11 research outputs found

    Dynamic Time Warp

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    Directed symptom dynamics of 166 depressed inpatients: a dynamic time warp analysis of the Beck Depression Inventory-I

    Symptom profile and clinical course of inpatients with unipolar versus bipolar depression

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    Background:Although differences in symptom profiles and outcome between depressive patients with an underlying major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar depression (BD) have been reported, studies with sequential short-interval assessments in a real-life inpatient setting are scarce.Objectives:To examine potential differences in symptom profile and course of depressive symptomatology in depressive inpatients with underlying MDD and BD.Methods:A cohort of 276 consecutive inpatients with MDD (n= 224) or BD (n= 52) was followed during their hospitalization using routine outcome monitoring (ROM), which included a structured diagnostic interview at baseline (Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview Plus [MINI-Plus]) and repeated 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale every 2 weeks. MDD and BD were compared regarding their symptom profiles and time to response and remission. Furthermore, the concordance between the MINI-Plus and clinical diagnosis was analyzed.Results:Patients were on average 52 and 47 years old in the MDD and BD group, respectively, and 66 versus 64% were female. Compared to patients with BD, patients with MDD scored higher on weight loss (p= 0.02), whereas the BD group showed a higher long-term likelihood of response (hazard ratio = 1.93, 95% confidence interval 1.16-3.20,pfor interaction with time = 0.04). Although the same association was seen for remission, the interaction with time was not significant (p= 0.48). Efficiency between the MINI-Plus and clinical diagnosis of BD was high (0.90), suggesting that the MINI-Plus is an adequate ROM diagnostic tool.Conclusions:In routine clinical inpatient care, minor differences in the symptom profile and the course of depressive symptomatology may be helpful in distinguishing MDD and BD, particularly when using sequential ROM assessments.Stress-related psychiatric disorders across the life spa

    Cognitive change after electroconvulsive therapy in mood disorders measured with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment

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    Objective: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a sensitive and clinically practical test but its usefulness in measuring long-term cognitive effects of ECT is unclear. Using the MoCA, we investigated short- and long-term global cognitive change in ECT-treated patients with a Major Depressive Episode (MDE). Method: We included 65 consecutive ECT-treated patients with MDE, in whom global cognitive functioning was assessed at baseline (T0); during ECT (before the third session; T1); and 1 week (T2), 3 months (T3), and 6 months (T4) after completion of the index course. Changes in MoCA (sub)scores were analyzed using linear mixed models and reliable change indices were computed to investigate individual changes in MoCA total scores. Results: There was a significant effect of time on MoCA scores (F(4, 230.5) = 4.14, P = 0.003), with an improvement in global cognitive functioning from T3 compared to T1 and T2. At the individual level, 26% (n = 17) of patients showed a significantly worse cognitive functioning at T2 and 12% (n = 8) an improved cognitive functioning compared to T0. For T4, these percentages ameliorated to 8% and 18% respectively. Conclusion: No persistent global cognitive impairment induced by ECT was found at the group level using the MoCA. At the individual level, however, there was clear heterogeneity in the effects of ECT on cognitive functioning. The MoCA is a suitable tool to monitor short- and long-term global cognitive functioning in ECT-treated patients with MDE but in younger patients, potential ceiling effects must be taken into account