840 research outputs found

    Finite-temperature charge transport in the one-dimensional Hubbard model

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    We study the charge conductivity of the one-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model at finite temperature using the method of dynamical quantum typicality, focusing at half filling. This numerical approach allows us to obtain current autocorrelation functions from systems with as many as 18 sites, way beyond the range of standard exact diagonalization. Our data clearly suggest that the charge Drude weight vanishes with a power law as a function of system size. The low-frequency dependence of the conductivity is consistent with a finite dc value and thus with diffusion, despite large finite-size effects. Furthermore, we consider the mass-imbalanced Hubbard model for which the charge Drude weight decays exponentially with system size, as expected for a non-integrable model. We analyze the conductivity and diffusion constant as a function of the mass imbalance and we observe that the conductivity of the lighter component decreases exponentially fast with the mass-imbalance ratio. While in the extreme limit of immobile heavy particles, the Falicov-Kimball model, there is an effective Anderson-localization mechanism leading to a vanishing conductivity of the lighter species, we resolve finite conductivities for an inverse mass ratio of η≳0.25\eta \gtrsim 0.25.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Phase diagram of an anisotropic frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field: a density matrix renormalization group study

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    We study the phase diagram of a frustrated spin-1/2 ferromagnetic chain with anisotropic exchange interactions in an external magnetic field, using the density matrix renormalization group method. We show that an easy-axis anisotropy enhances the tendency towards multimagnon bound states, while an easy-plane anisotropy favors chirally ordered phases. In particular, a moderate easy-plane anisotropy gives rise to a quantum phase transition at intermediate magnetization. We argue that this transition is related to the finite-field phase transition experimentally observed in the spin-1/2 compound LiCuVO_4.Comment: The final published versio

    Non-dissipative Thermal Transport and Magnetothermal Effect for the Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Chain

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    Anomalous magnetothermal effects are discussed in the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain. The energy current is related to one of the non-trivial conserved quantities underlying integrability and therefore both the diagonal and off diagonal dynamical correlations of spin and energy current diverge. The energy-energy and spin-energy current correlations at finite temperatures are exactly calculated by a lattice path integral formulation. The low-temperature behavior of the thermomagnetic (magnetic Seebeck) coefficient is also discussed. Due to effects of strong correlations, we observe the magnetic Seebeck coefficient changes sign at certain interaction strengths and magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, references added, typos corrected, Conference proceedings of SPQS 2004, Sendai, Japa

    Analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation performance in UK urban areas

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    As the threat of irreversible climate change has increased over time, the UK has continued to set increasingly ambitious policies to reduce its carbon emission. An assessment of mitigation progress to date at the local authority level clarifies the factors that have affected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on the path to carbon neutrality. This research uses regression analyses between local authorities’ GHG emission redcutions and selected explanatory variables (including population density, household income, and manufacturing employment) identified from the literature to explore mitigation performance over time, focusing on GHG emissions changes between 2005 and 2016. Substantial and relatively consistent GHG emissions reductions were achieved in this time frame, with average total reductions across UK local authorities of 31.2%. Population density was moderately-to-strongly correlated with the success of transportation GHG emissions mitigation, though this sector has seen the smallest percentage declines over this period. Local authorities with densities below 25 inhabitants per hectare were generally among the poorest performers in transportation GHG mitigation. This underscores the need to support remote working and electrification of personal transportation in areas where public/active transportation options are not viable alternatives. Furthermore, consideration of population density in conjunction with domestic and urban planning will allow for future emissions reductions to occur across the UK. Fundamentally, GHG emissions reductions to date are largely driven by historic factors (density), shifting economic structures (deindustrialisation), and centralised initiatives (decarbonisation of electricity generation)

    Thermomagnetic Power and Figure of Merit for Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Chain

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    Transport properties in the presence of magnetic fields are numerically studied for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg XXZ chain. The breakdown of the spin-reversal symmetry due to the magnetic field induces the magnetothermal effect. In analogy with the thermoelectric effect in electron systems, the thermomagnetic power (magnetic Seebeck coefficient) is provided, and is numerically evaluated by the exact diagonalization for wide ranges of temperatures and various magnetic fields. For the antiferromagnetic regime, we find the magnetic Seebeck coefficient changes sign at certain temperatures, which is interpreted as an effect of strong correlations. We also compute the thermomagnetic figure of merit determining the efficiency of the thermomagnetic devices for cooling or power generation.Comment: 8 page

    Non-equilibrium electronic transport in a one-dimensional Mott insulator

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    We calculate the non-equilibrium electronic transport properties of a one-dimensional interacting chain at half filling, coupled to non-interacting leads. The interacting chain is initially in a Mott insulator state that is driven out of equilibrium by applying a strong bias voltage between the leads. For bias voltages above a certain threshold we observe the breakdown of the Mott insulator state and the establishment of a steady-state electronic current through the system. Based on extensive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group simulations, we show that this steady-state current always has the same functional dependence on voltage, independent of the microscopic details of the model and relate the value of the threshold to the Lieb-Wu gap. We frame our results in terms of the Landau-Zener dielectric breakdown picture. Finally, we also discuss the real-time evolution of the current, and characterize the current-carrying state resulting from the breakdown of the Mott insulator by computing the double occupancy, the spin structure factor, and the entanglement entropy.Comment: 12 pages RevTex4, 12 eps figures, as published, minor revision

    Transport through quantum dots: A combined DMRG and cluster-embedding study

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    The numerical analysis of strongly interacting nanostructures requires powerful techniques. Recently developed methods, such as the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG) approach or the embedded-cluster approximation (ECA), rely on the numerical solution of clusters of finite size. For the interpretation of numerical results, it is therefore crucial to understand finite-size effects in detail. In this work, we present a careful finite-size analysis for the examples of one quantum dot, as well as three serially connected quantum dots. Depending on odd-even effects, physically quite different results may emerge from clusters that do not differ much in their size. We provide a solution to a recent controversy over results obtained with ECA for three quantum dots. In particular, using the optimum clusters discussed in this paper, the parameter range in which ECA can reliably be applied is increased, as we show for the case of three quantum dots. As a practical procedure, we propose that a comparison of results for static quantities against those of quasi-exact methods, such as the ground-state density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method or exact diagonalization, serves to identify the optimum cluster type. In the examples studied here, we find that to observe signatures of the Kondo effect in finite systems, the best clusters involving dots and leads must have a total z-component of the spin equal to zero.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, revised version to appear in Eur. Phys. J. B, additional reference
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