2,791 research outputs found

    All things being equal? Equality and diversity in careers education,information, advice and guidance

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    In its education chapter, the Commission’s first Triennial Review of evidence on inequality, How Fair is Britain? Equality, Human Rights and Good Relations in 2010, found that educational attainment has been transformed in recent years. Around half of young people are now getting good qualifications at 16 (5+ A*-C GCSEs or equivalent including English and Maths) and, in 2008/09, 2.4 million students enrolled in higher education in the UK – a considerable change from a time when educational opportunities were only available to a minority of young people. However, the evidence shows that educational attainment continues to be strongly associated with socio-economic background. Stereotypical information and guidance can limit young people’s options and aspirations at an early age. Careers advice often reinforces traditional choices and young people have limited information on the pay advantages of nontraditional routes. Nearly one in four young people say that they have not had enough information to make choices for their future. This rises to just under a quarter of disabled young people

    Ethical challenges experienced by UK military medical personnel deployed to Sierra Leone (operation GRITROCK) during the 2014–2015 Ebola outbreak : a qualitative study

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    Background: As part of its response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in west Africa, the United Kingdom (UK) government established an Ebola treatment unit in Sierra Leone, staffed by military personnel. Little is known about the ethical challenges experienced by military medical staff on humanitarian deployment. We designed a qualitative study to explore this further with those who worked in the treatment unit. Method: Semi-structured, face-to-face and telephone interviews were conducted with 20 UK military personnel deployed between October 2014 and April 2015 in one of three roles in the Ebola treatment unit: clinician; nursing and nursing assistant; and other medical support work, including infection control and laboratory and mortuary services. Results: Many participants reported feeling ethically motivated to volunteer for deployment, but for some personal interests were also a consideration. A small minority had negative feelings towards the deployment, others felt that this deployment like any other was part of military service. Almost all had initial concerns about personal safety but were reassured by their pre-deployment 'drills and skills', and personal protective equipment. Risk perceptions were related to perceptions about military service. Efforts to minimise infection risk were perceived to have made good patient care more difficult. Significantly, some thought the humanitarian nature of the mission justified tolerating greater risks to staff. Trust in the military institution and colleagues was expressed; many participants referred to the ethical obligation within the chain of command to protect those under their command. Participants expected resources to be overwhelmed and ‘empty beds’ presented a significant and pervasive ethical challenge. Most thought more patients could and should have been treated. Points of reference for participants’ ethical values were: previous deployment experience; previous UK/National Health Service experience; professional ethics; and, distinctly military values (that might not be shared with non-military workers). Conclusion: We report the first systematic exploration of the ethical challenges face by a Western medical military in the international response to the first major Ebola outbreak. We offer unique insights into the military healthcare workers’ experiences of humanitarian deployment. Many participants expressed motivations that gave them common purpose with civilian volunteers

    No Port, No Passport: Why Submerged States Can Have No Nationals

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    Territorial loss owing to sea level rise presents novel challenges to the international legal order. Nowhere is this clearer than in the case of small island states like the Maldives, Tuvalu and Kiribati, whose very existence is in jeopardy. In our recent article, Sinking Into Statelessness, we argue that the principle of presumption of continuity of state existence does not ensure that sinking states shall, or may, retain their legal statehood, because that principle cannot overrule the fact that territoriality is a constitutive feature of legal statehood. Here, we argue that even if, contra our previous conclusion, submerged states retain their legal statehood, territory is nevertheless necessary in order for a state to confer nationality in the sense of the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons; that is, for a state to consider someone a national under the operation of its law. In consequence, even granting that a submerged state could exist and have members, its members would need nationality in another state in order to avoid de jure statelessness. To establish this claim, we will argue that for a state to consider someone a national under the operation of its law, that state must be capable of complying with the duty to readmit nationals when requested to do so by another state, which requires habitable territory

    Dynamic Load and Response Prediction of HAWT Blades for Health Monitoring Application

