52 research outputs found

    Temperature Distribution during Single Pass Multi-Layer Welding in Additive Manufacturing

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    Single bead welding, is a high-speed welding process that is used for manufacturing of thin walled components. Its application is a vast field of research to assess its ability to manufacture complex products. This is different from the conventional welding of two similar and dissimilar materials in which the focus lies on joining of the two metals. This process is used for the creation of a completely new component by weld bead deposition of material

    Review on AMES-Cloud Using Preservation, Fetching and Decisive Video Streaming Over Cloud Computing

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    The video traffic demands are increasing over a mobile network through wireless link cannot corporate with the demand of video traffics. The increasing traffic demand is accounted by video streaming and downloading. Hence, there is a gap between link capacity and traffic demands along with the time varying condition which is result in the poor quality of video streaming service over a mobile network such as sending long buffering time and intermittent disruptions due to limited bandwidth and link condition. By leveraging cloud computing technology, we propose a new mobile video streaming framework which has two main parts : Efficient social video sharing and Adaptive mobile video streaming which built a private agent which provides video streaming service for each mobile user in the network efficiently. To demonstrate its performance we implement a prototype of AMES-Cloud framework. Thus, it is crucial to improve the video quality service of streaming while using the computing resource and networking efficiently and also provides preservation over cloud computing. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15010

    A simple 'paper smear' method for dry collection, transport and storage of cervical cytological specimens for rapid screening of HPV infection by PCR

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are major pathogens associated with the development of cancer of the uterine cervix, the most common malignant tumour of women world-wide. Reliable diagnosis of HPV infection, particularly the 'high-risk' types (16/18), may facilitate early identification of 'high-risk' populations for developing cervical cancer and may augment the sensitivity and specificity of primary cervical cancer screening programmes by complementing the conventional Pap test. A simple paper smear method has been developed for dry collection, transport and storage of cervical smears/scrapes at room temperature for subsequent detection of HPV DNA by PCR assay. Imprint biopsies, blood and fine-needle aspirates were also collected by this method. The cervical scrapes or other body fluids were smeared (within 0.5-1 cm diameter) and dried on to sterile small slides made of Whatman 3MM filter paper, and stored individually at room temperature or at 4°C. A small piece (2-3 mm) of the paper smear was punched or cut out with a sterile surgical blade, boiled in an eppendorf tube containing 50 µl of distilled water for 5 min and used directly for PCR amplification. The quality and quantity of DNA derived from paper smears and the results of PCR amplifications for HPV type 16, BRCA1 and p53 genes were identical to those obtained from the same samples following collection in PBS, storage (-70°C) and phenol-chloroform-based DNA extraction. DNA was stable in the paper smears for up to a year, whether stored at room temperature or at 4°C. This method is simple, rapid and cost-effective, and can be effectively employed for large-scale population screening, especially for regions where the specimens are to be transported from distant places to the laboratory

    Ublažavajući učinak biljke Andrographis paniculata na promjene u brojlera uzrokovane bakterijom E. coli

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    The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the ameliorative effect of Andrographis paniculata during E. coli-induced pathology in broilers. Day-old broiler chicks (n = 100) were randomly divided into four equal groups. Group I served as a negative control and was fed with a commercial diet. On day 8, the birds from groups II and IV were challenged with a single oral dose of E. coli broth culture 0.2 mL (1×109 cfu/mL). Groups III and IV were fed with Andrographis paniculata 5 g/kg of feed from day old to the end of the experiment. The total duration of the experiment was 35 days. On the 7th, 21st and 28th day post infection (DPI) with E. coli, six birds from each group were randomly sacrificed and observed for gross and histopathogical observations. Group II birds showed ascites and thickened intestinal mucosa with cheesy material on the 28th and 35th DPI. Pathomorphological alterations, viz. congestion, hemorrhages, degenerations, necrosis, fibrinous exudates, edema, mononuclear cell and heterophil infiltration in the lung, liver, heart, kidneys and duodenum were observed in group II birds, along with depletion of the lymphoid cell population in the spleen. Pretreatment of Andrographis paniculata in the E. coli challenged group led to mild degenerative changes in all organs, indicating the putative protective effect of the plant during E. coli induced pathology in broilers. However, further, more elaborated study is required to calculate the dosage of Andrographis paniculata for use as an antibacterial agent in broiler feed.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se procijenio ublažavajući učinak biljke Kineski andrografis (Andrographis paniculata) na patološke procese u brojlera uzrokovane bakterijom E. coli. Jednodnevni pilići (n = 100) slučajnim su odabirom podijeljeni u četiri jednake skupine. Prva je skupina poslužila kao negativna kontrola i hranjena je komercijalnom hranom. Osmi dan pilićima iz druge i četvrte skupine peroralno je dana jednokratna doza E. coli bujona u količini od 0,2 mL (1×109 cfu/mL). Treća i četvrta skupina hranjene su biljkom Andrographis paniculata u količini od 5 g/kg hrane od početka do kraja pokusa. Istraživanje je trajalo 35 dana. Sedmi, 21. i 28. dan nakon zaražavanja bakterijom E. coli po šest pilića iz svake skupine nasumce je usmrćeno te su promatrane makroskopske i patohistološke promjene. U drugoj je skupini uočen ascites i zadebljanje crijevne sluznice sa sirastim naslagama 28. i 35. dan poslije zaražavanja. U toj su skupini promatrane patomorfološke promjene poput kongestije, krvarenja, degeneracije, nekroze, fibrinskog eksudata, edema, infiltracije pluća, jetre, srca, bubrega i dvanaesnika mononuklearnim i heterofilnim stanicama, uz depleciju limfoidnih stanica u slezeni. Dodavanje biljke Andrographis paniculata skupini zaraženoj bakterijom E. coli utjecalo je na pojavu blažih degenerativnih promjena u svim organima, što upućuje na zaštitni učinak biljke tijekom izlaganja brojlera bakteriji E. coli. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se izračunala doza biljke Andrographis paniculata kao antibakterijskog dodatka/lijeka u prehrani brojlera

