53 research outputs found

    HILT : High-Level Thesaurus Project M2M Feasibility Study : [Final Report]

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    The project was asked to investigate the feasibility of developing SOAP-based interfaces between JISC IE services and Wordmap APIs and non-Wordmap versions of the HILT pilot demonstrator created under HILT Phase II and to determine the scope and cost of the provision of an actual demonstrator based on each of these approaches. In doing so it was to take into account the possibility of a future Zthes1-based solution using Z39.50 or OAI-PMH and syntax and data-exchange protocol implications of eScience and semantic-web developments. It was agreed that the primary concerns of the study should be an assessment of the feasibility, scope, and cost of a follow-up M2M pilot that considered the best options in respect of: o Query protocols (SOAP, Z39.50, SRW, OAI) and associated data profiles (e.g. Zthes for Z39.50 and for SRW); o Standards for structuring thesauri and thesauri-type information (e.g. the Zthes XML DTD and SRW version of it and SKOS-Core2); The study was carried out within the allotted timescale, with this Final Report submitted to JISC on 31st March 2005 as scheduled. The detailed proposal for a follow-up project is currently under discussion and will be finalised – as agreed with JISC – by mid-April. It was concluded that an M2M pilot was feasible. A proposal for a follow-up M2M pilot project has been scoped, and is currently being costed

    Delta Greenbriar - Atlanta – (EE. UU.)

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    «Delta Greenbriar» is a corporate centre for the Delta air line company. The complex comprises four buildings containing: 1) the installations for flight simulation; 2) the air training base; 3) the control centre for flights and communications; 4) the department for tickets and reservations. They consist of one of two storeys. The lower ones can be extended both horizontally as well as vertically, whereas the other ones can only be enlarged in horizontal direction. The unit has been designed like a university campus, with patios, inner gardens and exterior corridors which apart from connecting the various buildings with each other also provide a close contact between the office premises and the park.El «Delta Greenbriar» es un centro corporativo para la compañía de líneas aéreas Delta. El complejo está constituido por cuatro edificios, que alojan: 1) las instalaciones para la simulación de vuelo; 2) la base de entrenamiento aéreo; 3) el centro de control de vuelo y comunicaciones; 4) el departamento de reservas y venta de billetes. Constan de una o dos plantas, pudiéndose ampliar los más bajos tanto horizontal como verticalmente, mientras que los otros sólo pueden aumentarse en sentido horizontal. El conjunto se ha diseñado como un campus universitario, con patios, ajardinamiento interior y corredores exteriores que, además de enlazar los distintos edificios entre sí, ponen en estrecha relación los espacios de oficinas con el parque

    Time, Cost And Architecture

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    viii;p 212;ill.;index;24 c

    Time, cost, and architecture

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    vii, 212 p. : il.; 23 cm

    Piscinas en Nueva York (EE.UU.)

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    These pool-recreational complexes have been constructed by means of 2.25 m2 prefabricated concrete modules, which could be connected and interchanged in different manners, according to the topographical characteristics of the sites. The method employed is the time-cost control method, which reduces the construction time as well as the final costs. Colourful graphic designs on the fair-faced surfaces provide the project with a pleasant atmosphere. Furthermore, the pools have the level-floors painted as basketball courts and can be drained to be used for that sport.Estos complejos recreativos fueron realizados mediante módulos prefabricados de hormigón, de 2,25 m2, que podían unirse de diferentes formas, adaptándose a las distintas características topográficas de cada parcela. La ejecución de los trabajos se llevó a cabo por medio de un método de tiempos-costes que reducía el tiempo de construcción, a la vez que disminuían los costes finales. Gráficos coloreados, dispuestos en las superficies vistas, consiguen el animado ambiente de los complejos. Adicionalmente se marcó el suelo de algunas piscinas con campos de baloncesto, con lo que se puede practicar ese deporte solamente con vaciarlas

    A Living Museum

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    Ink/board; 30" x 40"Part of the Archives' Visual Materials collectio