1,068 research outputs found

    Influencia de diferentes regímenes de riego y tiempo de siembra en la calidad y cantidad del cáliz, el contenido de aceite de las semillas y la eficiencia del uso del agua de la roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)

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    This study was carried out to examine the physiological traits, quality of calyx extract and seed oil content of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) as affected by irrigation regimes and planting dates. The growth period from seed sowing to calyx harvesting was shortened as planting time was delayed. Stem diameter and plant height were decreased by drought stress or late planting, but calyx yield, total phenolic content, total anthocyanin content, vitamin C, and calyx water use efficiency increased under mild drought condition. In addition, antioxidant activity and calyx water use efficiency were significantly increased by late planting. It was suggested that an increase in calyx harvest index in delay in planting would be due to better photosynthesis activity and higher assimilate use efficiency because of the increase in sink capacity. Seed oil content decreased considerably due to drought stress and delay in planting date. These findings suggest that mild drought stress improves the quality and quantity of calyx and water use efficiency.Este estudio se llevó a cabo para examinar los rasgos fisiológicos, la calidad del extracto de cáliz y el contenido de aceite de semillas de roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) afectado por regímenes de riego y fecha de siembra. El período de crecimiento desde la siembra de la semilla hasta la cosecha del cáliz se acortó debido a que se retrasó el tiempo de siembra. El diámetro del tallo y la altura de la planta disminuyeron por el estrés por sequía o la siembra tardía, pero el rendimiento del cáliz, el contenido fenólico total, el contenido total de antocianinas, la vitamina C y la eficiencia del uso del agua del cáliz aumentaron en condiciones de sequía leve. Además, la actividad antioxidante y la eficiencia del uso del agua del cáliz aumentaron significativamente en la siembra tardía. Se sugirió que el aumento del índice de cosecha del cáliz en la demora en la siembra se debería a una mejor actividad de fotosíntesis y una mayor eficiencia en el uso de asimilación debido al aumento de la capacidad de hundimiento. El contenido de aceite de las semillas disminuyó considerablemente debido al estrés por sequía y al retraso en la fecha de siembra. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el estrés por sequía leve mejora la calidad y cantidad del cáliz y la eficiencia del uso del agua

    First report of the aphid species, Cinara pinihabitans (Hem: Lachnidae) on Pinus mugo from Iran

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    The aphid species, Cinara pinihabitans (Mordvilko 1894), is newly recorded from Iran. It was collected from mountain pine, Pinus mugo,during a survey on the insect fauna of urban green landscapes of the city of Mashhad, Iran from June 2014 to July 2015

    Comparative study of dimensional accuracy in three dental implant impression techniques: Open tray, closed tray with impression coping, and snap cap

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    Aim: Several impression techniques have been proposed to result passive fitness between the prosthesis and osseointegrated implant. The aim of the study was to compare dimensional accuracy of three impression methods: Open tray, closed tray with impression coping, and closed tray with snap cap. Materials and methods: In this experimental study, a mandibular acrylic model was prepared with a milling machine to place three holes for dental implant analogs (Dio SM) with the dimension of 3.8 � 10 mm into the intended sites (one in midline and two others on the side at a distance of 10 mm) parallel with each other and perpendicular to the plane. Twenty-seven casts were prepared with impression material of polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) and dental stone type IV and divided into three groups. Implant situations were measured by coordinate measuring machine (CMM) and results were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test to perform pairwise comparison among the groups. Results: The mean �R values for open tray, closed tray with impression coping, and closed tray with snap cap were respectively, 0.070 ± 0.088, 0.173 ± 0.205, and 0.142 ± 0.044.There were statistically significant differences between open tray and closed tray as well as open tray and snap cap methods (p < 0.05), but there was no statistically significant difference between closed tray and snap cap method (p = 0.1). Conclusion: Regarding the results, open tray impression technique had the highest dimensional accuracy compared with the other two methods. There were no statically significant differences between closed tray with snap cap and closed tray with impression coping technique. Clinical significance: Snap cap technique is less time consuming with similar dimensional accuracy in comparison with open tray impression technique. © 2018 Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd

    Expression profiling of candidate genes in sugar beet leaves treated with leonardite-based biostimulant

