971 research outputs found
Microbiome: The impact of the microbiota–gut–brain axis on endometriosis-associated symptoms:mechanisms and opportunities for personalised management strategies
Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting one in ten women and those assigned female at birth, defined by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. It is commonly associated with pain, infertility, and mood disorders, and is often comorbid with other chronic pain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Recent research has identified a key role for the microbiota–gut–brain axis in health and a range of inflammatory and neurological disorders, prompting an exploration of its potential mechanistic role in endometriosis. Increased awareness of the impact of the gut microbiota within the patient community, combined with the often-detrimental side effects of current therapies, has motivated many to utilise self-management strategies, such as dietary modification and supplements, despite a lack of robust clinical evidence. Current research has characterised the gut microbiota in endometriosis patients and animal models. However, small cohorts and differing methodology have resulted in little consensus on the data. In this narrative review, we summarise research studies that have investigated the role of gut microbiota and their metabolic products in the development and progression of endometriosis lesions, before summarising insights from research into co-morbid conditions and discussing the reported impact of self-management strategies on symptoms of endometriosis. Finally, we suggest ways in which this promising field of research could be expanded to explore the role of specific bacteria, improve access to ‘microbial’ phenotyping, and develop personalised patient advice for reduction of symptoms such as chronic pain and bloating
New Complexity Results and Algorithms for the Minimum Tollbooth Problem
The inefficiency of the Wardrop equilibrium of nonatomic routing games can be
eliminated by placing tolls on the edges of a network so that the socially
optimal flow is induced as an equilibrium flow. A solution where the minimum
number of edges are tolled may be preferable over others due to its ease of
implementation in real networks. In this paper we consider the minimum
tollbooth (MINTB) problem, which seeks social optimum inducing tolls with
minimum support. We prove for single commodity networks with linear latencies
that the problem is NP-hard to approximate within a factor of through
a reduction from the minimum vertex cover problem. Insights from network design
motivate us to formulate a new variation of the problem where, in addition to
placing tolls, it is allowed to remove unused edges by the social optimum. We
prove that this new problem remains NP-hard even for single commodity networks
with linear latencies, using a reduction from the partition problem. On the
positive side, we give the first exact polynomial solution to the MINTB problem
in an important class of graphs---series-parallel graphs. Our algorithm solves
MINTB by first tabulating the candidate solutions for subgraphs of the
series-parallel network and then combining them optimally
Integrable System Constructed out of Two Interacting Superconformal Fields
We describe how it is possible to introduce the interaction between
superconformal fields of the same conformal dimensions. In the classical case
such construction can be used to the construction of the Hirota - Satsuma
equation. We construct supersymmetric Poisson tensor for such fields, which
generates a new class of Hamiltonin systems. We found Lax representation for
one of equation in this class by supersymmetrization Lax operator responsible
for Hirota - Satsuma equation. Interestingly our supersymmetric equation is not
reducible to classical Hirota - Satsuma equation. We show that our generalized
system is reduced to the one of the supersymmetric KDV equation (a=4) but in
this limit integrals of motion are not reduced to integrals of motion of the
supersymmetric KdV equation.Comment: 15 pages,late
Poincare gauge theory of gravity: Friedman cosmology with even and odd parity modes. Analytic part
We propose a cosmological model in the framework of the Poincar\'e gauge
theory of gravity (PG). The gravitational Lagrangian is quadratic in curvature
and torsion. In our specific model, the Lagrangian contains (i) the curvature
scalar and the curvature pseudo-scalar linearly and quadratically
(including an term) and (ii) pieces quadratic in the torsion {\it vector}
and the torsion {\it axial} vector (including a term). We show generally that in quadratic PG models we have nearly
the same number of parity conserving terms (`world') and of parity violating
terms (`shadow world'). This offers new perspectives in cosmology for the
coupling of gravity to matter and antimatter. Our specific model generalizes
the fairly realistic `torsion cosmologies' of Shie-Nester-Yo (2008) and Chen et
al.\ (2009). With a Friedman type ansatz for an orthonormal coframe and a
Lorentz connection, we derive the two field equations of PG in an explicit form
and discuss their general structure in detail. In particular, the second field
equation can be reduced to first order ordinary differential equations for the
curvature pieces and . Including these along with certain
relations obtained from the first field equation and curvature definitions, we
present a first order system of equations suitable for numerical evaluation.
