10 research outputs found


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    The difference between the behaviouristic and constructivist approach to learning and teaching originates from different notions of knowledge. Currently in Slovenia the behaviouristic approach dominates as it is present in the whole educational system and teachers are more familiar with it. Those teachers who have different notions of knowledge are introducing a changed approach to learning and teaching that follows from the constructivist paradigm. Both are facing dilemmas that concern teachers in practice more than they do initiators of changes who do not work directly in practice. The consequences of the introduction of changes include different notions of evaluation, examination and assessment. From a didactic point of view the role of feedback changes as it is transferred from assessment to examination. From a student’s perspective, it is not the role of feedback that is essential but its meaning.Razlika između biheviorističkog i konstruktivističkog pristupa učenju i podučavanju proizlazi iz različitog poimanja znanja. U Sloveniji trenutno prevladava bihevioristički pristup učenju i podučavanju, jer ga učitelji najbolje poznaju, a bio je prisutan i u cijelom obrazovnom sustavu. Oni učitelji koji drugačije vrednuju znanje, uvode promijenjen pristup učenju i podučavanju koji proizlazi iz konstruktivističke paradigme. Oba pristupa se suočavaju s nekoliko dilema koje su više prisutne među učiteljima u praksi, nego kod predlagatelja promjena koji ne rade neposredno u praksi. Posljedice uvođenja promjena uključuju različita tumačenja vrednovanja, provjeravanja i ocjenjivanja. S didaktičnog pogleda uloga povratne informacije se mijenja. Njeno težište se prenosi s ocjenjivanja na provjeravanje. Za učenika nije bitna uloga povratne informacije već njeno značenje


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    Mediacija je ena od osnovnih metod alternativnih načinov reševanja sporov. Eno od glavnih načel mediacije je njena prostovoljnost. Takšno načelo pa utegne biti v nasprotju z institutom obvezne mediacije. Slednja namreč strankam ne daje svobodne izbire o sodelovanju. Posledica takšne ureditve je postopek, ki je v končnem rezultatu daljši in dražji. Takšen izid pa nasprotuje tudi nadaljnjima dvema vrlinama mediacije, ekonomičnosti in hitrosti. V slovenskem pravnem redu je obvezna mediacija specifično urejena predvsem v Zakonu o brezplačni pravni pomoči, ki nalaga obveznost mediacije prosilcem take pomoči. Ob takšni obveznosti, za katero ni očitnega razloga, se poraja vprašanje smiselnosti obvezne mediacije kot pravnega koncepta. Obvezna mediacija namreč predstavlja procesno oviro, saj ovira pravico posameznika do dostopa do sodnega varstva. Takšna ovira bi sicer lahko bila utemeljena, v kolikor bi ukrep bil sorazmeren in varoval kakšno drugo pravno vrednoto. V nalogi so predstavljeni statistični podatki, ki izkazujejo uspešnost mediacije na slovenskih sodiščih v času od uveljavitve Zakona o alternativnem reševanju sodnih sporov. Le-ti izkazujejo relativno slabe rezultate, tako na strani podajanja soglasij, kot z vidika uspešnih rešitev sporov. Na podlagi takih podatkov pa ni videti, da bi ukrep obvezne mediacije varoval katerokoli pravno vrednoto, niti se tak ukrep ne zdi sorazmeren. Zaključiti kaže, da je mediacija kot pravni institut sicer potrebna in njeno zagotavljanje vsekakor nujno, vendar pa se obveznost mediiranja zdi pretiran poseg.Mediation is one of the basic forms of alternative methods to dispute resolutions. One of its main principles is voluntariness. However, said principle may be in conflict with the concept of mandatory mediation, also known as court ordered, court mandated, court annexed or compulsory mediation. Aforementioned type does not give its parties the freedom to choose whether they are willing to participate or not. Such a system ultimately results in a more expensive and longer procedure, thus opposing two other benefits of mediation, economical decisions and rapid settlements. In Slovene legal system mandatory mediation can mostly be found in Free Legal Aid Act (Zakon o brezplačni pravni pomoči) which forces the participation in the process of mediation upon the parties applying for an aid. Lack of reasoning for this kind of obligation raises the question of rationale behind mandatory mediation as a legal concept. Being an obstruction of process, mandatory mediation is limiting one’s right to judicial protection. Obstructions can, however, be tolerated if they are proportional and if they are safeguarding other legal values. Presented at hand are statistical data showing the rate of success of mediation in Slovene courts since the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Judicial Matters (Zakon o alternativnem reševanju sodnih sporov) came in force. Data show relatively poor results, both from the aspect of parties consenting to mediation and of successful dispute resolutions. Based on given data the measure of mandatory mediation seems to neither safeguard any legal value, nor does it appear to be proportional. In conclusion it can be deduced that mediation is a necessary legal institute and the courts should be offering its programs to willing parties. However, the obligation to mediate seems to be an excessive measure

