4,703 research outputs found

    Fluid lubricant system Patent

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    Lubrication for bearings by capillary action from oil reservoir of porous materia

    XMM-Newton Observations of the Be/X-ray transient A0538-66 in quiescence

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    We present XMM-Newton observations of the recurrent Be/X-ray transient A0538-66, situated in the Large Magellanic Cloud, in the quiescent state. Despite a very low luminosity state of (5-8)E33 ergs/s in the range 0.3-10 keV, the source is clearly detected up to ~8 keV. and can be fitted using either a power law with photon index alpha=1.9+-0.3 or a bremsstrahlung spectrum with kT=3.9+3.9-1.7 keV. The spectral analysis confirms that the off-state spectrum is hard without requiring any soft component, contrary to the majority of neutron stars observed in quiescence up to now.Comment: Accepted for proceedings of 5th INTEGRAL Worksho

    Extended Emission from Cygnus X-3 Detected with Chandra

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    We have discovered extended X-ray emission from the microquasar Cyg X-3 in archival Chandra X-ray Observatory observations. A 5" wide structure lies approximately 16" to the NE from the core point source and may be extended in that direction. This angular scale corresponds to a physical extent of roughly 0.8 lyr, at a distance of 2.5 lyr from Cyg X-3 (assuming a 10 kpc distance). The flux varied by a factor of 2.5 during the four months separating two of the observations, indicating significant substructure. The peak 2-10 keV luminosity was about 5e34 ergs/s. There may also be weaker, extended emission of similar scale oppositely directed from the core, suggesting a bipolar outflow. This structure is not part of the dust scattering halo, nor is it caused by the Chandra point spread function. In this Letter we describe the observations and discuss possible origins of the extension.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letters. 5 pages, 2 figures (1 color). Uses emulateap

    Determination of demagnetizing factors using first-order reversal curves and ferromagnetic resonance

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    We present a method to quantitatively analyze magnetizing or demagnetizing interactions in arrayed nano-magnets by combining first-order reversal curve (FORC) and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurement data. We develop a function to predict the resulting FORC distribution given: (1) a Gaussian intrinsic distribution in terms of the internal field and (2) a mean interaction field proportional to the sample\u27s magnetic moment. We then perform least-squares regression of our model on experimental FORC measurements of a nanowire array and of a thin film. Combining the obtained interaction field with an FMR fit result allows us to algebraically solve for the effective axial and transverse demagnetizing factors. Our experimental demagnetizing factors agree with expected values and provide quantitative evidence of the demagnetizing interaction between nanowires in an array

    Disappearing Pulses in Vela X-1

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    We present results from a 20 h RXTE observation of Vela X-1, ncluding a peculiar low state of a few hours duration, during which the pulsation of the X-ray emission ceased, while significant non-pulsed emission remained. This ``quiescent state'' was preceded by a ``normal state'' without any unusual signs and followed by a ``high state'' of several hours of increased activity with strong, flaring pulsations. while there is clear spectral evolution from the normal state to the low state, the spectra of the following high state are surprisingly similar to those of the low state.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the 5th Compton Symposium, AIP, in pres

    Discovery of a New 89 Second X-ray Pulsar XTE J1906+09

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    We report on the discovery of a new pulsating X-ray source during Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of a low galactic latitude field centered at RA (J2000) = 19 hr 05 m 43 s and Dec (J2000) = +08 deg 58 arcmin 48 arcsec. Significant pulsations were detected by both the PCA and HEXTE instruments aboard RXTE at a fundamental period of 89.17 +/- 0.02 seconds, with higher harmonics also visible in the 2-10 keV power spectrum. The folded lightcurve from the source is multiply peaked at lower energies, and changes to single peaked morphology above ~20 keV. The phase averaged spectrum from the source is well fit by strongly absorbed power law or thermal bremsstrahlung spectral models of photon index 1.9 +/- 0.1 or temperature 19.5 +/- 4.6 keV, respectively. The mean neutral hydrogen column density is approximately 10^23 cm^-2, suggesting a distance of >10 kpc to the source and a minimum 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity of 2*10^{35} ergs s^{-1}. By comparison with other pulsars with similar periods and luminosities, we suggest that XTE J1906+09 has a supergiant companion with an underfilled Roche lobe. We speculate further that one of the M stars in a peculiar M star binary system may be the companion.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Multiple Cyclotron Lines in the Spectrum of 4U 0115+63

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    We report phase resolved spectroscopy of the transient accreting pulsar, 4U0115+63. For the first time, more than two cylotron resonance scattering features are detected in the spectrum of an X-ray pulsar. The shape of the fundamental line appears to be complex, and this is in agreement with predictions of Monte-Carlo models. As in other pulsars, the line energies and optical depths are strong functions of pulse phase. One possible model for this is an offset of the dipole of the neutron star magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages. To appear in "Proceedings of the 5th Compton Symposium
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