147 research outputs found

    Economic Impacts of Soybean Rust on the US Soybean Sector

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    The spread of Asian Soybean Rust (ASR) represents a real threat to the U.S. soybean sector. We assess the potential impacts of ASR on domestic soybean production and commodity markets as well as the competitive position of the US in the soybean export market. We develop a mathematical stochastic dynamic sector model with endogenous prices to assess the economic impacts of ASR on US agriculture. The model takes into account the disease spread during the cropping season, the inherent uncertainty regarding the risk of infection, and the dichotomous decisions that farmers make (no treatment, preventive treatment, and curative treatment) facing the risk of infection. Our results suggest substantial impacts from potential ASR spread on agricultural output, prices and exports. Our simulation results suggest that substantial losses to the US soybean producers may be avoided by establishing effective soybean rust controls. ASR control policies can be particularly efficient if applied in the gateway regions on the path of the ASR spread. On the other hand, our results indicate a possible gradual shift in soybean production from lower-latitude states toward higher-latitude statesAsian Soybean Rust, Stochastic Models, Dynamic Models, Crop Production/Industries, C61, Q13,

    Economic Impacts of Soybean Rust on the US Soybean Sector

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    The spread of Asian Soybean Rust (ASR) represents a real threat to the U.S. soybean sector. We assess the potential impacts of ASR on domestic soybean production and commodity markets as well as the competitive position of the US in the soybean export market. We develop a mathematical stochastic dynamic sector model with endogenous prices to assess the economic impacts of ASR on US agriculture. The model takes into account the disease spread during the cropping season, the inherent uncertainty regarding the risk of infection, and the dichotomous decisions that farmers make (no treatment, preventive treatment, and curative treatment) facing the risk of infection. Our results suggest substantial impacts from potential ASR spread on agricultural output, prices and exports. Our simulation results suggest that substantial losses to the US soybean producers may be avoided by establishing effective soybean rust controls. ASR control policies can be particularly efficient if applied in the gateway regions on the path of the ASR spread. On the other hand, our results indicate a possible gradual shift in soybean production from lower-latitude states toward higher-latitude states.Asian Soybean Rust, Stochastic Models, Dynamic Models, Agribusiness, Marketing, C61, Q13,

    Küçük hidroelektirk santrallerde cansuyunun belirlenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Su kaynaklarını geliştirme projeleri kapsamında akarsular üzerinde yapılan su yapıları su miktarı ve su ekosistemi üzerinde bir etki oluşturmaktadır. Gerçekleştirilen projelerde tüm bu etkiler göz önüne alınarak sucul ekosistemin devamlılığı sağlanmalıdır. Bu nedenle su yapılarının boyutlandırılması kapsamında gerçekleştirilen proje hidrolojisi çalışmalarında mansaba bırakılacak cansuyunun (minimum akımın-ekolojik debi) belirlenmesi gerekmektedir.Cansuyu hesabı; içme ve sulama suyu temininde, hidroelektrik santrallerden verilecek minimum etek suyu hesabında, su kirliliğine yönelik çalışmalarda ve akarsulardaki ekolojik değerlerin sürdürülebilirliği için gerekli su miktarının belirlenmesinde kullanılmaktadır.Bu çalışmada akarsulardaki ekolojik dengenin korunması için hidroelektrik santrallerden akarsu yatağına bırakılacak minimum debinin belirlenmesi konusu incelenmiştir. Literatürde bu debinin hesabında çeşitli ülkeler tarafından kullanılan pek çok metot mevcuttur. Geçen yıllar boyunca bu metotların bir kısmı ülke şartlarına göre modifiye edilmiş ve ilgili ülkeler tarafından da kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu amaçla kullanılan literatür formüllerinin yaygın olarak kullanılanları verilmiş ve seçilmiş bir akarsu gözlem istasyonu verileri kullanılarak örnek uygulama yapılmıştır.Water infrastructures, which are constructed in riverbeds within the context of water resource development projects, led to some impacts on water quantity, water quality and also water ecosystem. All of these impacts shall be taken into consideration to maintain the sustainability of water ecosystems. On this account, for the design of water infrastructures, determination of required amount of low flow in order to protect the water ecosystem in downstream of a river appears to be an important problem.Low flow calculations are mainly used for drinking and potable water supply, calculation of minimum water discharge from hydroelectric power plants, water pollution studies and determination of water quantity for sustainability of stream ecological values.In this study, it is aimed to determine the minimum discharge from a Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in order to maintain the ecological balance of a stream. Various methods used by different countries exist in literature for calculation of low flow. Throughout years, some of these methods are modified according to the country conditions and later used by related countries. In this context, widely used formulas in literature are presented and sample implementation is made by using data from selected gauging stations

