1,207 research outputs found

    SN 1987A's Circumstellar Envelope, II: Kinematics of the Three Rings and the Diffuse Nebula

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    We present several different measurements of the velocities of structures within the circumstellar envelope of SN 1987A, including the inner, equatorial ring (ER), outer rings (ORs), and the diffuse nebulosity at radii < 5 pc, based on CTIO 4m and HST data. A comparison of STIS and WFPC2 [N II]6583 loci for the rings show that the ER is expanding in radius at 10.5+-0.3 km/s, with the northern OR expanding along the line of sight at about 26 km/s, and for the southern OR, about 23 km/s. Similar results are found with CTIO 4m data. Accounting for inclination, the best fit to all data show both ORs with an expansion from the SN of 26 km/s. The ratio of the ER to OR velocities is nearly equal to the ratio of ER to OR radii, so the rings are roughly homologous, all having kinematic ages corresponding to about 20,000 yr before the SN explosion. This makes previously reported, large compositional differences between the ER and ORs difficult to understand. Additionally, a grid of longslit 4m/echelle spectra centered on the SN shows two velocity components over a region roughly coextensive with the outer circumstellar envelope extending about 5 pc (20 arcsec) from the SN. One component is blueshifted and the other redshifted from the SN centroid by about 10 km/s each. These features may represent a bipolar flow expanding from the SN, in which the ORs are propelled 10-15 km/s faster than that of the surrounding envelope into which they propogate. The kinematic timescale for the entire nebula is at least about 350,000 yr. The kinematics of these various structures constrain possible models for the evolution of the progenitor and its formation of a mass loss nebula.Comment: 25 pages AASTeX text plus 12 figures. ApJ, in pres

    Donut: measuring optical aberrations from a single extra-focal image

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    We propose a practical method to calculate Zernike aberrations from analysis of a single long-exposure defocused stellar image. It consists in fitting the aberration coefficients and seeing blur directly to a realistic image binned into detector pixels. This "donut" method is different from curvature sensing in that it does not make the usual approximation of linearity. We calculate the sensitivity of this technique to detector and photon noise and determine optimal parameters for some representative cases. Aliasing of high-order un-modeled aberrations is evaluated and shown to be similar to a low-order Shack-Hartmann sensor. The method has been tested with real data from the SOAR and Blanco 4m telescopes.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted at PAS

    The Three-Dimensional Circumstellar Environment of SN 1987A

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    We present the detailed construction and analysis of the most complete map to date of the circumstellar environment around SN 1987A, using ground and space-based imaging from the past 16 years. PSF-matched difference-imaging analyses of data from 1988 through 1997 reveal material between 1 and 28 ly from the SN. Careful analyses allows the reconstruction of the probable circumstellar environment, revealing a richly-structured bipolar nebula. An outer, double-lobed ``Peanut,'' which is believed to be the contact discontinuity between red supergiant and main sequence winds, is a prolate shell extending 28 ly along the poles and 11 ly near the equator. Napoleon's Hat, previously believed to be an independent structure, is the waist of this Peanut, which is pinched to a radius of 6 ly. Interior to this is a cylindrical hourglass, 1 ly in radius and 4 ly long, which connects to the Peanut by a thick equatorial disk. The nebulae are inclined 41\degr south and 8\degr east of the line of sight, slightly elliptical in cross section, and marginally offset west of the SN. From the hourglass to the large, bipolar lobes, echo fluxes suggest that the gas density drops from 1--3 cm^{-3} to >0.03 cm^{-3}, while the maximum dust-grain size increases from ~0.2 micron to 2 micron, and the Si:C dust ratio decreases. The nebulae have a total mass of ~1.7 Msun. The geometry of the three rings is studied, suggesting the northern and southern rings are located 1.3 and 1.0 ly from the SN, while the equatorial ring is elliptical (b/a < 0.98), and spatially offset in the same direction as the hourglass.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ Supplements. 38 pages in apjemulate format, with 52 figure

