214 research outputs found
"Und dann Wort fĂŒr Wort und schlegerei hat sich angefangen" - MissverstĂ€ndnisse durch Nutzung latenter russischsprachiger Ressourcen im Deutschen
Seit einem Jahrzehnt zĂ€hlt Russisch zu den hĂ€ufig gesprochenen Migrationssprachen an deutschen Schulen und rĂŒckt nun als weitere Lernersprache in den Fokus der linguistischen Migrationsforschung. Russischsprachige SchĂŒler und SchĂŒlerinnen, die als Aussiedler vornehmlich aus Russland und Kasachstan immigrieren, bilden seit Beginn der 90er Jahre die bedeutendste Gruppe jugendlicher Einwanderer nach Deutschland. Aussiedlerjugendliche erhalten zwar in den meisten FĂ€llen kurz nach ihrer Einreise die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, diese ist jedoch lĂ€ngst kein Garant mehr fĂŒr eine reibungslose Integration. Neuere Befunde zeigen, dass eine wachsende Zahl junger AussiedlerInnen aus den GUS-Staaten Gefahr lĂ€uft, den Anschluss an eine adĂ€quate schulische und berufliche Ausbildung zu verpassen (vgl. Dietz/Roll 1998, Strobl/KĂŒhnel 2000). Ihre Bildungsbeteiligung hat sich der benachteiligten Bildungssituation anderer Immigrantenjugendlicher angenĂ€hert
Immunocytochemical Phenotyping of Disseminated Tumor Cells in Bone Marrow by uPA Receptor and CK18: Investigation of Sensitivity and Specificity of an Immunogold/Alkaline Phosphatase Double Staining Protocol
Phenotyping of cytokeratin (CK) 18-positive cells in bone marrow is gaining increasing importance for future prognostic screening of carcinoma patients. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPA-R) is one example of a potential aggressive marker for those cells. However, a valid and reliable double staining method is needed. Using monoclonal antibodies against uPA-R and CK18, we modified an immunogold/alkaline phosphatase double staining protocol. UPA-R/CK18-positive tumor cell controls exhibited black uPA-R staining in 15â80 of cases and red CK18 staining in almost 100 of tumor cells. Isotype- and cross-matched controls were completely negative. Bone marrow from healthy donors was always CK18-negative. Reproducibility of CK18-positive cell detection was estimated in a series of specimens from 61 gastric cancer patients comparatively stained with the single alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) and our double staining method (106 bone marrow cells/patient). In four cases, double staining could not reproduce CK18-positive cells. In 34 cases it revealed fewer or equal numbers, and in 23 cases more CK18-positive cells than the APAAP method. Overall quantitative analysis of detected cell numbers (838 in APAAP, range 1â280 in 106; double staining 808, range 0â253) demonstrated relative reproducibility of APAAP results by double staining of 97. Correlation of results between both methods was significant (p<0.001, linear regression). Sensitivity of double staining tested in logarithmic tumor cell dilutions was one CK18-positive cell in 300,000. Specific uPA-R staining was seen on CK18-positive cells in bone marrow from 29 of 61 patients, and also on single surrounding bone marrow cells. To test the specificity of this staining, bone marrow cytospins from 10 patients without tumor disease were stained for uPA-R with the APAAP method. uPA-R expression was confirmed in all 10 cases, with a mean of 6.5 uPA-R-positive cells in 1000 bone marrow cells (SEM 1.2). These results suggest that our double staining protocol is a sensitive, reproducible, and specific method for routine uPA-R phenotyping of disseminated CK18-positive cells in bone marrow of carcinoma patients
CAJ - Chipcard Controlled Accounting System Jena
In this paper we present the CAJ project of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU). The projectâs aim is the development of an overall accounting system that can be used for the electronic payment of services delivered on any FSU campus. Currently, the focus is on the FSU library system. Component technology is utilized to achieve a flexible, generalized system architecture that provides for future extensions and ease of maintenance
A long-term analysis of the declining population of the Egyptian vulture in the Italian peninsula: Distribution, habitat preference, productivity and conservation implications
