3,716 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Radiological Impact of the Inactive Uranium-Mill Tailings at Mexican Hat, Utah

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    High surface soil concentrations of 226Ra and high above-ground measurements of gamma-ray intensity in the vicinity of the inactive uranium-mill tailings at Mexican Hat show both wind and water erosion of the tailings. The former mill area, occupied by a trade school at the time of this survey, shows a comparatively high level of contamination, probably from unprocessed ore on the surface of the ore storage area near the location of the former mill buildings. However, the estimated health effect of exposure to gamma rays during a 2000-hr work year in the area represents an increase of 0.1% in the risk of death from cancer. Exposure of less than 600 persons within 1.6 km of the tailings to radon daughters results in an estimated 0.2%/year increase in risk of lung cancer. It appears that nothing has been done to implement the recommendation of an earlier (1968) survey that tailings at this site be stabilized or that access be restricted with periodic monitoring to assure that population exposures are acceptably low. Data provided in this report and in an engineering assessment report by Ford, Bacon and Davis Utah Inc. will provide guidance for remedial action if that should be undertaken

    The vertical distribution of biomass burning pollution over tropical South America from aircraft in situ measurements during SAMBBA

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.All raw time series data used to derive the vertical profiles from the FAAM research aircraft are publicly available from the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis website (http://www.ceda.ac.uk/, last access: 31 August 2018). Direct links to the flight data records are given in the reference list (Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements et al., 2014a, b, c, d, e, f, g – https://doi.org/10.5285/6034214ae46c48a7835608866a823f56, h, i, j, k, l – https://doi.org/10.5285/7e7783fcd44e4a3890f3bd67e89e585e, m, n, o, p, q). Raw active fire and land use data used in the paper are available publicly from NASA and ESA respectively (see Acknowledgements). Processed individual and averaged vertical profiles, data masks, plume composition, model output and satellite fields are currently available on request from Eoghan Darbyshire. Lidar data are available on request from Franco Marenco ([email protected]).We examine processes driving the vertical distribution of biomass burning pollution following an integrated analysis of over 200 pollutant and meteorological profiles measured in situ during the South AMerican Biomass Burning Analysis (SAMBBA) field experiment. This study will aid future work examining the impact of biomass burning on weather, climate and air quality. During the dry season there were significant contrasts in the composition and vertical distribution of haze between western and eastern regions of tropical South America. Owing to an active or residual convective mixing layer, the aerosol abundance was similar from the surface to ĝ1/41.5 km in the west and ĝ1/43 km in the east. Black carbon mass loadings were double as much in the east (1.7 ÎŒg mĝ'3) than the west (0.85 ÎŒg mĝ'3), but aerosol scattering coefficients at 550 nm were similar (ĝ1/4120 Mmĝ'1), as too were CO near-surface concentrations (310-340 ppb). We attribute these contrasts to the more flaming combustion of Cerrado fires in the east and more smouldering combustion of deforestation and pasture fires in the west. Horizontal wind shear was important in inhibiting mixed layer growth and plume rise, in addition to advecting pollutants from the Cerrado regions into the remote tropical forest of central Amazonia. Thin layers above the mixing layer indicate the roles of both plume injection and shallow moist convection in delivering pollution to the lower free troposphere. However, detrainment of large smoke plumes into the upper free troposphere was very infrequently observed. Our results reiterate that thermodynamics control the pollutant vertical distribution and thus point to the need for correct model representation so that the spatial distribution and vertical structure of biomass burning smoke is captured. We observed an increase of aerosol abundance relative to CO with altitude both in the background haze and plume enhancement ratios. It is unlikely associated with thermodynamic partitioning, aerosol deposition or local non-fire sources. We speculate it may be linked to long-range transport from West Africa or fire combustion efficiency coupled to plume injection height. Further enquiry is required to explain the phenomenon and explore impacts on regional climate and air quality.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Evolution of the Velocity Ellipsoids in the Thin Disk of the Galaxy and the Radial Migration of Stars

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    Data from the revised Geneva--Copenhagen catalog are used to study the influence of radial migration of stars on the age dependences of parameters of the velocity ellipsoids for nearby stars in the thin disk of the Galaxy, assuming that the mean radii of the stellar orbits remain constant. It is demonstrated that precisely the radial migration of stars, together with the negative metallicity gradient in the thin disk,are responsible for the observed negative correlation between the metallicities and angular momenta of nearby stars, while the angular momenta of stars that were born at the same Galactocentric distances do not depend on either age or metallicity. (abridged)Comment: Astronomy Reports, Vol. 86 No. 9, P.1117-1126 (2009

