73 research outputs found

    Development of a single photon detector using wavelength-shifting and light-guiding technology

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    Das IceCube Neutrino-Observatorium ist ein am geografischen Südpol im Eis installierter Neutrinodetektor. In IceCube werden Neutrinos mit Tscherenkow-Strahlung von Sekundärteilchen aus Neutrino Interaktionen detektiert. Für den Nachfolgedetektor IceCube-Gen2, werden neue und verbesserte Lichtdetektoren gesucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung eines dieser Lichtdetektoren. Dieser basiert auf Wellenlängen schiebenden und Licht leitenden Technologien. Der Detektor mit dem Namen "Wavelength-shifting Optical Module" (WOM) verwendet eine transparente Röhre, mit wellenlängenschiebender Farbe, als passiver Photonendetektor. Das in der Wellenlänge verschobene Licht wird durch Totalreflexion, zu kleinen PMTs an beiden Enden geleitet. Die Auswahl dieses Designs reduziert die Kosten und verbessert das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis wesentlich, möglicherweise können mit dieser Lösung extragalaktische Supernova in zukünftigen Detektoren beobachtet werden. Als eine Kernkomponente wird die wellenlängenschiebende Röhre ausführlich untersucht. Verschiedene Messaufbauten und Auswertungsmethoden werden entwickelt, um diese im Anschluss zu untersuchen und zu bewerten. Iterative Verbesserungen der Materialien und des Farbauftrageverfahren als auch Messmethoden, resultieren in einer kombinierten Einfang-, Wellenlängenschiebe- und Transporteffizienz von 28,1 +/- 5,4 % der Röhre. Ein Model zur Beschreibung des Lichtverhaltens in der Röhre wird entwickelt um eine Diskrepanz zwischen Theorie und Messung zu untersuchen. Die Kombination zwischen Messung und Model, bestätigt die Aussagekraft des Models und zeigt, dass ein Großteil der Verluste beim Lichttransport zustande kommen. Darüber hinaus werden die physikalischen Eigenschaften des WOM in die IceCube Simulationsumgebung eingebaut. Der Vergleich zu einem Konkurrenzmodul zeigt eine Überlegenheit des WOM um den Faktor 1,05 +/- 0,07. Es werden Vorschläge und Ausblicke für Verbesserungen der Leistungsfähigkeit des WOMs gegeben.The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is an in ice neutrino detector located at the geographic South Pole. In IceCube neutrinos are detected via Cherenkov light produced by secondary particles in neutrino interactions. For the upgraded detector IceCube-Gen2, new and improved light detectors are sought-after. This work describes the development of one of those light detectors based on a novel combination of wavelength-shifting and light-guiding technology. The detector named the Wavelength-shifting Optical Module (WOM) utilizes a large transparent tube, coated with wavelength-shifting paint as a passive photon detector. The wavelength-shifted light is guided via total internal reflection towards small active light detectors, at each end of the tube. This design reduces costs and improves the signal to noise ratio significantly, thereby potentially enabling extragalactic supernova detections in future detectors. As a core component, the wavelength-shifting tube is extensively investigated. Different measurement setups and evaluation techniques are developed and investigated. Iterative improvement of materials and coating techniques as well as measurement methods currently result in a combined photon capture, shift and transport efficiency of 28.1 +/- 5.4 % for the tube. Those results contrast the theoretical maximum of 74.5 %. A model is developed to describe the light propagation and loss processes in the tube and to understand the discrepancies between theory and measurement. The combination of the measurements with the model, validate the descriptive qualities of the model and show that most of the light is lost during the light propagation in the tube. Additionally, the physical properties of the WOM are included in the IceCube simulation framework. A comparison to a competing module showed that the WOM outperforms by a factor of 1.05 +/- 0.07 in photon detection numbers. Where applicable, suggestions and outlooks are given to enhance the performance of the WOM

    "What's (the) Matter?", A Show on Elementary Particle Physics with 28 Demonstration Experiments

