5,955 research outputs found

    A morphologic study of Venus Ridge belts

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    Ridge belts, first identified in the Venera 15/16 images are distinguished as linear regions of concentrated, parallel to anastomosing, ridges. They are tens to several hundreds of km wide, hundreds to over one thousand km long, and composed of individual ridges 5 to 20 km wide and up to 200 km long. The ridges appear symmetrical in the radar images and are either directly adjacent to each other or separated by mottled plains. Cross-strike lineaments, visible as dark or bright lines, are common within the ridge belts, and some truncate individual ridges. In places the ridge belt may be offset by these lineaments, but such offset is rarely consistent across the ridge belt. Once the mode of formation of these ridge belts is understood, their distribution and orientation will help to constrain the homogeneity and orientation of the stresses over the period of ridge belt formation. The look direction for the Venera system was to the west, so ridges appear as pairs of bright and dark lineaments, with the bright line to the east of the dark. The term ridge was used in a general sense to refer to a linear rise. The use of this term is restricted to rises which have a sharp transition from bright to dark at the crest, and are 5 to 15 km wide. These ridges are either continuous or discontinuous. The continuous ridges are over 30 km long and form coherent ridge belts, while the discontinuous ridges are less than 30 km long and do not form a coherent ridge belt. The continuous ridges were divided into 3 components: (1) Anastomosing ridges, in which the individual ridges are sinuous and often meet and cross at small angles, are the most common component; (2) The parallel ridge component also consists of well defined ridges, often with plains separating the individual ridges, but the ridges are more linear and rarely intersect one another; and (3) Parallel ridged plains are composed of indistinct ridges, some of which do not have a distinctive bright-dark pattern. The nature of deformation within the ridge belts is complex and not fully understood at present. Some belts show distinct signs of compression, while others have symmetrical patterns expected in extensional environments. Thus the ridge belts may have formed by more than one style of deformation; some may be extensional, while others are compressional. All the ridge belts are being systematically mapped, especially for symmetrical relationships

    Rift systems on Venus: An assessment of mechanical and thermal models

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    The formation and distribution of major tectonic features on Venus are closely linked to the dominant mechanism of lithospheric heat loss. Among the most spectacular and extensive of the major tectonic features on Venus are the Chasmata, deep linear valleys generally interpreted to be the products of lithospheric extension and rifting. Systems of chasmata and related features can be traced along several tectonic zones up to 20,000 km in linear extent. Mechanical and thermal models for terrestrial continental-rifting are applied to the rift systems of Venus. The models are tested against known topographic and tectonic characteristics of Venus chasmata as well as independent information on the physical properties of the Venus crust and lithosphere

    Sequential deformation of plains along Tessera boundaries on Venus: Evidence from Alpha Regio

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    Tesserae are regions of elevated terrain characterized by two or more sets of ridges and grooves that intersect orthogonally. Tesserae comprise 15-20 percent of the surface of Venus, but the nature of their formation and evolution is not well understood; processes proposed to account for their characteristics are many and varied. Two types of tessera boundaries have been described: type 1 are generally embayed by plains; and type 2 boundaries are characterized by being linear at the 100-km scale and often associated with steep scarps or tectonic features. Margins such as the western edge of Alpha have been described as type 2. Some of the tessera have boundaries that display deformation of both the edge of the tessera and the adjoining plains. This study focuses on the western edge of Alpha Regio in an effort to characterize on occurrence of this type of boundary and assess the implications of the style in general. Using Magellan SAR imagery, lineament lengths, orientations, and spacing were measured for ten 50 x 60 km areas spanning 500 km of the western boundary. Structural characteristics and orientations were compared to stratigraphic units in order to assess the sequence and style of deformation

    Architecture of orogenic belts and convergent zones in Western Ishtar Terra, Venus

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    Linear mountain belts in Ishtar Terra were recognized from Pioneer-Venus topography, and later Arecibo images showed banded terrain interpreted to represent folds. Subsequent analyses showed that the mountains represented orogenic belts, and that each had somewhat different features and characteristics. Orogenic belts are regions of focused shortening and compressional deformation and thus provide evidence for the nature of such deformation, processes of crustal thickening (brittle, ductile), and processes of crustal loss. Such information is important in understanding the nature of convergent zones on Venus (underthrusting, imbrication, subduction), the implications for rates of crustal recycling, and the nature of environments of melting and petrogenesis. The basic elements of four convergent zones and orogenic belts in western Ishtar Terra are identified and examined, and then assess the architecture of these zones (the manner in which the elements are arrayed), and their relationships. The basic nomenclature of the convergent zones is shown

