122 research outputs found

    Special theme on HIV and disability - time for closer bonds

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    With the success of antiretrovirals and increased access to this lifesaving treatment, the life expectancy of people living with HIV has been substantially increased and, in many instances, is comparable to that of the general population. However, HIV infection, as well as its treatment, can cause physical, psychological or social disabilities that prevent people living with HIV from full and equal participation in society. At the same time, there is evidence that people with disabilities are at greater risk of contracting HIV. Although more attention is being paid to these overlapping fields, the field of HIV and disability remains largely overlooked

    Equidade de sexo e gênero na pesquisa: fundamentação das diretrizes SAGER e uso recomendado

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    RESUMO CONTEXTO: Diferenças de sexo e gênero são muitas vezes negligenciadas no desenho da pesquisa, na implementação do estudo e no relato científico, bem como na comunicação científica em geral. Este descuido limita a capacidade de generalização dos achados das pesquisas e a sua aplicabilidade à prática clínica, em particular para as mulheres, mas também para os homens. Este artigo descreve a fundamentação lógica para um conjunto internacional de diretrizes, com o intuito de encorajar uma abordagem mais sistemática para o relato de sexo e gênero na pesquisa entre disciplinas. MÉTODOS: Um painel de 13 peritos, representando nove países, desenvolveu as diretrizes por meio de uma série de teleconferências, apresentações em conferências e uma oficina de dois dias. Realizou-se uma pesquisa na internet com 716 editores de revistas, cientistas e outros membros da comunidade editorial internacional, bem como uma busca bibliográfica sobre políticas de gênero e sexo na publicação científica. RESULTADOS: As diretrizes sobre Equidade de Sexo e Gênero em Pesquisa (Sex and Gender Equity in Research - SAGER) são um procedimento abrangente para relatar informações sobre sexo e gênero no desenho do estudo, na análise de dados, nos resultados e na interpretação dos achados. CONCLUSÕES: As diretrizes da SAGER destinam-se principalmente a orientar os autores na preparação de seus manuscritos, mas também são úteis para os editores, como guardiões da ciência, para integrar a avaliação de sexo e gênero em todos os manuscritos como parte integrante do processo editorial

    Journal of the International AIDS Society: an important step forward

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    This editorial welcomes readers to the launch of Journal of the International AIDS society


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Style in the female sports coaches from Hamedan Province. This study, according to its purpose, is an applied research and a correlational study. The population of this study included all female sports coaches of Hamedan province in 2013, their number is 250. To determine the sample size, the Morgan table was used. The sample was calculated according to Table 148. To gather intelligence, emotional intelligence questionnaire Saber Yashring (1986) was used which has 33 questions in Likert scale of five options and includes aspects of self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and social skills and Bass and Avolio Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (2000) which measures the transformational leadership style, exchange and avoidance and consists of 45 questions that deals with the assessment indicators of transformational leadership, transactional and avoid. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.80 and 0.85 were approved. The data was analysed using Pearson and the SPSS software. Results show that there are significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Style in the Female Sports Coaches from Hamedan Province.  Article visualizations

    Visioning services for children affected by HIV and AIDS through a family lens

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    The HIV epidemic continues to place a great burden on children, from loss of parents and income to severe disruptions of their homes and families. Underpinned by the understanding that a healthy family constitutes the foundation for a child's wellbeing, the importance of family-centred care and services for children is increasingly recognized. It is not enough to merely provide antiretrovirals: it is of pivotal importance that treatment and care for children are integrated into the broader context of family-support schemes. However, despite growing evidence of the benefits of family-centred services, reforms in favour of family oriented HIV interventions have been slow to emerge. Treatment, prevention and care interventions often target individuals, and not families and communities

    The Effects of Foeniculum vulgare Seed Extract on Fertility Results of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Women With Poor Ovarian Response

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    Objectives: Foeniculum vulgare due to phytoestrogens is important in the treatment of female sexual dysfunction including infertility. Accordingly, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of the F. vulgare seed extract on the fertility results of assisted reproductive technology (ART) in women with a poor ovarian response (POR). Materials and Methods: In this before-after intervention, 19 infertile women with POR were enrolled by a convenience sampling method. The amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), ovarian ultrasound volume, the number of preantral follicles, and the size of the prominent ovary were measured before treatment with F. vulgare. Then, patients were treated with F. vulgare for two months, followed by initiating the in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. The number of embryos transferred in previous and current cycles was investigated after IVF. Finally, the data were analyzed in SPSS 16. Results: There was a significant difference in the serum LH level (P = 0.002), LH/FSH (P = 0.049), the number of follicles and ovules (P = 0.003), endometrial thickness (P = 0.04), and ovarian volume (P = 0.03) between before and after treatment with F. vulgare. Moreover, a significant difference regarding the decreased number of required days for induction was observed between before and after treatment with F. vulgare (P = 0.022). Conclusions: In general, the use of F. vulgare had positive effects on improving the quality of oocytes and female fertility indices in women with POR. Keywords:Foeniculum vulgare; Fertility; Ovarian failure; Phytotherapy; Assisted reproductive technique

    Sex And Gender Equity in Research (SAGER): reporting guidelines as a framework of innovation for an equitable approach to gender medicine

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    Sex and gender are important determinants of health and influence research findings in  variety of ways, yet they are often overlooked and underreported. This oversight limits he generalizability of research findings and their applicability to clinical practice. The bjective of this paper is to point out how journal editors can influence better reporting of sex and gender in research by establishing a methodological framework directly addressing vuthors of scientific publications, as well as referees, and indirectly affecting all the stakeholders in the research cycle, from funders to policy-makers and citizens. Such  framework is represented by the Sex And Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines, developed by the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) to encourage a more systematic approach to the reporting of sex and gender in research across disciplines. The paper includes the rationale and basic principles of the SAGER guidelines.

    The pitfalls of modelling the effects of COVID-19 on gender-based violence: lessons learnt and ways forward.

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    Since early 2020, global stakeholders have highlighted the significant gendered consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, including increases in the risk of gender-based violence (GBV). Researchers have sought to inform the pandemic response through a diverse set of methodologies, including early efforts modelling anticipated increases in GBV. For example, in April 2020, a highly cited modelling effort by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners projected headline global figures of 31 million additional cases of intimate partner violence due to 6 months of lockdown, and an additional 13 million child marriages by 2030. In this paper, we discuss the rationale for using modelling to make projections about GBV, and use the projections released by UNFPA to draw attention to the assumptions and biases underlying model-based projections. We raise five key critiques: (1) reducing complex issues to simplified, linear cause-effect relationships, (2) reliance on a small number of studies to generate global estimates, (3) assuming that the pandemic results in the complete service disruption for existing interventions, (4) lack of clarity in indicators used and sources of estimates, and (5) failure to account for margins of uncertainty. We argue that there is a need to consider the motivations and consequences of using modelling data as a planning tool for complex issues like GBV, and conclude by suggesting key considerations for policymakers and practitioners in using and commissioning such projections