84 research outputs found

    The photosynthesis apparatus of European mistletoe (Viscum album)

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    European mistletoe (Viscum album) is known for its special mode of cellular respiration. It lacks the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex (Complex I of the respiratory chain) and has restricted capacities to generate mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Here, we present an investigation of the V. album energy metabolism taking place in chloroplasts. Thylakoids were purified from young V. album leaves, and membrane-bound protein complexes were characterized by Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as well as by the complexome profiling approach. Proteins were systematically identified by label-free quantitative shotgun proteomics. We identified 41,800 distinct proteins (accessible at https://complexomemap.de/va_leaves), including nearly 100 proteins forming part of the protein complexes involved in the light-dependent part of photosynthesis. The photosynthesis apparatus of V. album has distinct features: (1) comparatively low amounts of Photosystem I; (2) absence of the NDH complex (the chloroplast pendant of mitochondrial Complex I involved in cyclic electron transport (CET) around Photosystem I); (3) reduced levels of the proton gradient regulation 5 (PGR5) and proton gradient regulation 5-like 1 (PGRL1) proteins, which offer an alternative route for CET around Photosystem I; (4) comparable amounts of Photosystem II and the chloroplast ATP synthase complex to other seed plants. Our data suggest a restricted capacity for chloroplast ATP biosynthesis by the photophosphorylation process. This is in addition to the limited ATP supply by the mitochondria. We propose a view on mistletoe’s mode of life, according to which its metabolism relies to a greater extent on energy-rich compounds provided by the host trees

    On Top of the Alveolar Epithelium: Surfactant and the Glycocalyx

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    Gas exchange in the lung takes place via the air-blood barrier in the septal walls of alveoli. The tissue elements that oxygen molecules have to cross are the alveolar epithelium, the interstitium and the capillary endothelium. The epithelium that lines the alveolar surface is covered by a thin and continuous liquid lining layer. Pulmonary surfactant acts at this air-liquid interface. By virtue of its biophysical and immunomodulatory functions, surfactant keeps alveoli open, dry and clean. What needs to be added to this picture is the glycocalyx of the alveolar epithelium. Here, we briefly review what is known about this glycocalyx and how it can be visualized using electron microscopy. The application of colloidal thorium dioxide as a staining agent reveals differences in the staining pattern between type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells and shows close associations of the glycocalyx with intraalveolar surfactant subtypes such as tubular myelin. These morphological findings indicate that specific spatial interactions between components of the surfactant system and those of the alveolar epithelial glycocalyx exist which may contribute to the maintenance of alveolar homeostasis, in particular to alveolar micromechanics, to the functional integrity of the air-blood barrier, to the regulation of the thickness and viscosity of the alveolar lining layer, and to the defence against inhaled pathogens. Exploring the alveolar epithelial glycocalyx in conjunction with the surfactant system opens novel physiological perspectives of potential clinical relevance for future research

    CO2 and HCO3- Permeability of the Rat Liver Mitochondrial Membrane

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    Background/Aims: Across the mitochondrial membrane an exceptionally intense exchange of O2 and CO2 occurs. We have asked, 1) whether the CO2 permeability, PM,CO2, of this membrane is also exceptionally high, and 2) whether the mitochondrial membrane is sufficiently permeable to HCO3- to make passage of this ion an alternative pathway for exit of metabolically produced CO2. Methods: The two permeabilities were measured using the previously published mass spectrometric 18O exchange technique to study suspensions of mitochondria freshly isolated from rat livers. The mitochondria were functionally and morphologically in excellent condition. Results: The intramitochondrial CA activity was exclusively localized in the matrix. PM,CO2 of the inner mitochondrial membrane was 0.33 (SD ± 0.03) cm/s, which is the highest value reported for any biological membrane, even two times higher than PM,CO2 of the red cell membrane. PM,HCO3- was 2· 10-6 (SD ± 2· 10-6) cm/s and thus extremely low, almost 3 orders of magnitude lower than PM,HCO3- of the red cell membrane. Conclusion: The inner mitochondrial membrane is almost impermeable to HCO3- but extremely permeable to CO2. Since gas channels are absent, this membrane constitutes a unique example of a membrane of very high gas permeability due to its extremely low content of cholesterol