This is deferred to the second, numerical part of this paper.Comment: Latex computerscript, 25 pages; mistakes corrected, references added,
notation and title slightly changed; accepted by Phys. Rev.
An axisymmetric evolution code for the Einstein equations on hyperboloidal slices
We present the first stable dynamical numerical evolutions of the Einstein
equations in terms of a conformally rescaled metric on hyperboloidal
hypersurfaces extending to future null infinity. Axisymmetry is imposed in
order to reduce the computational cost. The formulation is based on an earlier
axisymmetric evolution scheme, adapted to time slices of constant mean
curvature. Ideas from a previous study by Moncrief and the author are applied
in order to regularize the formally singular evolution equations at future null
infinity. Long-term stable and convergent evolutions of Schwarzschild spacetime
are obtained, including a gravitational perturbation. The Bondi news function
is evaluated at future null infinity.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. Minor additions, updated to agree with journal
Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski-like solutions in metric-affine gravity
We consider a (non--Riemannian) metric--affine gravity theory, in particular
its nonmetricity--torsion sector ``isomorphic'' to the Einstein--Maxwell
theory. We map certain Einstein--Maxwell electrovacuum solutions to it, namely
the Pleba\'nski--Demia\'nski class of Petrov type D metrics.Comment: 12 pages of a LaTeX-fil
Binding Behavior of Crystalline and Noncrystalline Phases: Evaluation of the Enthalpic and Entropic Contributions to the Separation Selectivity of Nonpolar Solutes with a Novel Chromatographic Sorbent
In this paper, we describe studies of the retention characteristics of nonpolar molecules with a novel liquidcrystalline, silica-supported, comb-shaped polymer chromatographic phase, Sil-ODA 18 . These results extend and amplify previous reports of the roles of enthalpic-and entropic-driven processes in the modulation of the selectivity of nonpolar and polar compounds in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The investigations reveal that phase reorganization is the most important factor controlling selectivity enhancement with silica-supported, comb-shaped polymer phases as the temperature, T, of the system is varied. Moreover, these studies demonstrate that contributions from the stationary and the mobile phases can be independently fine-tuned to achieve enhanced selectivity via partition and/or adsorption binding processes. The relevant thermodynamic parameters, namely, the changes in enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity for various nonpolar solutes with this comb-shaped polymeric sorbent, have also been determined using recently developed analytical procedures for the evaluation of nonlinear van't Hoff plots. These investigations into the thermodynamic properties of the comb-shaped polymeric sorbent in its ordered crystalline and noncrystalline states clearly delineate the differences in binding behavior compared to conventional types of monolayer n-alkylsilica sorbents and thus should facilitate wider application of this new class of reversed-phase sorbents in the separation sciences. Introduction Reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) is currently the most widely used of all of the high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) modes of separations. The evaluation of the physicochemical basis of the retention mechanisms of different classes of solutes in RPC has received extensive attention, with the experimental results often interpreted in terms of the solvophobic model proposed by Horvath et al. 1,2 A central question pertaining to all RPC separations is, What drives the retention process? This question has been the subject of considerable debate and investigation since the concept of RPC was first used in 1950 as an analytical separation method by Howard and Martin. 3 Two primary RPC mechanisms can be considered, namely, the solvation/desolvation model, 1,2 whereby expulsion of solutes from a polar mobile phase dominates the free energy of transfer with nonpolar sorbents acting as receptive but passive surfaces, and the partitioning model, 4-6 where the stationary phase contributes in a much more significant way to the overall distribution process. On the basis of solvophobic considerations that encompass the solvation/desolvation model, Horvath and co-workers 1 have proposed that the interaction between the solute and the mobile phase provides the primary driving force. According to this model, retention in the high-performance modes of RPC can then be attributed to adsorption rather than partitioning processes between the solutes and the nonpolar sorbent. 1,2 In the solvation/desolvation model, the contributio
