237 research outputs found

    A compound current limiter and circuit breaker

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The protection of sensitive loads against voltage drop is a concern for the power system. A fast fault current limiter and circuit breaker can be a solution for rapid voltage recovery of sensitive loads. This paper proposes a compound type of current limiter and circuit breaker (CLCB) which can limit fault current and fast break to adjust voltage sags at the protected buses. In addition, it can act as a circuit breaker to open the faulty line. The proposed CLCB is based on a series L-C resonance, which contains a resonant transformer and a series capacitor bank. Moreover, the CLCB includes two anti-parallel power electronic switches (a diode and an IGBT) connected in series with bus couplers. In order to perform an analysis of CLCB performance, the proposed structure was simulated using MATLAB. In addition, an experimental prototype was built, tested, and the experimental results were reported. Comparisons show that experimental results were in fair agreement with the simulation results and confirm CLCB’s ability to act as a fault current limiter and a circuit breaker

    Therapeutic effect of adjunctive N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) on symptoms of chronic schizophrenia: A double-blind, randomized clinical trial

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    Abstract Background Schizophrenia is one of the most disabling psychiatric syndromes with the prevalence of 1% in the general population. Despite availability of various antipsychotics, negative symptoms and cognitive impairment are difficult to treat. In addition antipsychotic monotherapy is not effective in most of these patients. Current evidence indicates the roles of glutamatergic system in this disorder. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) also increases extracellular glutamate. This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical effects of oral NAC as an add-on to maintenance medication for the treatment of chronic schizophrenia. Materials and methods This 12-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial was performed to determine the effectiveness of 1200 mg N-acetyl cysteine as an adjunctive treatment with conventional antipsychotic medications in 84 patients with chronic schizophrenia. The subjects were evaluated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and a standard neuropsychological screening test. Data were analyzed with SPSS-16 software. Results NAC-treated patients showed significantly improvement in the positive (F = 5.47, P = 0.02) and negative (F = 0.20, df = 1) PANSS subscale. Also the general and total PANSS score of NAC group declined over times whilst it was increased for placebo group. Regarding cognitive functions, improvement was observed in some explored areas, such as attention, short-term and working memory, executive functioning and speed of processing. There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in the frequency of adverse effects. Conclusion The present study detected improvement in positive, negative, general and total psychopathology symptoms as well as cognitive performance with NAC treatment. It is also well-tolerated, safe and easy-to-use agent as an effective therapeutic strategy to improve outcome in schizophrenia treatment. Keywords N-acetyl cysteine Schizophrenia Cognitive impairment Positive and negative symptoms scale (PANSS) Glutamatergic syste

    Supervised and non-supervised AE data classification of nanomodified CFRP during DCB tests

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    Aim of the paper is to use acoustic emissions to study the effect of electrospun nylon 6,6 Nanofibrous mat on carbon-epoxy composites during Double Cantilever beam (DCB) tests. In order to recognize the effect of the nanofibres and to detect different damage mechanisms, k-means clustering of acoustic emission signals applied to rise time, count, energy, duration and amplitude of the events is used. Supervised neural network (NN) is then applied to verify clustered signals. Results showed that clustered acoustic emission signals are a reliable tool to detect different damage mechanisms; neural network showed the method has a 99% of accuracy

    A multi-inductor h bridge fault current limiter

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    © 2019 by the authors. Current power systems will suffer from increasing pressure as a result of an upsurge in demand and will experience an ever-growing penetration of distributed power generation, which are factors that will contribute to a higher of incidence fault current levels. Fault current limiters (FCLs) are key power electronic devices. They are able to limit the prospective fault current without completely disconnecting in cases in which a fault occurs, for instance, in a power transmission grid. This paper proposes a new type of FCL capable of fault current limiting in two steps. In this way, the FCLs’ power electronic switches experience significantly less stress and their overall performance will significantly increase. The proposed device is essentially a controllable H bridge type fault current limiter (HBFCL) that is comprised of two variable inductances, which operate to reduce current of main switch in the first stage of current limiting. In the next step, the main switch can limit the fault current while it becomes open. Simulation studies are carried out using MATLAB and its prototype setup is built and tested. The comparison of experimental and simulation results indicates that the proposed HBFCL is a promising solution to address protection issues

    Disparity of Cytochrome Utilization in Anodic and Cathodic Extracellular Electron Transfer Pathways of Geobacter sulfurreducens Biofilms.

