24 research outputs found

    Positive Regulation of DNA Double Strand Break Repair Activity during Differentiation of Long Life Span Cells: The Example of Adipogenesis

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    Little information is available on the ability of terminally differentiated cells to efficiently repair DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), and one might reasonably speculate that efficient DNA repair of these threatening DNA lesions, is needed in cells of long life span with no or limited regeneration from precursor. Few tissues are available besides neurons that allow the study of DNA DSBs repair activity in very long-lived cells. Adipocytes represent a suitable model since it is generally admitted that there is a very slow turnover of adipocytes in adult. Using both Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) and the disappearance of the phosphorylated form of the histone variant H2AX, we demonstrated that the ability to repair DSBs is increased during adipocyte differentiation using the murine pre-adipocyte cell line, 3T3F442A. In mammalian cells, DSBs are mainly repaired by the non-homologous end-joining pathway (NHEJ) that relies on the DNA dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) activity. During the first 24 h following the commitment into adipogenesis, we show an increase in the expression and activity of the catalytic sub-unit of the DNA-PK complex, DNA-PKcs. The increased in DNA DSBs repair activity observed in adipocytes was due to the increase in DNA-PK activity as shown by the use of DNA-PK inhibitor or sub-clones of 3T3F442A deficient in DNA-PKcs using long term RNA interference. Interestingly, the up-regulation of DNA-PK does not regulate the differentiation program itself. Finally, similar positive regulation of DNA-PKcs expression and activity was observed during differentiation of primary culture of pre-adipocytes isolated from human sub-cutaneous adipose tissue

    Expression of DNA damage response proteins and complete remission after radiotherapy of stage IB–IIA of cervical cancer

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    The primary aim of this study was to investigate if the expression of the DNA damage identifying protein DNA-PKcs known to be involved in DNA repair after treatment with ionising radiation can be used as a predictive marker for radiotherapy (RT) response in cervical cancer. Formalin-fixed primary tumour biopsies from 109 patients with cervical cancer, FIGO-stage IB–IIA, treated with preoperative brachytherapy followed by radical surgery were analysed by immunohistochemistry. In addition, correlation studies between early pathological tumour response to radiation and expression of Ku86, Ku70, Mdm-2, p53 and p21 in primary tumours were also performed. We found that tumour-transformed tissue shows positive immunostaining of DNA-PKcs, Ku86 and Ku70, while non-neoplastic squamous epithelium and tumour-free cervix glands show negative immunoreactivity. Expression of DNA-PKcs positively correlated with both Ku86 and Ku70, and a statistically significant correlation between the Ku subunits was also found. After RT, 85 patients demonstrated pathologic complete remission (pCR), whereas 24 patients had residual tumour in the surgical specimen (non-pCR). The main finding of our study is that there was no correlation between the outcome of RT and the expression of DNA-PK subunits. Positive p53 tumours were significantly more common among non-pCR cases than in patients with pCR (P=0.031). Expression of p21 and Mdm-2 did not correlate with the outcome of RT

    Segmental Duplications Arise from Pol32-Dependent Repair of Broken Forks through Two Alternative Replication-Based Mechanisms

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    The propensity of segmental duplications (SDs) to promote genomic instability is of increasing interest since their involvement in numerous human genomic diseases and cancers was revealed. However, the mechanism(s) responsible for their appearance remain mostly speculative. Here, we show that in budding yeast, replication accidents, which are most likely transformed into broken forks, play a causal role in the formation of SDs. The Pol32 subunit of the major replicative polymerase Polδ is required for all SD formation, demonstrating that SDs result from untimely DNA synthesis rather than from unequal crossing-over. Although Pol32 is known to be required for classical (Rad52-dependant) break-induced replication, only half of the SDs can be attributed to this mechanism. The remaining SDs are generated through a Rad52-independent mechanism of template switching between microsatellites or microhomologous sequences. This new mechanism, named microhomology/microsatellite-induced replication (MMIR), differs from all known DNA double-strand break repair pathways, as MMIR-mediated duplications still occur in the combined absence of homologous recombination, microhomology-mediated, and nonhomologous end joining machineries. The interplay between these two replication-based pathways explains important features of higher eukaryotic genomes, such as the strong, but not strict, association between SDs and transposable elements, as well as the frequent formation of oncogenic fusion genes generating protein innovations at SD junctions

    DNA-PK autophosphorylation facilitates Artemis endonuclease activity

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    The Artemis nuclease is defective in radiosensitive severe combined immunodeficiency patients and is required for the repair of a subset of ionising radiation induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in an ATM and DNA-PK dependent process. Here, we show that Artemis phosphorylation by ATM and DNA-PK in vitro is primarily attributable to S503, S516 and S645 and demonstrate ATM dependent phosphorylation at serine 645 in vivo. However, analysis of multisite phosphorylation mutants of Artemis demonstrates that Artemis phosphorylation is dispensable for endonuclease activity in vitro and for DSB repair and V(D)J recombination in vivo. Importantly, DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) autophosphorylation at the T2609-T2647 cluster, in the presence of Ku and target DNA, is required for Artemis-mediated endonuclease activity. Moreover, autophosphorylated DNA-PKcs stably associates with Ku-bound DNA with large single-stranded overhangs until overhang cleavage by Artemis. We propose that autophosphorylation triggers conformational changes in DNA-PK that enhance Artemis cleavage at single-strand to double-strand DNA junctions. These findings demonstrate that DNA-PK autophosphorylation regulates Artemis access to DNA ends, providing insight into the mechanism of Artemis mediated DNA end processing

    The molecular anatomy of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene

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    The FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene is a recurrent molecular abnormality in patients with eosinophilia-associated myeloproliferative neoplasms. We characterized FIP1L1-PDGFRA junction sequences from 113 patients at the mRNA (n=113) and genomic DNA (n=85) levels. Transcript types could be assigned in 109 patients as type A (n=50, 46%) or B (n=47, 43%), which were created by cryptic acceptor splice sites in different introns of FIP1L1 (type A) or within PDGFRA exon 12 (type B). We also characterized a new transcript type C (n=12, 11%) in which both genomic breakpoints fell within coding sequences creating a hybrid exon without use of a cryptic acceptor splice site. The location of genomic breakpoints within PDGFRA and the availability of AG splice sites determine the transcript type and restrict the FIP1L1 exons used for the creation of the fusion. Stretches of overlapping sequences were identified at the genomic junction site, suggesting that the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion is created by illegitimate non-homologous end-joining. Statistical analyses provided evidence for clustering of breakpoints within FIP1L1 that may be related to DNA- or chromatin-related structural features. The variability in the anatomy of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion has important implications for strategies to detect the fusion at diagnosis or for monitoring response to treatmen