117 research outputs found

    Review of biological mechanisms for application to instrument design

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    Biological sensors are the mechanisms which enable a living organism to monitor its environment. Ways in which the functional mechanism of biosensors can be applied to develop new concepts of instrumentation, enhance and extend the human senses, and improve the sensitivity of existing instrumentation are described in a review of these mechanisms

    Summary report on a review of biological mechanisms for application to instrument design, Volume III

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    Biological mechanisms for application of instrument design - mechanoreception, chemoreception, thermoreception, photoreception, and electro-receptors and magnetic field sensor

    Review of biological mechanisms for application to instrument design, volume V

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    Review of biological photoreception, mechanoreception, chemoreception, and electrosensing mechanisms for application to instrument desig

    Alterations in local chromatin environment are involved in silencing and activation of subtelomeric var genes in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), encoded by the var gene family, undergoes antigenic variation and plays an important role in chronic infection and severe malaria. Only a single var gene is transcribed per parasite, and epigenetic control mechanisms are fundamental in this strategy of mutually exclusive transcription. We show that subtelomeric upsB var gene promoters carried on episomes are silenced by default, and that promoter activation is sufficient to silence all other family members. However, they are active by default when placed downstream of a second active var promoter, underscoring the significance of local chromatin environment and nuclear compartmentalization in var promoter regulation. Native chromatin covering the SPE2-repeat array in upsB promoters is resistant to nuclease digestion, and insertion of these regulatory elements into a heterologous promoter causes local alterations in nucleosomal organization and promoter repression. Our findings suggest a common logic underlying the transcriptional control of all var genes, and have important implications for our understanding of the epigenetic processes involved in the regulation of this major virulence gene family

    Immunity against sexual stage Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites.

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    The efficient spread of malaria from infected humans to mosquitoes is a major challenge for malaria elimination initiatives. Gametocytes are the only Plasmodium life stage infectious to mosquitoes. Here, we summarize evidence for naturally acquired anti-gametocyte immunity and the current state of transmission blocking vaccines (TBV). Although gametocytes are intra-erythrocytic when present in infected humans, developing Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes may express proteins on the surface of red blood cells that elicit immune responses in naturally exposed individuals. This immune response may reduce the burden of circulating gametocytes. For both P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, there is a solid evidence that antibodies against antigens present on the gametocyte surface, when co-ingested with gametocytes, can influence transmission to mosquitoes. Transmission reducing immunity, reducing the burden of infection in mosquitoes, is a well-acknowledged but poorly quantified phenomenon that forms the basis for the development of TBV. Transmission enhancing immunity, increasing the likelihood or intensity of transmission to mosquitoes, is more speculative in nature but is convincingly demonstrated for P. vivax. With the increased interest in malaria elimination, TBV and monoclonal antibodies have moved to the center stage of malaria vaccine development. Methodologies to prioritize and evaluate products are urgently needed

    Vaccination with conserved regions of erythrocyte-binding antigens induces neutralizing antibodies against multiple strains of Plasmodium falciparum

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    Background: A highly effective vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum malaria should induce potent, strain transcending immunity that broadly protects against the diverse population of parasites circulating globally. We aimed to identify vaccine candidates that fulfill the criteria. Methods: We have measured growth inhibitory activity of antibodies raised to a range of antigens to identify those that can efficiently block merozoite invasion for geographically diverse strains of P. falciparum. Results: This has shown that the conserved Region III-V, of the P. falciparum erythrocyte-binding antigen (EBA)-175 was able to induce antibodies that potently inhibit merozoite invasion across diverse parasite strains, including those reliant on invasion pathways independent of EBA-175 function. Additionally, the conserved RIII-V domain of EBA-140 also induced antibodies with strong in vitro parasite growth inhibitory activity. Conclusion: We identify an alternative, highly conserved region (RIV-V) of EBA-175, present in all EBA proteins, that is the target of potent, strain transcending neutralizing antibodies, that represents a strong candidate for development as a component in a malaria vaccine.Julie Healer, Jennifer K. Thompson, David T. Riglar, Danny W. Wilson, Yu-H.C. Chiu, Kazutoyo Miura, Lin Chen, Anthony N. Hodder, Carole A. Long, Diana S. Hansen, Jake Baum, Alan F. Cowma

    Protein Kinase A Dependent Phosphorylation of Apical Membrane Antigen 1 Plays an Important Role in Erythrocyte Invasion by the Malaria Parasite

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    Apicomplexan parasites are obligate intracellular parasites that infect a variety of hosts, causing significant diseases in livestock and humans. The invasive forms of the parasites invade their host cells by gliding motility, an active process driven by parasite adhesion proteins and molecular motors. A crucial point during host cell invasion is the formation of a ring-shaped area of intimate contact between the parasite and the host known as a tight junction. As the invasive zoite propels itself into the host-cell, the junction moves down the length of the parasite. This process must be tightly regulated and signalling is likely to play a role in this event. One crucial protein for tight-junction formation is the apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1). Here we have investigated the phosphorylation status of this key player in the invasion process in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. We show that the cytoplasmic tail of P. falciparum AMA1 is phosphorylated at serine 610. We provide evidence that the enzyme responsible for serine 610 phosphorylation is the cAMP regulated protein kinase A (PfPKA). Importantly, mutation of AMA1 serine 610 to alanine abrogates phosphorylation of AMA1 in vivo and dramatically impedes invasion. In addition to shedding unexpected new light on AMA1 function, this work represents the first time PKA has been implicated in merozoite invasion

