14 research outputs found

    Ontologiebasierte Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung von Organisationen bei der Einführung und Durchführung von Wissensmanagement

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Softwarewerkzeuge für die technische Unterstützung von Wissensmanagement (WM) konzipiert und technisch umgesetzt, die zum einen den Reifegrad von Unternehmen unter Verwendung von beliebigen Reifegradmodellen für WM erfassen und darauf basierend Handlungsempfehlungen zur Verfügung stellen, zum anderen auf das Anforderungsprofil eines Unternehmens zugeschnittene Best Practices für WM identifizieren und auf die neue Unternehmenssituation übertragen

    Take Part Prototype: Creating New Ways of Participation Through Augmented and Virtual Reality [in press]

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    Famous examples like the Amazon headquarter in New York City or the Stuttgart 21 train station demonstrate that construction projects are often subjects of common interest and can therefore produce protests if citizens feel unheard in urban planning. In this manuscript, we would therefore like to investigate whether e-participation can be used as a tool to foster citizen involvement in construction projects that are of public interest. To this end, we present a prototype that combines participation with augmented and virtual reality. While offering a source for a better understanding of construction processes, our prototype allows users to bring in their own design suggestions and discuss these with others. With this prototype paper, we thus want to demonstrate how augmented and virtual reality can lay the ground for innovative ways of political participation that would offer great potential for project initiators and citizens

    A framework for the successful introduction of km using cbr and semantic web technologies

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    This document describes our current work on developing a framework which supports organizations in the successful implementation of Knowledge Management (KM). It follows the holistic approach of a KM introduction by considering technological, organizational and human aspects, as well as the organizational culture in equal measure. The framework provides recommendations based on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) techniques and Semantic Web technologies. It supports the four processes of Aamodt & Plaza's CBR-cycle. The best practice cases for a successful KM implementation are structured by the use of an ontology

    Abstract A Methodological Basis for Bringing Knowledge Management to Real-World Environments

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    This document describes our current work on developing a holistic approach for the improvement of knowledge management in an organization. The described methodology does not focus on a specific area but considers all layers of an organization, the organizational, the process and the technology layer. The approach to be developed will consist of two main components: a KM Measures Repository and a KM Maturity Model. Based on an analysis of KM projects, technologies, show cases/experiences and user requirements having regard to different organization layers we intend to develop a KM Measures Repository which contains best practice measures concerning KM for each layer. The second component to be developed is the KM Maturity Model with which an organization can describe itself concerning KM. The KM Measures Repository and the KM Maturity Model will be made machine executable and merged to a self assessment tool which uses several KM technologies

    Knowledge Management Maturity Models

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    A Methodological Approach for Constructing Ontology-Based Reference Models in

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    Abstract: In the digital planning process of a manufacturing plant, several partners like OEM, prime contractor and its subcontractors are involved. Since the partners have partially overlapping views (electricity, mechanical structure, plant controlling) on the plant to be designed, they have to exchange data during their collaboration. Due to syntactical, structural and semantical differences, data integration is necessary but also complicated. Our method of resolution comprises an ontology-based reference model, which all partners map to as well as an underlying technical infrastructure. This paper focuses on the methodology for constructing an ontology-based reference model in digital production engineering

    A Socially-Aware Desktop for e-Science: Supporting Learning in Networked Scientific Processes

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    Abstract. Research is likely to be the most knowledge-intensive environment, and it seems to be quite surprising that so far knowledge management (KM) techniques from business environments have not been transferred to e-Science initiatives in order to improve the efficiency of scientific work on a larger scale. An empirical analysis accomplished in the research area of rapid prototyping has unveiled that due to the high variability and unpredictability of scientific work processes, state-of-the-art business process-oriented KM approaches are not applicable and that scientific work processes need a different paradigm understanding knowledge processes as informal learning processes with a high level of social interaction. For this purpose, we present the model of a “knowledge-added process ” as a foundation and a socially-aware desktop as an appropriate tool paradigm. 1