325 research outputs found

    Lebensmittelflüsse in Basel

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    Das Ziel des Projekts „Ernährungssystem Basel“ war, das städtische Ernährungssystem mit all seinen Akteuren im Detail zu analysieren, und eine Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit des Systems vorzunehmen. Eine Übersicht über alle Ergebnisse findet sich auf der Website des FiBL: http://www.fibl.org/de/themen/ernaherungssysteme-gruenflaechen/gruenflaechen-veroeffentlichungen.html. Der vorliegende Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse des Teilprojekts „Lebensmittelflussanalyse“ vor. Die hier behandelten Forschungsfragen sind: - Welche Mengen an Lebensmitteln fliessen in die Stadt Basel? - Welches sind die wichtigen Akteure (horizontale und vertikale Wertschöpfungskette)? - Wie hoch ist der Versorgungsgrad von Lebensmitteln aus der näheren Umgebung der Stadt Basel für verschiedene Produktgruppen

    Das Ernährungssystem Basel – Relevante Politiken, Institutionen und Akteure

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    Unsere Ernährung ist eng mit gesellschaftlichen Aspekten verknüpft. Von der Nahrungsmittelproduktion gehen erhebliche ökologische Wirkungen aus. Das Forschungsprojekt beleuchtet das Ernährungssystem in der Stadt näher und untersucht das Potential für eine nachhaltigere Gestaltung. Im ersten Projektteil wurden die Institutionen, Organisationen und Initiativen identifiziert, die im Ernährungssystem eine Rolle spielen und strategische und rechtliche Dokumente analysiert, die darauf Einfluss nehmen. Die Ergebnisse sind im Folgenden dargestellt. Das Ernährungssystem einer Stadtregion umfasst alle Prozesse, die Lebensmittel von der Produktion über Verarbeitung, Transport, Handel, Konsum bis zur Entsorgung von Lebensmittelresten (und Food Waste) in dieser Stadt durchlaufen, sowie alle Akteure und Institutionen, die diese Prozesse beeinflussen. Dieses System wird nicht nur von Rahmenbedingungen in der Stadt selbst beeinflusst, sondern ist eingebettet in übergeordnete Politiken und Strategien auf kantonaler und Bundesebene. Darüber hinaus ist das Ernährungssystem horizontal eingebettet in verschiedenste Politikfelder; in erster Linie Landwirtschaft, Gesundheit, Umwelt, Wirtschaft. Wie wir zeigen werden, sind aber noch weitere Politikfelder für das Ernährungssystem Basel relevant

    Physicians' communication with patients about adherence to HIV medication in San Francisco and Copenhagen: a qualitative study using Grounded Theory

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    BACKGROUND: Poor adherence is the main barrier to the effectiveness of HIV medication. The objective of this study was to explore and conceptualize patterns and difficulties in physicians' work with patients' adherence to HIV medication. No previous studies on this subject have directly observed physicians' behavior. METHODS: This is a qualitative, cross-sectional study. We used a Grounded Theory approach to let the main issues in physicians' work with patients' adherence emerge without preconceiving the focus of the study. We included physicians from HIV clinics in San Francisco, U.S.A. as well as from Copenhagen, Denmark. Physicians were observed during their clinical work and subsequently interviewed with a semi-structured interview guide. Notes on observations and transcribed interviews were analyzed with NVivo software. RESULTS: We enrolled 16 physicians from San Francisco and 18 from Copenhagen. When we discovered that physicians and patients seldom discussed adherence issues in depth, we made adherence communication and its barriers the focus of the study. The main patterns in physicians' communication with patients about adherence were similar in both settings. An important barrier to in-depth adherence communication was that some physicians felt it was awkward to explore the possibility of non-adherence if there were no objective signs of treatment failure, because patients could feel "accused." To overcome this awkwardness, some physicians consciously tried to "de-shame" patients regarding non-adherence. However, a recurring theme was that physicians often suspected non-adherence even when patients did not admit to have missed any doses, and physicians had difficulties handling this low believability of patient statements. We here develop a simple four-step, three-factor model of physicians' adherence communication. The four steps are: deciding whether to ask about adherence or not, pre-questioning preparations, phrasing the question, and responding to the patient's answer. The three factors/determinants are: physicians' perceptions of adherence, awkwardness, and believability. CONCLUSION: Communication difficulties were a main barrier in physicians' work with patients' adherence to HIV medication. The proposed model of physicians' communication with patients about adherence – and the identification of awkwardness and believability as key issues – may aid thinking on the subject for use in clinical practice and future research