    Investigation of Thyroid Metabolism Diseases in Kütahya Region

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    Aim: The study was performed on the sera sent for other diagnostic purposes like thyroid function tests (thyroid-stimulating hormone, total triiodothyronine and total thyroxin) to the Laboratory of Kütahya Hıfzısıhha Institute. Material and Method: Patients visiting 13 health care centers province and districts of Kütahya province were included in this study. The study popula-tion consisted of 320 patients. Serum levels of cholesterol, trigliserid, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and lipid were measured. Results: The results of our study showed 250 individuals (78.12%) to be within normal ranges, 42 (13.12%) as hypothyroid, and 28 (8.75%) were hyperthyroid. Hypothyroid pa-tients had significantly higher levels of cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, lipid and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels (p<0.05). While hyperthyroid patients had significantly lower levels of cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and lipid levels when compared with patients with normal thyroid hormone levels (p<0.05); Thyroxin levels were significantly higher (p<0.05). Discussion: The results of this study showed that the population under study was at risk of goiter diseases

    A guide to mechanobiology: Where biology and physics meet

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    AbstractCells actively sense and process mechanical information that is provided by the extracellular environment to make decisions about growth, motility and differentiation. It is important to understand the underlying mechanisms given that deregulation of the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is implicated in various diseases, such as cancer and fibrosis. Moreover, matrix mechanics can be exploited to program stem cell differentiation for organ-on-chip and regenerative medicine applications. Mechanobiology is an emerging multidisciplinary field that encompasses cell and developmental biology, bioengineering and biophysics. Here we provide an introductory overview of the key players important to cellular mechanobiology, taking a biophysical perspective and focusing on a comparison between flat versus three dimensional substrates. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mechanobiology

    GRPR versus PSMA:expression profiles during prostate cancer progression demonstrate the added value of GRPR-targeting theranostic approaches

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    Introduction: Central to targeted radionuclide imaging and therapy of prostate cancer (PCa) are prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeting radiopharmaceuticals. Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) targeting has been proposed as a potential additional approach for PCa theranostics. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent and at what stage of the disease GRPR-targeting applications can complement PSMA-targeting theranostics in the management of PCa. Methods: Binding of the GRPR- and PSMA-targeting radiopharmaceuticals [177Lu]Lu-NeoB and [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617, respectively, was evaluated and compared on tissue sections of 20 benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 16 primary PCa and 17 progressive castration-resistant PCa (CRPC) fresh frozen tissue specimens. Hematoxylin-eosin and alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase stains were performed to identify regions of prostatic adenocarcinoma and potentially high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. For a subset of primary PCa samples, RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) was used to identify target mRNA expression in defined tumor regions. Results: The highest median [177Lu]Lu-NeoB binding was observed in primary PCa samples, while median and overall [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 binding was highest in CRPC samples. The highest [177Lu]Lu-NeoB binding was observed in 3/17 CRPC samples of which one sample showed no [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 binding. RNA ISH analyses showed a trend between mRNA expression and radiopharmaceutical binding, and confirmed the distinct GRPR and PSMA expression patterns in primary PCa observed with radiopharmaceutical binding. Conclusion: Our study emphasizes that GRPR-targeting approaches can contribute to improved PCa management and complement currently applied PSMA-targeting strategies in both early and late stage PCa.</p

    Aberrant APOBEC3B Expression in Breast Cancer Is Linked to Proliferation and Cell Cycle Phase