    Detection of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in cancer of the urinary bladder by in situ hybridisation and polymerase chain reaction

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    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of "high risk" human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV 16) in transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Materials and Methods: The study included 10 biopsy specimens from male patients of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder for the detection of HPV DNA sequences. Specimens were collected from the Urology Clinic of the K.G. Medical College Hospital, Lucknow, India. Detection of HPV DNA was carried out by tissue in situ hybridisation (a single copy gene localisation method) using 3H-labelled HPV DNA probe and also by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques using primers to HPV 16 upstream regulatory region (URR). RESULTS--Out of 10 cases of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, "high risk" HPV 16 DNA was detected only in one (10%) by using in situ hybridisation whereas two cases (20%) were found to be positive by polymerase chain reaction. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the rare occurrence of HPV in bladder carcinoma may not have a causal relation with the viral infection

    Variability for Functional and Nutritional Quality Traits in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Natural biodiversity for functional and nutritional quality traits is of prime importance in breeding programmes for developing nutritionally rich genotypes. The present investigation was carried out to identify lines of sweet pepper with high ascorbic acid content and important mineral nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron and manganese. Forty accessions of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were analyzed for their functional and nutritional composition. Wide variation was observed in functional quality traits like ascorbic acid content (22-129mg 100g-1), and β-Carotene (0.39-1.0mg 100g-1) suggesting a considerable level of genetic diversity. Wide variability was also noticed for nutritional composition (K, P, Zn, Cu, Fe&Mn) in the tested lines. Across accessions, concentration of ascorbic acid was negatively correlated with copper content (r = -0.293, p < 0.05) being significantly greater in two accessions, VHC 34 and VHC 37 (129 and 118.0 mg100g-1, respectively) compared to other accessions. β-Carotene concentration was higher (0.85 to 0.99mg 100g-1) in six accessions, and lower (0.39 to 0.54mg 100g-1) in twenty four accessions. Greater variability present for quality traits holds an immense potential to help develop Capsicum lines with traits of high functional and nutritional quality. Therefore, this information is potentially useful in sweet pepper breeding programmes in the future

    Two new novel point mutations localized upstream and downstream of the HMG box region of the SRY gene in three Indian 46,XY females with sex reversal and gonadal tumour formation

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    The Y chromosome-specific gene SRY is one of the key genes involved in human sex determination. The SRY gene encodes a testis-specific transcription factor that plays a key role in sexual differentiation; development in males; is located on the distal region of the short arm of the Y chromosome. Mutations in SRY gene result in XY sex reversal; pure gonadal dysgenesis. SRY expression initiates a network of gene activity that transforms the undifferentiated gonad; genital ridge into testis. Mutations in the SRY gene have been considered to account for only 0-5% of 46;XY gonadal dysgenesis cases; whereas the majority of the remaining cases may have mutation(s) in the SRY regulatory elements or other genes involved in the sex differentiation pathway. Patients both with gonadal dysgenesis; Y-chromosome presence are at high risk of developing gonadoblastoma. Using PCR; single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP); automated DNA sequencing; we analysed the mutations in the SRY gene in three 46;XY sex reversal patients. Two patients demonstrated nucleotide substitution (A→G) within the open reading frame just outside; upstream of the conserved DNA-binding motif called the high-mobility group (HMG) box; replacing glutamine at codon 57 with arginine. Altered SSCP patterns were also observed in these patients. Histological examination of gonads in patient revealed the formation of gonadoblastoma. Patient demonstrated A→T substitution which replaces serine at codon 4 with cysteine; just outside but downstream of the HMG box. Results suggest the involvement of SRY gene in sex reversal which further supports the relationship between SRY alterations; gonadal dysgenesis and/or primary infertility

