2,920 research outputs found

    M82 - A radio continuum and polarisation study II. Polarisation and rotation measures

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    The composition and morphology of the interstellar medium in starburst galaxies has been well investigated, but the magnetic field properties are still uncertain. The nearby starburst galaxy M82 provides a unique opportunity to investigate the mechanisms leading to the amplification and reduction of turbulent and regular magnetic fields. Possible scenarios of the contribution of the magnetic field to the star-formation rate are evaluated. Archival data from the VLA and WSRT were combined and re-reduced to cover the wavelength regime between 3cm and 22cm. All observations revealed polarised emission in the inner part of the galaxy, while extended polarised emission up to a distance of 2kpc from the disk was only detected at 18cm and 22cm. The observations hint at a magnetised bar in the inner part of the galaxy. We calculate the mass inflow rate due to magnetic stress of the bar to 7.1 solar masses per year, which can be a significant contribution to the star-formation rate of M82 of approximately 13 solar masses per year. The halo shows polarised emission, which might be the remnant of a regular disk field. Indications for a helical field in the inner part of the outflow cone are provided. The coherence length of the magnetic field in the centre is similar to the size of giant molecular clouds. Using polarisation spectra more evidence for a close coupling of the ionised gas and the magnetic field as well as a two-phase magnetic field topology were found. Electron densities in the halo are similar to the ones found in the Milky Way. The magnetic field morphology is similar to the one in other nearby starburst galaxies with possible large-scale magnetic loops in the halo and a helical magnetic field inside the outflow cones. The special combination of a magnetic bar and a circumnuclear ring are able to significantly raise the star-formation rate in this galaxy by magnetic braking

    Heating of solar chromosphere by electromagnetic wave absorption in a plasma slab model

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    The heating of solar chromospheric inter-network regions by means of the absorption of electromagnetic (EM) waves that originate from the photospheric blackbody radiation is studied in the framework of a plasma slab model. The absorption is provided by the electron-neutral collisions in which electrons oscillate in the EM wave field and electron-neutral collisions damp the EM wave. Given the uncertain nature of the collision cross-section due to the plasma micro-turbulence, it is shown that for plausible physical parameters, the heating flux produced by the absorption of EM waves in the chromosphere is between 204520 - 45 % of the chromospheric radiative loss flux requirement. It is also established that there is an optimal value for the collision cross-section, 5×10185 \times 10^{-18} m2^{2}, that produces the maximal heating flux of 1990 W m2^{-2}.Comment: Physics of Plasmas, in press, April 2011 issue (final printed version, typos in proofs corrected

    Simple analysis of off-axis solenoid fields using the scalar magnetostatic potential: application to a Zeeman-slower for cold atoms

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    In a region free of currents, magnetostatics can be described by the Laplace equation of a scalar magnetic potential, and one can apply the same methods commonly used in electrostatics. Here we show how to calculate the general vector field inside a real (finite) solenoid, using only the magnitude of the field along the symmetry axis. Our method does not require integration or knowledge of the current distribution, and is presented through practical examples, including a non-uniform finite solenoid used to produce cold atomic beams via laser cooling. These examples allow educators to discuss the non-trivial calculation of fields off-axis using concepts familiar to most students, while offering the opportunity to introduce important advancements of current modern research.Comment: 6 pages. Accepted in the American Journal of Physic

    Seeking large-scale magnetic fields in a pure-disk dwarf galaxy NGC 2976

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    It is still unknown how magnetic field-generation mechanisms could operate in low-mass dwarf galaxies. Here, we present a detailed study of a nearby pure-disk dwarf galaxy NGC 2976. Unlike previously observed dwarf objects, this galaxy possesses a clearly defined disk. For the purpose of our studies, we performed deep multi-frequency polarimetric observations of NGC 2976 with the VLA and Effelsberg radio telescopes. Additionally, we supplement them with re-imaged data from the WSRT-SINGS survey. The magnetic field morphology discovered in NGC 2976 consists of a southern polarized ridge. This structure does not seem to be due to just a pure large-scale dynamo process (possibly cosmic-ray driven) at work in this object, as indicated by the RM data and dynamo number calculations. Instead, the field of NGC 2976 is modified by past gravitational interactions and possibly also by ram pressure inside the M 81 galaxy group environment. The estimates of total (7 muG) and ordered (3 muG) magnetic field strengths, as well as degree of field order (0.46), which is similar to those observed in spirals, suggest that tidally generated magnetized gas flows can further enhance dynamo action in the object. NGC 2976 is apparently a good candidate for the efficient magnetization of its neighbourhood. It is able to provide an ordered (perhaps also regular) magnetic field into the intergalactic space up to a distance of about 5 kpc. Tidal interactions (and possibly also ram pressure) can lead to the formation of unusual magnetic field morphologies (like polarized ridges) in galaxies out of the star-forming disks, which do not follow any observed component of the interstellar medium (ISM), as observed in NGC 2976. These galaxies are able to provide ordered magnetic fields far out of their main disks.Comment: 16 page

    Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectroscopy of NGC 5775: Kinematics of the Diffuse Ionized Gas Halo

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    We present imaging Fabry-Perot observations of Halpha emission in the nearly edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 5775. We have derived a rotation curve and a radial density profile along the major axis by examining position-velocity (PV) diagrams from the Fabry-Perot data cube as well as a CO 2-1 data cube from the literature. PV diagrams constructed parallel to the major axis are used to examine changes in azimuthal velocity as a function of height above the midplane. The results of this analysis reveal the presence of a vertical gradient in azimuthal velocity. The magnitude of this gradient is approximately 1 km/s/arcsec, or about 8 km/s/kpc, though a higher value of the gradient may be appropriate in localized regions of the halo. The evidence for an azimuthal velocity gradient is much stronger for the approaching half of the galaxy, although earlier slit spectra are consistent with a gradient on both sides. There is evidence for an outward radial redistribution of gas in the halo. The form of the rotation curve may also change with height, but this is not certain. We compare these results with those of an entirely ballistic model of a disk-halo flow. The model predicts a vertical gradient in azimuthal velocity which is shallower than the observed gradient, indicating that an additional mechanism is required to further slow the rotation speeds in the halo.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures. Uses emulateapj.cls. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Integral Field Unit Observations of NGC 891: Kinematics of the Diffuse Ionized Gas Halo

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    We present high and moderate spectral resolution spectroscopy of diffuse ionized gas (DIG) emission in the halo of NGC 891. The data were obtained with the SparsePak integral field unit at the WIYN Observatory. The wavelength coverage includes the [NII]6548,6583, Halpha, and [SII]6716,6731 emission lines. Position-velocity (PV) diagrams, constructed using spectra extracted from four SparsePak pointings in the halo, are used to examine the kinematics of the DIG. Using two independent methods, a vertical gradient in azimuthal velocity is found to be present in the northeast quadrant of the halo, with magnitude approximately 15-18 km/s/kpc, in agreement with results from HI observations. The kinematics of the DIG suggest that this gradient begins at approximately 1 kpc above the midplane. In another part of the halo, the southeast quadrant, the kinematics are markedly different, and suggest rotation at about 175 km/s, much slower than the disk but with no vertical gradient. We utilize an entirely ballistic model of disk-halo flow in an attempt to reproduce the kinematics observed in the northeast quadrant. Analysis shows that the velocity gradient predicted by the ballistic model is far too shallow. Based on intensity cuts made parallel to the major axis in the ballistic model and an Halpha image of NGC 891 from the literature, we conclude that the DIG halo is much more centrally concentrated than the model, suggesting that hydrodynamics dominate over ballistic motion in shaping the density structure of the halo. Velocity dispersion measurements along the minor axis of NGC 891 seem to indicate a lack of radial motions in the halo, but the uncertainties do not allow us to set firm limits.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The radial variation of HI velocity dispersions in dwarfs and spirals

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    Gas velocity dispersions provide important diagnostics of the forces counteracting gravity to prevent collapse of the gas. We use the 21 cm line of neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) to study HI velocity dispersion and HI phases as a function of galaxy morphology in 22 galaxies from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). We stack individual HI velocity profiles and decompose them into broad and narrow Gaussian components. We study the HI velocity dispersion and the HI surface density, as a function of radius. For spirals, the velocity dispersions of the narrow and broad components decline with radius and their radial profiles are well described by an exponential function. For dwarfs, however, the profiles are much flatter. The single Gaussian dispersion profiles are, in general, flatter than those of the narrow and broad components. In most cases, the dispersion profiles in the outer disks do not drop as fast as the star formation profiles, derived in the literature. This indicates the importance of other energy sources in driving HI velocity dispersion in the outer disks. The radial surface density profiles of spirals and dwarfs are similar. The surface density profiles of the narrow component decline more steeply than those of the broad component, but not as steep as what was found previously for the molecular component. As a consequence, the surface density ratio between the narrow and broad components, an estimate of the mass ratio between cold HI and warm HI, tends to decrease with radius. On average, this ratio is lower in dwarfs than in spirals. This lack of a narrow, cold HI component in dwarfs may explain their low star formation activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, 13 pages, 10 figures, 4 table