biokraftstoffe und verĂ€nderte Preisrelationen zwischen den Ackerkulturen bewirkten 2008 eine Ausweitung des Getreideanbaus und der AckerfutterflĂ€che zu Lasten der ÖlsaatenflĂ€chen. Mit 59 Prozent wurde der bislang höchste Getreideanteil an der AckerflĂ€che Sachsens erzielt. Der Rapsanteil sank von 20 auf 18 Prozent. Mit einem FlĂ€chenzuwachs um 10 Prozent besetzte der Ackerfutteranbau einen Teil der nicht mehr stillzulegenden FlĂ€che. GegenĂŒber dem Vorjahr hatten deutlich weniger Betriebe ihren Produktionsschwerpunkt im Bereich der Tierhaltung. Die mit Milchvieh- und Rinderhaltung verbundene Betriebsform Futterbau ging leicht zurĂŒck. Bei der Milchviehhaltung setzte sich der RĂŒckgang der BestĂ€nde fort. Die Anzahl der Milchviehhalter sank 2008, Ă€hnlich der Vorjahre, um rund 3 Prozent auf 1.222 Unternehmen. Trotzdem ist noch jeder dritte Landwirtschaftsbetrieb im Vollerwerb ein Milchproduzent

    Targeting and tracing of specific DNA sequences with dTALEs in living cells

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    Epigenetic regulation of gene expression involves, besides DNA and histone modifications, the relative positioning of DNA sequences within the nucleus. To trace specific DNA sequences in living cells, we used programmable sequence-specific DNA binding of designer transcription activator-like effectors (dTALEs). We designed a recombinant dTALE (msTALE) with variable repeat domains to specifically bind a 19-bp target sequence of major satellite DNA. The msTALE was fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and stably expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells. Hybridization with a major satellite probe (3D-fluorescent in situ hybridization) and co-staining for known cellular structures confirmed in vivo binding of the GFP-msTALE to major satellite DNA present at nuclear chromocenters. Dual tracing of major satellite DNA and the replication machinery throughout S-phase showed co-localization during mid to late S-phase, directly demonstrating the late replication timing of major satellite DNA. Fluorescence bleaching experiments indicated a relatively stable but still dynamic binding, with mean residence times in the range of minutes. Fluorescently labeled dTALEs open new perspectives to target and trace DNA sequences and to monitor dynamic changes in subnuclear positioning as well as interactions with functional nuclear structures during cell cycle progression and cellular differentiation

    Statusbericht Land- und ErnÀhrungswirtschaft - Land und ErnÀhrungswirtschaft im Freistaat Sachsen - Statusbericht 2008

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    Der Statusbericht 2008 zur Land- und ErnĂ€hrungswirtschaft in Sachsen beschreibt die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Land- und ErnĂ€hrungswirtschaft sowie ihre volkswirtschaftliche Einordnung. Die Bruttowertschöpfung der sĂ€chsischen Land- und Forstwirtschaft stieg 2007 aufgrund guter Markt- und Preisbedingungen auf 830 Mio. Euro. Zusammen mit dem ErnĂ€hrungsgewerbe wurde eine Bruttowertschöpfung von 2,1 Mrd. Euro erzielt. Das ist ein Anteil von 2,5 % an der gesamten Wertschöpfung Sachsens und entspricht etwa der Wertschöpfung der wichtigen Wirtschaftszweige Maschinenbau (2,0 Mrd. Euro) oder Fahrzeugbau (2,25 Mrd. Euro). Die Landwirtschaft ist eng mit vor- und nachgelagerten Wirtschaftsbereichen verflochten. Sie ist einerseits Abnehmer von Betriebsmitteln, InvestitionsgĂŒtern und Dienstleistungen, andererseits Produzent und Lieferant von Erzeugnissen fĂŒr die industrielle und handwerkliche Verarbeitung oder den Direktabsatz. Das Agrarbusiness beschĂ€ftigt insgesamt mindestens 87.700 ErwerbstĂ€tige. Somit sind fĂŒnf Prozent aller sĂ€chsischen BeschĂ€ftigten im Agrarbusiness tĂ€tig, d.h. jeder 20. Arbeitsplatz steht direkt oder indirekt mit der Agrarwirtschaft in Verbindung

    Oncolytic Virotherapy as Emerging Immunotherapeutic Modality: Potential of Parvovirus H-1

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    Human tumors develop multiple strategies to evade recognition and efficient suppression by the immune system. Therefore, a variety of immunotherapeutic strategies have been developed to reactivate and reorganize the human immune system. The recent development of new antibodies against immune check points may help to overcome the immune silencing induced by human tumors. Some of these antibodies have already been approved for treatment of various solid tumor entities. Interestingly, targeting antibodies may be combined with standard chemotherapy or radiation protocols. Furthermore, recent evidence indicates that intratumoral (it) or intravenous (iv) injections of replicative oncolytic viruses such as herpes simplex-, pox-, parvo- or adenoviruses may also reactivate the human immune system. By generating tumor cell lysates in situ, oncolytic viruses overcome cellular tumor resistance mechanisms and induce immunogenic tumor cell death resulting in the recognition of newly released tumor antigens.This is in particular the case of the oncolytic parvovirus H-1 (H-1PV) which is able to kill human tumor cells and stimulate an antitumor immune response through increased presentation of tumor-associated antigens, maturation of dendritic cells and release of proinflammatory cytokines. Current research and clinical studies aim to assess the potential of oncolytic virotherapy and its combination with immunotherapeutic agents or conventional treatments to further induce effective antitumoral immune responses