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    APOBEC3B (A3B) is aberrantly overexpressed in a subset of breast cancers, where it associates with advanced disease, poor prognosis, and treatment resistance, yet the causes of A3B dysregulation in breast cancer remain unclear. Here, A3B mRNA and protein expression levels were quantified in different cell lines and breast tumors and related to cell cycle markers using RT-qPCR and multiplex immunofluorescence imaging. The inducibility of A3B expression during the cell cycle was additionally addressed after cell cycle synchronization with multiple methods. First, we found that A3B protein levels within cell lines and tumors are heterogeneous and associate strongly with the proliferation marker Cyclin B1 characteristic of the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Second, in multiple breast cancer cell lines with high A3B, expression levels were observed to oscillate throughout the cell cycle and again associate with Cyclin B1. Third, induction of A3B expression is potently repressed throughout G0/early G1, likely by RB/E2F pathway effector proteins. Fourth, in cells with low A3B, induction of A3B through the PKC/ncNF-κB pathway occurs predominantly in actively proliferating cells and is largely absent in cells arrested in G0. Altogether, these results support a model in which dysregulated A3B overexpression in breast cancer is the cumulative result of proliferation-associated relief from repression with concomitant pathway activation during the G2/M phase of the cell cycle.</p

    Therapeutic efficacy of dilatation and curettage in endometrial polyps: is it a valuable method?

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    Rezumat. Efi cacitatea terapeutică a dilatării și chiuretajului în polipii endometriali. Studiul a fost efectuat în perioada iunie 2008 – martie 2011, la Spitalul de Educaţie și Cercetare Ataturk din Izmir, Turcia. 36 de femei cu sângerare uterină anormală, care au suferit o dilatare și chiuretaj și la care evaluarea histopatologica a diagnosticat polip endometrial, au fost incluse în studiu. Toate pacientele au suportat histeroscopie imediat după menstruaţie. Au fost evaluate rezultatele şi ratele. Nouă (25%) dintre paciente au fost vindecate prin dilatare și chiuretaj și 27 (75%) au fost tratate cu succes prin histeroscopie. Diagnosticul a fost dovedit, polipii fiind eliminaţi prin histeroscopie de birou. În caz de hemoragii uterine anormale, cum ar fi polipul endometrial, histeroscopia de birou este o metodă mult mai utilă decât dilatarea și chiuretajul, pentru că este o metodă simplă prin care pacientul poate fi tratat la momentul diagnosticării.Резюме. Терапевтическая эффективность расширения и кюретажа в эндометрических полипах: действительно ли это ценный метод? Исследование проводилось с июня 2008 до марта 2011 года в Измир Ататюрк учебной и научной больнице, отделение гинекологии и акушерской помощи, Измир, Турция. Тридцать шесть женщин с аномальными маточными кровотечениями, которые прошли диагностическое выскабливание и у которых был поставлен диагноз полип эндометрия, были включены в исследование. Всем пациенткам проводилась амбулаторно-офисная гистероскопия сразу же после их очередной менструации. Результаты диагностического выскабливания и гистероскопии были оценены. Девять (25%) пациенток могут быть полностью вылечены при помощи диагностического выскабливания и 27 (75%) пациенток были успешно пролечены офисной гистероскопией. Диагноз был гистологически доказан, а полипы были удалены посредством офисной гистероскопии. В случаях патологии матки, которые вызывают аномальные кровотечения, как полип эндометрия, офисная гистероскопия является более полезной, чем метод диагностического выскабливания, потому, что это простой метод, который позволяет лечить пациента на момент постановки диагноза

    Economic Impacts of Soybean Rust on the US Soybean Sector

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    WP 2009-17 May 2009JEL Classification Codes: C61; Q13The spread of Asian Soybean Rust (ASR) represents a real threat to the U.S. soybean sector. We assess the potential impacts of ASR on domestic soybean production and commodity markets as well as the competitive position of the US in the soybean export market. We develop a mathematical stochastic dynamic sector model with endogenous prices to assess the economic impacts of ASR on US agriculture. The model takes into account the disease spread during the cropping season, the inherent uncertainty regarding the risk of infection, and the dichotomous decisions that farmers make (no treatment, preventive treatment, and curative treatment) facing the risk of infection. Our results suggest substantial impacts from potential ASR spread on agricultural output, prices and exports. Our simulation results suggest that substantial losses to the US soybean producers may be avoided by establishing effective soybean rust controls. ASR control policies can be particularly efficient if applied in the gateway regions on the path of the ASR spread. On the other hand, our results indicate a possible gradual shift in soybean production from lower-latitude states toward higher-latitude states