2,084 research outputs found

    Investigation of charge sharing among electrode strips for a CdZnTe detector

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    We have investigated charge sharing among the anode strips of a CdZnTe (CZT) detector using a 30 micrometer collimated gamma-ray beam. We compared the laboratory measurements with the predictions from our modeling of the charge transport within the detector. The results indicate that charge sharing is a function of the interaction depth and the energy of the incoming photon. Also, depending on depth, a fraction of the electrons might drift to the inter-anode region causing incomplete charge collection. Here, we show that photoelectron range and diffusion of the charge cloud are the principal causes of charge sharing and obtain limits on the size of the electron cloud as a function of position in the detector.Comment: 16 pages 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods -

    A novel layer-structured PtN₂: first-principles calculations

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    Platinum nitride as the first successfully synthesized noble metal nitride shows superior mechanical properties and exotic electronic structure that rival those of conventional transition metal nitrides. In the past diverse crystal structures have been proposed to understand its unusual properties. However, very few works pay attention to the dynamic stability of these phases. Here, we examine the potential structures of platinum nitride with a chemical composition of PtN₂ by utilizing a widely adopted evolutionary methodology for crystal structure prediction. Except reproducing the previously proposed phases, we also identify a Pmmm symmetric novel layer structure with a low formation enthalpy that is slightly lower than those of marcasite and CoSb₂ structures but slightly higher than that of pyrite structure. The elastic constants and the lattice dynamical calculations show that this layer-structured PtN₂ is mechanically and dynamically stable. The calculated band structures suggest this new phase together with the simple tetragonal phase are metallic, while other phases are insulators. In addition, it is found that the fluorite structure is dynamically unstable by the phonon spectrum calculations, although it is mechanically stable as suggested by calculated elastic constants.Розглянуто потенційні структури нітриду платини з хімічним складом PtN₂, використовуючи широко прийняту еволюційну методологію прогнозування кристалічних структур. Крім відтворення раніше запропонованих фаз, ідентифіковано нову симетричну шарувату структуру, просторова група Pmmm, з низькою ентальпією формування, яка трохи менша, ніж ентальпії структур марказиту і CoSb₂, але дещо більша, ніж ентальпія структури піриту. Постійні пружності і динамічні розрахунки решітки показують, що цей нітрид платини (PtN₂) з шаруватою структурою механічно і динамічно стабільний. Розраховані зонні структури дозволяють припустити, що ця нова фаза разом з простою тетрагональною фазою є металічною, тоді як інші фази є діелектричні. Розрахунками фононного спектру встановлено, що структура флюориту динамічно нестабільна, хоча механічно стабільна, як передбачається розрахованими константами пружності.Рассмотрены потенциальные структуры нитрида платины с химическим составом PtN₂, используя широко принятую эволюционную методологию прогнозирования кристаллических структур. Кроме воспроизведения ранее предложенных фаз, идентифировано новую симметричную слоистую структуру, пространственная группа Pmmm, с низкой энтальпией формирования, которая немного меньше, чем энтальпии структур марказита и CoSb₂, но немного больше, чем энтальпия структуры пирита. Постоянные упругости и динамические расчеты решетки показывают, что этот нитрид платины (PtN₂) со слоистой структурой механически и динамически стабилен. Рассчитанные зонные структуры позволяют предположить, что эта новая фаза вместе с простой тетрагональной фазой является металлической, тогда как другие фазы являются диэлектрическими. Расчетами фононного спектра установлено, что структура флюорита динамически нестабильна, хотя механически стабильна, как предполагается рассчитанными константами упругости

    Amplitude Zeros in Radiative Decays of Scalar Particles

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    We study amplitude zeros in radiative decay processes with a photon or a gluon emission of all possible scalar particles(e.g. scalar leptoquarks) which may interact with the usual fermions in models beyond the standard model. For the decays with a photon emission, the amplitudes clearly exhibit the factorization property and the differential decay rates vanish at specific values of a certain variable which are determined only by the electric charges of the particles involved and independent of the particle masses and the various couplings. For the decays with a gluon emission, even though the zeros are washed away, the differential decay rates still have distinct minima. The branching ratios as a function of leptoquark masses are presented for the scalar leptoquark decays. We also comment on the decays of vector particles into two fermions and a photon.Comment: Revtex, 17 pages + 6 figures (available upon request), Preprint, OITS559. Several typos with tex file were correcte

    Hybridization between damselfishes Dascyllus aruanus and D. reticulatus on the Great Barrier Reef

