101 research outputs found

    Asparagine promotes cancer cell proliferation through use as an amino acid exchange factor.

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    Cellular amino acid uptake is critical for mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) activation and cell proliferation. However, the regulation of amino acid uptake is not well-understood. Here we describe a role for asparagine as an amino acid exchange factor: intracellular asparagine exchanges with extracellular amino acids. Through asparagine synthetase knockdown and altering of media asparagine concentrations, we show that intracellular asparagine levels regulate uptake of amino acids, especially serine, arginine and histidine. Through its exchange factor role, asparagine regulates mTORC1 activity and protein synthesis. In addition, we show that asparagine regulation of serine uptake influences serine metabolism and nucleotide synthesis, suggesting that asparagine is involved in coordinating protein and nucleotide synthesis. Finally, we show that maintenance of intracellular asparagine levels is critical for cancer cell growth. Collectively, our results indicate that asparagine is an important regulator of cancer cell amino acid homeostasis, anabolic metabolism and proliferation

    Doxycycline alters metabolism and proliferation of human cell lines.

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    The tetracycline antibiotics are widely used in biomedical research as mediators of inducible gene expression systems. Despite many known effects of tetracyclines on mammalian cells-including inhibition of the mitochondrial ribosome-there have been few reports on potential off-target effects at concentrations commonly used in inducible systems. Here, we report that in human cell lines, commonly used concentrations of doxycycline change gene expression patterns and concomitantly shift metabolism towards a more glycolytic phenotype, evidenced by increased lactate secretion and reduced oxygen consumption. We also show that these concentrations are sufficient to slow proliferation. These findings suggest that researchers using doxycycline in inducible expression systems should design appropriate controls to account for potential confounding effects of the drug on cellular metabolism

    A label-free quantification method by MS/MS TIC compared to SILAC and spectral counting in a proteomics screen

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    In order to assess the biological function of proteins and their modifications for understanding signaling mechanisms within cells as well as specific biomarkers to disease, it is important that quantitative information be obtained under different experimental conditions. Stable isotope labeling is a powerful method for accurately determining changes in the levels of proteins and PTMs; however, isotope labeling experiments suffer from limited dynamic range resulting in signal change ratios of less than ,20:1 using most commercial mass spectrometers. Label-free approaches to relative quantification in proteomics such as spectral counting have gained popularity since no additional chemistries are needed. Here, we show a label-free method for relative quantification based on the TIC from peptide MS/MS spectra collected from data-dependent runs can be used effectively as a quantitative measure and expands the dynamic range over isotope labeling experiments allowing for abundance differences up to ,60:1 in a screen for proteins that bind to phosphotyrosine residues. Methods for acquiring quantitative proteomics data are continually developing with very accurate stable isotope labeling (SIL) and label-free approaches. SIL provides chemically equivalent but isotopically different internal standards for each peptide/protein for direct comparison of mass spectral signal intensities that represent relative abundance. Common SIL strategies include protein level labeling strategies such as stable isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) [1], a global method whereby all translated proteins have isotope labels metabolically incorporated at selected amino acid residues, and isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT) [2], a technique that labels cysteine residues at the protein level. Peptide level labeling strategies include multiplexed isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ

    Novel Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma Xenograft Models Reveal PTEN Down-Regulation as a Malignant Signature and Response to PI3K Pathway Inhibition

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    Liposarcoma is a type of soft tissue sarcoma that exhibits poor survival and a high recurrence rate. Treatment is generally limited to surgery and radiation, which emphasizes the need for better understanding of this disease. Because very few in vivo and in vitro models can reproducibly recapitulate the human disease, we generated several xenograft models from surgically resected human dedifferentiated liposarcoma. All xenografts recapitulated morphological and gene expression characteristics of the patient tumors after continuous in vivo passages. Importantly, xenograftability was directly correlated with disease-specific survival of liposarcoma patients. Thus, the ability for the tumor of a patient to engraft may help identify those patients who will benefit from more aggressive treatment regimens. Gene expression analyses highlighted the association between xenograftability and a unique gene expression signature, including down-regulated PTEN tumor-suppressor gene expression and a progenitor-like phenotype. When treated with the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway inhibitor rapamycin alone or in combination with the multikinase inhibitor sorafenib, all xenografts responded with increased lipid content and a more differentiated gene expression profile. These human xenograft models may facilitate liposarcoma research and accelerate the generation of readily translatable preclinical data that could ultimately influence patient care

    Fast Metabolic Response to Drug Intervention Through Analysis on a Miniaturized, Highly Integrated Molecular Imaging System

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    We report on a radiopharmaceutical imaging platform designed to capture the kinetics of cellular responses to drugs. Methods: A portable in vitro molecular imaging system comprising a microchip and a β-particle imaging camera permitted routine cell-based radioassays of small numbers of either suspended or adherent cells. We investigated the kinetics of responses of model lymphoma and glioblastoma cancer cell lines to ^(18)F-FDG uptake after drug exposure. Those responses were correlated with kinetic changes in the cell cycle or with changes in receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Results: The platform enabled direct radioassays of multiple cell types and yielded results comparable to those from conventional approaches; however, the platform used smaller sample sizes, permitted a higher level of quantitation, and did not require cell lysis. Conclusion: The kinetic analysis enabled by the platform provided a rapid (∼1 h) drug screening assay

    Recurrent patterns of DNA copy number alterations in tumors reflect metabolic selection pressures.

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    Copy number alteration (CNA) profiling of human tumors has revealed recurrent patterns of DNA amplifications and deletions across diverse cancer types. These patterns are suggestive of conserved selection pressures during tumor evolution but cannot be fully explained by known oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Using a pan-cancer analysis of CNA data from patient tumors and experimental systems, here we show that principal component analysis-defined CNA signatures are predictive of glycolytic phenotypes, including 18F-fluorodeoxy-glucose (FDG) avidity of patient tumors, and increased proliferation. The primary CNA signature is enriched for p53 mutations and is associated with glycolysis through coordinate amplification of glycolytic genes and other cancer-linked metabolic enzymes. A pan-cancer and cross-species comparison of CNAs highlighted 26 consistently altered DNA regions, containing 11 enzymes in the glycolysis pathway in addition to known cancer-driving genes. Furthermore, exogenous expression of hexokinase and enolase enzymes in an experimental immortalization system altered the subsequent copy number status of the corresponding endogenous loci, supporting the hypothesis that these metabolic genes act as drivers within the conserved CNA amplification regions. Taken together, these results demonstrate that metabolic stress acts as a selective pressure underlying the recurrent CNAs observed in human tumors, and further cast genomic instability as an enabling event in tumorigenesis and metabolic evolution