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    We present the screenplay of a physics show on particle physics, by the Physikshow of Bonn University. The show is addressed at non-physicists aged 14+ and communicates basic concepts of elementary particle physics including the discovery of the Higgs boson in an entertaining fashion. It is also demonstrates a successful outreach activity heavily relying on the university physics students. This paper is addressed at anybody interested in particle physics and/or show physics. This paper is also addressed at fellow physicists working in outreach, maybe the experiments and our choice of simple explanations will be helpful. Furthermore, we are very interested in related activities elsewhere, in particular also demonstration experiments relevant to particle physics, as often little of this work is published. Our show involves 28 live demonstration experiments. These are presented in an extensive appendix, including photos and technical details. The show is set up as a quest, where 2 students from Bonn with the aid of a caretaker travel back in time to understand the fundamental nature of matter. They visit Rutherford and Geiger in Manchester around 1911, who recount their famous experiment on the nucleus and show how particle detectors work. They travel forward in time to meet Lawrence at Berkeley around 1950, teaching them about the how and why of accelerators. Next, they visit Wu at DESY, Hamburg, around 1980, who explains the strong force. They end up in the LHC tunnel at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland in 2012. Two experimentalists tell them about colliders and our heroes watch live as the Higgs boson is produced and decays. The show was presented in English at Oxford University and University College London, as well as Padua University and ICTP Trieste. It was 1st performed in German at the Deutsche Museum, Bonn (5/'14). The show has eleven speaking parts and involves in total 20 people.Comment: 113 pages, 88 figures. An up to date version of the paper with high resolution pictures can be found at http://www.th.physik.uni-bonn.de/People/dreiner/Downloads/. In v2 the acknowledgements and a citation are correcte

    Design of an Efficient, High-Throughput Photomultiplier Tube Testing Facility for the IceCube Upgrade

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    Multi-messenger searches via IceCube’s high-energy neutrinos and gravitational-wave detections of LIGO/Virgo

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    We summarize initial results for high-energy neutrino counterpart searches coinciding with gravitational-wave events in LIGO/Virgo\u27s GWTC-2 catalog using IceCube\u27s neutrino triggers. We did not find any statistically significant high-energy neutrino counterpart and derived upper limits on the time-integrated neutrino emission on Earth as well as the isotropic equivalent energy emitted in high-energy neutrinos for each event

    Observation of Cosmic Ray Anisotropy with Nine Years of IceCube Data

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    The Acoustic Module for the IceCube Upgrade

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    A Combined Fit of the Diffuse Neutrino Spectrum using IceCube Muon Tracks and Cascades

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    Non-standard neutrino interactions in IceCube

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    Non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI) may arise in various types of new physics. Their existence would change the potential that atmospheric neutrinos encounter when traversing Earth matter and hence alter their oscillation behavior. This imprint on coherent neutrino forward scattering can be probed using high-statistics neutrino experiments such as IceCube and its low-energy extension, DeepCore. Both provide extensive data samples that include all neutrino flavors, with oscillation baselines between tens of kilometers and the diameter of the Earth. DeepCore event energies reach from a few GeV up to the order of 100 GeV - which marks the lower threshold for higher energy IceCube atmospheric samples, ranging up to 10 TeV. In DeepCore data, the large sample size and energy range allow us to consider not only flavor-violating and flavor-nonuniversal NSI in the μ−τ sector, but also those involving electron flavor. The effective parameterization used in our analyses is independent of the underlying model and the new physics mass scale. In this way, competitive limits on several NSI parameters have been set in the past. The 8 years of data available now result in significantly improved sensitivities. This improvement stems not only from the increase in statistics but also from substantial improvement in the treatment of systematic uncertainties, background rejection and event reconstruction

    IceCube Search for Earth-traversing ultra-high energy Neutrinos

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    The search for ultra-high energy neutrinos is more than half a century old. While the hunt for these neutrinos has led to major leaps in neutrino physics, including the detection of astrophysical neutrinos, neutrinos at the EeV energy scale remain undetected. Proposed strategies for the future have mostly been focused on direct detection of the first neutrino interaction, or the decay shower of the resulting charged particle. Here we present an analysis that uses, for the first time, an indirect detection strategy for EeV neutrinos. We focus on tau neutrinos that have traversed Earth, and show that they reach the IceCube detector, unabsorbed, at energies greater than 100 TeV for most trajectories. This opens up the search for ultra-high energy neutrinos to the entire sky. We use ten years of IceCube data to perform an analysis that looks for secondary neutrinos in the northern sky, and highlight the promise such a strategy can have in the next generation of experiments when combined with direct detection techniques

    Search for high-energy neutrino sources from the direction of IceCube alert events

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