    The ATLAS SCT grounding and shielding concept and implementation

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    This paper presents a complete description of Virgo, the French-Italian gravitational wave detector. The detector, built at Cascina, near Pisa (Italy), is a very large Michelson interferometer, with 3 km-long arms. In this paper, following a presentation of the physics requirements, leading to the specifications for the construction of the detector, a detailed description of all its different elements is given. These include civil engineering infrastructures, a huge ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber (about 6000 cubic metres), all of the optical components, including high quality mirrors and their seismic isolating suspensions, all of the electronics required to control the interferometer and for signal detection. The expected performances of these different elements are given, leading to an overall sensitivity curve as a function of the incoming gravitational wave frequency. This description represents the detector as built and used in the first data-taking runs. Improvements in different parts have been and continue to be performed, leading to better sensitivities. These will be detailed in a forthcoming paper

    ALPGEN, a generator for hard multiparton processes in hadronic collisions

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    This paper presents a new event generator, ALPGEN, dedicated to the study of multiparton hard processes in hadronic collisions. The code performs, at the leading order in QCD and EW interactions, the calculation of the exact matrix elements for a large set of parton-level processes of interest in the study of the Tevatron and LHC data. The current version of the code describes the following final states: (W -> ffbar') QQbar+ N jets (Q being a heavy quark, and f=l,q), with N f fbar)+QQbar+Njets (f=l,nu), with N ffbar') + charm + N jets (f=l,q), N f fbar') + N jets (f=l,q) and (Z/gamma* -> f fbar)+ N jets (f=l,nu), with N<=6; nW+mZ+lH+N jets, with n+m+l+N<=8 and N<=3 including all 2-fermion decay modes of W and Z bosons, with spin correlations; Q Qbar+N jets (N b f fbar' decays and relative spin correlations included if Q=t; Q Qbar Q' Qbar'+N jets, with Q and Q' heavy quarks (possibly equal) and N b f fbar' decays and relative spin correlations included if Q=t; N jets, with N<=6. Parton-level events are generated, providing full information on their colour and flavour structure, enabling the evolution of the partons into fully hadronised final states.Comment: 1+38 pages, uses JHEP.cls. Documents code version 1.2: extended list of processes, updated documentation and bibliograph

    Relationship between the Velocity Ellipsoids of Galactic-Disk Stars and their Ages and Metallicities

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    The dependences of the velocity ellipsoids of F-G stars of the thin disk of the Galaxy on their ages and metallicities are analyzed based on the new version of the Geneva-Copenhagen Catalog. The age dependences of the major, middle, and minor axes of the ellipsoids, and also of the dispersion of the total residual veltocity, obey power laws with indices 0.25,0.29,0.32, and 0.27 (with uncertainties \pm 0.02). Due to the presence of thick-disk objects, the analogous indices for all nearby stars are about a factor of 1.5 larger. Attempts to explain such values are usually based on modeling relaxation processes in the Galactic disk. With increasing age, the velocity ellipsoid increases in size and becomes appreciably more spherical, turns toward the direction of the Galactic center, and loses angular momentum. The shape of the velocity ellipsoid remains far from equilibrium. With increasing metallicity, the velocity ellipsoid for stars of mixed age increases in size, displays a weak tendency to become more spherical, and turns toward the direction of the Galactic center (with these changes occurring substantially more rapidly in the transition through the metallicity [Fe/H]= -0.25). Thus, the ellipsoid changes similarly to the way it does with age; however, with decreasing metallicity, the rotational velocity about the Galactic center monotonically increases, rather than decreases(!). Moreover, the power-law indices for the age dependences of the axes depend on the metallicity, and display a maximum near [Fe/H]=-0.1. The age dependences of all the velocity-ellipsoid parameters for stars with equal metallicity are roughly the same. It is proposed that the appearance of a metallicity dependence of the velocity ellipsoids for thin-disk stars is most likely due to the radial migration of stars.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted 2009, Astronomy Reports, Vol. 53 No. 9, P.785-80

    A double-sided silicon micro-strip super-module for the ATLAS inner detector upgrade in the high-luminosity LHC

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    The ATLAS experiment is a general purpose detector aiming to fully exploit the discovery potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is foreseen that after several years of successful data-taking, the LHC physics programme will be extended in the so-called High-Luminosity LHC, where the instantaneous luminosity will be increased up to 5 × 1034 cm−2 s−1. For ATLAS, an upgrade scenario will imply the complete replacement of its internal tracker, as the existing detector will not provide the required performance due to the cumulated radiation damage and the increase in the detector occupancy. The current baseline layout for the new ATLAS tracker is an all-silicon-based detector, with pixel sensors in the inner layers and silicon micro-strip detectors at intermediate and outer radii. The super-module is an integration concept proposed for the strip region of the future ATLAS tracker, where double-sided stereo silicon micro-strip modules are assembled into a low-mass local support structure. An electrical super-module prototype for eight double-sided strip modules has been constructed. The aim is to exercise the multi-module readout chain and to investigate the noise performance of such a system. In this paper, the main components of the current super-module prototype are described and its electrical performance is presented in detail
