143 research outputs found

    How do teachers evaluate their working conditions?

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    Složenost delatnosti i unutrašnje strukture školske institucije omogućava izdvajanje tzv. sadržajno-strukturalnih komponenata škole i njihovih sastavnih elemenata. Ukoliko školu posmatramo kao kontekst u kojem nastavnici ostvaruju svoju profesionalnu ulogu, pojedine komponente škole i njihove elemente možemo razumevati i kao okolnosti u kojima deluju nastavnici. U radu je dat prikaz dela rezultata ispitivanja mišljenja nastavnika o elementima sadržaja i strukture škole kao ograničavajućim ili podsticajnim okolnostima za rad. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da najveći broj ispitanih nastavnika izdvaja pojedine elemente organizacije rada i života škole kao okolnosti koje ih ograničavaju u radu, a pojedine elemente socijalnog sistema škole kao okolnosti koje ih podstiču u radu. Iako se ograničavajuće ili podsticajne okolnosti za rad nastavnika samo delimično nalaze u školi, mišljenje nastavnika o tome šta ih ograničava, a šta podstiče u radu može predstavljati dobru polaznu osnovu za restrukturiranje i razvoj škole kao institucije.The complexity of work and internal structure of school institutions enables the distinguishing of the so-called content-structural components of school and their constitutive elements. If we regard school as a context in which teachers play their professional roles, some school components and their elements can be seen as the conditions in which teachers act. The paper offers a review of the partial results of a research on teachers' views of the elements of the content and structure of the school that they find limiting or stimulating for work. The obtained results show that the majority of the interviewed teachers select particular elements of the organization of work and life in their school as factors that limit their work, while some elements of the school social system are seen as stimulating factors. Although both limiting and stimulating factors for teachers' work are only partially situated in schools themselves, the teachers' opinions about what limits them and what stimulates them may be used as a good starting point for restructuring and development of the school as an institution

    Interpretation of 3D city models for Sustainable Urban Development

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    Many urban or environmental models are determined with the objective to help practitioners and stakeholders in the processes of decision making. The models represented in 3D dimensional geometry are elements of a city and are called 3D models cities. In a wide range, these models are more and more being used for different cities and countries, for purposes beyond simple visualization. Possibility of using of this kind of models, in introducing semantics as geometric aspects, leads into enriching the semantics of 3D city models. Furthermore, in the perspective of sustainable development, cities should be studied in thorough and comprehensive way, taking into account inter relation of many different questions and problematic issues that are related to the future development of urban areas. This can be achieved through the identification and utilization of knowledge about the data and the models, too. The use of ontology is a powerful way to reach the semantic enrichment of 3D city models and also their interoperability with other urban models, so that they become an effective matrix of urban knowledge with a perspective of sustainability. This action will enable: Integrative platform based on semantics enrichment of 3D city models, Use of ontological methodology that can be reused, Evaluating the usability of integrative platform for planning and decision making

    The importance of extended structure of school activities

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    U radu se razmatra pitanje potrebe i značaja organizovanja i realizovanja brojnih i raznovrsnih školskih aktivnosti ko je pored nastavnih aktivnosti treba da čine sastavni deo školskog programa, odnosno celinu strukture aktivnosti škole. Dat je pregled i objašnjenje većeg broja školskih aktivnosti koje su svrstane u sledeće kategorije: (a) školske aktivnosti namenjene učenicima (nastavne aktivnosti i druge vaspitno-obrazovne aktivnosti koje se realizuju u školi i van nje); (b) kulturno-obrazovne aktivnosti namenjene različitim kategorijama potencijalnih korisnika; (c) aktivnosti indirektno povezane sa nastavnim, vaspitno-obrazovnim radom i kulturnim delovanjem škole kojima se obezbeđuju pretpostavke uspešnog školskog rada. Posebna pažnja posvećena je sagledavanju mogućih efekata vaspitno-obrazovnih vannastavnih aktivnosti i to sa aspekta doprinosa koji one mogu imati na rad i razvoj učenika, profesionalne delovanje i ponašanje nastavnika i razvoj škole kao institucije. Ističe se da razgranata struktura školskih aktivnosti doprinosi uspešnijem ostvarivanju predviđenih ciljeva i ishoda vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, profesionalnom razvoju nastavnika i ostalih zaposlenih u školi, kao i profilisanju programske specifičnosti škole.The article elaborates the issue of the need and importance of organizing Abstract and realizing various school activities which, beside teaching/learning activities, should be a part of a school programme, i.e. the totality of the school activities structure. A review and explanation of a number of school activities are presented. The activities are listed in the following categories: (a) school activities for students (educational activities performed in and out of school); (b) cultural-educational activities for different categories of potential users; (c) activities indirectly related to educational and cultural roles of school as presuppositions of successful school work. Special attention is paid to possible effects educational outdoor activities may have on students' engage­ment and development, professional activities and behaviour of teachers and the development of the school as institution. The outstretched structure of school activities contributes successful completion of the planned educational goals and outcomes, stimulates further professional teacher development and other employees, and aids establishing a specific educational profile of the school

