60 research outputs found

    The impact of carcase estimated breeding values on yield and quality of sheep meat

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the impact of carcase estimated breeding values on carcase size and lean meat yield of lambs and to determine whether nutrition alters these responses. Selection for high estimated breeding values for growth increased carcase size by as much as 4 kg in lambs fed a high plane of nutrition. On a low plane of nutrition, this effect was reduced by 60%, highlighting the importance of nutrition for realizing the potential of this trait. Selection for estimated breeding values for muscling reduced total carcase fatness by 3% in lambs fed at a low plane of nutrition and by 10% in lambs fed at a high plane of nutrition, resulting in an increase in lean meat yield and improved economic returns for sales based on a lean-meat-yield grid. Selecting for estimated breeding values for low fat depth reduced total carcase fatness by 4%; this effect was the same whether lambs were maintained on high or low planes of nutrition. Other aspects of meat quality maybe influenced by using sires selected for muscling. Meat tenderness may be reduced due to greater connective tissue content, but it is likely that this can be controlled by concurrent selection for growth. Juiciness and flavour may be reduced due to reduced intramuscular fat content, but this can be attenuated by nutritional practices and, in the longer term, by alleviating the negative selection for fatness. Selection for a combination of muscling and growth estimated breeding values in terminal sires is an excellent way to increase both carcase size and lean meat yield of lambs - and to provide greater returns for producers

    Genetic and environmental variation in methane emissions of sheep at pasture

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    A total of 2,600 methane (CH4) and 1,847 CO2 measurements of sheep housed for 1 h in portable accumulation chambers (PAC) were recorded at 5 sites from the Australian Sheep CRC Information Nucleus, which was set up to test leading young industry sires for an extensive range of current and novel production traits. The final validated dataset had 2,455 methane records from 2,279 animals, which were the progeny of 187 sires and 1,653 dams with 7,690 animals in the pedigree file. The protocol involved rounding up animals from pasture into a holding paddock before the first measurement on each day and then measuring in groups of up to 16 sheep over the course of the day. Methane emissions declined linearly (with different slopes for each site) with time since the sheep were drafted into the holding area. After log transformation, estimated repeatability (rpt) and heritability (h(2)) of liveweight-adjusted CH4 emissions averaged 25% and 11.7%, respectively, for a single 1-h measurement. Sire × site interactions were small and nonsignificant. Correlations between EBV for methane emissions and Sheep Genetics Australia EBV for production traits were used as approximations to genetic correlations. Apart from small positive correlations with weaning and yearling weights (r = 0.21-0.25, P < 0.05), there were no significant relationships between production trait and methane EBV (calculated from a model adjusting for liveweight by fitting separate slopes for each site). To improve accuracy, future protocols should use the mean of 2 (rpt = 39%, h(2) = 18.6%) or 3 (rpt = 48%, h(2) = 23.2%) PAC measurements. Repeat tests under different pasture conditions and time of year should also be considered, as well as protocols measuring animals directly off pasture instead of rounding them up in the morning. Reducing the time in the PAC from 1 h to 40 min would have a relatively small effect on overall accuracy and partly offset the additional time needed for more tests per animal. Field testing in PAC has the potential to provide accurate comparisons of animal and site methane emissions, with potentially lower cost/increased accuracy compared to alternatives such as SF6 tracers or open path lasers. If similar results are obtained from tests with different protocols/seasonal conditions, use of PAC measurements in a multitrait selection index with production traits could potentially reduce methane emissions from Australian sheep for the same production level

    Distributed Multimedia Learning Environments: Why and How?

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