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    [Extract] Hybridization among closely related species is relatively common in marine fishes thatspawn mid-water. Although at least 81 species of tropical coral-reef fish have been reported to hybridize in nature (primarily Chaetodontidae, Pomacanthidae and Labridae), hybridization is thought to be exceedingly rare among benthic-nesting species that engage in pair spawning, such as the Pomacentridae (Montanari et al.2016 ). The Pomacentridae include >385 species, most of which form breeding pairs and nest on the benthos. Yet only four Pomacentridae hybridshave been confirmed based on strong molecular evidence (e.g., Yaakub et al. 2006), and only from areas where one or both species are rare, such as degraded habitats and/or geographic zones of overlap

    BDsπB \to D_s \pi and the tree amplitude in Bπ+πB \to \pi^+ \pi^-

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    The recently-observed decay B0Ds+πB^0 \to D_s^+ \pi^- is expected to proceed mainly by means of a tree amplitude in the factorization limit: B0π(W+)B^0 \to \pi^- {(W^+)}^*, (W+)Ds+{(W^+)}^* \to D_s^+. Under this assumption, we predict the corresponding contribution of the tree amplitude to B0π+πB^0 \to \pi^+ \pi^-. We indicate the needed improvements in data that will allow a useful estimate of this amplitude with errors comparable to those accompanying other methods. Since the factorization hypothesis for this process goes beyond that proved in most approaches, we also discuss independent tests of this hypothesis.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D (Brief Reports

    New Higgs signals induced by mirror fermion mixing effects

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    We study the conditions under which flavor violation arises in scalar-fermion interactions, as a result of the mixing phenomena between the standard model and exotic fermions. Phenomenological consequences are discussed within the specific context of a left-right model where these additional fermions have mirror properties under the new SU(2)_R gauge group. Bounds on the parameters of the model are obtained from LFV processes; these results are then used to study the LFV Higgs decays (H --> tau l_j, l_j = e, mu), which reach branching ratios that could be detected at future colliders.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ReVTex4, graphicx, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    An appropriate verbal probability lexicon for communicating surgical risks is unlikely to exist

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    Effective risk communication about medical procedures is critical to ethical shared decision-making. Here, we explore the potential for development of an evidence-based lexicon for verbal communication of surgical risk. We found that Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeons expressed a preference for communicating such risks using verbal probability expressions (VPEs; e.g., “high risk”). However, there was considerable heterogeneity in the expressions they reported using (Study 1). Study 2 compared ENT surgeons’ and laypeople’s (i.e., potential patients) interpretations of the ten most frequent VPEs listed in Study 1. While both groups displayed considerable variability in interpretations, lay participants demonstrated more, as well as providing systematically higher interpretations than those of surgeons. Study 3 found that lay participants were typically unable to provide unique VPEs to differentiate between the ranges of (low) probabilities required. Taken together, these results add to arguments that reliance on VPEs for surgical risk communication is ill-advised. Not only are there systematic interpretational differences between surgeons and potential patients, but the coarse granularity of VPEs raises severe challenges for developing an appropriate evidence-based lexicon for surgical risk communication. We caution against the use of VPEs in any risk context characterized by low, but very different, probabilities. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved

    Perceived organizational support and organizational identification : joint moderating effects of employee exchange ideology and employee investment

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    Organizational identification (OID) can be developed out of social exchange practices within an organizational setting. Drawing on social exchange theory, we propose that the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) on OID is stronger for employees with stronger exchange ideology. We further argue that employee investment in an organization may also create a social exchange process that positively influences OID. We expect that employee investment moderates not only the effect of POS on OID, but also the enhancing effect of exchange ideology on the effect of POS on OID. Specifically, POS has a stronger positive effect on OID when exchange ideology is high and when employee investment is low. When employee investment is high, POS has a weaker effect on OID regardless of employees’ exchange ideology. These effects were empirically supported by a survey. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed

    Probing Heavy Higgs Boson Models with a TeV Linear Collider

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    The last years have seen a great development in our understanding of particle physics at the weak scale. Precision electroweak observables have played a key role in this process and their values are consistent, within the Standard Model interpretation, with a light Higgs boson with mass lower than about 200 GeV. If new physics were responsible for the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking, there would, quite generally, be modifications to this prediction induced by the non-standard contributions to the precision electroweak observables. In this article, we analyze the experimental signatures of a heavy Higgs boson at linear colliders. We show that a linear collider, with center of mass energy \sqrt{s} <= 1 TeV, would be very useful to probe the basic ingredients of well motivated heavy Higgs boson models: a relatively heavy SM-like Higgs, together with either extra scalar or fermionic degrees of freedom, or with the mixing of the third generation quarks with non-standard heavy quark modes.Comment: 21 page