4 research outputs found

    A Two-Parameter Recursion Formula For Scalar Field Theory

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    We present a two-parameter family of recursion formulas for scalar field theory. The first parameter is the dimension (D)(D). The second parameter (ζ\zeta) allows one to continuously extrapolate between Wilson's approximate recursion formula and the recursion formula of Dyson's hierarchical model. We show numerically that at fixed DD, the critical exponent γ\gamma depends continuously on ζ\zeta. We suggest the use of the ζ\zeta -independence as a guide to construct improved recursion formulas.Comment: 7 pages, uses Revtex, one Postcript figur

    Firing temperature determination and thermoluminescence dating of a brick with cuneiform characters found in the ruins of Ancient Babylon

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar um tijolo com inscrições em caracteres cuneiformes cujas sentenças estão praticamente completas. Estudos tipológicos correspondentes aos relatos históricos sugerem que o tijolo foi manufaturado no século VI a.C., durante a dinastia de Nabucodonosor II, grande monarca da Babilônia. A amostra foi estudada através da difração de raios X (DRX), ressonância paramagnética de elétron (RPE), termoluminescência (TL) e técnicas de análise por ativação instrumental com nêutrons (AAIN). Os resultados demonstraram que o tijolo tem 2350 anos de idade (± 40) e queima menor que 400o C.This paper aims to study a brick with inscriptions in cuneiform characters in  which the sentences are almost complete. Typological studies in agreement with historical records suggest that the tablet was manufactured in the 6th century  BCE during the dynasty of Nebuchadnezzar II, Great King of Babylon. The  sample was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), thermoluminescence (TL), and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) techniques. The results showed that the brick is 2350 years old (± 40) and its firing temperature was lower than 400 °C

    Evidence for Complex Subleading Exponents from the High-Temperature Expansion of the Hierarchical Ising Model

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    Using a renormalization group method, we calculate 800 high-temperature coefficients of the magnetic susceptibility of the hierarchical Ising model. The conventional quantities obtained from differences of ratios of coefficients show unexpected smooth oscillations with a period growing logarithmically and can be fitted assuming corrections to the scaling laws with complex exponents.Comment: 10 pages, Latex , uses revtex. 2 figures not included (hard copies available on request