    The role of school pedagogue in inclusive education: How students of education see it

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    Poslednjih godina u našoj zemlji se sve intenzivnije poklanja pažnja potrebi i mogućnostima ostvarivanja inkluzivnog modela obrazovanja, koji podrazumeva obezbeđivanje jednakih prava i mogućnosti obrazovanja za sve učenike (bez obzira na individualne razlike), kao i fleksibilniji pristup u zadovoljavanju specifičnih obrazovnih i širih društvenih potreba sve dece. U promovisanju i razvijanju inkluzivnog pristupa obrazovanju stručni saradnici u školama zauzimaju značajno mesto. Istraživanjem koje smo sproveli želeli smo da utvrdimo mišljenje studenata pedagogije o ulozi školskog pedagoga u primeni inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Kao istraživačku tehniku koristili smo anketiranje, odnosno konstruisali smo upitnik s pitanjima otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 87 studenata treće i četvrte godine studija pedagogije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Nalazi ukazuju da ispitani studenti uviđaju značaj problema obrazovanja učenika s posebnim potrebama, kao i složenost i zahtevnost uloge pedagoga u primeni inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Većina ispitanih studenata smatra da nije adekvatno osposobljena za rad s učenicima sa posebnim potrebama i konkretno navodi znanja i veštine koje su im u tom pogledu potrebne. U radu se ističe neophodnost vršenja izmena u programskim dokumentima za rad stručnih saradnika u školi, ali i u programima studija pedagogije, kako bi se stvorili uslovi za uspešno delovanje školskog pedagoga u inkluzivnom obrazovanju.In recent years the need and possibilities of implementing the inclusive model of education which implies provision of equal rights and opportunities for education for all students (regardless personal differences) and a more flexible approach to satisfying specific educational and wider social needs of all children has attracted increasing attention in our country. School pedagogues play an important role in promoting and developing the inclusive approach to education. By the research we con­ducted we wanted to determine the views of students of education on the role of the school pedagogue in the application of inclusive education. Regarding the research technique, we opted for polling, i.e. we construed a questionnaire with both open and closed questions. The research comprised 87 third and fourth year students of education in the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The results indicate that the examined students do understand the gravity of the problem of students-with-special-needs education. Most of them think that they are not receiving adequate training for work with students with special needs and they singled out the types of knowledge and skills they think would be required in this respect. The paper offers some suggestions for altering the programme documents which define the work of school pedagogues, as well as for curricular changes in Education studies in order to provide better conditions for efficient work of school pedagogues in inclusive education


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    U rimskoj pravnoj tradiciji, ali i suvremenim građanskopravnim sustavima pojmom commorientes (komorijenti, suumirući) označavaju se osobe umrle u istoj nesreći ili drugoj opasnosti, nalazeći se međusobno u pravnom položaju relevantnom za nasljedno pravo. U vezi s rješavanjem ovakvih situacija u privatnopravnoj teoriji dolazi do razvoja različitih pravnih presumpcija još od razdoblja klasičnog rimskog prava. Sve te presumpcije moguće je sistematizirati u okviru dvaju osnovnih koncepata – prvog, utemeljenog na presumiranju nadživjelosti subjekata i drugog, utemeljenog na presumiranju istovremenosti smrti subjekata. Poredbeno promatrajući u razvoju europskog privatnog prava došlo je do recepcije obaju koncepata, s tim da će s vremenom koncept istovremenosti, gotovo u potpunosti, potisnuti koncept nadživjelosti. U radu se analiziraju razlozi zbog kojih do toga dolazi. Uspostavljajući vezu između rimskih korijena i europskog privatnog prava posebna pozornost posvećuje se mogućnosti primjene presumpcija u odnosu na slučajeve kada između smrti osoba postoji određena prostorna ili vremenska udaljenost ili ako je različit uzrok doveo do smrtnih posljedica. U konačnici rad jasno ukazuje na važnost rimskih pravila koja katkad mogu imati fundamentalni značaj u razumijevanju instituta suvremenog privatnog prava.In the Roman legal tradition, but also in modern civil law systems, the term commorientes (lat. commorientes) refers to persons who died in the same accident or other danger, standing in a legal position relevant to inheritance law. In connection with the resolution of such situations in the theory of private law, various legal presumptions have been developed since the period of classical Roman law. All these presumptions can be systematized within two basic concepts - the first based on the presumption of survival of subjects and the second based on the presumption of the simultaneous death of subjects. Comparatively, in the development of European private law, there has been a reception of both concepts, with the proviso that over time the concept of simultaneity will almost completely suppress the concept of survival. The paper analyzes the reasons for this. In establishing a link between Roman roots and European private law, special attention is given to the possibility of applying presumptions in cases where there is a certain spatial or temporal distance between the deaths of persons or if a different cause has led to fatal consequences. Ultimately, the paper clearly points to the importance of Roman rules, which can sometimes be fundamental in understanding the institutes of contemporary private law

