10,071 research outputs found

    Ocean-wave measurement by sonar

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    A bottom-mounted, narrow-beam active sonar has been designed, built, and operated to measure wave height in the open ocean. Experiments were carried out at a depth of 44 m. The apparatus is capable of measuring wave height at depths ranging from 6 to 67 m without modification, and to 150 m with a minimum of development. The amplitude resolution of the wave measurements was about 1 cm, and the spatial resolution on the surface of the ocean was approximately 60 cm. The wave data have been processed by digital methods, and the autocorrelation functions and power spectra of the ocean waves have been computed

    Satellite tracking reveals unusual diving characteristics for a marine reptile the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)

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    Copyright © 2007 Inter-Research.The movements, diving behaviour and thermal environment occupied by 4 adult female olive ridley turtles Lepidochelys olivacea in northern Australia were determined through satellite telemetry. Patterns of behaviour recorded were rather unusual compared to other sea turtles in that dives were mainly deep, largely benthic and exceptionally long (>2 h) in some cases, characteristics typical of over-wintering turtles in colder environments. One individual occupied shallow coastal foraging zones, while the others foraged far from land (probably on the seabed) in relatively deep water (>100 m). Individuals performed long dives (frequently >100 min), but from the short post-dive intervals we suggest that these dives were mainly aerobic. Maximum dive depth recorded was 200 ± 20 m (mean maximum depths ranged from 20.1 to 46.7 m across individuals; n = 17328 dives in total; depths ≥3 m were considered ‘dives’) and the maximum duration was 200 ± 20 min (mean durations ranged from 24.5 to 48.0 min across individuals). Temperature profiles indicate that turtles experienced temperatures ranging from 23 to 29°C at the surface, with the lowest temperature recorded (18.7°C) at a depth of 98 m. Only 6.9% of the dives were in water <20°C. From time-allocation at depth (TAD) scores, we demonstrated that many dives reaching the known or inferred sea bottom were U-shaped, but there was no apparent diel signal in dive depth. This suggests that many benthic dives were not associated exclusively with resting behaviour and likely had a foraging component as well. The ability to perform long benthic dives allows this species to exploit deeper benthic environments in addition to the shallow coastal areas more generally occupied by adult hard-shelled sea turtles (e.g. green and hawksbill turtles). Deep benthic dives also occur in certain marine mammals (e.g. narwhals) and sea birds (e.g. rockhopper penguins) and therefore seem to be a general foraging strategy exploited by animals that can perform long dives.Clive R. McMahon, Corey J. A. Bradshaw, Graeme C. Hay

    Program on Earth Observation Data Management Systems (EODMS)

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    An assessment was made of the needs of a group of potential users of satellite remotely sensed data (state, regional, and local agencies) involved in natural resources management in five states, and alternative data management systems to satisfy these needs are outlined. Tasks described include: (1) a comprehensive data needs analysis of state and local users; (2) the design of remote sensing-derivable information products that serve priority state and local data needs; (3) a cost and performance analysis of alternative processing centers for producing these products; (4) an assessment of the impacts of policy, regulation and government structure on implementing large-scale use of remote sensing technology in this community of users; and (5) the elaboration of alternative institutional arrangements for operational Earth Observation Data Management Systems (EODMS). It is concluded that an operational EODMS will be of most use to state, regional, and local agencies if it provides a full range of information services -- from raw data acquisition to interpretation and dissemination of final information products

    Travel routes to remote ocean targets reveal the map sense resolution for a marine migrant

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    How animals navigate across the ocean to isolated targets remains perplexing greater than 150 years since this question was considered by Charles Darwin. To help solve this long-standing enigma, we considered the likely resolution of any map sense used in migration, based on the navigational performance across different scales (tens to thousands of kilometres). We assessed navigational performance using a unique high-resolution Fastloc-GPS tracking dataset for post-breeding hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) migrating relatively short distances to remote, isolated targets on submerged banks in the Indian Ocean. Individuals often followed circuitous paths (mean straightness index = 0.54, range 0.14-0.93, s.d. = 0.23, n = 22), when migrating short distances (mean beeline distance to target = 106 km, range 68.7-178.2 km). For example, one turtle travelled 1306.2 km when the beeline distance to the target was only 176.4 km. When off the beeline to their target, turtles sometimes corrected their course both in the open ocean and when encountering shallow water. Our results provide compelling evidence that hawksbill turtles only have a relatively crude map sense in the open ocean. The existence of widespread foraging and breeding areas on isolated oceanic sites points to target searching in the final stages of migration being common in sea turtles


