6 research outputs found

    Emission Characteristics of an Axially Staged Sector Combustor for a Small Core High OPR Subsonic Aircraft Engine

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    This paper presents the nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter emissions of a single sector axially staged combustor sector designed and fabricated by United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) in partnership with NASA under a compact low-emissions combustor contract supported by the NASA Advanced Air Transport Technology (AATT) N+3 project. The test was conducted at NASA Glenn Research Center's CE-5 combustion test facility. The facility provided inlet air temperatures up to 922 K and pressures up to 19.0 bar. The combustor design concept, called Axially Controlled Stoichiometry (ACS), was developed by Pratt & Whitney (P&W) under NASA's Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) program for an N+2 combustor for use in twin-aisle subsonic aircraft engines. Under the N+3 project the ACS combustor was scaled-down for application to small-core N+3 engines for use in single-aisle aircraft. The results show that the NOx and CO emissions characteristics are similar in both the N+2 and N+3 applications. The non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) emissions trends are similar to CO emissions with an exception at high fuel-air ratio, as inlet air temperature and pressure conditions change from taxi to approach. Three NOx correlation equations are generated to describe theNOx emissions of this combustor. The percentage landing and takeoff (LTO) NOx reduction of the N+3 ACS combustor is between 82% and 89% relative to the ICAO CAEP/6 standard, which meets the NASA N+3 goal of exceeding 80% LTO NOx reduction

    NOx Emissions Performance and Correlation Equations for a Multipoint LDI Injector

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    Lean Direct Injection (LDI) is a combustor concept that reduces nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. This paper looks at a 3-zone multipoint LDI concept developed by Parker Hannifin Corporation. The concept was tested in a flame-tube test facility at NASA Glenn Research Center. Due to test facility limitations, such as inlet air temperature and pressure, the flame-tube test was not able to cover the full set of engine operation conditions. Three NOx correlation equations were developed based on assessing NOx emissions dependencies on inlet air pressure (P3), inlet air temperature (T3), and fuel air equivalence ratio (phi) to estimate the NOx emissions at the unreachable high engine power conditions. As the results, the NOx emissions are found to be a strong function of combustion inlet air temperature and fuel air equivalence ratio but a weaker function of inlet air pressure. With these three equations, the NOx emissions performance of this injector concept is calculated as a 66 percent reduction relative to the ICAO CAEP-6 standard using a 55:1 pressure-ratio engine cycle. Uncertainty in the NOx emissions estimation increases as the extrapolation range departs from the experimental conditions. Since maximum inlet air pressure tested was less than 50 percent of the full power engine inlet air pressure, a future experiment at higher inlet air pressure conditions is needed to confirm the NOx emissions dependency on inlet air pressure

    Combustion Dynamics Characteristics and Fuel Pressure Modulation Responses of a Three-Cup Third-Generation Swirl-Venturi Lean Direct Injection Combustion Concept

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    This paper presents the combustion dynamic data and fuel modulation response of a three-cup Lean Direct Injection combustor developed by Woodward, FST. The test was conducted at the NASA Glenn Research Center CE-5 flame tube test facility. The facility provided inlet air up to 922 K and pressure up to 19.0 bar. At the low-power configuration, the combustion noise was quiet. Large combustion pressure oscillations were observed with the High-power configuration at an off design condition, with low inlet air temperature and pressure conditions and a high equivalence ratio (about T3=600 K, P3 = 800 kPa, and ER =0.46). The noise amplitude was as high as 1.5 psi at around 220 Hz. As inlet air pressure and temperature increased, this combustion instability decreased. Fuel modulated signals were produced with the WASK fuel modulator located in the fuel line upstream of the center cup pilot fuel-air mixer. The amplitudes of the modulated signals detected in the combustor were low. Only less than 0.13% (0.06 psi) of the input energy was detected, and the signal amplitudes decreased as the modulated frequencies increased. Interaction between the modulated signals and the combustion noise varied with operating conditions. At a condition with low combustion noise around 150 hz, modulating a signal at around the same frequency would increase the combustion noise from 0.2 psi to as high as 0.6 psi, whereas at a condition with a high combustion instability around 250 hz, the modulated signal did not seem to have much effect on the combustion noise

    NOx Emissions Performance and Correlation Equations for a Multipoint LDI Injector

