607 research outputs found

    Use of a Point-of-Care Progesterone Assay to Predict Onset of Parturition in the Bitch

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    An assay of circulating progesterone (P4) is commonly used to estimate progress through late gestation in the bitch. Point-of-care assays provide rapid results, a major advantage over laboratory-based assays. This study aims to compare P4 levels determined by the Catalyst¼ Progesterone point-of-care assay with those determined by chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) and to identify the expected distribution of Catalyst P4 levels at time intervals 3 days prior to the onset of parturition in pregnant bitches. Twenty-eight pregnant bitches carrying two or more fetuses were admitted to a specialist veterinary reproduction hospital 53 days after the onset of cytological diestrus or, when that date was not known, 57 days after the last mating. Vaginal speculum examinations were performed every 6 h until the onset of cervical dilatation (TCD). Serum samples were collected twice daily (08h00 and 18h00) until TCD. For most samples, fresh serum was assayed for P4 immediately using the Catalyst assay (CatP4), then frozen until assayed by CLIA (IMMULITE 2000; ImmP4). However, for some samples, CatP4 was not analyzed prior to freezing. For these data points (n = 33), CatP4 for fresh serum was estimated from CatP4 assayed on frozen-thawed serum, based on a comparison between CatP4 on fresh vs. frozen-thawed sera. In comparison to ImmP4, CatP4 levels up to and including 7 nmol/L appear to have a constant bias of −1.69 nmol/L (limits of agreement −4.91 to 1.52), while levels >7 nmol/L appear to have a proportional bias of −17.9% (limits of agreement −68.6% to 32.7%). Bootstrapped percentiles of CatP4 results spanned 0.4–9 nmol/L within 12 h of TCD, 0.9–11 nmol/L 12–24 h from TCD, and 2.2–13.5 nmol/L 24–36 h from TCD. A CatP4 >9 nmol/L indicates a bitch that is unlikely to reach TCD within 12 h. Bitches with CatP4s below 3.5 nmol/L are likely to reach TCD within 36 h and bitches with a CatP4 below 2.2 nmol/L are likely to reach TCD within 24 h. In conclusion, the Catalyst Progesterone assay provides rapid assessment of circulating P4 in the bitch, with clinical application in the monitoring of late term pregnant bitches

    Comparison of Self Pulsation in Multisection Lasers with Distributed Feedback and Intracavity Satuarable Absorbers

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    The authors report a comparison of the self-pulsing characteristics of two types of semiconductor laser. They show that the self-pulsing frequency of the DFB laser is decoupled from the resonance frequency. They discuss the various characteristics, their significance in relation to optical synchronisation, and use the results to suggest a possible explanation for the mechanism for self-pulsation in the DFB laser

    Towards the conversion of carbohydrate biomass feedstocks to biofuels via hydroxylmethylfurfural

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    This review appraises the chemical conversion processes recently reported for the production of hydroxylmethylfurfural (HMF), a key biorefining intermediate, from carbohydrate biomass feedstocks. Catalytic sites or groups required for the efficient and selective conversion of hexose substrates to HMF are examined. The principle of concerted catalysis was used to rationalise the dehydration of fructose and glucose to HMF in non-aqueous media. A survey of reported reaction routes to diesel-range biofuel intermediates from HMF or furfural is presented and self-condensation reaction routes for linking two or more HMF and furfural units together toward obtaining kerosene and diesel-range biofuel intermediates are highlighted. The reaction routes include: benzoin condensation, condensation of furfuryl alcohols, hetero Diels–Alder reaction and ketonisation reaction. These reaction routes are yet to be exploited despite their potential for obtaining kerosene and diesel-range biofuel intermediates exclusively from furfural or hydroxylmethylfurfural

