665 research outputs found

    Transport into the south polar vortex in early spring

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    Estimates of the mean circulation and diffusive transport of ozone and other species into the Antarctic polar vortex during the spring of 1987 are made using data from the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment. Measurements of long-lived tracers of tropospheric origin remained relatively constant at the levels of the maximum rate of decline of ozone during September. At lower levels in the stratosphere some evidence exists to support intrusions of tropospheric or low latitude air. Given the distribution in latitude and height of these tracers measured from the ER-2 aircraft, it can be inferred that the Lagrangian or diabatic mean circulation was zero or downward over Antarctica during the period of the ozone decline. The observation of a decline in ozone therefore requires a photochemical sink for ozone. The magnitude of the required photochemical sink must be sufficient to offset the transport of ozone into the polar region and produce the observed decline. Quasi-isentropic mixing and downward motion are coupled and are difficult to estimate from a single tracer. The full suite of measured tracers and auxiliary information are brought together to provide an estimate of the rate at which air is cycled through the polar vortex during spring. Estimates of large scale transport of potential vorticity and ozone from previous years are generally consistent with the data from the airborne experiment in suggesting a relatively slow rate of mass flow through the polar vortex in the lower stratosphere during September

    Thermally Activated Magnetization and Resistance Decay during Near Ambient Temperature Aging of Co Nanoflakes in a Confining Semi-metallic Environment

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    We report the observation of magnetic and resistive aging in a self assembled nanoparticle system produced in a multilayer Co/Sb sandwich. The aging decays are characterized by an initial slow decay followed by a more rapid decay in both the magnetization and resistance. The decays are large accounting for almost 70% of the magnetization and almost 40% of the resistance for samples deposited at 35 oC^oC. For samples deposited at 50 oC^oC the magnetization decay accounts for ∼50\sim 50% of the magnetization and 50% of the resistance. During the more rapid part of the decay, the concavity of the slope of the decay changes sign and this inflection point can be used to provide a characteristic time. The characteristic time is strongly and systematically temperature dependent, ranging from ∼1\sim1x102s10^2 s at 400K to ∼3\sim3x105s10^5 s at 320K in samples deposited at 35oC35 ^oC. Samples deposited at 50 oC^oC displayed a 7-8 fold increase in the characteristic time (compared to the 35oC35 ^oC samples) for a given aging temperature, indicating that this timescale may be tunable. Both the temperature scale and time scales are in potentially useful regimes. Pre-Aging, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) reveals that the Co forms in nanoscale flakes. During aging the nanoflakes melt and migrate into each other in an anisotropic fashion forming elongated Co nanowires. This aging behavior occurs within a confined environment of the enveloping Sb layers. The relationship between the characteristic time and aging temperature fits an Arrhenius law indicating activated dynamics

    Trace gas measurements from whole air samples collected over the Antarctic continent

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    Whole air samples collected aboard the NASA DC-8 and ER-2 aircraft as part of the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE) were analyzed in a field laboratory set up at Punta Arenas, Chile, in August and September, 1987. Mixing ratios obtained from gas chromatographic analyses of these samples are presented for N2O, CFCl3, CFCl2, C2F3Cl3, CH3CCl3, CH4, and CO. Variations in the mixing ratios of these gases along the individual flight paths of the aircraft are used as tracers to indicate the history of air masses over and near the Antarctic continent

    Discovery of an Optical Jet in the BL Lac Object 3C 371

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    We have detected an optical jet in the BL Lac object 3C 371 that coincides with the radio jet in this object in the central few kpc. The most notable feature is a bright optical knot 3 arcsec (4 kpc) from the nucleus that occurs at the location where the jet apparently changes its direction by ~30 degrees. The radio, near-infrared and optical observations of this knot are consistent with a single power-law spectrum with a radio-optical spectral index alpha = -0.81. One possible scenario for the observed turn is that the jet is interacting with the material in the bridge connecting 3C 371 to nearby galaxies and the pressure gradient is deflecting the jet significantly.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures (1 eps, 3 gifs), accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Effect of high-pressure hot-water washing treatment on fruit quality, insects, and disease in apples and pears Part III. Use of silicone-based materials and mechanical methods to eliminate surface pests

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    Surface arthropods on pome fruits can cause export problems and disrupt commercial markets. Eliminating insects and mites on the packing line would be the last opportunity to provide for pest-free produce. In this study, an experimental packing line was used to evaluate techniques using different surfactant baths, pressurized water sprays, and styles of rotating brushes to remove field-collected and laboratory-reared grape mealybug, Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), the diapausing two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) and the woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausman) (Homoptera: Aphididae). The organosilicone Silwet L-77 was no more effective than a silicone-based food grade defoamer in aiding removal. Mechanical methods, such as the style of rotating brushes and pressurized sprays, were significantly effective in removing surface arthropods. No improvement in removal occurred when pressure was increased beyond 420 kPa. These techniques can be easily adapted to commercial facilities and will reduce the incidence of surface arthropods on marketed fresh fruits