    Eigentumsentwicklung an Boden - Analyse, Ursachen, Wirkungen der Eigentumsentwicklung an Boden nach Rechtsformen

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    Der Bodenmarkt hat seit 2005 eine dynamische Entwicklung genommen. Durch die globale Wirtschaftskrise wurden die Investitionen in werthaltige GĂŒter, d.h. auch in Boden befördert. Die Anzahl VerkaufsfĂ€lle und die gehandelte FlĂ€che stiegen seit 2005 stetig an. Der Kaufpreis erhöhte sich um 17 Prozent. WĂ€hrend in den Niederlanden mit 444 Euro/ha oder DĂ€nemark mit 551 Euro/ha die höchsten Pachtpreise erzielt werden, liegt Deutschland im Durchschnitt bei 205 Euro/ha. Trotz Steigerung um 51 Euro/ha seit 1991 liegt der sĂ€chsische Pachtpreis nur bei 116 Euro/ha. Der deutlichere Anstieg bei GrĂŒnland kann Ursache der Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen, d.h. dem ÜberwĂ€lzeffekt der GrĂŒnlandprĂ€mie geschuldet sein

    Clinical Characterization of Symptomatic Microangiopathic Brain Lesions

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    Background: Microangiopathic brain lesions can be separated in diffuse lesions – leukoaraiosis – and focal lesions – lacunes. Leukoaraiosis and lacunes are caused by common cerebrovascular risk factors, but whether they represent a common entity is not sufficiently investigated. The present study aimed to determine the clinical profiles associated with the extent of leukoaraiosis and lacunes. Methods: Sixty-four consecutive patients with acute microangiopathic stroke were studied. Leukoaraiosis and lacunes were stratified according to their MRI-based extent. Standardized clinical assessment included clinical syndromes, cerebrovascular risk factors, cognitive performance, retinal imaging, ultrasonography, blood, and urine parameters. Results: Different clinical profiles for leukoaraiosis and lacunes were found. Regarding leukoaraiosis, the cognitive scores (SISCO, mini mental score examination, mental examination) and the presence of hyperlipidemia decreased as the severity of leukoaraiosis increased. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that these cognitive score values as well as the presence of hyperlipidemia correlated significantly with no or only mild leukoaraiosis. Regarding lacunes, the percentage of migraine, previous stroke events, hydrocephalus, left ventricular hypertrophy, and a higher National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale increased as the number of lacunar lesions increased. Statistical analysis revealed that these parameters correlated not significantly with the number of lacunes. Conclusions: The findings suggests that leukoaraiosis and lacunes are different microangiopathic entities potentially requiering different treatment concepts

    Targeting and tracing of specific DNA sequences with dTALEs in living cells

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    Epigenetic regulation of gene expression involves, besides DNA and histone modifications, the relative positioning of DNA sequences within the nucleus. To trace specific DNA sequences in living cells, we used programmable sequence-specific DNA binding of designer transcription activator-like effectors (dTALEs). We designed a recombinant dTALE (msTALE) with variable repeat domains to specifically bind a 19-bp target sequence of major satellite DNA. The msTALE was fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and stably expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells. Hybridization with a major satellite probe (3D-fluorescent in situ hybridization) and co-staining for known cellular structures confirmed in vivo binding of the GFP-msTALE to major satellite DNA present at nuclear chromocenters. Dual tracing of major satellite DNA and the replication machinery throughout S-phase showed co-localization during mid to late S-phase, directly demonstrating the late replication timing of major satellite DNA. Fluorescence bleaching experiments indicated a relatively stable but still dynamic binding, with mean residence times in the range of minutes. Fluorescently labeled dTALEs open new perspectives to target and trace DNA sequences and to monitor dynamic changes in subnuclear positioning as well as interactions with functional nuclear structures during cell cycle progression and cellular differentiation

    Dark Matter Halo Profiles of Massive Clusters: Theory vs. Observations

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    Dark matter-dominated cluster-scale halos act as an important cosmological probe and provide a key testing ground for structure formation theory. Focusing on their mass profiles, we have carried out (gravity-only) simulations of the concordance LCDM cosmology, covering a mass range of 2.10^{12}-2.10^{15} solar mass/h and a redshift range of z=0-2, while satisfying the associated requirements of resolution and statistical control. When fitting to the Navarro-Frenk-White profile, our concentration-mass (c-M) relation differs in normalization and shape in comparison to previous studies that have limited statistics in the upper end of the mass range. We show that the flattening of the c-M relation with redshift is naturally expressed if c is viewed as a function of the peak height parameter, \nu. Unlike the c-M relation, the slope of the c-\nu relation is effectively constant over the redshift range z=0-2, while the amplitude varies by ~30% for massive clusters. This relation is, however, not universal: Using a simulation suite covering the allowed wCDM parameter space, we show that the c-\nu relation varies by about +/- 20% as cosmological parameters are varied. At fixed mass, the c(M) distribution is well-fit by a Gaussian with \sigma_c/c = 0.33, independent of the radius at which the concentration is defined, the halo dynamical state, and the underlying cosmology. We compare the LCDM predictions with observations of halo concentrations from strong lensing, weak lensing, galaxy kinematics, and X-ray data, finding good agreement for massive clusters (M > 4.10^{14} solar mass/h), but with some disagreements at lower masses. Because of uncertainty in observational systematics and modeling of baryonic physics, the significance of these discrepancies remains unclear.Comment: 18 pages; 13 figures, new observational data included, minor revisions and extended discussions, improved fitting formula, results unchange