Between the beginning of the 1970s and the early 1990s the breeding population of the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in the Italian peninsula declined from 29 to nine breeding pairs. We analysed the main aspects of the decline of this population during the last 30 years, namely: (1) landscape structure and composition of active and extinct nesting sites; (2) changes in the land use and number of cattle within the breeding range; (3) productivity (1986-1999) of the last nine pairs breeding in the Italian peninsula. Further decline in the breeding population was probably stopped by creating artificial feeding sites and protecting the last nesting sites from direct persecution. Nearly two-thirds of the pairs laid at least one egg per year, and half of the pairs fledged at least one young per year. The mean number of fledged young was 0.99±0.66 per breeding pair, and 1.27±0.45 per successful pair. About 75% of the breeding failures occurred during incubation, and 71% were related to human activities and direct persecution. The nesting cliff occupation rate, percentage of breeding attempts that fledged at least one chick and mean number of fledged young were negatively correlated with the distance to an artificial feeding site. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer Reviewe
Prognostic relevance of MMP-2 (72-kD collagenase IV) in gastric cancer
The association of MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinase 2, 72-kD collagenase IV) with invasive and metastatic capacity of tumor cells has implicated a potential role in the prognosis for cancer patients. However, no larger study has been done to prove this hypothesis. The present study was therefore designed to investigate the prognostic impact of MMP-2 in a prospective series of 203 gastric cancer patients. MMP-2 expression was measured immunohistochemically and scored semiquantitatively (score 0-3) in carcinoma cells, and results were correlated with clinicopathological tumor parameters and parameters of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) system. Survival analyses were done using the Kaplan-Meier method (log-rank statistics) and multivariate Cox analysis. Significant correlations were found for MMP-2 and Lauren's classification, M stage and proteases/inhibitors of the uPA system in the primary tumor. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed an association of increasing MMP-2 expression with worse prognosis. This was especially seen in patients with a parallel high expression of uPA receptor. However, differences in survival probabilities between low and high MMP-2 levels were not significant. In a separate analysis of diffuse-type cancers, MMP-2 was significantly associated with disease-free (p = 0.0056) and overall survival (p = 0.0426). Multivariately, MMP-2 was not an independent parameter. Our results demonstrate that there is an association of immunohistochemical detection of MMP-2 with prognosis of cancer patients. For diffuse gastric cancers, it is a significant prognostic parameter, however, not of independent impact. The study further suggests that consideration of interrelated tumor-associated proteases like uPA receptor in combination with MMP-2 may improve its prognostic power
Application of the ramp test from a closed cavity rheometer to obtain the steady-state shear viscosity η ( ÎłÌ )
The steady-state shear viscosity η(ËÎł) is required in controlling processing parameters for the extrusion processing of polymer melts. A new method, the so-called ramp test, is investigated in this study to obtain the steady-state shear viscosity with a closed cavity rheometer (CCR). To verify the method and the accuracy of the CCR data, three commercial polyolefin polymers, a low-density polyethylene (LDPE), a linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), and a polybutadiene (PBD), were used as model systems. Measurements of the magnitude of the complex viscosity were compared with the steady-state shear viscosity data obtained by capillary rheometer and CCR. Further, timeâtemperature superposition master curves of the magnitude of the complex viscosity and steady-state shear viscosity obtained by CCR were developed for LLDPE and PBD. The influence of the cavity sealing on the instrumentâs accuracy to obtain the steady-state shear viscosity was investigated using the finite element method simulations. Thus, it was shown that the ramp test performed by CCR is a practical method to determine reliable and reproducible data of the steady-state shear viscosity within a wide range of temperatures (T = 50â180°C) for low and high viscous materials ( = 1.6â480âkPaâs, M w = 144â375âkgâmol)
Ein allgemein gĂŒltiges Abrechnungssystem fĂŒr Online- und Offline-Dienste
Aus der EinfĂŒhrung:
'Das in diesem Paper vorzustellende Projekt ist ein Teilprojekt der SonderfördermaĂnahme 9: âErprobung elektronischer Angebotsformen, Abrechnungsmodelle und Zahlungsverfahren auf einer Testplattform flir GLOBAL INFOâ. Hierbei soll das System eVerlage zum kommerziellen Vertrieb von Inhalten (textuell, multimedial) geschaffen werden
Wirtschaftskrise: Wie können die Folgen fĂŒr den Arbeitsmarkt abgefedert werden?