    Disadvantages of mandatory mediation

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    Eno od glavnih načel mediacije je njena prostovoljnost, ki pa utegne biti v nasprotju z institutom obvezne mediacije, ki strankam ne daje svobodne izbire o sodelovanju. Posledica takšne ureditve je postopek, ki je v končnem rezultatu daljši in dražji, kar nadalje nasprotuje bistvenima vrlinama mediacije, ekonomičnosti in hitrosti. V slovenskem pravnem redu je obvezna mediacija specifično urejena predvsem v Zakonu o brezplačni pravni pomoči, ki nalaga obveznost mediacije prosilcem take pomoči. Ob takšni obveznosti se poraja vprašanje smiselnosti obvezne mediacije kot pravnega koncepta. Obvezna mediacija namreč predstavlja procesno oviro, saj omejuje posameznika pri dostopu do sodnega varstva. V članku so predstavljeni statistični podatki, ki izkazujejo uspešnost mediacije na slovenskih sodiščih v času od uveljavitve Zakona o alternativnem reševanju sodnih sporov. Le-ti izkazujejo relativno slabe rezultate, tako na strani podajanja soglasij kot z vidika uspešnih rešitev sporov. Na podlagi teh podatkov pa ni videti, da bi ukrep obvezne mediacije varoval katerokoli pravno vrednoto, niti se tak ukrep ne zdi sorazmeren. Zaključiti kaže, da je mediacija kot pravni institut sicer potrebna in njeno zagotavljanje vsekakor nujno, vendar pa se obveznost mediiranja zdi pretiran ukrep.One of the main principles of mediation is its voluntariness. However, said principle may be in conflict with the concept of mandatory mediation, also known as court ordered/mandated mediation, which does not give its parties the freedom to choose whether they are willing to participate. Such a system ultimately results in a more expensive and longer procedure, thus opposing two other benefits of mediation, economical decisions and rapid settlements. In Slovene legal system mandatory mediation can mostly be found in Legal Aid Act (Zakon o brezplačni pravni pomoči) which forces the parties applying for aid to participate in the process of mediation. Lack of reasoning for this kind of obligation raises the question of rationale behind mandatory mediation as a legal concept. Being an obstacle in the proceedings, mandatory mediation is limiting one’s right to judicial protection. The article presents statistical data showing the rate of success of mediation in Slovene courts since the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Judicial Matters (Zakon o alternativnem reševanju sodnih sporov) came in force. Data show relatively poor results, both from the aspect of parties consenting to mediation and of successful dispute resolutions. Based on given data the measure of mandatory mediation seems to neither safeguard any legal value, nor does it appear to be proportional. In conclusion it can be deduced that mediation is a necessary legal institute and the courts should be offering its programs to willing parties. However, the obligation to mediate seems to be an excessive measure

    Academic Procrastination of Secondary School Pupils

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    Procrastination is a trait and/or a form of behavior that denotes an individual’s delay in an activity which should be done, and which causes discomfort. In the study we wished to determine the differences between high school students regarding gender, educational programme and learning success of the previous school year in three factors. On a sample of 284 high school students of different Slovenian secondary schools, we found that on average boys show statistically significantly more shortage of learning self-discipline than girls, while girls, on average, significantly more discomfort than boys. Comparison of secondary school students between programmes showed that, on average, gimnazija students show significantly more learning self-discipline than students in secondary technical education. The comparison in relation to different levels of learning success at the end of the previous school year and the factors of procrastination showed, however, no statistically significant differences

