101 research outputs found

    Compulsory Wheeling of Electric Power to Industrial Consumers

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    FILADELFIA (Estados Unidos) (Pensilvania). Mapas generales (1777). 1:42300

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    Comprende desde la ciudad de German al río DelawareEscala gráfica de 2 millas [= 7,6 cm]. Orientado con lis en cuadranteRelieve representado a trazos. Sondas batimétricasTabla de distancias en millas y pies, entre algunos lugares y "Court House"Procede de la "Colección Mendoza"Incluye: "Elevation of the State House

    Emission Line Galaxies in the STIS Parallel Survey I: Observations and Data Analysis

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    In the first three years of operation STIS obtained slitless spectra of approximately 2500 fields in parallel to prime HST observations as part of the STIS Parallel Survey (SPS). The archive contains almost 300 fields at high galactic latitude (|b|>30) with spectroscopic exposure times greater than 3000 seconds. This sample contains 220 fields (excluding special regions and requiring a consistent grating angle) observed between 6 June 1997 and 21 September 2000, with a total survey area of about 160 square arcminutes. At this depth, the SPS detects an average of one emission line galaxy per three fields. We present the analysis of these data, and the identification of 131 low to intermediate redshift galaxies detected by optical emission lines. The sample contains 78 objects with emission lines that we infer to be redshifted [OII]3727 emission at 0.43<z<1.7. The comoving number density of these objects is comparable to that of H-alpha emitting galaxies in the NICMOS parallel observations. One quasar and three probable Seyfert galaxies are detected. Many of the emission-line objects show morphologies suggestive of mergers or interactions. The reduced data are available upon request from the authors.Comment: 58 preprint pages, including 26 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    A Pair of Compact Red Galaxies at Redshift 2.38, Immersed in a 100 kpc Scale Ly-alpha Nebula

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based observations of a pair of galaxies at redshift 2.38, which are collectively known as 2142-4420 B1 (Francis et al. 1996). The two galaxies are both luminous extremely red objects (EROs), separated by 0.8 arcsec. They are embedded within a 100 kpc scale diffuse Ly-alpha nebula (or blob) of luminosity ~10^44 erg/s. The radial profiles and colors of both red objects are most naturally explained if they are young elliptical galaxies: the most distant yet found. It is not, however, possible to rule out a model in which they are abnormally compact, extremely dusty starbursting disk galaxies. If they are elliptical galaxies, their stellar populations have inferred masses of ~10^11 solar masses and ages of ~7x10^8 years. Both galaxies have color gradients: their centers are significantly bluer than their outer regions. The surface brightness of both galaxies is roughly an order of magnitude greater than would be predicted by the Kormendy relation. A chain of diffuse star formation extending 1 arcsec from the galaxies may be evidence that they are interacting or merging. The Ly-alpha nebula surrounding the galaxies shows apparent velocity substructure of amplitude ~ 700 km/s. We propose that the Ly-alpha emission from this nebula may be produced by fast shocks, powered either by a galactic superwind or by the release of gravitational potential energy.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, ApJ in press (to appear in Jun 10 issue

    Putting victims first? : a critique of Coalition anti-social behaviour policy

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    Anti-social behaviour (ASB) policy was not pursued by the Conservative–Liberal Democrat Coalition government with the same vigour as their New Labour predecessors. Where developments did take place a clear shift in emphasis was apparent, with the needs of ASB victims elevated to the forefront of policy. This article critically appraises two major developments that showcase the Coalition government’s attempts to overhaul ASB policy to ‘put victims first’, namely: the changes to call handling and case management processes, and the Community Trigger, which forces the authorities to review their responses to complaints of ASB in circumstances where victims feel they have been ignored. These particular policies aim to prioritise victims’ needs; however, it is argued the new victim-focus: is diluted by competing Coalition ASB agendas, demonstrates little connection between rhetoric and reality, provides limited redress for all victims and fails to coalesce with established attempts to tackle perpetrators of ASB

    The STIS Parallel Survey: Introduction and First Results

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    The installation of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) allows for the first time two-dimensional optical and ultraviolet slitless spectroscopy of faint objects from space. The STIS Parallel Survey (SPS) routinely obtains broad band images and slitless spectra of random fields in parallel with HST observations using other instruments. The SPS is designed to study a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena, including the rate of star formation in galaxies at intermediate to high redshift through the detection of emission-line galaxies. We present the first results of the SPS, which demonstrate the capability of STIS slitless spectroscopy to detect and identify high-redshift galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 3 enclosed Postscript figures, aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters HST Second Servicing Mission special issu
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