22 research outputs found

    Dynamics of quantum-dot mode-locked lasers with optical injection

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    We present the dynamics of quantum-dot passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers under optical injection. We discuss the benefits of various configurations of the master source including single, dual, and multiple coherent frequency sources. In particular, we demonstrate that optical injection can improve the properties of the slave laser in terms of time-bandwidth product, optical linewidth, and timing jitter

    Wider-frequency combs generation, noise reduction, and repetition rate tuning in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers

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    We describe the technique allowing for generation of low-noise wider frequency combs and pulses of shorter duration in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers. We compare experimentally noise stabilization techniques in semiconductor modelocked lasers. We discuss the benefits of electrical modulation of the laser absorber voltage (hybrid mode-locking), combination of hybrid mode-locking with optical injection seeding from the narrow linewidth continues wave master source and optical injection seeding of two coherent sidebands separated by the laser repetition rate

    Bistability and hysteresis in an optically injected two-section semiconductor laser

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    The effect of coherent single frequency injection on two-section semiconductor lasers is studied numerically using a model based on a set of delay differential equations. The existence of bistability between different continuous-wave and nonstationary regimes of operation is demonstrated in the case of sufficiently large linewidth enhancement factors

    Size dependence of selectively oxidized VCSEL transverse-mode structure

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    The performance of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) has improved greatly in recent years. Much of this improvement can be attributed to the use of native oxide layers within the laser structure, providing both electrical and optical transverse confinement. Understanding this optical confinement will be vital for the future realization of yet smaller lasers with ultralow threshold currents. Here the authors report the spectral and modal properties of small (0.5 {micro}m to 5 {micro}m current aperture) VCSELs and identify Joule heating as a dominant effect in the resonator properties of the smallest lasers

    Nonlinear optics and saturation behavior of quantum dot samples under continuous wave driving

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    The nonlinear optical response of self-assembled quantum dots is relevant to the application of quantum dot based devices in nonlinear optics, all-optical switching, slow light and self-organization. Theoretical investigations are based on numerical simulations of a spatially and spectrally resolved rate equation model, which takes into account the strong coupling of the quantum dots to the carrier reservoir created by the wetting layer states. The complex dielectric susceptibility of the ground state is obtained. The saturation is shown to follow a behavior in between the one for a dominantly homogeneously and inhomogeneously broadened medium. Approaches to extract the nonlinear refractive index change by fringe shifts in a cavity or self-lensing are discussed. Experimental work on saturation characteristic of InGa/GaAs quantum dots close to the telecommunication O-band (1.24-1.28 mm) and of InAlAs/GaAlAs quantum dots at 780 nm is described and the first demonstration of the cw saturation of absorption in room temperature quantum dot samples is discussed in detail

    Genotypic and nutritional regulation of gene expression in two sheep hindlimb muscles with distinct myofibre and metabolic characteristics

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    This study investigated whether the expression profile of GDF8 (myostatin), myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs: MYF5, MYOD1, MYOG (myogenin), and MYF6), and IGF-system (IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R) genes are correlated with anatomical muscle, nutrition level, and estimated breeding values (EBVs) for muscling, growth, and/or fatness. Real-time PCR was employed to quantitatively measure the mRNA levels of these genes in the semimembranosus (SM) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles of growing lambs. The lambs were sired by Poll Dorset rams with differing EBVs for growth, muscling, and fatness, and were fed either high or low quality and availability pasture from birth to ~8 months of age. With the exception of MYOD1, the mRNA levels of all genes examined in this study showed varying degrees of nutritional regulation. All the MRF mRNA levels were higher in the SM muscle than the ST muscle, whereas myostatin mRNA was higher in the ST muscle than the SM muscle. Interactions between muscle type and nutrition were detected for IGF2, MYF6, and myogenin, while positive correlations between IGF2 and IGF1R and between MYOD1 and myogenin mRNA levels were apparent in both muscles. At the genotypic level, subtle differences in mRNA levels suggested interactions between nutrition and sire EBV. The findings of this study confirm that the MRFs, IGFs, and myostatin genes are differentially affected by a variety of factors that include nutrition, muscle type, and sire EBVs. Together, these data suggest that this suite of genes has important roles during postnatal muscle growth, even at quite late stages of growth and development

    Quantum-dot mode-locked lasers with dual-mode optical injection

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    Quantum-dot mode-locked lasers are injection-locked by coherent two-tone master sources. Spectral tuning, significantly improved time-bandwidth product, and low jitter are demonstrated without deterioration of the pulse properties

    Phase-locked mutually coupled 1.3 μm quantum-dot lasers

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    Fabry-Perot InAs quantum-dot lasers grown on GaAs substrates are mutually coupled with a delay of several nanoseconds. Stable phase-locked output with narrow linewidth is obtained when the frequency detuning between the two lasers is less than 4 GHz. This simple locking scheme could find application in a variety of photonics applications