37 research outputs found

    An Industry Perspective on Canadian Patients\u27 Involvement in Medical Tourism: Implications for Public Health

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    Background: The medical tourism industry, which assists patients with accessing non-emergency medical careabroad, has grown rapidly in recent years. A lack of reliable data about medical tourism makes it difficult to createpolicy, health system, and public health responses to address the associated risks and shortcomings, such as spreadof infectious diseases, associated with this industry. This article addresses this knowledge gap by analyzinginterviews conducted with Canadian medical tourism facilitators in order to understand Canadian patients’involvement in medical tourism and the implications of this involvement for public health. Methods: Semi-structured phone interviews were conducted with 12 medical facilitators from 10 companies in2010. An exhaustive recruitment strategy was used to identify interviewees. Questions focused on businessdimensions, information exchange, medical tourists’ decision-making, and facilitators’ roles in medical tourism.Thematic analysis was undertaken following data collection.Results: Facilitators helped their Canadian clients travel to 11 different countries. Estimates of the number ofclients sent abroad annually varied due to demand factors. Facilitators commonly worked with medical touristsaged between 40 and 60 from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds who faced a number of potential barriersincluding affordability, fear of the unfamiliar, and lack of confidence. Medical tourists who chose not to usefacilitators’ services were thought to be interested in saving money or have cultural/familial connections to thedestination country. Canadian doctors were commonly identified as barriers to securing clients. Conclusions: No effective Canadian public health response to medical tourism can treat medical tourists as aunified group with similar motivations for engaging in medical tourism and choosing similar mechanisms fordoing so. This situation may be echoed in other countries with patients seeking care abroad. Therefore, a call for acomprehensive public health response to medical tourism and its effects should be coupled with a clearunderstanding that medical tourism is a highly diverse practice. This response must also acknowledge facilitators asimportant stakeholders in medical tourism

    The challenging nature of patient identifiers: an ethnographic study of patient identification at a London walk-in centre.

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    The correct identification of a patient's health record is the foundation of any safe patient record system. There is no building of a ;patient history', no sharing or integration of a patient's data without the retrieval and matching of existing records. Yet there can often be errors in this process and these may remain invisible until a safety incident occurs. This article presents the findings of an ethnographic study of patient identification at a walk-in centre in the UK. We offer a view of patient identifiers as used in practice and show how seemingly simple data, such as a person's name or date of birth, are more complex than they may at first appear and how they potentially pose problems for the use of integrated health records. We further report and discuss a dichotomy between the identifiers needed to access health records and the identifiers used by practitioners in their everyday work

    Media, politics and science policy: MS and evidence from the CCSVI Trenches

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    Background: In 2009, Dr. Paolo Zamboni proposed chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) as a possible cause of multiple sclerosis (MS). Although his theory and the associated treatment (“liberation therapy”) received little more than passing interest in the international scientific and medical communities, his ideas became the source of tremendous public and political tension in Canada. The story moved rapidly from mainstream media to social networking sites. CCSVI and liberation therapy swiftly garnered support among patients and triggered remarkable and relentless advocacy efforts. Policy makers have responded in a variety of ways to the public’s call for action. Discussion: We present three different perspectives on this evolving story, that of a health journalist who played a key role in the media coverage of this issue, that of a health law and policy scholar who has closely observed the unfolding public policy developments across the country, and that of a medical ethicist who sits on an expert panel convened by the MS Society of Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to assess the evidence as it emerges. Summary: This story raises important questions about resource allocation and priority setting in scientific research and science policy. The growing power of social media represents a new level of citizen engagement and advocacy, and emphasizes the importance of open debate about the basis on which such policy choices are made. It also highlights the different ways evidence may be understood, valued and utilized by various stakeholders and further emphasizes calls to improve science communication so as to support balanced and informed decisionmaking