    Infection of Human Papillomavirus Type 18 and p53 Codon 72 Polymorphism in Lung Cancer Patients From India

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    Study objectives: Infection with specific high-risk HPV types 16 and 18 and polymorphism of p53 codon 72 has been strongly associated with the genesis of various neoplasms in humans, but such study in lung cancer is limited and the results are controversial. In India, the role of these two factors has been strongly implicated in cervical and other cancers, but the occurrence of HPV or p53 codon 72 polymorphism has not been examined in lung cancer, which is the most common cause of cancer-related death in India. Design and patients: A total of 40 tumor biopsy specimens from advanced lung cancer patients and blood samples from 40 matching control subjects were obtained for the analysis of high-risk HPV types 16 and 18 infection and p53 codon 72 polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction. Results: Only HPV type 18 was detected in 5% (2 of 40 lung cancer patients), but no other HPV could be detected. A significantly increased frequency of Arg/Arg homozygotes was observed in patients with advanced lung cancer when compared to that of control subjects (p = 0.004; odds ratio, 5.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.59 to 17.26). However, no significant correlation could be made between p53 polymorphism and different clinical stages, except for advanced stage IV patients, who showed a higher proportion of Arg/Pro heterozygous genotype. Conclusions: HPV detected in a small proportion of lung cancer patients in India demonstrated an exclusive prevalence of HPV type 18, and there was a significantly higher frequency of p53 Arg/Arg genotype when compared to that of control subjects. Observation of a shorter duration of symptoms (≤ 4 months) in as many as 78% (seven of nine stage IV patients) with Arg/Pro genotype may be an indication that lung cancer patients with the heterozygous p53 genotype are more susceptible to early progression

    Transcription factor AP-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Alterations in activity and expression during Human Papillomavirus infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) region of India. A substantial proportion of esophageal carcinoma is associated with infection of high-risk HPV type 16 and HPV18, the oncogenic expression of which is controlled by host cell transcription factor Activator Protein-1 (AP-1). We, therefore, have investigated the role of DNA binding and expression pattern of AP-1 in esophageal cancer with or without HPV infection.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventy five histopathologically-confirmed esophageal cancer and an equal number of corresponding adjacent normal tissue biopsies from Kashmir were analyzed for HPV infection, DNA binding activity and expression of AP-1 family of proteins by PCR, gel shift assay and immunoblotting respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A high DNA binding activity and elevated expression of AP-1 proteins were observed in esophageal cancer, which differed between HPV positive (19%) and HPV negative (81%) carcinomas. While JunB, c-Fos and Fra-1 were the major contributors to AP-1 binding activity in HPV negative cases, Fra-1 was completely absent in HPV16 positive cancers. Comparison of AP-1 family proteins demonstrated high expression of JunD and c-Fos in HPV positive tumors, but interestingly, Fra-1 expression was extremely low or nil in these tumor tissues.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Differential AP-1 binding activity and expression of its specific proteins between HPV - positive and HPV - negative cases indicate that AP-1 may play an important role during HPV-induced esophageal carcinogenesis.</p

    Ultrafiltration by peritoneal route in refractory chronic congestive cardiac failure

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    Diuretics are the mainstay of treatment of refractory heart failure. There is a high incidence of dyselectrolytemia and suboptimal response due to diuretic resistance. Ultrafiltration by peritoneal route can be a safe and effective alternative. This study aims to study the ultrafiltration by peritoneal route in refractory heart failure patients with respect to change in functional status, renal parameters, left ventricular ejection fraction, number of days of hospitalization, and level of myocardial depressant factors. This was a prospective observational study conducted in Nephrology Department of tertiary care hospital. We studied patients with refractory heart failure who had persistent symptoms requiring frequent admissions despite optimal medical decongestion or had dyselectrolytemia with worsening renal parameters. The data were collected at baseline and then after 6 months of starting ultrafiltration. A total of 30 participants were studied. All the patients were in NYHA functional status Class IV before peritoneal ultrafiltration. There was a significant improvement in functional status and only 14 patients (46%) had Class III to Class IV status after application of ultrafiltration. (P 0.001), serum creatinine (3.18 ± 0.98 to 2.16 ± 0.79 mg/dl, P < 0.001), and left ventricular ejection fraction [29.3 ± 7.4 (%) to 48.5 ± 11.8 (%), P < 0.0001] post ultrafiltration. There was also significant improvement in level of myocardial depressant factors (IL-1, IL-6, TNF alpha). Ultrafiltration by peritoneal route seems to be an effective alternative and should be offered to patients with chronic heart failure who are symptomatic despite maximal medical treatment