106 research outputs found

    Die «genitale» Sexualität – Versuch der Dekonstruktion eines normativen psychoanalytischen Konzepts

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    Die konzeptuelle Kluft zwischen der in der Psychoanalyse als so determinierend angesehenen infantilen polymorph-perversen Sexualität und dem, was Freud an anderer Stelle recht normativ als «genitale» Sexualität beschreibt, wird einer kritischen Analyse unterzogen. Es folgen Vorschläge zu einer präziseren Fassung der Polymorphie menschlicher Sexualität

    die unwiderstehliche Anziehungskraft des Judentums und der Juden (Freud 1926) : Ein unbewuBter Aspekt im Hinblick auf das JĂĽdische

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    The author shows structural problems in the psychoanalytical approach of social life, and presents then an analytical group theme-centered on the conscious and unconscious conflicts between Jews and Non-Jews in German-speaking countries. She shows the narrow interaction between the individual and the social: the infantile neurosis is charged in a deferred action by social images linked to family history. Therefore reality, as in every neurosis, is deformed because linked to the inner world. The author finishes with an exploration of Freud’s jewishness and the notion of “identity”

    Die Latenz des Nationalsozialismus im Spiegel des gruppenanalytischen Prozesses

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    La bisexualité chez Freud

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    Die analytische Methode : Persönlicher Werkstattbericht aus einer freudo-lacanianischen Gruppenarbeit

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    Vor dem Hintergrund klinischer Fallvorstellungen von lacanianisch und freudianisch orientierten PsychoanalytikerInnen in einer Intervisionsgruppe arbeitet die Autorin die jeweiligen spezifischen theoretischen und technischen Perspektiven heraus; so entstand ein eng an der alltäglichen Praxis orientierter Überblick.The analytic method: Personal report from a Freudo-Lacanian work group. – Against the background of clinical case histories discussed in an intervision group by psychoanalysts of a Freudian and Lacanian persuasion, the author observes and describes their specific theoretical and technical perspectives. The result is an overview closely geared to everyday analytic practice

    De la violence dans le contre-transfert

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    À partir de réactions contre-transférentielles particulièrement violentes, l’auteure met en évidence des phénomènes d’identification projective dans le processus analytique. Dans un deuxième temps, elle montre des divergences dans la psychanalyse contemporaine quant à la compréhension du jeu transféro - contre-transférentiel. Alors que la conception classique du processus analytique se centre sur la névrose de transfert de l’analysant et son interprétation par l’analyste, un courant important de nos jours s’intéresse plus spécialement aux processus d’identification projective mutuelle et comprend le processus analytique comme relation réciproque, voire communication de deux appareils psychiques. Soulignant l’importance de sauvegarder l’asymétrie dans la relation analytique, l’auteure donne des exemples cliniques où la régression formelle de l’analyste, suite à des identifications projectives, était importante.On the basis of particularly violent counter-transferential reactions, the author underlines the existence of phenomena of projective identification in the analytic process. At a second stage, she points to divergences in contemporary psychoanalysis with regard to comprehension of transferential - counter-transferential play. Whilst the classical conception of the analytic process is centred on the analysand’s transference neurosis and its interpretation by the analyst, an important current today is more particularly interested in processes of mutual projective identification and understands the analytic process as a reciprocal relation, even as communication between two psychic apparatuses. Underlining the importance of protecting the asymmetry of the analytic relation, the author gives clinical examples in which the formal regression of the analyst, in the wake of projective identifications, was of importance

    Die List der infantilen Sexualität. Ein Fallbeispiel

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    Same sex parenthood

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    In the past, psychoanalysts have without doubt contributed to a negative image of homosexuality. Many of them interpreted the Freudian concept of the Oedipus complex in quite a narrow way: either its outcome was «positive» or «negative» and this meant «heterosexuality» and «homosexuality» respectively: the identification with the parent of the same sex follows the renunciation of possessing the parent of the opposite sex and was considered the peak of infantile sexuality and as the pre-condition for the consequent development of adult heterosexuality. From such a «classic psychoanalytic» viewpoint, homosexuality is understood as resulting from a regression to or a fixation on a stage or modes of temporal experience preceding the dissolution of the Oedipus complex and, in the end, as a failure of Oedipal rivalry, leading to an identification with the parent of the opposite sex. But Freud himself had underlined in his later works that things were much more complicated than what he had first thought. It was in 1923 that Freud reconsidered his first conception of the Oedipus complex and highlighted the potential for a bisexual orientation in all human beings; only a superficial and partial reading of the theory of the Oedipus complex makes it possible to think that it is obvious that the young boy identifies with the paternal imago while the young girl, with the maternal imago so as to arrive at a heterosexual object-choice and that, moreover, this dynamic is «better
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