67 research outputs found

    Giant palaeo-landslide dammed the Yangtze river

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    Field evidence is presented to demonstrate that a very large landslide blocked the Jinsha River (the main stem of the Yangtze) near the present day town of Qiaojia, Yunnan Province. The discovery is significant because no persistent river-blocking landslide has been reported so far downstream in a major catchment. At the location of the landslide dam the upstream catchment area is 445 × 103 km^2. Sediments deposited behind the dam indicate that the minimum crest height was approximately 200 m with a lake volume of 11.4 +/− 1.3 km^3. The landslide occurred on the western (Sichuan) side of the river and displaced an estimated volume of at least 3.75 km^3, with material riding up to 550 m above the river on the eastern (Yunnan) side of the valley. The location is at the intersection of the Xiaojiang and Zemuhe fault zones which form part of the eastern boundary fault of the Sichuan-Yunnan Fault Block, an area where many earthquakes exceeding magnitude 7.0 have been documented in the historical record

    Recent Changes of Suspended Sediment Yields in the Upper Yangtze River and Its Headwater Tributaries

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    Abstract: Suspended sediment yields in the Upper Yangtze River and its four headwater tributaries (i.e., Jinsha, Min, Jialing and Wu) have declined significantly during the recent decades. Compared with 1956Compared with -1970, mean annual suspended sediment yield during 2001-2011wasreduced by 84% in the Upper Yangtze River at Yichang, by 34% in the Jinsha at Pingshan, by 84% in the Jialing at Beibei, by 75% in the Wu at Wulong, and by 48% in the Min at Gaochang. Linking the observed decadal changes of runoff discharge and suspended sediment load to dam construction and multiple environmental rehabilitation projects (e.g., soil-water conservation, reforestation) during the past decades, it can be concluded that the construction of large dams on the main stem and major tributaries of the Upper Yangtze River has played a principal role in the reduction of fluvial suspended sediment yields, while the environment rehabilitation projects may make limited contributions to the changes in suspended sediment yields except for the Jialing River

    Assessment of Runoff and Sediment Yields Using the AnnAGNPS Model in a Three-Gorge Watershed of China

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    Soil erosion has been recognized as one of the major threats to our environment and water quality worldwide, especially in China. To mitigate nonpoint source water quality problems caused by soil erosion, best management practices (BMPs) and/or conservation programs have been adopted. Watershed models, such as the Annualized Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollutant Loading model (AnnAGNPS), have been developed to aid in the evaluation of watershed response to watershed management practices. The model has been applied worldwide and proven to be a very effective tool in identifying the critical areas which had serious erosion, and in aiding in decision-making processes for adopting BMPs and/or conservation programs so that cost/benefit can be maximized and non-point source pollution control can be achieved in the most efficient way. The main goal of this study was to assess the characteristics of soil erosion, sediment and sediment delivery of a watershed so that effective conservation measures can be implemented. To achieve the overall objective of this study, all necessary data for the 4,184 km2 Daning River watershed in the Three-Gorge region of the Yangtze River of China were assembled. The model was calibrated using observed monthly runoff from 1998 to 1999 (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency of 0.94 and R2 of 0.94) and validated using the observed monthly runoff from 2003 to 2005 (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency of 0.93 and R2 of 0.93). Additionally, the model was validated using annual average sediment of 2000–2002 (relative error of −0.34) and 2003–2004 (relative error of 0.18) at Wuxi station. Post validation simulation showed that approximately 48% of the watershed was under the soil loss tolerance released by the Ministry of Water Resources of China (500 t·km−2·y−1). However, 8% of the watershed had soil erosion of exceeding 5,000 t·km−2·y−1. Sloping areas and low coverage areas are the main source of soil loss in the watershed

    Decoupling Indicators of Soil Erosion for Agro-ecosystem Assessment

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    Accelerated soil erosion is generally thought to couple with population growth, land exploitation and environmental degradation, thus soil erosion has been considered as a major pressure of sustainable development of agroecosystem. Nevertheless, implementation of wise policy and application of sound new techniques combined with traditional knowledge, may lead to less soil erosion or limited erosion under the tolerable value while intensive land use or exploitation is adopted for the population and economic growth. Such process of breaking the link between environmental bads and economic goods was termed as decoupling . The present paper, based on DPSIR strategical framework of indicator selection, developed new indicators to assess such decoupling process of soil erosion from sustainable development of agro-ecosystem. A primary application of decoupling indicators was carried out on the Loess Plateau of China to figure out the relationship between human activities and soil erosion. Intensive soil erosion on the Loess Plateau in the 1930s and 1960s coincide with the Wars and the Culture Revolution respectively. A decoupling process of soil erosion from sustainable agroecosystem development has appeared since the 1980s because of adoption of watershed-based comprehensive soil-water conservation.vokMyynti MTT tietopalvelu

    Effect of electric field induced alignment and dispersion of functionalized carbon nanotubes on properties of natural rubber