    Continuing professional development of teachers: Interplay of the school management, school climate, motivation and incentives

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uzajamnih veza insentiva i motivacije koji podstiču nastavnike i utiču na njihovo učešće u programima za kontinuirano profesionalno usavršavanje (KPUN) sa karakteristikama organizacije (efektivni školski menadžment i podsticajna školska klima), te učešćem nastavnika u programima za KPUN i njihovim zadovoljstvom tim programima. Uzorak su činili nastavnici iz 92 osnovne škole iz Srbije (N=1162). Podaci su prikupljani pomoću tri instrumenta, koji se sastoje od ukupno 93 stavke, za merenje percepcije: podsticajnosti školskog menadžmenta, školske klime i različitih insentiva i motiva. Prikupljeni podaci podvrgnuti su nekolicini uobičajenih statističkih postupaka (frekvencije, standardna devijacija, aritmetička sredina i sl.), te složenijim statističkim postupcima (eksplanatorna faktorska analiza, konfirmatorna faktorska analiza, modelovanje strukturalnih jednačina). Rezultati upućuju na složenu međusobnu "igru" motivacije i insentiva sa percepcijom školskog menadžmenta i školske klime i ukazuju na potrebu za detaljnim planiranjem, razvojem i realizacijom programa za KPUN koji bi bili korisni za svakodnevi posao nastavnika, njihovu samorealizaciju i poboljšanje performanse, dok bi u tom procesu valjalo posebnu pažnju pokloniti razvoju školskog menadžmenta i školske klime podsticajne za kontinuirano profesionalno usavršavanje nastavnika.This study is aimed to explore interconnections of incentives and motivation that instigate and affect teachers to participate in programs for continuing professional development of teachers (CPDT) with organizational characteristics (effective school management and supportive school climate) that support teachers' participation in the CPDT programs, and their satisfaction with these programs. The sample of teachers from 92 primary schools in Serbia (N=1162) were included. The data were collected by three instruments that consisted of 93 items in total, that had to measure perception of: supportiveness of the school management, the school climate, and the different incentives and motives. The collected data were subjected to a few common (frequencies, std. deviation, means, etc.) and more complex statistical proceedings (exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis). The results indicate complex interplay of motivation and incentives with perceived school management and perceived school climate, with emphasis on requirement for detailed planning, development and distribution of CPDT programs that are useful for everyday activities of teachers, for their self-realization and for improvement of their performance, while in this process special attention should be given to development of effective school management and school climate conductive for teacher's continuing professional development

    The development of funeral law in the Roman legal tradition

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    U rimskom pravu gotovo da i nemamo izvore koji pažnju posvećuju direktno tijelu umrle osobe. Tijelo kao takvo nije bilo zaštićeno. Pokojnik se štitio, prvenstveno, kroz zaštitu groba, koji je smatran stvari posvećenoj kultu pokojnika – diis manibus relictae. Unatoč tome, detaljnija analiza pravnih izvora jasno afirmira tezu o postojanju pravila iz sfere pogrebnog prava, kojima je regulirano konstituiranje određenih ograničenih prava u vezi s tijelom umrle osobe, a usko povezanih s odlučivanjem o načinu obavljanja pogreba, kremacije, prijenosa tijela, izgradnji nadgrobnog spomenika i slično. Autor smatra kako se ostvarivanje ovih prava u prvom redu vrši po volji umrlog, a u slučaju kada je nije iskazao, na vršenje se pozivaju bračni drug i nužni nasljednici. Nasljednici se pozivaju onim redom kojim bi ih i po rimskom pravu pozivali na nasljedstvo, neovisno o tome jesu li išta iz imovine umrlog naslijedili. Opstojnost predstavljene koncepcije ispitana je i u okviru kanonskog prava, ali i europskog prava u doba kodificiranja privatnog prava tijekom 19.. i na početku 20. stoljeća. Imajući u vidu da ne postoje jedinstveni stavovi o ovim pitanjima, autor posebnu pozornost posvećuje pravnoj kulturi Austrijskog građanskog zakonika, ostavljajući mogućnost da se pravne praznine riješe u duhu rimske pravne tradicije.Certain Roman legal texts, most notably the Institutes of Gaius, show that it is not possible to constitute private law on the body of a deceased, since it belongs to Manes, gods of the afterlife. Nevertheless, detailed analysis of legal texts, which represents the first part of the paper, confirms the possibility of limited constitution of private law relating to corpse, but also gives answers about persons who have the right to organize funeral, cremation, transfer the body, build a monument, etc. The author believes that these rights, in the first place, belonged to the deceased, and if not specified, to the spouse and necessary successors were invited to exercise these rights. Inheritors are invited to acquire the rights in the order of precedence of legal inheritance, whether or not they inherited any assets. The second part of the paper comparatively presents conception of Canon Law as well as European Law in the age of modern codifications of private law during 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. Bearing in mind, there are unified views on these issues, author gives special attention to the legal culture of Austrian Civil Code, leaving the possibility to solve legal voids in the spirit of Roman legal tradition