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    Lean Direct Injection (LDI) is a combustor concept that reduces nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. This paper looks at a 3-zone multipoint LDI concept developed by Parker Hannifin Corporation. The concept was tested in a flame-tube test facility at NASA Glenn Research Center. Due to test facility limitations, such as inlet air temperature and pressure, the flame-tube test was not able to cover the full set of engine operation conditions. Three NOx correlation equations were developed based on assessing NOx emissions dependencies on inlet air pressure (P3), inlet air temperature (T3), and fuel air equivalence ratio () to estimate the NOx emissions at the unreachable high engine power conditions. As the results, the NOx emissions are found to be a strong function of combustion inlet air temperature and fuel air equivalence ratio but a weaker function of inlet air pressure. With these three equations, the NOx emissions performance of this injector concept is calculated as a 66 percent reduction relative to the ICAO CAEP-6 standard using a 55:1 pressure-ratio engine cycle. Uncertainty in the NOx emissions estimation increases as the extrapolation range departs from the experimental conditions. Since maximum inlet air pressure tested was less than 50 percent of the full power engine inlet air pressure, a future experiment at higher inlet air pressure conditions is needed to confirm the NOx emissions dependency on inlet air pressure

    Effects of Spent Cooling and Swirler Angle on a 9-Point Swirl-Venturi Injector

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    This paper presents multipoint Lean-Direct-Injection (LDI) emissions results for flame tube combustion tests at an inlet pressure of 1034 kPa and inlet temperatures between 835 and 865 K; these are the combustor inlet conditions that the High Speed Research (HSR) program used for supersonic cruise. It focuses on one class of LDI geometry, 9-point swirl-venturi LDI (SV-LDI). Two parameters are compared in this paper: the use of dome cooling air and the swirler blade angle. Dome cooling air is called "spent cooling" and is at combustor inlet conditions. Three cooling variations are studied: cooling at the venturi throat, cooling at the dome face, and no cooling at all. Two swirler blade angles are studied: 45deg and 60deg. The HSR 9-point SV-LDI emissions are also compared to a similar 9-point SV-LDI design which was used in the later ultra-efficient engine technology (UEET) program. The HSR and UEET designs cannot be compared directly due to different UEET combustor conditions. Therefore, this paper uses previously published UEET correlation equations to make comparisons. Results show that using a 45deg swirler produces lower NOx emissions than using a 60deg swirler. This is consistent with the later UEET results. The effects of spent cooling depend on swirler angle, spent cooling location, and the test conditions. For the configuration with 45deg swirlers, spent cooling delivers lower NOx emissions when it is injected at the throat. For the 60deg swirler, spent cooling does not have much effect on NOx emissions. These results might be caused by the location and the intensity of the flame recirculation zone

    Fuel Sensitivity of Gas Emissions, Lean Blowout and Combustion Dynamics for a 9-Point LDI Combustor

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    Fuel sensitivity of gaseous emissions, approach to lean blowout and combustion dynamics are evaluated in this study. Experiments were conducted at the NASA Glenn Research Center's CE-5 flame tube test facility with a 9-point Swirl-Venturi Lean Direct Injection (SV-LDI) combustor. A reference jet fuel (A2) and two test fuels (C1 and C3) from were provided by the National Jet Fuels Combustion Program (NJFCP). C1 is essentially a 2-component iso-paraffin test fuel with a low cetane number of 17, and C3 is a high viscosity test fuel. Approach to lean blowout was monitored in terms of the rapid increase in CO emissions index as equivalence ratio decreased, but testing did not proceed all the way to lean blowout (LBO). Burning C1 was found to produce lower NOx emissions, but C1 flame temperatures were about 25 K higher relative to A2 at near LBO points (where CO emissions increased very rapidly). The NOx emissions of C3 were similar to A2. At low power conditions where fuel injector performance is not optimized for this 9-point LDI combustor, C3 had higher CO emissions than A2 and C1, likely due to C3's higher viscosity relative to A2 and C1. No discernable difference in combustion dynamics was observed between the three fuels tested in the 9-point LDI combustor. While a systematic ignition test campaign was not conducted, it was observed that C1 required a higher equivalence ratio and inlet air temperature for test rig ignition compared to A2 and C3