    Uspoređivanje biheviorističkog i konstruktivističkog učenja i podučavanja

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    The difference between the behaviouristic and constructivist approach to learning and teaching originates from different notions of knowledge. Currently in Slovenia the behaviouristic approach dominates as it is present in the whole educational system and teachers are more familiar with it. Those teachers who have different notions of knowledge are introducing a changed approach to learning and teaching that follows from the constructivist paradigm. Both are facing dilemmas that concern teachers in practice more than they do initiators of changes who do not work directly in practice. The consequences of the introduction of changes include different notions of evaluation, examination and assessment. From a didactic point of view the role of feedback changes as it is transferred from assessment to examination. From a student\u27s perspective, it is not the role of feedback that is essential but its meaning.Razlika između biheviorističkog i konstruktivističkog pristupa učenju i podučavanju proizlazi iz različitog poimanja znanja. U Sloveniji trenutno prevladava bihevioristički pristup učenju i podučavanju, jer ga učitelji najbolje poznaju, a bio je prisutan i u cijelom obrazovnom sustavu. Oni učitelji koji drugačije vrednuju znanje, uvode promijenjen pristup učenju i podučavanju koji proizlazi iz konstruktivističke paradigme. Oba pristupa se suočavaju s nekoliko dilema koje su više prisutne među učiteljima u praksi, nego kod predlagatelja promjena koji ne rade neposredno u praksi. Posljedice uvođenja promjena uključuju različita tumačenja vrednovanja, provjeravanja i ocjenjivanja. S didaktičnog pogleda uloga povratne informacije se mijenja. Njeno težište se prenosi s ocjenjivanja na provjeravanje. Za učenika nije bitna uloga povratne informacije već njeno značenje

    Academic procrastination of secondary school pupils

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    Zavlačevanje je poteza in/ali oblika vedenja, ki označuje posameznikovo odlašanje z dejavnostjo, ki bi jo moral narediti in se pri tem neprijetno počuti. V raziskavi smo v treh faktorjih učnega zavlačevanja želeli ugotoviti razlike med srednješolci glede na spol, izobraževalni program in učni uspeh prejšnjega šolskega leta. Na vzorcu 284 srednješolcev različnih slovenskih srednjih šol smo ugotovili, da fantje izkazujejo v povprečju statistično značilno več pomanjkanja učne samodiscipline kot dekleta, dekleta pa v povprečju statistično značilno več neugodja kot fantje. Primerjava srednješolcev med programi je pokazala, da gimnazijci v povprečju izkazujejo statistično značilno več učne samodiscipline kot dijaki srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja. V primerjavi različnih končnih učnih uspehov prejšnjega šolskega leta in faktorji zavlačevanja ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik.Procrastination is a trait and/or a form of behavior that denotes an individual\u27s delay in an activity which should be done, and which causes discomfort. In the study we wished to determine the differences between high school students regarding gender, educational programme and learning success of the previous school year in three factors. On a sample of 284 high school students of different Slovenian secondary schools, we found that on average boys show statistically significantly more shortage of learning self-discipline than girls, while girls, on average, significantly more discomfort than boys. Comparison of secondary school students between programmes showed that, on average, gimnazija students show significantly more learning self-discipline than students in secondary technical education. The comparison in relation to different levels of learning success at the end of the previous school year and the factors of procrastination showed, however, no statistically significant differences

    Aprendizagem e Procrastinação: Uma Revisão de Publicações no Período 2005-2015

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    Genetic underpinnings of schizophrenia-related electroencephalographical intermediate phenotypes: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Although substantial research into genetics of psychotic disorders has been conducted, a large proportion of their genetic architecture has remained unresolved. Electroencephalographical intermediate phenotypes (EIP) have the potential to constitute a valuable tool when studying genetic risk loci for schizophrenia, in particular P3b amplitude, P50 suppression, mismatch negativity (MMN) and resting state power spectra of the electroencephalogram (EEG). Here, we systematically reviewed studies investigating the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with these EIPs and meta-analysed them when appropriate. We retrieved 45 studies (N = 34,971 study participants). Four SNPs investigated in more than one study were genome-wide significant for an association with schizophrenia and three were genome-wide suggestive, based on a lookup in the influential 2014 GWAS (Ripke et al., 2014). However, in our meta-analyses, rs1625579 failed to reach a statistically significant association with p3b amplitude decrease and rs4680 risk allele carrier status was not associated with p3b amplitude decrease or with impaired p50 suppression. In conclusion, evidence for SNP associations with EIPs remains limited to individual studies. Careful selection of EIPs and SNPs, combined with consistent reporting of effect sizes, directions of effect and p-values would aid future meta-analyses