423 research outputs found

    The effect of repeated freeze-thaw cycles on the meat quality of rabbit

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    [EN] We investigated the effect of repeated freeze-thaw cycles on the quality of rabbit meat. Twenty-five Hyla rabbits were slaughtered using standard commercial procedures. A freeze-thaw procedure—i.e., seven days frozen at –18°C followed by thawing at 4°C for 12h— was repeated 5 times, and 9 Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscles were randomly selected at pre-set cycles (0, 1, 2, 3, and 5). The Longissimus lumborum muscles were used to determine meat quality parameters, while the Longissimus thoracis muscles were used for chemical analysis. During the repeated freeze-thaw process, muscle pH, redness, hardness, and water holding capacity gradually decreased, whereas meat lightness and yellowness gradually increased. The amount of total volatile basic nitrogen significantly increased (P<0.05) and exceeded the threshold value for frozen meat after 5 repeated freeze-thaw cycles. The metmyoglobin proportion, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) and protein carbonyl content in rabbit meat samples increased with a higher number of freeze-thaw cycles (P<0.05), and the proportions of these compounds were positively correlated. During the repeated freeze-thaw process, extractable haeme iron levels significantly decreased (P<0.05), and non-haeme iron levels markedly increased (P<0.05). An sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis indicated that the degradation of both water- and salt-soluble proteins was more prevalent in samples subjected to higher numbers of freeze-thaw cycles. Additionally, a principal component analysis identified good correlations between physicochemical properties (TBARS, protein carbonyl levels and metmyoglobin content) and quality parameters (thawing loss, redness, lightness and hardness). Taken together, we conclude that the repeated freeze-thaw process can strongly affect rabbit meat quality as well as its physicochemical properties.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (31671787), the National Rabbit Industry Technology System Programme (Grant No. CARS-43-E-1), and the Chongqing Herbivorous Livestock Industry Technology System (Y201706).Wang, Z.; He, Z.; Gan, X.; Li, H. (2018). The effect of repeated freeze-thaw cycles on the meat quality of rabbit. World Rabbit Science. 26(2):165-177. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2018.8616SWORD165177262Ali S., Rajput N., Li C.B., Zhang W., Zhou G.H. 2016. Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on lipid oxidation and myowater in broiler chickens. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, 18: 35-40.https://doi.org/10.1590/1516-635x1801035-040Ali S., Zhang W., Rajput N., Khan M.A., Li C.B., Zhou G.H. 2015. 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    Neutrosophic soft sets forecasting model for multi-attribute time series

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    Traditional time series forecasting models mainly assume a clear and definite functional relationship between historical values and current/future values of a dataset. In this paper, we extended current model by generating multi-attribute forecasting rules based on consideration of combining multiple related variables. In this model, neutrosophic soft sets (NSSs) are employed to represent historical statues of several closely related attributes in stock market such as volumes, stock market index and daily amplitudes

    Analytical and computational method of structure-borne noise and shock resistance of gear system

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    Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning with Disentanglement-based Reachability Planning

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    Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (GCRL) can enable agents to spontaneously set diverse goals to learn a set of skills. Despite the excellent works proposed in various fields, reaching distant goals in temporally extended tasks remains a challenge for GCRL. Current works tackled this problem by leveraging planning algorithms to plan intermediate subgoals to augment GCRL. Their methods need two crucial requirements: (i) a state representation space to search valid subgoals, and (ii) a distance function to measure the reachability of subgoals. However, they struggle to scale to high-dimensional state space due to their non-compact representations. Moreover, they cannot collect high-quality training data through standard GC policies, which results in an inaccurate distance function. Both affect the efficiency and performance of planning and policy learning. In the paper, we propose a goal-conditioned RL algorithm combined with Disentanglement-based Reachability Planning (REPlan) to solve temporally extended tasks. In REPlan, a Disentangled Representation Module (DRM) is proposed to learn compact representations which disentangle robot poses and object positions from high-dimensional observations in a self-supervised manner. A simple REachability discrimination Module (REM) is also designed to determine the temporal distance of subgoals. Moreover, REM computes intrinsic bonuses to encourage the collection of novel states for training. We evaluate our REPlan in three vision-based simulation tasks and one real-world task. The experiments demonstrate that our REPlan significantly outperforms the prior state-of-the-art methods in solving temporally extended tasks.Comment: Accepted by 2023 RAL with ICR

    Mutual Information-Based Integrated Sensing and Communications: A WMMSE Framework

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    Wound Segmentation with Dynamic Illumination Correction and Dual-view Semantic Fusion

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    Wound image segmentation is a critical component for the clinical diagnosis and in-time treatment of wounds. Recently, deep learning has become the mainstream methodology for wound image segmentation. However, the pre-processing of the wound image, such as the illumination correction, is required before the training phase as the performance can be greatly improved. The correction procedure and the training of deep models are independent of each other, which leads to sub-optimal segmentation performance as the fixed illumination correction may not be suitable for all images. To address aforementioned issues, an end-to-end dual-view segmentation approach was proposed in this paper, by incorporating a learn-able illumination correction module into the deep segmentation models. The parameters of the module can be learned and updated during the training stage automatically, while the dual-view fusion can fully employ the features from both the raw images and the enhanced ones. To demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed framework, the extensive experiments are conducted on the benchmark datasets. The encouraging results suggest that our framework can significantly improve the segmentation performance, compared to the state-of-the-art methods

    CRB Minimization for RIS-aided mmWave Integrated Sensing and Communications

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    In this paper, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is employed in a millimeter wave (mmWave) integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) system. To alleviate the multi-hop attenuation, the semi-self sensing RIS approach is adopted, wherein sensors are configured at the RIS to receive the radar echo signal. Focusing on the estimation accuracy, the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for estimating the direction-of-the-angles is derived as the metric for sensing performance. A joint optimization problem on hybrid beamforming and RIS phaseshifts is proposed to minimize the CRB, while maintaining satisfactory communication performance evaluated by the achievable data rate. The CRB minimization problem is first transformed as a more tractable form based on Fisher information matrix (FIM). To solve the complex non-convex problem, a double layer loop algorithm is proposed based on penalty concave-convex procedure (penalty-CCCP) and block coordinate descent (BCD) method with two sub-problems. Successive convex approximation (SCA) algorithm and second order cone (SOC) constraints are employed to tackle the non-convexity in the hybrid beamforming optimization. To optimize the unit modulus constrained analog beamforming and phase shifts, manifold optimization (MO) is adopted. Finally, the numerical results verify the effectiveness of the proposed CRB minimization algorithm, and show the performance improvement compared with other baselines. Additionally, the proposed hybrid beamforming algorithm can achieve approximately 96% of the sensing performance exhibited by the full digital approach within only a limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains
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