Olaf Scholz, Bundesminister fĂŒr Arbeit und Soziales, erlĂ€utert die Politik der Regierung und unterstreicht die Relevanz der Sozialpartnerschaft: "Der gemeinsame Einsatz fĂŒr Arbeit von Bundesregierung, Arbeitgebern und Gewerkschaften wirkt und verhindert Schlimmeres. Das zeigt: Wir können mit Sozialpartnerschaft durch die Krise kommen und die schlechten Prognosen schlagen." Johann Eekhoff, UniversitĂ€t zu Köln, warnt davor, der Krise mit Versuchen, BeschĂ€ftigte mit öffentlichen Mitteln dazu zu bewegen, vorzeitig in den Ruhestand zu gehen, wie beispielsweise mit der geförderten Altersteilzeit und der FrĂŒhverrentung ohne AbschlĂ€ge, begegnen zu wollen. Vielmehr sollten die Steuer- und Abgabesysteme verbessert und Arbeitszeitregelungen gelockert werden. Axel Deeke, Institut fĂŒr Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, NĂŒrnberg, sieht in der Kurzarbeit den Grund dafĂŒr, dass die befĂŒrchteten Auswirkungen der Krise auf den Arbeitsmarkt bislang ausgeblieben sind. Nach Ansicht von Wilhelm Adamy, DGB-Vorstandsmitglied, ist die Kurzarbeit zwar kurzfristig sehr erfolgreich, kann aber einen krisenbedingten Arbeitsplatzabbau allenfalls verschieben. Diese "gewonnene Zeit" sollte genutzt werden, um, beispielsweise durch Sicherung gefĂ€hrdeter ArbeitsplĂ€tze, Anhebung des Qualifikationsniveaus, Abbau von sozialer Ungleichheit und angemessene Einkommenssicherung, BeschĂ€ftigung zu sichern. Stefan Sell, Fachhochschule Koblenz, sieht die derzeitige Stabilisierung der FunktionalitĂ€ten in der Arbeitslosenversicherung nur als eine kurzfristige Strategie. Mittel- und langfristig mĂŒsse es um die Weiterentwicklung in Richtung auf eine "BeschĂ€ftigungsversicherung" gehen. Heike Bruch und David Maus, UniversitĂ€t St. Gallen, stellen ihr Konzept "Einsatz der problemorientierten FĂŒhrung" vor, dessen Anwendung es auch in Krisenzeiten ermögliche, die Mitarbeiter zu mobilisieren.Wirtschaftskrise, Arbeitsmarkt, Kurzarbeit, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Unternehmen, BeschĂ€ftigung, Krise Armut, Deutschland
Pro-Inflammatory wnt5a and Anti-Inflammatory sFRP5 Are Differentially Regulated by Nutritional Factors in Obese Human Subjects
Background: Obesity is associated with macrophage infiltration of adipose tissue. These inflammatory cells affect adipocytes not only by classical cytokines but also by the secreted glycopeptide wnt5a. Healthy adipocytes are able to release the wnt5a inhibitor sFRP5. This protective effect, however, was found to be diminished in obesity. The aim of the present study was to examine (1) whether obese human subjects exhibit increased serum concentrations of wnt5a and (2) whether wnt5a and/or sFRP5 serum concentrations in obese subjects can be influenced by caloric restriction. Methodology: 23 obese human subjects (BMI 44.161.1 kg/m 2) and 12 age- and sex-matched lean controls (BMI 22.360.4 kg/m 2) were included in the study. Obese subjects were treated with a very low-calorie diet (approximately 800 kcal/d) for 12 weeks. Body composition was assessed by impedance analysis, insulin sensitivity was estimated by HOMA-IR and the leptin-to-adiponectin ratio and wnt5a and sFRP5 serum concentrations were measured by ELISA. sFRP5 expression in human adipose tissue biopsies was further determined on protein level by immunohistology. Principal Findings: Pro-inflammatory wnt5a was not measurable in any serum sample of lean control subjects. In patients with obesity, however, wnt5a became significantly detectable consistent with low grade inflammation in such subjects. Caloric restriction resulted in a weight loss from 131.964.0 to 112.363.2 kg in the obese patients group. This was accompanied by a significant decrease of HOMA-IR and leptin-to-adiponectin ratio, indicating improved insulin sensitivity
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