    RH5.1-CyRPA-Ripr antigen combination vaccine shows little improvement over RH5.1 in a preclinical setting

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    Background: RH5 is the leading vaccine candidate for the Plasmodium falciparum blood stage and has shown impact on parasite growth in the blood in a human clinical trial. RH5 binds to Ripr and CyRPA at the apical end of the invasive merozoite form, and this complex, designated RCR, is essential for entry into human erythrocytes. RH5 has advanced to human clinical trials, and the impact on parasite growth in the blood was encouraging but modest. This study assessed the potential of a protein-in-adjuvant blood stage malaria vaccine based on a combination of RH5, Ripr and CyRPA to provide improved neutralizing activity against P. falciparum in vitro. Methods: Mice were immunized with the individual RCR antigens to down select the best performing adjuvant formulation and rats were immunized with the individual RCR antigens to select the correct antigen dose. A second cohort of rats were immunized with single, double and triple antigen combinations to assess immunogenicity and parasite neutralizing activity in growth inhibition assays. Results: The DPXยฎ platform was identified as the best performing formulation in potentiating P. falciparum inhibitory antibody responses to these antigens. The three antigens derived from RH5, Ripr and CyRPA proteins formulated with DPX induced highly inhibitory parasite neutralising antibodies. Notably, RH5 either as a single antigen or in combination with Ripr and/or CyRPA, induced inhibitory antibodies that outperformed CyRPA, Ripr. Conclusion: An RCR combination vaccine may not induce substantially improved protective immunity as compared with RH5 as a single immunogen in a clinical setting and leaves the development pathway open for other antigens to be combined with RH5 as a next generation malaria vaccine

    An Inhibitory Antibody Blocks Interactions between Components of the Malarial Invasion Machinery

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    Host cell invasion by apicomplexan pathogens such as the malaria parasite Plasmodium spp. and Toxoplasma gondii involves discharge of proteins from secretory organelles called micronemes and rhoptries. In Toxoplasma a protein complex comprising the microneme apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), two rhoptry neck proteins, and a protein called Ts4705, localises to the moving junction, a region of close apposition between parasite and host cell during invasion. Antibodies against AMA1 prevent invasion and are protective in vivo, and so AMA1 is of widespread interest as a malaria vaccine candidate. Here we report that the AMA1 complex identified in Toxoplasma is conserved in Plasmodium falciparum. We demonstrate that the invasion-inhibitory monoclonal antibody (mAb) 4G2, which recognises P. falciparum AMA1 (PfAMA1), cannot bind when PfAMA1 is in a complex with its partner proteins. We further show that a single completely conserved PfAMA1 residue, Tyr251, lying within a conserved hydrophobic groove adjacent to the mAb 4G2 epitope, is required for complex formation. We propose that mAb 4G2 inhibits invasion by preventing PfAMA1 from interacting with other components of the invasion complex. Our findings should aid the rational design of subunit malaria vaccines based on PfAMA1

    Determination of the Molecular Basis for a Limited Dimorphism, N417K, in the Plasmodium vivax Duffy-Binding Protein

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    Invasion of human red blood cells by Plasmodium merozoites is vital for replication and survival of the parasite and, as such, is an attractive target for therapeutic intervention. Merozoite invasion is mediated by specific interactions between parasite ligands and host erythrocyte receptors. The P. vivax Duffy-binding protein (PvDBP) is heavily dependent on the interaction with the human Duffy blood group antigen/receptor for chemokines (DARC) for invasion. Region II of PvDBP contains many allelic polymorphisms likely to have arisen by host immune selection. Successful vaccine development necessitates a deeper understanding of the role of these polymorphisms in both parasite function and evasion of host immunity. A 3D structure of the homologous P. knowlesi DBP predicts that most variant residues are surface-exposed, including N417K, which is a dimorphic residue change that has previously been shown to be part of a linked haplotype that alters DBP sensitivity to inhibitory antibody. In natural isolates only two residues are found at this site, asparagine (N) and lysine (K). Site-directed mutagenesis of residue 417 was used to create a panel of 20 amino acid variants that were then examined for their binding phenotype and response to immune sera. Our results suggest that the observed dimorphism likely arose due to both structural requirements and immune selection pressure. To our knowledge, this is the first exhaustive examination of this kind of the role of a single amino acid residue in antigenic character and binding ability. Our results demonstrate that a single amino acid substitution can dramatically alter both the ability of the PvDBP to bind to human erythrocytes and its antigenic character
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