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    Extracellular electron transfer (EET) in microorganisms is prevalent in nature and has been utilized in functional bioelectrochemical systems. EET of Geobacter sulfurreducens has been extensively studied and has been revealed to be facilitated through c-type cytochromes, which mediate charge between the electrode and G. sulfurreducens in anodic mode. However, the EET pathway of cathodic conversion of fumarate to succinate is still under debate. Here, we apply a variety of analytical methods, including electrochemistry, UV-vis absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopy, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation, and electron microscopy, to understand the involvement of cytochromes and other possible electron-mediating species in the switching between anodic and cathodic reaction modes. By switching the applied bias for a G. sulfurreducens biofilm coupled to investigating the quantity and function of cytochromes, as well as the emergence of Fe-containing particles on the cell membrane, we provide evidence of a diminished role of cytochromes in cathodic EET. This work sheds light on the mechanisms of G. sulfurreducens biofilm growth and suggests the possible existence of a nonheme, iron-involving EET process in cathodic mode.N.K. was supported by a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship, NF160054. E.R., X.F. and N.H. acknowledge the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant “MatEnSAP” (682833). S. K. was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (EMES, 744317). K. H. Ly acknowledges the Open Topic Postdoc Programme of the Technische Universität Dresden and the Marie Sklodowska Curie IF, GAN 701192. The TEM was funded through the EPSRC underpinning multi-user equipment call (EP/P030467/1

    Microgrids interconnection to upstream AC grid using a dual-function fault current limiter and power flow controller: Principle and test results

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    This study presents a novel magnetic-based solid-state dual-function fault current limiter and power flow controller (FLPFC) that offers a promising application for safe and controllable interconnection of microgrids to upstream AC grids. The proposed structure includes series reactors and power electronic switches that protects microgrid from upstream AC grid short-circuit fault and it controls the power flow between microgrid and upstream grid. Performance of the proposed FLPFC is analysed and simulated using Matlab/Simulink and results are confirmed by experimental tests

    Identification of a novel cassette array in integron-bearing Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from Iranian patients

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    Helicobacter pylori as the second most common cause of gastric cancer in the world infects approximately half of the developed countries population and 80 of the population living in developing countries. Integrons as genetic reservoirs play major roles in dissemination of antimicrobial resistance genes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report carriage of class 1 and 2 integrons and associated gene cassettes in H. pylori isolates from Iran. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Tehran among 110 patients with H. pylori infection. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) for H. pylori strains were assessed by the micro broth dilution method. Class 1 and 2 integrons were detected using PCR. In order to determine gene cassettes, amplified fragments were subjected to DNA sequencing of both amplicon strands. The prevalence of resistance to clarithromycin, metronidazole, clarithromycin, tetracycline, amoxicillin, rifampin, and levofloxacin were 68.2 (n=75), 25.5 (n=28), 24.5 (n=27), 19.1 (n=21), 18.2 (n=20) and 16.4 (n=18), respectively. Frequency of multidrug resistance among H. pylori isolates was 12.7. Class 2 integron was detected in 50 (45.5) and class 1 integron in 10 (9.1) H. pylori isolates. The most predominant gene cassette arrays in class 2 integronbearing H. pylori were included sat-era-aadA1, dfrA1-sat2-aadA1, blaoxa2 and, aadB whereas common gene cassette arrays in class 1 integron were aadB-aadA1-cmlA6, aacA4, blaoxa2, and catB3. The high frequency of class 2 integron and multidrug resistance in the present study should be considered as a warning for clinicians that continuous surveillance is necessary to prevent the further spread of resistant isolates

    Prevalence of drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Iran: A review article

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    Background: The infections caused by drug resistant strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae are becoming an important health problem worldwide. There are several reports on antimicrobial resistant status of K. pneumoniae in Iran. However, a comprehensive analysis on drug-resistant K. pneumoniae from different parts of Iran has not yet been performed. Methods: The searches were done according to several English and Persian databases including PubMed, Scopus, Iranmedex, and SID to identify studies addressing antibiotic resistant K. pneumoniae in Iran from Jan 1998 to Nov 2014. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (V2.2, Biostat) software was used to analyze the data. Results: The incidence rate of imipenem and ceftazidime resistance in K. pneumoniae isolates was 3.2 (95 confidence interval CI, 1.5-6.5) and 55.7% (95% CI, 46.9-64.1), respectively. The highest rate of resistance in isolates of K. pneumoniae was seen against ampicillin (82.2%), aztreonam (55.4%) and nitrofurantoin (54.5%). Conclusion: There is a relatively high prevalence of drug resistant K. pneumoniae isolates in Iran. Thus, a high degree of awareness among physicians and microbiologists, active infection control committee, appropriate antimicrobial therapy, improvement of hygiene condition and monitoring of drug resistant isolates are urgently needed in order to better control the emergence and spread of drug-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates in hospital settings. © 2018, Iranian Journal of Public Health. All rights reserved