29 research outputs found

    On the communication of well-being

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    The form that any communicatory exchange takes would depend on the extent to which the interests of the signaller and the recipient are at variance. Where such interests coincide, i.e. in cases of mutualism, the signals may be conspicuous when an immediate response is favoured, but rather subtle and variable otherwise. Over 80 % of the events of tactile communication that we have noted in our study of the social behaviour of free ranging groups of tame elephants appear to belong to this latter category. On Smith's standard classification, they can only be classified as 'associative', related to remaining in the company of another individual. However, such signals are commoner by a factor of 20-100 amongst elephant calves and their mothers and allomothers when compared to exchanges between adult cows. We suggest that the function of these signals is mutual monitoring of the state of well being amongst related individuals. The considerable degree of altruistic behaviour displayed in social groups, such as those of elephants is now believed to subserve the function of enhancing the inclusive fitness of the individuals concerned. We explore a mathematical model of exchange of social aid which suggests that animals in social groups may enhance their inclusive fitness further by adjusting the amount of social aid exchanged in relation to the state of well being of the donor as well as the recipient. Our model further suggests that optimal social aid depends on the state of well being in a complex fashion making it difficult for the recipient to deceive the donor so as to extract more aid. We therefore expect that by and large honest communication of the state of well being would be characteristic of the higher social animals. Such communication would be based on normal physiological changes consequent on a change in well being. Thus animals with a superior degree of well being would take postures conducive to greater activity, would be more receptive to sensory inputs and may also shift the balance of production of various metabolites. This monitoring of the well being has greatly advanced in the human species and may be at the base of the elaborate health care amongst human societies


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    ABSTRAKMaulidawati, 2016. Kesantunan Tindak Tutur Guru Madrasah Aliyah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa dalam Pembelajaran. Tesis, Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing (1) Dr. Rajab Bahry, M.Pd. dan (2) Dr. Wildan, M.Pd.Kata Kunci: kesantunan, tindak tutur, guruPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis wujud kesantunan tindak tutur, mengidentifikasi jenis tindak tutur, mendeskripsikan penyimpangan terhadap prinsip-prinsip kesantunan tindak tutur guru Madrasah Aliyah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa dalam pembelajaran. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data diperoleh dari tindak tutur guru dengan mata pelajaran yang bervariasi dan kelas yang berbeda. Teknikpengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simak bebas libat cakap, peneliti tidak terlibat komunikasi antara guru dan siswa, peneliti hanya menjadi pengamat penuh dalam penggunaan bahasa guru dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Jadi, untuk melakukan pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini ada 3 teknik yang digunakan, yaitu simak, yang didukung dengan teknik rekam dan catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa maksim-maksim yang dipatuhi oleh guru Madrasah Aliyah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa, antara lain: maksim kebijaksanaan, maksim pemufakatan, maksim penghargaan, maksim kesederhanaan, maksim kedermawanan, dan maksim kesimpatian. Tuturan tersebut dituturkan dengan menggunakan tindak tutur direktif, tindak tutur representatif, tindak tutur deklarasi, tindak tutur ekspresif. Penyimpangan terhadap prinsip kesantunan tindak tutur yang ditemukan adalahpenyimpangan karena tidak adanya pemakaian kata honorifik, pemakaian kata tabu, dan kesalahan penggunaan kata ganti untuk orang tua atau orang yang lebih tua. Berdasarkan data yang ada, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru Madrasah Aliyah Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa santun dalam bertindak tutur.Banda Ace

    Birds of the man-made ecosystems: the plantations

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    One-hectare plots were sampled for bird species diversity in the Uttara Kannada district. These plots represented well-preserved evergreen/semievergreen forests, secondary/moist deciduous forests showing different levels of degradation by man and plantations of teak, eucalypts and betelnut. It was found that the betelnut plantation and the evergreen/semievergreen forests had the least bird species diversity of H'= 2.58 and 2.61 respectively. The eucalypt and teak plantations had H'= 2.69 and 2-92 respectively. In the secondary/moist deciduous forests it ranged from 2.80-3.39. Despite the apparent increase in diversity in the man-modified vegetation types, it was found that there was a gradual displacement of the bird species composition from what was typical to the evergreen forests to those of more urban and scrubby habitats in these man-modified vegetation types. This was particularly so in the eucalypt plantation

    Intellectual Property in Software: Insights for Indian Business

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    515-532Amongst the challenges that actors in the software side of information technology are experiencing, none is more contentious than the issues it raises for intellectual property. The controversy pits administration against faculty, scientists against humanists and academic values against financial interests, employees against management, and software developers against corporate houses. The conflicting global intellectual property practice in the case of software has resulted in multiple schools of thought, each providing their way of how it must be managed. In this paper, three areas of concern in intellectual property practice, business, technology and legal in nature, are addressed .The paper aims to describe these concerns and provides clarity regarding the polarization of schools of thought in intellectual property practice. Through a better understanding of the global and domestic situation, the authors hope to motivate a note of concern amongst those with a weak intellectual property focus in the Indian software sector

    Phenology and seasonality in the tropical deciduous forest of Bandipur, South India

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    A long term study on the phenology of tree species of tropical dry deciduous forest ecosystem of Bandipur, South India has revealed patterns of strong seasonality with respect to leaf and fruit initiation as well as their abscission. The distribution of the duration of the various phenological events was observed to be skewed and there was little interannual variation in events such as flowering and fruiting. This suggests that there are, perhaps, no mast flowering or fruiting species present in the deciduous forests. The phenological changes appear to influence the food, feeding, movement patterns and sociality of the major mammals of this dry deciduous ecosystem

    Co-iOAM: In-situ Telemetry Metadata Transport for Resource Constrained Networks within IETF Standards Framework

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    Providing reliable and continuous wireless connectivity during the operational phase of large-scale IoT deployments is a challenge for network operators. Conventional methods of acquiring network telemetry data using dedicated probe messages are costly in terms of additional bandwidth consumption, battery depletion, increased network congestion, leading to degraded application QoS. We propose an in-situ network telemetry transport mechanism, termed Co-iOAM (Telemetry in-situ Operations Administration and Maintenance), for monitoring and troubleshooting resource constrained 6LoWPAN/LPWAN networks, where telemetry data appended as metadata accompanying application packet at intermediate nodes. Further, cross-layer telemetry information support by Co-iOAM can be used for performance analysis of the path traversed by the application packets, network lifetime estimation, and network planning. The architectural and design objectives of Co-iOAM include, flexibility, light-weight operation, and cross-layer telemetry data and its optimized representation. We share the implementation aspects of the protocol on Contiki OS, and present the experimental results that exhibit relatively good scalability. We also propose context aware compression and simple distributed probabilistic update techniques to further reduce the byte overheads of Co-iOAM data while maintaining the quality of network monitoring

    netmon: An SNMP based network performance monitoring tool for packet data networks

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    In this paper we describe the design and features of netmon, a tool for performance monitoring of a packet data network. netmon continuously collects and stores SNMP variables by polling the backbone routers, netmon aims to estimate network performance statistics using this raw SNMP derived information. The measured estimate are link occupancies (in each direction), link up-times, bit error Fates on the links (in each direction), and mean packet waiting times at the router queues, netmon provides various command line options to view the above mentioned network statistics. We have tailored netmon to graphically display the reachability and other network statistics of the ERNET backbone (a nationwide network that connects various education and research institutions) on a vt ion terminal. Command line options are also provided for obtaining time series plots of these statistics for any specified time interval, as mail or a postcript file