Coordinated X-ray optical and radio observations of YZ Canis Minoris
Coordinated X ray, optical, and radio observations of the flare star YZ CMi are reported. Twenty-two minor optical flares and twelve radio events were recorded. No major optical flares, greater than 3 magnitudes, were observed. Although no flare related X ray emission was observed, the measured upper limits in this band enable meaningful comparisons with published flare star models. Three of the five models predicting the relative X ray to optical or radio flare luminosities are in serious disagreement with the observations. For the largest optical flare with coincident X ray coverage, the 3 sigma upper limit on X ray emission in the 0.15 to 0.8 keV band is 8.7 x 10 to the 28th power erg/s, corresponding to a ratio of X ray to B-band luminosity of less than 0.3. Based on the present results, the contribution of the flares UV Ceti flare stars to the galactic component of the diffuse soft X ray background is less than 0.2 percent
Adsorption behavior of multicomponent protein mixtures containing α1-proteinase inhibitor with the anion exchanger, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl-Spherodex
The equilibrium binding behavior of α1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-PI) in the presence of human serum albumin (HSA) has been determined in packed bed systems with the anion exchanger, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl (DEAE)-Spherodex. Experimental data derived for the individual proteins were compared with the corresponding data obtained from batch adsorption studies as well as studies in which mixtures of these two proteins were loaded at different concentration ratios onto columns of the same anion exchange adsorbent. The results confirm that α1-PI has a greater affinity for the anion exchanger, although competitive adsorption was observed as the inlet concentration of HSA was increased. Under these conditions, decreased binding capacities and lower dynamic adsorption rates were observed for α-PI with the DEAE-Spherodex anion exchange adsorbent. The results are discussed in terms of the influence which various contaminants that occur in multicomponent mixtures of proteins from human plasma can have on the equilibrium binding characteristics of a target protein with weak or strong ion exchange adsorbents under conditions approaching concentration overload in preparative chromatographic systems. These investigations have also addressed, as the first part of an iterative approach for the simulation of the adsorption behavior of multicomponent mixtures of human plasma proteins with ion exchange and affinity chromatographic adsorbents, the ability of noncompetitive and competitive Langmuirean models to simulate the adsorption of α1-PI in the presence of different concentrations of HSA to DEAE-Spherodex
Beyond Einstein-Cartan gravity: Quadratic torsion and curvature invariants with even and odd parity including all boundary terms
Recently, gravitational gauge theories with torsion have been discussed by an
increasing number of authors from a classical as well as from a quantum field
theoretical point of view. The Einstein-Cartan(-Sciama-Kibble) Lagrangian has
been enriched by the parity odd pseudoscalar curvature (Hojman, Mukku, and
Sayed) and by torsion square and curvature square pieces, likewise of even and
odd parity. (i) We show that the inverse of the so-called Barbero-Immirzi
parameter multiplying the pseudoscalar curvature, because of the topological
Nieh-Yan form, can only be appropriately discussed if torsion square pieces are
included. (ii) The quadratic gauge Lagrangian with both parities, proposed by
Obukhov et al. and Baekler et al., emerges also in the framework of Diakonov et
al.(2011). We establish the exact relations between both approaches by applying
the topological Euler and Pontryagin forms in a Riemann-Cartan space expressed
for the first time in terms of irreducible pieces of the curvature tensor.
(iii) Only in a Riemann-Cartan spacetime, that is, in a spacetime with torsion,
parity violating terms can be brought into the gravitational Lagrangian in a
straightforward and natural way. Accordingly, Riemann-Cartan spacetime is a
natural habitat for chiral fermionic matter fields.Comment: 12 page latex, as version 2 an old file was submitted by mistake,
this is now the real corrected fil
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