    Microscopic model of critical current noise in Josephson-junction qubits: Subgap resonances and Andreev bound states

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    We propose a microscopic model of critical current noise in Josephson-junctions based on individual trapping-centers in the tunnel barrier hybridized with electrons in the superconducting leads. We calculate the noise exactly in the limit of no on-site Coulomb repulsion. Our result reveals a noise spectrum that is dramatically different from the usual Lorentzian assumed in simple models. We show that the noise is dominated by sharp subgap resonances associated to the formation of pairs of Andreev bound states, thus providing a possible explanation for the spurious two-level systems (microresonators) observed in Josephson junction qubits [R.W. Simmonds et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 077003 (2004)]. Another implication of our model is that each trapping-center will contribute a sharp dielectric resonance only in the superconducting phase, providing an effective way to validate our results experimentally. We derive an effective Hamiltonian for a qubit interacting with Andreev bound states, establishing a direct connection between phenomenological models and the microscopic parameters of a Fermionic bath.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    The Influence of Frequency Containment Reserve Flexibilization on the Economics of Electric Vehicle Fleet Operation

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    Simultaneously with the transformation in the energy system, the spot and ancillary service markets for electricity have become increasingly flexible with shorter service periods and lower minimum powers. This flexibility has made the fastest form of frequency regulation - the frequency containment reserve (FCR) - particularly attractive for large-scale battery storage systems (BSSs) and led to a market growth of these systems. However, this growth resulted in high competition and consequently falling FCR prices, making the FCR market increasingly unattractive to large-scale BSSs. In the context of multi-use concepts, this market may be interesting especially for a pool of electric vehicles (EVs), which can generate additional revenue during their idle times. In this paper, multi-year measurement data of 22 commercial EVs are used for the development of a simulation model for marketing FCR. In addition, logbooks of more than 460 vehicles of different economic sectors are evaluated. Based on the simulations, the effects of flexibilization on the marketing of a pool of EVs are analyzed for the example of the German FCR market design, which is valid for many countries in Europe. It is shown that depending on the sector, especially the recently made changes of service periods from one week to one day and from one day to four hours generate the largest increase in available pool power. Further reductions in service periods, on the other hand, offer only a small advantage, as the idle times are often longer than the short service periods. In principle, increasing flexibility overcompensates for falling FCR prices and leads to higher revenues, even if this does not apply across all sectors examined. A pool of 1,000 EVs could theoretically generate revenues of about 5,000 EUR - 8,000 EUR per week on the German FCR market in 2020.Comment: Preprint, 23 pages, 21 figures, 10 table

    Predictive Factors Associated with Declining Psycho-Oncological Support in Patients with Cancer

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    (1) Background: International cancer treatment guidelines recommend low-threshold psycho-oncological support based on nurses’ routine distress screening (e.g., via the distress thermometer and problem list). This study aims to explore factors which are associated with declining psycho-oncological support in order to increase nurses’ efficiency in screening patients for psycho-oncological support needs. (2) Methods: Using machine learning, routinely recorded clinical data from 4064 patients was analyzed for predictors of patients declining psycho-oncological support. Cross validation and nested resampling were used to guard against model overfitting. (3) Results: The developed model detects patients who decline psycho-oncological support with a sensitivity of 89% (area under the cure of 79%, accuracy of 68.5%). Overall, older patients, patients with a lower score on the distress thermometer, fewer comorbidities, few physical problems, and those who do not feel sad, afraid, or worried refused psycho-oncological support. (4) Conclusions: Thus, current screening procedures seem worthy to be part of daily nursing routines in oncology, but nurses may need more time and training to rule out misconceptions of patients on psycho-oncological support

    Extraction of the frequency moments of spectral densities from imaginary-time correlation function data

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    We introduce an exact framework to compute the positive frequency moments M(α)(q)=ωαM^{(\alpha)}(\mathbf{q})=\braket{\omega^\alpha} of different dynamic properties from imaginary-time quantum Monte Carlo data. As a practical example, we obtain the first five moments of the dynamic structure factor S(q,ω)S(\mathbf{q},\omega) of the uniform electron gas at the electronic Fermi temperature based on \emph{ab initio} path integral Monte Carlo simulations. We find excellent agreement with known sum rules for α=1,3\alpha=1,3, and, to our knowledge, present the first results for α=2,4,5\alpha=2,4,5. Our idea can be straightforwardly generalized to other dynamic properties such as the single-particle spectral function A(q,ω)A(\mathbf{q},\omega), and will be useful for a number of applications, including the study of ultracold atoms, exotic warm dense matter, and condensed matter systems