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    Wind turbine blades of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) are prone to damage; some insurance agencies report that as much as 40% of all claims are from blade damage. While most claims are not very expensive in comparison to other HAWT component repairs, for example, repairing of the gel coat, others, like replacing the entire blade can be one of the most expensive tasks. As the world moves toward larger and longer blades to capture more wind energy this problem will continue to grow. Inspecting wind turbine blades presents a challenge with most techniques requiring a technician to repel down the blade for inspection using nondestructive evaluation techniques such as ultrasound or X-ray. While some US companies like General Electric propose to use robots to perform blade inspections, there is an alternate solution to this problem which requires continuous monitoring of the blades. There is an ongoing study at Iowa State University to explore a real-time monitoring and analysis of blade response using a new type of skin-mounted strain-gauge sensor onto the inside surface of the blade. This technique would allow for damage to be detected sooner in order to reduce the overall operations and maintenance cost of wind turbines

    The Burden of Rabies in Tanzania and Its Impact on Local\ud Communities

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    Rabies remains a major public health threat in many parts of the world and is responsible for an estimated 55,000 human deaths annually. The burden of rabies is estimated to be around US20millioninAfrica,withthehighestfinancialexpenditurebeingthecostofpostexposureprophylaxis(PEP).However,thesecalculationsmaybesubstantialunderestimatesbecausethecoststohouseholdsofcopingwithendemicrabieshavenotbeeninvestigated.Wethereforeaimedtoestimatethehouseholdcosts,healthseekingbehaviour,copingstrategies,andoutcomesofexposuretorabiesinruralandurbancommunitiesinTanzania.Extensiveinvestigativeinterviewswereusedtoestimatetheincidenceofhumandeathsandbiteexposures.Questionnaireswithbitevictimsandtheirfamilieswereusedtoinvestigatehealthseekingbehaviourandcosts(medicalandnonmedicalcosts)associatedwithexposuretorabies.WecalculatedthatanaveragepatientinruralTanzania,wheremostpeopleliveonlessthanUS20 million in Africa, with the highest financial expenditure being the cost of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). However, these calculations may be substantial underestimates because the costs to households of coping with endemic rabies have not been investigated. We therefore aimed to estimate the household costs, health-seeking behaviour, coping strategies, and outcomes of exposure to rabies in rural and urban communities in Tanzania. Extensive investigative interviews were used to estimate the incidence of human deaths and bite exposures. Questionnaires with bite victims and their families were used to investigate health-seeking behaviour and costs (medical and non-medical costs) associated with exposure to rabies. We calculated that an average patient in rural Tanzania, where most people live on less than US1 per day, would need to spend over US$100 to complete WHO recommended PEP schedules. High costs and frequent shortages of PEP led to poor compliance with PEP regimens, delays in presentation to health facilities, and increased risk of death. The true costs of obtaining PEP were twice as high as those previously reported from Africa and should be considered in re-evaluations of the burden of rabies

    Analysing splash in competitive diving

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    Splash size is an important factor in competitive diving and is considered to have a large effect in final judged scores. The aim of this research was to develop a system to determine the splash size during different stages of the dive entry. One diver was recorded during a training session and their dives analysed using the developed system. Three splash metrics were calculated at time of complete entry and maximum splash: (1) width of splash, (2) height of splash and (3) size of splash. Results indicated that there was no relationship between the splash metrics at complete entry and time of maximum splash. This may have implications for the scoring of a dive if the judge is unable to distinguish between these two splash events

    Prologue: Diplomacy and Sport

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    Interplay between metabotropic glutamate type 4 and adenosine type 1 receptors modulate synaptic transmission in the cerebellar cortex

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    The synapses between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells play a pivotal role in cerebellar function. They are intricately governed by a variety of presynaptic receptors, notably by type 4 metabotropic glutamate (mGlu4) receptors and type 1 adenosine (A1) receptors both of which curtail glutamate release upon activation. Despite their pivotal role in regulating synaptic transmission within the cerebellar cortex, functional interactions between mGlu4 and A1 receptors have remained relatively unexplored. To bridge this gap, our study delves into how mGlu4 receptor activity influences A1 receptor-mediated alterations in excitatory transmission. Employing a combination of whole-cell patch clamp recordings of Purkinje cells and parallel fiber presynaptic fluorometric calcium measurements in acute rat and mouse cerebellar cortical slices, our results reveal functional interactions between these receptor types. These findings hold implications for understanding potential roles of these presynaptic receptors in neuroprotection during pathophysiological conditions characterized by elevated glutamate and adenosine levels