2,861 research outputs found

    What About Wet Livestock Buildings?

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    Ventilation may or may not be at fault if you have the problem of wet livestock buildings in midwinter. The problem can result from inadequate insulation, not enough heat, insufficient ventilation or any combination of these

    Aerodynamic design of gas and aerosol samplers for aircraft

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    The aerodynamic design of airborne probes for the capture of air and aerosols is discussed. Emphasis is placed on the key parameters that affect proper sampling, such as inlet-lip design, internal duct components for low pressure drop, and exhaust geometry. Inlet designs that avoid sonic flow conditions on the lip and flow separation in the duct are shown. Cross-stream velocities of aerosols are expressed in terms of droplet density and diameter. Flow curvature, which can cause aerosols to cross streamlines and impact on probe walls, can be minimized by means of a proper inlet shape and proper probe orientation, and by avoiding bends upstream of the test section. A NASA panel code called PMARC was used successfully to compute streamlines around aircraft and probes, as well as to compute to local velocity and pressure distributions in inlets. A NACA 1-series inlet with modified lip radius was used for the airborne capture of stratospheric chlorine monoxide at high altitude and high flight speed. The device has a two-stage inlet that decelerates the inflow with little disturbance to the flow through the test section. Diffuser design, exhaust hood design, valve loss, and corner vane geometry are discussed

    Develop New Hog Watering System

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    Agricultural engineers at Iowa State Colle have developed a continuously circulating hog watering system. It eliminates the need for individual heating units in the waterers to prevent winter freeze-ups

    Global Command and Control for the Future Operating Concept: Implications for Structural Design and Information

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    Due to increasing demands on air mobility aircraft, US Transportation Command(USTRANSCOM) has more recently advocated retaining operational control (OPCON)of aircraft it might have transferred to a requesting combatant command in the past. This recent approach mirrors that of similar-type civilian logistics operations that are centrally managed to maximize efficiencies by flowing resources to the point of need without having to navigate through time-consuming sourcing processes. Furthermore, the acceleration of information availability has condensed decision timelines and changed how similar civilian organizations organize and perform, allowing them to react seemingly on a dime to changing market conditions anywhere.4While retaining OPCON might help USTRANSCOM to meet the demand from multiple theaters, it also complicates command relationships and control responsibilities. This current challenge presents an opportunity to examine not necessarily changing the relationship between these entities, but the ways they pass information to assist in moving toward the predicted realities of 2035

    An Organizational Framework for Logistic Platform and its Subtypes in a Search for More Logistically Attractive Regions

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    Excerpt: Regional sustainable economic growth on logistics bases requires the coordinated development of infrastructure, information and communications technology, and proactive education of logistics specialists. The goal is reachable with regional logistics platforms (RLPs). This current research develops a theoretical model for RLPs, consisting of (1) basic constituents, (2) an implementation area, and (3) stakeholders’ and operational benefits

    circular economy recent technology management considerations supply chain innovation key to business to consumer closed loop systems

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    As citizens, organisations and governments across the globe increase their interest in environmentally and socially sustainable means of production and consumption, the idea of a circular economy (CE) has been at the forefront of recent discussions held at organisational, national and international levels. This article briefly presents the CE concept from a supply chain management perspective. Then, two contemporary, representative CE technology management problems are introduced. The article concludes with some takeaways that policy makers and managers can use to inform further CE development

    Predicting Public Bicycle Adoption Using the Technology Acceptance Model

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    Bicycle sharing programs provide a sustainable mode of urban transportation. Although cities across the globe have developed these systems for their citizens and visitors, usage rates are not as high as anticipated. This research uses the technology acceptance model as the basis to understand one’s intention to adopt bicycle sharing programs. Using survey data derived from 421 participants in Beijing, China, the proposed covariance-based structural equation model consisting of perceived quality, perceived convenience, and perceived value is found to predict 50.5% of the variance in adoption intention. The findings of this research contribute to theory and practice in the burgeoning literature on public bicycle systems and sustainable urban transportation by offering a theoretical lens through which to consider system adoption, and providing information to practitioners as to what factors might contribute most to adoption


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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a tool used by organizations to align strategy, business processes, and information technology (IT). Unfortunately, enterprise-level strategy is often not adequately encompassed by EA in such a way that it facilitates strategic IT alignment. Without such strategic orientation, EA may not provide benefits anticipated by firms using EA, such as enhanced levels of inter- and intra-organizational collaboration, agility, and performance. In this study, we examine organizational-level factors that might contribute to the degree to which EA embodies firm strategy from a diffusion of innovation perspective. Based on extant innovation routinization literature, we propose a model consisting of formal guidance addressing EA, EA training, funding to support EA, and EA strategic orientation. We show that organizations can dramatically enhance the level their EA embodies firm strategy and potentially, their bottom line, by employing formal guidance addressing EA, increasing EA training, and providing resources in support of EA
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