22 research outputs found

    Analysis of visit rates and user behaviour in the environment of a web portal

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    Analyzing website's data is one of the way how to get information about what the page should improve or maintain. The bachelor thesis will focuse to number of entries, traffic, users and other aspects information behaviour on the particular website. The analysis could help to increase website's visit rate or visibility through data obtained. The practical part will be realised using Google Analytics tool. The data obtained through the tool will be segmented by character. The output of the processed data in tables will be explained by the supporting text and graphs. The obtained data should reflect the condition of the particular website Marbes.cz, which was selected for the practical part of the work. Keywords: web analysis, website traffic, entry, information behaviour, user behaviour, user interface, data analysis, data, analysis, data segmentation

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    Katedra výtvarné výchovyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Diagnosis and treatment of the injuries to the permanent teeth

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    Injuries of the permanent teeth represent extensive and serious problems of dentistry. With the exception of the hard dental tissues, gingiva, periodoncium, dental pulp and alveolar bone are offen affected. The healing of injured teeth depends upon different factors, such as the stage of root development, the presence of bacterial infection in oral cavity and the possible penetration of bacteria or their toxins through the dentinal wall. These factors as well as incorrect treatment can cause posttraumatic complication, which appear immediately after dental trauma or up to several years lato. In this study the evaluation of 384 patients with injuries of the permanent teeth was performed. All these patients were treated in the Dentistry Department of the Faculty Hospital in Pilsen. The aim of the clinical part of the study was the analysis of the epidemiologic data and of the occurrence of posttraumatic consequences in every group of dental injuries. The investigated dates were compared with the dates in the literature. The relation between patient' age, stage of root development, treatment of dental trauma and occurrences of posttraumatic complications has been investigated. The main findings of this study agree with the data in the literature. Dental injuries occur more frequently in children at the..

    Retrospective Study of Forty-Nine Replanted Teeth

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    Introduction, Aim: Avulsion of permanent teeth is one of the most serious dental injuries, and a prompt and correct emergency management is very important for the prognosis of replantation. The aim of this study was to find out the causes that lead to dental avulsion, and to analyze the factors that influenced the success of replantation. Methods: In our study we analyzed the documentation of a sample of 46 patients who had a total of 49 avulsed teeth (17 teeth with open apices, 32 teeth with closed apices) and were treated in Dentistry Department of Medical Faculty in Pilsen. We looked for the causes of the dental injuries, healing after replantation and occurrance of complication. Teeth with closed and open root apices were compared using the Fisher's exact test. Results: In our study the most common causes of the avulsion of the permanent teeth were cycling and sport or game injuries. Early replantation (within 30 minutes after injury) was performed only in five cases. Only 14 teeth were transported to the replantation in moist transport medium. Prophylactic endodontic treatment showed necrotic pulp in all 32 teeth with closed apices. Based on the x-ray examination superficial resorption was observed in 15 replanted teeth (31%), replacement resorption was found out in 21 teeth (43%). External inflammatory resorption afflicted 13 teeth (26%), more frequently teeth with open apices (p = 0,0383). Extraction of tooth was more often performed in teeth with open apices (p = 0,0127). Conclusions: The study showed better prognosis of the replantation of permanent teeth with closed apices

    Evaluation of Root Fractures of the Permanent Teeth

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    Root fractures of the permanent teeth belong to the most severe dental injuries. They usually result from a horizontal impact and the most common afflicted teeth are upper frontal teeth, less common the lower teeth. All tissues of the tooth are afflicted, in same cases an alveolar bone too. The authors evaluate a group of patients with root fracture who were treated at the Dentistry Department of the Faculty Hospital in Pilsen in the years 1995-2002

    The Evaluation of the Occurrence of the Oral Focal Infection. The Group of 278 Patients

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    Introduction and aims: Focal infection is defined as a type of disease when the chronic disease arises in the remote organ or tissue from the primary locus of the infection. The aim of this retrospective study is to assess the prevalence of oral focal infection in 278 patients sent with a request to define a possible risk of local infection in the oral cavity. Methods: In the medical documentation, we have found 278 patients referred to the Dental Clinic, University Hospital in Pilsen since 2011, for the exclusion of oral focal infection. The patients' oral health status, the presence of the teeth suspected of dental focal infection, the need for conservative, periodontal and oral surgery rehabilitation was evaluated. Results: The group of 278 patients was divided into two groups. Group A consisted of 19 patients who were referred to the dental clinic with a request for confirmation or exclusion of oral focal infection as a source of the patient`s disease. Group B consisted of 259 patients referred to the dental clinic within the preoperative medical assessment. On the basis of the documentation, the state of teeth and periodontium and the need for subsequent therapy was retrospectively assessed.In Group A, rehabilitated dentition was observed in only three patients (15.8%). Occurrence of focal infection of oral origin was diagnosed in 15 patients (78.9%), 12 patients were recommended to extract the teeth. Conservative periodontal treatment was required in for 16 patients (84.2%).In Group B, rehabilitated teeth were found in 35 patients (13.5%), focal infection of oral origin was found in 145 patients (56%). In 129 patients (49.8%) at least one tooth extraction was necessary. Conservative treatment of periodontium was necessary in 175 patients (67.6%). Conclusion: Our study evaluated that the oral health status of the majority of patients investigated for possible occurrence of infection in the oral cavity was insufficient. The results showed that it is necessary to raise awareness among the population about the importance of the impact of oral health on overall health