    Atmospheric implications of studies of Central American volcanic eruption clouds

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    During February 1978 a group of scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, several colleges and universities, the U.S. Geological Survey, and NASA used a specially equipped Beech Queen Air aircraft to make 11 sampling flights in Guatemala through the eruption clouds from the volcanoes Pacaya, Fuego, and Santiguito. Measurements were made of SO42−, SO2, HCl, HF, and 11 cations that were in water-soluble form, on samples collected by a specially designed filter pack. Particle size distributions were obtained with a piezoelectric cascade impactor, and the particles were identified by energy dispersive X ray analysis. Evacuated canisters were flown to obtain samples for gas Chromatographic analysis. Some of the conclusions reached are that since most of the sulfur was found to be in the form of SO2, the H2SO4 droplets resulting from major explosive eruptions must largely result from the reaction of SO2 with OH, at the same time depleting the atmosphere of OH; the volume concentration ratio [SO2]/[HCl] always somewhat exceeded unity; and the amount of fine ash remaining in the stratosphere for long periods of time may depend on the crystallinity of the magma. Correlation spectrometry showed that each volcano was emitting 300–1500 metric tons of SO2 per day

    The nature of the intranight variability of radio-quiet quasars

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    We select a sample of 10 radio-quiet quasars with confirmed intranight optical variability and with available X-ray data. We compare the variability properties and the broad band spectral constraints to the predictions of intranight variability by three models: (i) irradiation of an accretion disk by a variable X-ray flux (ii) an accretion disk instability (iii) the presence of a weak blazar component. We concluded that the third model, e.g. the blazar component model, is the most promising if we adopt a cannonball model for the jet variable emission. In this case, the probability of detecting the intranight variability is within 20-80%, depending on the ratio of the disk to the jet optical luminosity. Variable X-ray irradiation mechanism is also possible but only under additional requirement: either the source should have a very narrow Hbeta line or occasional extremely strong flares should appear at very large disk radii.Comment: MNRAS (in press

    Constraining the black hole mass and accretion rate in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 RE J1034+396

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    We present a comprehensive study of the spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396, summarizing the information obtained from the optical to X-rays with observations from the William Herschel 4.2m Telescope (WHT), the Hubble Space Telescope, the Extreme UltraViolet Explorer, ROSAT, ASCA and BeppoSAX. The BeppoSAX spectra reveal a soft component which is well-represented by two blackbodies with kT of about 60 eV and 160 eV, mimicking that expected from a hot, optically-thick accretion disc around a low-mass black hole. This is borne out by our modeling of the optical to X-ray nuclear continuum, which constrains the physical parameters of a NLS1 for the first time. The models demonstrate that RE J1034+396 is likely to be a system with a nearly edge-on accretion disk (60 to 75 degrees from the disk axis), accreting at nearly Eddington rates (0.3 to 0.7 L_edd) onto a low mass (about 2 million solar masses) black hole (abridged).Comment: ApJ accepte

    The Pearson-Readhead Survey of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources From Space. II. Analysis of Source Properties

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    We have performed a multi-dimensional correlation analysis on the observed properties of a statistically complete core-selected sample of compact radio-loud active galactic nuclei, based on data from the VLBI Space Observing Programme (Paper I) and previously published studies. Our sample is drawn from the well-studied Pearson-Readhead (PR) survey, and is ideally suited for investigating the general effects of relativistic beaming in compact radio sources. In addition to confirming many previously known correlations, we have discovered several new trends that lend additional support to the beaming model. These trends suggest that the most highly beamed sources in core-selected samples tend to have a) high optical polarizations; b) large pc/kpc-scale jet misalignments; c) prominent VLBI core components; d) one-sided, core, or halo radio morphology on kiloparsec scales; e) narrow emission line equivalent widths; and f) a strong tendency for intraday variability at radio wavelengths. We have used higher resolution space and ground-based VLBI maps to confirm the bi-modality of the jet misalignment distribution for the PR survey, and find that the sources with aligned parsec- and kiloparsec-scale jets generally have arcsecond-scale radio emission on both sides of the core. The aligned sources also have broader emission line widths. We find evidence that the BL Lacertae objects in the PR survey are all highly beamed, and have very similar properties to the high-optically polarized quasars, with the exception of smaller redshifts. A cluster analysis on our data shows that after partialing out the effects of redshift, the luminosities of our sample objects in various wave bands are generally well-correlated with each other, but not with other source properties.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Part I can be found at astro-ph/010227
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