    A large kindred of pulmonary fibrosis associated with a novel ABCA3 gene variant

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    Background: Interstitial lung disease occurring in children is a condition characterized by high frequency of cases due to genetic aberrations of pulmonary surfactant homeostasis, that are also believed to be responsible of a fraction of familial pulmonary fibrosis. To our knowledge, ABCA3 gene was not previously reported as causative agent of fibrosis affecting both children and adults in the same kindred. Methods: We investigated a large kindred in which two members, a girl whose interstitial lung disease was first recognized at age of 13, and an adult, showed a diffuse pulmonary fibrosis with marked differences in terms of morphology and imaging. An additional, asymptomatic family member was detected by genetic analysis. Surfactant abnormalities were investigated at biochemical, and genetic level, as well as by cell transfection experiments. Results: Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis of the patients revealed absence of surfactant protein C, whereas the gene sequence was normal. By contrast, sequence of the ABCA3 gene showed a novel homozygous G > A transition at nucleotide 2891, localized within exon 21, resulting in a glycine to aspartic acid change at codon 964. Interestingly, the lung specimens from the girl displayed a morphologic usual interstitial pneumonitis-like pattern, whereas the specimens from one of the two adult patients showed rather a non specific interstitial pneumonitis-like pattern. Conclusions: We have detected a large kindred with a novel ABCA3 mutation likely causing interstitial lung fibrosis affecting either young and adult family members. We suggest that ABCA3 gene should be considered in genetic testing in the occurrence of familial pulmonary fibrosis

    Myelination generates aberrant ultrastructure that is resolved by microglia

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    To enable rapid propagation of action potentials, axons are ensheathed by myelin, a multilayered insulating membrane formed by oligodendrocytes. Most of the myelin is generated early in development, resulting in the generation of long-lasting stable membrane structures. Here, we explored structural and dynamic changes in central nervous system myelin during development. To achieve this, we performed an ultrastructural analysis of mouse optic nerves by serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) and confocal time-lapse imaging in the zebrafish spinal cord. We found that myelin undergoes extensive ultrastructural changes during early postnatal development. Myelin degeneration profiles were engulfed and phagocytosed by microglia using exposed phosphatidylserine as one eat me signal. In contrast, retractions of entire myelin sheaths occurred independently of microglia and involved uptake of myelin by the oligodendrocyte itself. Our findings show that the generation of myelin early in development is an inaccurate process associated with aberrant ultrastructural features that require substantial refinement. Djannatian et al. show by ultrastructural analysis of mouse optic nerves and in vivo imaging of zebrafish spinal cords that developmental myelination is an error-prone process and microglia contribute to the removal of aberrant structures. This may be an important mechanism to generate properly functioning myelin

    Myelination generates aberrant ultrastructure that is resolved by microglia

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    To enable rapid propagation of action potentials, axons are ensheathed by myelin, a multilayered insulating membrane formed by oligodendrocytes. Most of the myelin is generated early in development, resulting in the generation of long-lasting stable membrane structures. Here, we explored structural and dynamic changes in central nervous system myelin during development. To achieve this, we performed an ultrastructural analysis of mouse optic nerves by serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) and confocal time-lapse imaging in the zebrafish spinal cord. We found that myelin undergoes extensive ultrastructural changes during early postnatal development. Myelin degeneration profiles were engulfed and phagocytosed by microglia using exposed phosphatidylserine as one “eat me” signal. In contrast, retractions of entire myelin sheaths occurred independently of microglia and involved uptake of myelin by the oligodendrocyte itself. Our findings show that the generation of myelin early in development is an inaccurate process associated with aberrant ultrastructural features that require substantial refinement.</p

    Murine and human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac bodies form contractile myocardial tissue in vitro

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    AimsWe explored the use of highly purified murine and human pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-derived cardiomyocytes (CMs) to generate functional bioartificial cardiac tissue (BCT) and investigated the role of fibroblasts, ascorbic acid (AA), and mechanical stimuli on tissue formation, maturation, and functionality.Methods and resultsMurine and human embryonic/induced PSC-derived CMs were genetically enriched to generate three-dimensional CM aggregates, termed cardiac bodies (CBs). Addressing the critical limitation of major CM loss after single-cell dissociation, non-dissociated CBs were used for BCT generation, which resulted in a structurally and functionally homogenous syncytium. Continuous in situ characterization of BCTs, for 21 days, revealed that three critical factors cooperatively improve BCT formation and function: both (i) addition of fibroblasts and (ii) ascorbic acid supplementation support extracellular matrix remodelling and CB fusion, and (iii) increasing static stretch supports sarcomere alignment and CM coupling. All factors together considerably enhanced the contractility of murine and human BCTs, leading to a so far unparalleled active tension of 4.4 mN/mm2 in human BCTs using optimized conditions. Finally, advanced protocols were implemented for the generation of human PSC-derived cardiac tissue using a defined animal-free matrix composition.ConclusionBCT with contractile forces comparable with native myocardium can be generated from enriched, PSC-derived CMs, based on a novel concept of tissue formation from non-dissociated cardiac cell aggregates. In combination with the successful generation of tissue using a defined animal-free matrix, this represents a major step towards clinical applicability of stem cell-based heart tissue for myocardial repair. © 2013 The Author
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