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    Introduction, aim: Cardiovascular diseases are some of the most common health and society problems in the present population. Oral health is considered as a risk factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Contemporary knowledge of the metastatic opportunistic infection of oral etiology is widely known. Methods: This article brings evaluation of oral health in 187 patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery. Patients were examined at the Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital in Pilsen, Charles University during years 2015-2018. Advanced information about the detection of oral bacteria on pathologically changed heart valves are added. The results of the prospective epidemiological study brought information about the neglected state of oral health of these patients; more than half of the examined patients (64.17%) were at risk of metastatic opportunistic infection of oral etiology. The results of the experimental part of the study confirmed the presence of bacterial genetic information on extracted pathologically changed heart valves in 21 samples. Conclusion: The thesis emphasizes the insufficient state of oral health leading to a higher risk of metastatic opportunistic infection in patients with cardiovascular disease. Oral health should not be underestimated in patient prior to the cardiovascular surgery

    Poor Dental Health as a Risk Faktor for Preterm Low Birth Weight Delivery

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    Introduction and aims: Poor dental health and chronic periodontitis may be an independent risk factor for pregnancy or delivery complications. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare dental health status of pregnant women with risk and physiologic pregnancy and of low-birth-weight baby's mothers. Materials and methods: The study included 81 pregnant women in the third trimester (group A), 30 mothers (child birth weight ≤ 1500 g) (group B) and 61 women with a physiologic pregnancy (group C).The age, general health status, DMFT, CPI, PBI indices and the need of dental treatment have been recorded in all women. Results: The average age of women with risk pregnancy was 34.7 years. The average age of women in both groups (B and C) was 32 years. The average value of DMF amounted to 11.3, 11.6 and 12.8 in women of C, B and A groups respectively. Untreated caries occurred in 107 women [62 women with risk pregnancy (76.5%), 13 mothers (34.2%) and 32 women with physiologic pregnancy (52.5%)]. The women with a physiologic pregnancy had significantly lower PBI score than women in groups A and B (p = 0.0194, p= 0.0199). The need of hygienic briefing and periodontal treatment (CPI ≥ 1) was found totally in 178 women [81 women (100%) with risk pregnancy, 37 mothers (97.4%) and 60 women (98%) with a physiologic pregnancy]. Periodontal pockets 3.5-5.5 mm (CPI = 3) were found in 28 women [16 women (19.75%) with risk pregnancy, six mothers (15.79%) and six women (9.84%) with physiologic pregnancy]. Three women had periodontal pockets deeper than 5.5 mm, two of them were those with risk pregnancy (2.47%) and one with physiologic pregnancy (1.64%). Periodontal pockets were detected in only 10 of 52 women, that delivered low-birth-weight babies. Conclusion: The study has not confirmed influence periodontal pockets on the preterm delivery but confirmed the need of increased attention to periodontal tissues and oral hygiene during preventive dental appointments in pregnant women

    Reaction of Dental Pulp after Fracture of a Clinical Crown of Permanent Teeth

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    Fractures of the tooth crown of permanent teeth belong to the most frequent dental injuries. The injury often affects hard dental tissues in complicated fractures, where the fracture line reached into dental pulp, affects dental pulp at well. The aim of this retrospective study was to analyze a group of patients, who were treated for a fracture of dental cap of permanent teeth at the Stomatological Clinic of the Faculty Hospital at Medical Faculty, Charles Unviersity in Plzen (Pilsen). The authors outline possible post-traumatic consequences of this kind of dental injury

    A Clinical Study Evaluating Posttraumatic Consequences in Permanent Teeth

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    Injuries of permanent teeth belong to the most frequent traumas of the oro-facial region. Hard and periodontal tissues and the pulp of the tooth can be involved. Consequences of these injuries become both immediately or later.The aim of our study was to analyze a group of 510 teeth with different types of dental injurie and to find the late posttraumatic consequences