738 research outputs found

    Beyond the Formal Teaching of Strategies

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    The Reading Recovery Training Year: A Most Rewarding Year

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    Prior Knowledge and Schema Theory --What and Why?

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    Prior Knowledge and Schema Theory --What and Why?

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    Some calculations on the ground and lowest-triplet state of the helium isoelectronic sequence with the nucleus in motion

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    The method described in the preceding paper for the solution of two-electron atoms, which was used to calculate the 1 1S and 2 3S states of helium and heliumlike atoms within the fixed-nucleus approximation, has been applied to the case where all three particles are in relative motion. The solutions in the present case automatically include the effects of the mass polarization term and are compared with the results obtained for the term by using first-order perturbation theory with the fixed-nucleus wave functions. The input data for a particular atom consist of the atomic number, as before, but now the corresponding mass of the nucleus must be given also. Nonrelativistic energies with the nuclear mass included in the calculation have been obtained for the 1 1S and 2 3S states for Z ranging from 1 to 10. The energy with the nucleus in motion can be expressed only to eight significant figures (SF's) given the accuracy with which the relevant physical constants are known at present. All the results given here are computed as if these constants were known to ten SF's so that errors not incurred due to rounding. Convergence of the energies to ten SF's for both the singlet and triplet state was reached with a matrix of size 444 for Z values from 2 to 10. Convergence for the H- ion was a little slower

    Biological assay of the riboflavin content of beef, calf, lamb, mutton, and pork liver

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    Time-dependent density functional study of the electronic potential energy curves and excitation spectrum of the oxygen molecule

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    Orbital energies, ionization potentials, molecular constants, potential energy curves, and the excitation spectrum of O(2) are calculated using time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) with Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA). The calculated negative highest occupied molecular orbital energy (-epsilon(HOMO)) is compared with the energy difference ionization potential for five exchange correlation functionals consisting of the local density approximation (LDAxc), gradient corrected Becke exchange plus Perdew correlation (B(88X)+P(86C)), gradient regulated asymptotic correction (GRAC), statistical average of orbital potentials (SAOP), and van Leeuwen and Baerends asymptotically correct potential (LB94). The potential energy curves calculated using TDDFT with the TDA at internuclear distances from 1.0 to 1.8 A are divided into three groups according to the electron configurations. The 1pi(u) (4)1pi(g) (2) electron configuration gives rise to the X (3)Sigma(g) (-), a (1)Delta(g), and b (1)Sigma(g) (+) states; the 1pi(u) (3)1pi(g) (3) electron configuration gives rise to the c (1)Sigma(u) (-), C (3)Delta(u), and A (3)Sigma(u) (+) states; and the B (3)Sigma(u) (-), A (1)Delta(u), and f (1)Sigma(u) (+) states are determined by the mixing of two or more electron configurations. The excitation spectrum of the oxygen molecule, calculated with the aforementioned exchange correlation functionals, shows that the results are quite sensitive to the choice of functional. The LDAxc and the B(88X)+P(86C) functionals produce similar spectroscopic patterns with a single strongly absorbing band positioned at 19.82 and 19.72 eV, respectively, while the asymptotically corrected exchange correlation functionals of the SAOP and the LB94 varieties yield similar excitation spectra where the computed strongly absorbing band is located at 16.09 and 16.42 eV, respectively. However, all of the exchange correlation functionals yield only one strongly absorbing band (oscillator strength greater than 0.1) in the energy interval of 0-20 eV, which is assigned to a X (3)Sigma(g) (-) to (3)Sigma(u) (-) transition. Furthermore, the oxygen molecule has a rich spectrum in the energy range of 14-20 eV and no spin allowed absorption bands are predicted to be observed in the range of 0-6 eV

    Predicting the stability of atom-like and molecule-like unit-charge Coulomb three-particle systems

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    Non-relativistic quantum chemical calculations of the particle mass, m ± 2 , corresponding to the dissociation threshold in a range of Coulomb three-particle systems of the form {m ± 1 m ± 2 m ∓ 3 } , are performed variationally using a series solution method with a Laguerre-based wavefunction. These masses are used to calculate an accurate stability boundary, i.e., the line that separates the stability domain from the instability domains, in a reciprocal mass fraction ternary diagram. This result is compared to a lower bound to the stability domain derived from symmetric systems and reveals the importance of the asymmetric (mass-symmetry breaking) terms in the Hamiltonian at dissociation. A functional fit to the stability boundary data provides a simple analytical expression for calculating the minimum mass of a third particle required for stable binding to a two-particle system, i.e., for predicting the bound state stability of any unit-charge three-particle system

    Inner and outer radial density functions in correlated two-electron systems

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    A method is presented for determining inner and outer one-electron radial density functions for two electron systems by partitioning the fully correlated two-electron radial density function. This is applied to the helium isolectronic series (Z=1 to 10 and 100) and the critical nuclear charge system, which has the minimum charge for which the atomic system has at least one bound state, to separate out the motions of the two electrons in both weakly and strongly correlated systems. It is found that the inner electron experiences an anti-shielding effect due to the perturbation by the other electron which increases with increasing Z. For the weakly bound systems the inner radial density distribution closely resembles that of a hydrogenic atom with the outer radial density distribution becoming very diffuse
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