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    The original equipment and method for orienting multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in natural rubber (NR) by alternating current (AC) electric field were reported in the present study. MWCNTs with various volume fractions were dispersed in the mixture latex which composed of natural rubber, additives and methylbenzene. The application of AC electric field during nanocomposites curing process was used to induce the formation of aligned conductive nanotube networks between the electrodes. The aligned MWCNTs in the composites have a better orientation performance and dispersion quality than these of random MWCNTs by analyzing TEM and SEM images. The effects of MWCNTs anisotropy on thermal conductivity, dielectric properties, and dynamic mechanical properties of NR were studied. The mean value of thermal conductivity of composites loading with aligned MWCNTs was 8.67% higher than that of composites with random MWCNTs due to the anisotropy of aligned MWCNTs. The compounds with aligned MWCNTs possessed low dielectric constant, loss tangents and conductivity, namely a good insulativity. The compounds loading with aligned MWCNTs had lower loss modulus and better dynamic mechanical properties than those with random MWCNTs. This method can make full use of the high thermal conductivity of MWCNTs axis, and expand the application areas of natural rubber like conducting heat in a certain direction with a high efficiency. Keywords: Multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Electric-field alignment, Thermal conductivity, Dielectric properties, Loss modulu

    The role of carbon nanotubes in promoting the properties of carbon black-filled natural rubber/butadiene rubber composites

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    80/20 natural rubber (NR)/butadiene rubber (BR) blends in which the carbon black (CB) was replaced partially by multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) according to the ratios m (CNTs): m (decreasing amount of CB) = 1: X (X was varied from 1 to 6), was prepared by blending of internal mixer and the two-roll mill at the mill opening of 0.5 mm for 10 times. SEM and TEM were used to investigate the filler networks and the good dispersion of fillers. The compounds containing 5 phr CNTs/27.5 phr CB exhibited the best abrasion resistance which was increased by 12.69% compared that without CNTs. 3D morphology images of wear surfaces and tensile fracture surfaces being similar to the layered map of the geography, which match the abrasion resistance and tensile properties, were observed by 3D measuring laser microscope. The uncured blend with 5 phr CNTs/35 phr CB showed the shortest cure time, the highest modulus and level of crosslink density. Significant improvement in mechanical properties were achieved by incorporating 5 phr CNTs and 35 phr CB, and the tear strength, 100% and 300% modulus of the vulcanizate were enhanced by 36.36%, 61.29% and 31.63% compared with the composite with 0 phr CNTs/40 phr CB, respectively. Additionally, compared with the composite without CNTs, the thermal conductivity of the composites with 5 phr CNTs/35 phr CB is increased by an average of 6.15% at three different temperatures. These considerable reinforcements resulted from the synergistic effect of CNTs and CB. Keywords: Synergistic effect, Carbon nanotubes, DIN abrasion, Mechanical properties, Thermal conductivity, 3D measuring laser microscop

    Influence of reservoir impoundment on rainfall erosivity in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of China

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    New dammed reservoirs are expected to have a significant effect on the regional hydrocycle, but the detailed patterns may not be well understood. Regional climate change is likely to cause soil erosion uncertainty by affecting rainfall erosivity. In the present study, local precipitation and rainfall erosivity were investigated to determine the impounding influence of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Daily erosive precipitation, from 1980 to 2020, was categorized into four intensity levels (light, moderate, heavy, and very heavy), as well as extreme rainfall, to understand their contribution to erosivity. It was found that the impoundment significantly affected local precipitation, with both heavy precipitation and the relative erosivity showing a substantial declining trend (Sen's slope = 2.141, p < 0.05). The Mann–Kendall test indicated an abrupt change point around the year 2002, evidencing the effect of the reservoir impoundment (since 2003). Reservoir impoundment redistributed the intensity levels of erosive precipitation, leading to a 24.3% decrease in the erosivity of heavy precipitation and an 8.2% increase in the moderate category. The unimodal distribution of monthly precipitation was altered to a bimodal distribution with peaks in July and September, resulting in a longer but lower-risky erosion period of high concern. The fluctuations of Rx1day and Rx5day were obviously flattened after impoundment, with a 54.2% peak reduction in relative erosivity on average. Results indicated that heavy rainfall (including extreme rainfall) was reduced, and annual precipitation and erosivity both had a more even seasonal distribution following reservoir impoundment. HIGHLIGHTS The Three Gorges Reservoir impoundment significantly affected local precipitation.; The abrupt change point (Mann–Kendall test) was around the year 2002.; The heavy precipitation and the relative erosivity both substantially declined.; The monthly precipitation distribution was altered from unimodal to bimodal.; The interannual fluctuations of extreme rainfall were significantly reduced.

    Farmers’ Sustainable Strategies for Soil Conservation on Sloping Arable Lands in the Upper Yangtze River Basin, China

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    The Upper Yangtze River Basin comprises a densely-populated agricultural region with mountainous and hilly landforms. Intensive cultivation has been extended onto steep hillslopes, which constitute the principal source area for sediment production. Soil conservation on sloping arable lands is thus of utmost priority for persisting sustainable agricultural production and maintaining sound ecosystem services. Although there have been many soil conservation techniques, either promoted by the government or adopted by local farmers, the practiced area was very limited relative to the total area affected by soil erosion. This paper attempts to introduce four popular soil conservation measures on sloping arable lands in this region to enhance a broader scale of implementation, including hedgerow buffers, level trenches, sloping terraces and limited downslope tillage. These practices, although developed from local farmers’ indigenous knowledge for productive purposes, have well conformed to our contemporary understanding of soil erosion processes on sloping landscape affected by human disturbances, were of sound suitability to regional manual tillage agriculture and more trade-off-efficient on rill prevention, runoff harvest and nutrient management
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