147 research outputs found

    Differential and holomorphic differential operators on noncommutative algebras

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    Abstract This paper deals with sheaves of differential operators on noncommutative algebras, in a manner related to the classical theory of D-modules. The sheaves are defined by quotienting the tensor algebra of vector fields (suitably deformed by a covariant derivative). As an example we can obtain enveloping algebra like relations for Hopf algebras with differential structures which are not bicovariant. Symbols of differential operators are defined, but not studied. These sheaves are shown to be in the center of a category of bimodules with flat bimodule covariant derivatives. Also holomorphic differential operators are considered

    Notes on two-parameter quantum groups, (II)

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    This paper is the sequel to [HP1] to study the deformed structures and representations of two-parameter quantum groups Ur,s(g)U_{r,s}(\mathfrak{g}) associated to the finite dimensional simple Lie algebras \mg. An equivalence of the braided tensor categories \O^{r,s} and \O^{q} is explicitly established.Comment: 21 page

    The Serre spectral sequence of a noncommutative fibration for de Rham cohomology

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    For differential calculi on noncommutative algebras, we construct a twisted de Rham cohomology using flat connections on modules. This has properties similar, in some respects, to sheaf cohomology on topological spaces. We also discuss generalised mapping properties of these theories, and relations of these properties to corings. Using this, we give conditions for the Serre spectral sequence to hold for a noncommutative fibration. This might be better read as giving the definition of a fibration in noncommutative differential geometry. We also study the multiplicative structure of such spectral sequences. Finally we show that some noncommutative homogeneous spaces satisfy the conditions to be such a fibration, and in the process clarify the differential structure on these homogeneous spaces. We also give two explicit examples of differential fibrations: these are built on the quantum Hopf fibration with two different differential structures.Comment: LaTeX, 33 page

    Fusion in the entwined category of Yetter--Drinfeld modules of a rank-1 Nichols algebra

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    We rederive a popular nonsemisimple fusion algebra in the braided context, from a Nichols algebra. Together with the decomposition that we find for the product of simple Yetter-Drinfeld modules, this strongly suggests that the relevant Nichols algebra furnishes an equivalence with the triplet W-algebra in the (p,1) logarithmic models of conformal field theory. For this, the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules is to be regarded as an \textit{entwined} category (the one with monodromy, but not with braiding).Comment: 36 pages, amsart++, times, xy. V3: references added, an unnecessary assumption removed, plus some minor change

    Highest weight categories arising from Khovanov's diagram algebra II: Koszulity

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    This is the second of a series of four articles studying various generalisations of Khovanov's diagram algebra. In this article we develop the general theory of Khovanov's diagrammatically defined "projective functors" in our setting. As an application, we give a direct proof of the fact that the quasi-hereditary covers of generalised Khovanov algebras are Koszul.Comment: Minor changes, extra sections on Kostant modules and rigidity of cell modules adde

    Automorphisms of associative algebras and noncommutative geometry

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    A class of differential calculi is explored which is determined by a set of automorphisms of the underlying associative algebra. Several examples are presented. In particular, differential calculi on the quantum plane, the hh-deformed plane and the quantum group GLpq(2) are recovered in this way. Geometric structures like metrics and compatible linear connections are introduced.Comment: 28 pages, some references added, several amendments of minor importance, remark on modular group in section 8 omitted, to appear in J. Phys.

    Secret Symmetries in AdS/CFT

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    We discuss special quantum group (secret) symmetries of the integrable system associated to the AdS/CFT correspondence. These symmetries have by now been observed in a variety of forms, including the spectral problem, the boundary scattering problem, n-point amplitudes, the pure-spinor formulation and quantum affine deformations.Comment: 20 pages, pdfLaTeX; Submitted to the Proceedings of the Nordita program `Exact Results in Gauge-String Dualities'; Based on the talk presented by A.T., Nordita, 15 February 201

    Structure of the string R-matrix

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    By requiring invariance directly under the Yangian symmetry, we rederive Beisert's quantum R-matrix, in a form that carries explicit dependence on the representation labels, the braiding factors, and the spectral parameters u_i. In this way, we demonstrate that there exist a rewriting of its entries, such that the dependence on the spectral parameters is purely of difference form. Namely, the latter enter only in the combination u_1-u_2, as indicated by the shift automorphism of the Yangian. When recasted in this fashion, the entries exhibit a cleaner structure, which allows to spot new interesting relations among them. This permits to package them into a practical tensorial expression, where the non-diagonal entries are taken care by explicit combinations of symmetry algebra generators.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX; typos correcte

    Classification of bicovariant differential calculi on the Jordanian quantum groups GL_{g,h}(2) and SL_{h}(2) and quantum Lie algebras

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    We classify all 4-dimensional first order bicovariant calculi on the Jordanian quantum group GL_{h,g}(2) and all 3-dimensional first order bicovariant calculi on the Jordanian quantum group SL_{h}(2). In both cases we assume that the bicovariant bimodules are generated as left modules by the differentials of the quantum group generators. It is found that there are 3 1-parameter families of 4-dimensional bicovariant first order calculi on GL_{h,g}(2) and that there is a single, unique, 3-dimensional bicovariant calculus on SL_{h}(2). This 3-dimensional calculus may be obtained through a classical-like reduction from any one of the three families of 4-dimensional calculi on GL_{h,g}(2). Details of the higher order calculi and also the quantum Lie algebras are presented for all calculi. The quantum Lie algebra obtained from the bicovariant calculus on SL_{h}(2) is shown to be isomorphic to the quantum Lie algebra we obtain as an ad-submodule within the Jordanian universal enveloping algebra U_{h}(sl(2)) and also through a consideration of the decomposition of the tensor product of two copies of the deformed adjoint module. We also obtain the quantum Killing form for this quantum Lie algebra.Comment: 33 pages, AMSLaTeX, misleading remark remove