    Processing of GIS data and building of 3D dem models with FME transformer tools

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    The processes of processing of 2D or 3D geodetic or geo-information data by using the FME software and other software\u27s or tools in combination and then through mathematical logics in FME building of such 3D models from original measured terrain data within transformers given by FME, could be considered as very important attempt of creating of such 3D models, exactly when we have to deal with huge data by the size of its as input data. These kind of doing of processing of data through FME software, can be considered as important issue also for resolving of other today related exercises derived from field of geodesy and geo-information. By the way many organizations and private companies or investors require realistic and accurate 3D models of their projects for decision-making through visualization and simulation. Additionally for creating the most accurate 3D models as the final product, both 2D and 3D, often needs to be shared with decision-makers in a different file format


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    PRIKAZ KNJIGE Autor: Mehmed Bećić Naslov: Između Orijenta i Okcidenta: Recepcija Općeg građanskog zakonika u Bosni i Hercegovini Nakladnik: Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu Impresum: Sarajevo, 2022

    Dimensions of the pedagogue's role

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    U cilju izgradnje i očuvanja identiteta profesije pedagoga korisno je razmotriti pitanje funkcije angažovanja stručnog profila pedagoga u školskoj praksi, kao i analizirati osnovne odlike uloge pedagoga u školi. U ovom radu naglašava se potreba rekonceptualizacije postojeće uloge pedagoga u školi. Proces rekonceptualizacije jedne profesionalne uloge podrazumeva preispitivanje njene funkcije i prirode, odnosno svrhe i cilja profesionalnog delovanja, programskih osnova rada, sadržaja i načina realizacije konkretnih zadataka i poslova. Pored toga, važno je u tom procesu identifikovati potrebne preduslove za uspešno profesionalno delovanje u praksi, među kojima se, zbog svoje važnosti, posebno izdvaja inicijalno obrazovanje. U ovom radu, polazeći od mogućeg značenja sintagme stručni saradniku školi, izdvajaju se i objašnjavaju tri dimenzije uloge školskog pedagoga koje se ne analiziraju samo kao grupe srodnih zadataka i poslova, već kao polazne osnove na kojima bi celokupno delovanje pedagoga u školi trebalo utemeljiti i smernice ka kojima bi delovanje trebalo usmeriti. U tekstu su posebno objašnjene sledeće dimenzije uloge školskog pedagoga: pedagog kao saradnik; pedagog kao istraživač; pedagog kao savetodavac i konsultant.In order to enhance and preserve the identity of the profession of the pedagogue it seems reasonable to analyze the question of the function of the engagement of the school pedagogue in educational practice. in this paper we stress the need for re-conceptualization of the existing role of the pedagogue in school. The process of re-conceptualization of a professional role implies re-eximination of its function and nature, i.e. purpose and goals of professional work, contents and modes of realization of concrete tasks and work. Further, it is important to identify all necessary preconditions for successful professional activities, among which, due to its importance, initial education stands out. in this paper, starting with a possible understanding of the term professional councellor, three dimensions of the role of the school pedagogue are stressed and explained, which are not analyzed only as sets of related tasks and jobs, but the base­lines on which all activities of the pedagogue should be founded and the guidelines for directing these activities. The following dimensions of the role of the pedagogue are especially stressed and explained: the pedagogue as the associate, the pedagogue as the researcher, the pedagogue as the councellor and consultant