    Observations and simulations of recurrent novae: U Sco and V394 CrA

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    Observations and analysis of the Aug. 1987 outburst of the recurrent nova V394 CrA are presented. This nova is extremely fast and its outburst characteristics closely resemble those of the recurrent nova U Sco. Hydrodynamic simulations of the outbursts of recurrent novae were performed. Results as applied to the outbursts of V394 CrA and U Sco are summarized

    Characterizing the role of the pre‐SMA in the control of speed/accuracy trade‐off with directed functional connectivity mapping and multiple solution reduction

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    Several plausible theories of the neural implementation of speed/accuracy trade‐off (SAT), the phenomenon in which individuals may alternately emphasize speed or accuracy during the performance of cognitive tasks, have been proposed, and multiple lines of evidence point to the involvement of the pre‐supplemental motor area (pre‐SMA). However, as the nature and directionality of the pre‐SMA’s functional connections to other regions involved in cognitive control and task processing are not known, its precise role in the top‐down control of SAT remains unclear. Although recent advances in cross‐sectional path modeling provide a promising way of characterizing these connections, such models are limited by their tendency to produce multiple equivalent solutions. In a sample of healthy adults (N = 18), the current study uses the novel approach of Group Iterative Multiple Model Estimation for Multiple Solutions (GIMME‐MS) to assess directed functional connections between the pre‐SMA, other regions previously linked to control of SAT, and regions putatively involved in evidence accumulation for the decision task. Results reveal a primary role of the pre‐SMA for modulating activity in regions involved in the decision process but suggest that this region receives top‐down input from the DLPFC. Findings also demonstrate the utility of GIMME‐MS and solution‐reduction methods for obtaining valid directional inferences from connectivity path models.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149347/1/hbm24493.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149347/2/hbm24493_am.pd

    Dynamics of charge-displacement channeling in intense laser-plasma interactions

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    The dynamics of transient electric fields generated by the interaction of high intensity laser pulses with underdense plasmas has been studied experimentally with the proton projection imaging technique. The formation of a charged channel, the propagation of its front edge and the late electric field evolution have been characterised with high temporal and spatial resolution. Particle-in-cell simulations and an electrostatic, ponderomotive model reproduce the experimental features and trace them back to the ponderomotive expulsion of electrons and the subsequent ion acceleration.Comment: 5 figures, accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic

    On the Hydrodynamic Interaction of Shock Waves with Interstellar Clouds. II. The Effect of Smooth Cloud Boundaries on Cloud Destruction and Cloud Turbulence

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    The effect of smooth cloud boundaries on the interaction of steady planar shock waves with interstellar clouds is studied using a high-resolution local AMR technique with a second-order accurate axisymmetric Godunov hydrodynamic scheme. A 3D calculation is also done to confirm the results of the 2D ones. We consider an initially spherical cloud whose density distribution is flat near the cloud center and has a power-law profile in the cloud envelope. When an incident shock is transmitted into a smooth cloud, velocity gradients in the cloud envelope steepen the smooth density profile at the upstream side, resulting in a sharp density jump having an arc-like shape. Such a ``slip surface'' forms immediately when a shock strikes a cloud with a sharp boundary. For smoother boundaries, the formation of slip surface and therefore the onset of hydrodynamic instabilities are delayed. Since the slip surface is subject to the Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, the shocked cloud is eventually destroyed in ∌3−10\sim 3-10 cloud crushing times. After complete cloud destruction, small blobs formed by fragmentation due to hydrodynamic instabilities have significant velocity dispersions of the order of 0.1 vbv_b, where vbv_b is the shock velocity in the ambient medium. This suggests that turbulent motions generated by shock-cloud interaction are directly associated with cloud destruction. The interaction of a shock with a cold HI cloud should lead to the production of a spray of small HI shreds, which could be related to the small cold clouds recently observed by Stanimirovic & Heiles (2005). The linewidth-size relation obtained from our 3D simulation is found to be time-dependent. A possibility for gravitational instability triggered by shock compression is also discussed.Comment: 62 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Ap
