8,060 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic scanning system for in-place inspection of brazed-tube joints

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    System detects defects of .051 cm in diameter and larger. System incorporates scanning head assembly including boot enclosed transducer, slip ring assembly, drive mechanism, and servotransmitter. Ultrasonic flaw detector, prototype recorder, and special recorder complete system

    Ultrasonic scanning system for in-place inspection of brazed tube joints

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    A miniaturized ultrasonic scanning system for nondestructive in-place, non-immersion testing of brazed joints in stainless-steel tubing is described. The system is capable of scanning brazed tube joints, with limited clearance access, in 1/4 through 5/8 inch union, tee, elbow and cross configurations. The system has the capability to detect defective conditions now associated with material density changes in addition to those which are depended upon density variations. The system includes a miniaturized scanning head assembly that fits around a tube joint and rotates the transducer around and down the joint in a continuous spiral motion. The C-scan recorder is similar in principle to conventional models except that it was specially designed to track the continuous spiral scan of the tube joint. The scanner and recorder can be operated with most commercially available ultrasonic flaw detectors

    Signatures of Galaxy-Cluster Interactions: Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curve Asymmetry, Shape, and Extent

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    The environmental dependencies of the characteristics of spiral galaxy rotation curves are studied in this work. We use our large, homogeneously collected sample of 510 cluster spiral galaxy rotation curves to test the claim that the shape of a galaxy's rotation curve strongly depends on its location within the cluster, and thus presumably on the strength of the local intracluster medium and on the frequency and strength of tidal interactions with the cluster and cluster galaxies. Our data do not corroborate such a scenario, consistent with the fact that Tully-Fisher residuals are independent of galaxy location within the cluster; while the average late-type spiral galaxy shows more rise in the outer parts of its rotation curve than does the typical early-type spiral galaxy, there is no apparent trend for either subset with cluster environment. We also investigate as a function of cluster environment rotation curve asymmetry and the radial distribution of H II region tracers within galactic disks. Mild trends with projected cluster-centric distance are observed: (i) the (normalized) radial extent of optical line emission averaged over all spiral galaxy types shows a 4%+/-2% increase per Mpc of galaxy-cluster core separation, and (ii) rotation curve asymmetry falls by a factor of two between the inner and outer cluster for early-type spirals (a negligible decrease is found for late-type spirals). Such trends are consistent with spiral disk perturbations or even the stripping of the diffuse, outermost gaseous regions within the disks as galaxies pass through the dense cluster cores.Comment: 17 pages; to appear in the April 2001 Astronomical Journa

    Galaxy Peculiar Velocities and Infall onto Groups

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    We perform statistical analyses to study the infall of galaxies onto groups and clusters in the nearby Universe. The study is based on the UZC and SSRS2 group catalogs and peculiar velocity samples. We find a clear signature of infall of galaxies onto groups over a wide range of scales 5 h^{-1} Mpc<r<30 h^{-1} Mpc, with an infall amplitude on the order of a few hundred kilometers per second. We obtain a significant increase in the infall amplitude with group virial mass (M_{V}) and luminosity of group member galaxies (L_{g}). Groups with M_{V}<10^{13} M_{\odot} show infall velocities V_{infall} \simeq 150 km s^{-1} whereas for M_{V}>10^{13} M_{\odot} a larger infall is observed, V_{infall} \simeq 200 km s^{-1}. Similarly, we find that galaxies surrounding groups with L_{g}<10^{15} L_{\odot} have V_{infall} \simeq 100 km s^{-1}, whereas for L_{g}>10^{15} L_{\odot} groups, the amplitude of the galaxy infall can be as large as V_{infall} \simeq 250 km s^{-1}. The observational results are compared with the results obtained from mock group and galaxy samples constructed from numerical simulations, which include galaxy formation through semianalytical models. We obtain a general agreement between the results from the mock catalogs and the observations. The infall of galaxies onto groups is suitably reproduced in the simulations and, as in the observations, larger virial mass and luminosity groups exhibit the largest galaxy infall amplitudes. We derive estimates of the integrated mass overdensities associated with groups by applying linear theory to the infall velocities after correcting for the effects of distance uncertainties obtained using the mock catalogs. The resulting overdensities are consistent with a power law with \delta \sim 1 at r \sim 10 h^{-1}Mpc.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Morphology and the gradient of a symmetric potential predicts gait transitions of dogs