    The Neural Basis of Individual Differences in Directional Sense

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    Individuals differ greatly in their ability to learn and navigate through environments. One potential source of this variation is “directional sense” or the ability to identify, maintain, and compare allocentric headings. Allocentric headings are facing directions that are fixed to the external environment, such as cardinal directions. Measures of the ability to identify and compare allocentric headings, using photographs of familiar environments, have shown significant individual and strategy differences; however, the neural basis of these differences is unclear. Forty-five college students, who were highly familiar with a campus environment and ranged in self-reported sense-of-direction, underwent fMRI scans while they completed the Relative Heading task, in which they had to indicate the direction of a series of photographs of recognizable campus buildings (i.e., “target headings”) with respect to initial “orienting headings.” Large individual differences were found in accuracy and correct decision latencies, with gender, self-reported sense-of-direction, and familiarity with campus buildings all predicting task performance. Using linear mixed models, the directional relationships between headings and the experiment location also impacted performance. Structural scans revealed that lateral orbitofrontal and superior parietal volume were related to task accuracy and decision latency, respectively. Bilateral hippocampus and right presubiculum volume were related to self-reported sense-of-direction. Meanwhile, functional results revealed clusters within the superior parietal lobule, supramarginal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, lateral orbitofrontal cortex, and caudate among others in which the intensity of activation matched the linear magnitude of the difference between the orienting and target headings. While the retrosplenial cortex and hippocampus have previously been implicated in the coding of allocentric headings, this work revealed that comparing those headings additionally involved frontal and parietal regions. These results provide insights into the neural bases of the variation within human orientation abilities, and ultimately, human navigation

    Wavelength stability in a hybrid photonic crystal laser through controlled nonlinear absorptive heating in the reflector

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    The need for miniaturized, fully integrated semiconductor lasers has stimulated significant research efforts into realizing unconventional configurations that can meet the performance requirements of a large spectrum of applications, ranging from communication systems to sensing. We demonstrate a hybrid, silicon photonics-compatible photonic crystal (PhC) laser architecture that can be used to implement cost-effective, high-capacity light sources, with high side-mode suppression ratio and milliwatt output output powers. The emitted wavelength is set and controlled by a silicon PhC cavity-based reflective filter with the gain provided by a III–V-based reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA). The high power density in the laser cavity results in a significant enhancement of the nonlinear absorption in silicon in the high Q-factor PhC resonator. The heat generated in this manner creates a tuning effect in the wavelength-selective element, which can be used to offset external temperature fluctuations without the use of active cooling. Our approach is fully compatible with existing fabrication and integration technologies, providing a practical route to integrated lasing in wavelength-sensitive schemes

    Exploring the psychological rewards of a familiar semirural landscape: connecting to local nature through a mindful approach

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    This study analyses a 53,000 word diary of a year engaging with nature through over 200 trips to a semi-rural landscape. Thematic analysis revealed two themes; the transition from observer to nature connectedness and the ways in which the natural environment was experienced once a connection was made. These themes are discussed in relation to theories that seek to explain the positive effect of nature and nature connectedness. The findings are important as they suggest that repeated engagement with local semi-rural countryside can lead to a mindful approach and psychological rewards that do not require travel into the wilderness. The work informs further research into outcomes and processes of nature based interventions such as: trip frequency, duration and diary keeping

    A universal equation to predict methane production of forage-fed cattle in Australia

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    The methods for estimating methane emissions from cattle as used in the Australian national inventory are based on older data that have now been superseded by a large amount of more recent data. Recent data suggested that the current inventory emissions estimates can be improved. To address this issue, a total of 1034 individual animal records of daily methane production (MP) was used to reassess the relationship between MP and each of dry matter intake (DMI) and gross energy intake (GEI). Data were restricted to trials conducted in the past 10 years using open-circuit respiration chambers, with cattle fed forage-based diets (forage >70%). Results from diets considered to inhibit methanogenesis were omitted from the dataset. Records were obtained from dairy cattle fed temperate forages (220 records), beef cattle fed temperate forages (680 records) and beef cattle fed tropical forages (133 records). Relationships were very similar for all three production categories and single relationships for MP on a DMI or GEI basis were proposed for national inventory purposes. These relationships were MP (g/day) = 20.7 (±0.28) × DMI (kg/day) (R2 = 0.92, P < 0.001) and MP (MJ/day) = 0.063 (±0.008) × GEI (MJ/day) (R2 = 0.93, P < 0.001). If the revised MP (g/day) approach is used to calculate Australia’s national inventory, it will reduce estimates of emissions of forage-fed cattle by 24%. Assuming a global warming potential of 25 for methane, this represents a 12.6 Mt CO2-e reduction in calculated annual emissions from Australian cattle