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    Background/Aims: Several proteins present in human bile have been reported to promote cholesterol crystallization and thus are potentially important in the formation of cholesterol crystals as the initial stage in gallstone pathogenesis. To be physiologically relevant, such proteins must either be present in high concentration in bile or have a potent promoting activity. The current study explored several of the more abundant but unexamined biliary proteins based upon their also having sufficiently high serum concentrations that antibodies were available for both their isolation and quantitation. Methods: Protein purification was accomplished by immunoaffinity chromatography of bile followed by delipidation. Con A affinity chromatography of bile was used to obtain the bound fraction, a portion of which was delipidated. Crystallization-promoting activity of both the purified proteins and Con A-bound glycoprotein fractions (CABG) was measured by a photometric crystal growth assay. A competitive antibody-capture ELISA assay was developed to measure concentrations of alpha(1)-antitrypsin, transferrin, and haptoglobin in native bile. Results: At their relevant physiological concentrations, biliary haptoglobin (15 mu g/ml) had a crystallization-promoting activity twice that of the biliary IgM (75 mu g/ml) used as a reference standard (P < 0.05). Biliary transferrin (20 mu g/ml) had only modest promoting activity (P < 0.05). Biliary alpha(1)-antitrypsin (50 mu g/ml), by contrast, showed no promoting activity. Delipidation of the CABG fraction decreased its promoting activity by 75%. Biliary haptoglobin accounts for about 30% of delipidated total CABG-promoting activity. Conclusions: Biliary haptoglobin at its physiological concentration has a highly potent crystallization-promoting activity and thus becomes a candidate for major attention in understanding gallstone pathogenesis. Biliary lipids associated with CABG account for a major portion of the cholesterol-crystallization-promoting activity of this fraction

    Nest site selection by sea turtles

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    The distribution of 38 nests of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) on beaches on Sanibel and Captiva islands, south-western Florida (26&deg;26\u27N 82&deg;16\u27W), and of 70 first digging attempts by green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on Ascension Island (7&deg;57\u27S 14&deg;22\u27W), was quantified. For loggerhead turtles on Sanibel and Captiva, nests were clumped close to the border between the open sand and the supra-littoral vegetation that backed the beaches. This spatial pattern of nests was closely reproduced by assuming simply that turtles crawled a random distance above the most recent high water line prior to digging. In contrast, green turtles on Ascension Island clumped their first digging attempts on the uneven beach above the springs high water line, crawling up to 80 m to reach this beach zone

    The Intrinsic Origin of Spin Echoes in Dipolar Solids Generated by Strong Pi Pulses

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    In spectroscopy, it is conventional to treat pulses much stronger than the linewidth as delta-functions. In NMR, this assumption leads to the prediction that pi pulses do not refocus the dipolar coupling. However, NMR spin echo measurements in dipolar solids defy these conventional expectations when more than one pi pulse is used. Observed effects include a long tail in the CPMG echo train for short delays between pi pulses, an even-odd asymmetry in the echo amplitudes for long delays, an unusual fingerprint pattern for intermediate delays, and a strong sensitivity to pi-pulse phase. Experiments that set limits on possible extrinsic causes for the phenomena are reported. We find that the action of the system's internal Hamiltonian during any real pulse is sufficient to cause the effects. Exact numerical calculations, combined with average Hamiltonian theory, identify novel terms that are sensitive to parameters such as pulse phase, dipolar coupling, and system size. Visualization of the entire density matrix shows a unique flow of quantum coherence from non-observable to observable channels when applying repeated pi pulses.Comment: 24 pages, 27 figures. Revised from helpful referee comments. Added new Table IV, new paragraphs on pages 3 and 1
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