    Universal persistence exponents in an extremally driven system

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    The local persistence R(t), defined as the proportion of the system still in its initial state at time t, is measured for the Bak--Sneppen model. For 1 and 2 dimensions, it is found that the decay of R(t) depends on one of two classes of initial configuration. For a subcritical initial state, R(t)\sim t^{-\theta}, where the persistence exponent \theta can be expressed in terms of a known universal exponent. Hence \theta is universal. Conversely, starting from a supercritical state, R(t) decays by the anomalous form 1-R(t)\sim t^{\tau_{\rm ALL}} until a finite time t_{0}, where \tau_{\rm ALL} is also a known exponent. Finally, for the high dimensional model R(t) decays exponentially with a non--universal decay constant.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Bilateral symmetry across Aphrodite Terra

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    There are three main highland areas on Venus: Beta Regio, Ishtar Terra and Aphrodite Terra. The latter is least known and the least mapped, yet existing analyses of Aphrodite Terra based on available Pioneer-Venus orbiter data suggest that it may be the site of extensive rifting. Some of the highest resolution (30 km) PV data (SAR) included most of the western half of Aphrodite Terra. Recent analysis of the SAR data together with Arecibo range-doppler topographic profiling (10 X 100 km horizontal and 10 m vertical resolution) across parts of Aphrodite, further characterized the nature of possible tectonic processes in the equatorial highlands. The existence of distinct topographic and radar morphologic linear discontinuities across the nearly east-west strike of Aphrodite Terra is indicated. Another prominent set of linear features is distinctly parallel to and orthogonal to the ground tracks of the PV spacecraft and are not included because of the possibility that they are artifacts. Study of the northwest trending cross-strike discontinuities (CSD's) and the nature of topographic and morphologic features along their strike suggest the presence of bilateral topographic and morphologic symmetry about the long axis of Aphrodite Terra

    Oxidized basalts on the surface of Venus: Compositional implications of measured spectral properties

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    Venera Lander reflectance data are compared with high temperature spectra of the same basaltic materials. The dark, flat unoxidized basalts are still inconsistent with the Venera data in the near-infrared. Basaltic material with a ferric component, however, would satisfy both the increase in reflectance beyond 0.7 microns as well as the dark, relatively colorless character in the visible. Therefore, it is concluded that besaltic surfaces of Venus represented by these measurements either contain minerals with uncommon characteristics, or, more likely, are relatively oxidized

    The formation and evolution of Alpha and Tellus tesserae on Venus

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    Although tesserae comprise at approximately 10 percent of the surface of Venus, the nature of their formation and evolution is not well understood. One important clue to elucidate this problem is tessera boundaries which are of two types: type 1 are generally embayed by plains; type 2 boundaries are characterized by being linear at the hundred kilometer scale and often associated with steep scarps or tectonic features. Previous study of a distinctive type 2 boundary at Alpha Regio was pursued in order to characterize and assess the implications for this style in general. A model of gravitational relaxation of the tessera block was presented to explain the specific style of type 2 feature seen at western Alpha; however, this model cannot account for the full range of interior structures of Alpha, namely widespread compressional features overprinted by extensional features and volcanism. In order to explain the features of Alpha, we have considered a three-stage model involving (1) mantle downwelling and compression of the lithosphere, (2) delamination of the thickened tessera root, and (3) gravitational relaxation and extension of the tessera plateau. We compare this to the characteristics of Tellus Regio in order to test its broader application

    The distribution of large volcanoes on Venus as a function of height and altitude

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    Theory predicts that the slower cooling of lava flows on Venus should result in lava flows that are typically 20 percent longer than their terrestrial counterparts and that the development of neutral buoyancy zones (NBZ) on Venus may be strongly influenced by altitude-controlled variations in surface pressure. Observations that support these predictions would include relatively low heights for Venus volcanoes, and an increase in both the number and development of large edifices with increasing basal altitude. The results of an analysis of the height and altitude distribution of 123 large (diameter greater than 100 km) volcanoes made using Magellan image and altimetry data are presented and these results are used to begin to test the predications of the above theories

    Time-Lapse Imaging in Polar Environments

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    Although the drivers of climate change and its consequences in polar regions are becoming better understood [Holland and Bitz, 2003] and well monitored [Serreze et al., 2002; Doran et al., 2002b], measuring the responses of polar landscapes to changing climate boundary conditions is challenging: Polar landscapes typically respond slowly to warming but abruptly to melting [Gooseff et al., 2011]
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