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    Leonardite-based biostimulants are a large class of compounds, including humic acid substances. Foliar application of biostimulants at field level improves plant growth, yield and quality through metabolic changes and stimulation of plant proton pumps. The present study aimed at identifying optimum dosage of BLACKJAK, a humic acid-based substance, which is able to modify genes involved in sugar beet growth. Thirty-three genes belonging to various biochemical pathway categories were tested in leaves of treated sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) samples to assess gene expression profiling in response to BLACKJAK. Seedlings of a diploid and multigerm variety were grown in plastic pots and sprayed with two dilutions of BLACKJAK (dilution 1:500-1.0 mg C L-1 and dilution 1:1000-0.5 mg C L-1). Leaf samples were collected after 24, 48, and 72 h treatment with BLACKJAK for each dilution. RNA was extracted and the quantification of gene expression was performed while using an OpenArray platform. Results of analysis of variance demonstrated that, 15 genes out of a total of 33 genes tested with OpenArray qPCR were significantly affected by treatment and exposure time. Analysis for annotation of gene products and pathways revealed that genes belonging to the mitochondrial respiratory pathways, nitrogen and hormone metabolisms, and nutrient uptake were up-regulated in the BLACKJAK treated samples. Among the up-regulated genes, Bv_PHT2;1 and Bv_GLN1 expression exerted a 2-fold change in 1:1000 and 1:500 BLACKJAK concentrations. Overall, the gene expression data in the BLACKJAK treated leaves demonstrated the induction of plant growth-related genes that were contributed almost to amino acid and nitrogen metabolism, plant defense system, and plant growth

    Assessing the design of road traffic death information systems in Iran: a participatory systems approach

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    AIM: To describe and analyze the information architecture and information pathways of the road traffic death recording, registration and reporting system in Guilan Province, northernIran. METHODS: We used Business Process Mapping, a qualitative approach. This participatory and iterative approach consists of a document review, key informant interviews, development of a process map and a participatory workshop with key stakeholders to illuminate and validate the findings. We classified the tasks performed in the system into three phases: (1) Identification and recording; (2) Notification and registration, and (3) Production of statistics. RESULTS: We identified 13 stakeholders, with operating and influencing roles in the process of identification, registration and production of statistics about road traffic deaths in Guilan province. The three main sources of road traffic death statistics are the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, the National Organization for Civil Registration and the Forensic Medicine Organization. Our results reveal a highly fragmented system with minimal cross-sectoral data exchange. Each stakeholder operates in a silo resulting in delays and redundancies in the operating system. In the absence of an effective communication among stakeholders, the information exchange was dependent on the family of the deceased. These fragmented information silos alter the compilation of cause of death statistics and result in under-reporting and discrepancies in road traffic deaths figures. CONCLUSIONS: Designing a comprehensive road traffic information system that provides accurate and timely information requires an understanding of the information flow and the entangled web of different stakeholders operating in the system. Participatory systems approaches such as process mapping can assist in capturing the complexity of the system and the integration process by facilitating stakeholders' engagement and ownership in improving the design of the system

    Geographic and Sociodemographic Disparities in Drive Times to Joint Commission–Certified Primary Stroke Centers in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

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    Introduction: Timely access to facilities that provide acute stroke care is necessary to reduce disabilities and death from stroke. We examined geographic and sociodemographic disparities in drive times to Joint Commission–certified primary stroke centers (JCPSCs) and other hospitals with stroke care quality improvement initiatives in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Methods: We defined boundaries for 30- and 60-minute drive-time areas to JCPSCs and other hospitals by using geographic information systems (GIS) mapping technology and calculated the proportions of the population living in these drive-time areas by sociodemographic characteristics. Age-adjusted county-level stroke death rates were overlaid onto the drive-time areas. Results: Approximately 55% of the population lived within a 30-minute drive time to a JCPSC; 77% lived within a 60-minute drive time. Disparities in percentage of the population within 30-minute drive times were found by race/ethnicity, education, income, and urban/rural status; the disparity was largest between urban areas (70% lived within 30-minute drive time) and rural areas (26%). The rural coastal plains had the largest concentration of counties with high stroke death rates and the fewest JCPSCs. Conclusion: Many areas in this tri-state region lack timely access to JCPSCs. Alternative strategies are needed to expand provision of quality acute stroke care in this region. GIS modeling is valuable for examining and strategically planning the distribution of hospitals providing acute stroke care
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