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    Gaits and gait transitions play a central role in the movement of animals. Symmetry is thought to govern the structure of the nervous system, and constrain the limb motions of quadrupeds. We quantify the symmetry of dog gaits with respect to combinations of bilateral, fore-aft, and spatio-temporal symmetry groups. We tested the ability of symmetries to model motion capture data of dogs walking, trotting and transitioning between those gaits. Fully symmetric models performed comparably to asymmetric with only a 22% increase in the residual sum of squares and only one-quarter of the parameters. This required adding a spatio-temporal shift representing a lag between fore and hind limbs. Without this shift, the symmetric model residual sum of squares was 1700% larger. This shift is related to (linear regression, n = 5, p = 0.0328) dog morphology. That this symmetry is respected throughout the gaits and transitions indicates that it generalizes outside a single gait. We propose that relative phasing of limb motions can be described by an interaction potential with a symmetric structure. This approach can be extended to the study of interaction of neurodynamic and kinematic variables, providing a system-level model that couples neuronal central pattern generator networks and mechanical models

    Structural relaxations in electronically excited poly(para-phenylene)

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    Structural relaxations in electronically excited poly(para-phenylene) are studied using many-body perturbation theory and density-functional-theory methods. A sophisticated description of the electron-hole interaction is required to describe the energies of the excitonic states, but we show that the structural relaxations associated with exciton formation can be obtained quite accurately within a constrained density-functional-theory approach. We find that the structural relaxations in the low-energy excitonic states extend over about 8 monomers, leading to an energy reduction of 0.22 eV and a Stokes shift of 0.40 eV.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Multistable Phase Regulation for Robust Steady and Transitional Legged Gaits

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    We develop robust methods that allow speciïŹcation, control, and transition of a multi-legged robot’s stepping pattern—its gait—during active locomotion over natural terrain. Resulting gaits emerge through the introduction of controllers that impose appropriately-placed repellors within the space of gaits, the torus of relative leg phases, thereby mitigating against dangerous patterns of leg timing. Moreover, these repellors are organized with respect to a natural cellular decomposition of gait space and result in limit cycles with associated basins that are well characterized by these cells, thus conferring a symbolic character upon the overall behavioral repertoire. These ideas are particularly applicable to four- and six-legged robots, for which a large variety of interesting and useful (and, in many cases, familiar) gaits exist, and whose tradeoïŹ€s between speed and reliability motivate the desire for transitioning between them during active locomotion. We provide an empirical instance of this gait regulation scheme by application to a climbing hexapod, whose “physical layer” sensor-feedback control requires adequate grasp of a climbing surface but whose closed loop control perturbs the robot from its desired gait. We document how the regulation scheme secures the desired gait and permits operator selection of diïŹ€erent gaits as required during active climbing on challenging surfaces

    New synchronization method for <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i>

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    &lt;b&gt;Background&lt;/b&gt;: Plasmodium falciparum is usually asynchronous during in vitro culture. Although various synchronization methods are available, they are not able to narrow the range of ages of parasites. A newly developed method is described that allows synchronization of parasites to produce cultures with an age range as low as 30 minutes. &lt;b&gt;Methods&lt;/b&gt;: Trophozoites and schizonts are enriched using Plasmion. The enriched late stage parasites are immobilized as a monolayer onto plastic Petri dishes using concanavalin A. Uninfected erythrocytes are placed onto the monolayer for a limited time period, during which time schizonts on the monolayer rupture and the released merozoites invade the fresh erythrocytes. The overlay is then taken off into a culture flask, resulting in a highly synchronized population of parasites. &lt;b&gt;Results&lt;/b&gt;: Plasmion treatment results in a 10- to 13-fold enrichment of late stage parasites. The monolayer method results in highly synchronized cultures of parasites where invasion has occurred within a very limited time window, which can be as low as 30 minutes. The method is simple, requiring no specialized equipment and relatively cheap reagents. &lt;b&gt;Conclusions&lt;/b&gt;: The new method for parasite synchronization results in highly synchronized populations of parasites, which will be useful for studies of the parasite asexual cell cycle

    The Far-Infrared/Radio Correlation in Nearby Abell Clusters

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    A comprehensive study of the effect of the cluster environment on the far- infrared (FIR)/radio correlation in nearby Abell clusters is presented. Using the cluster radio galaxy database from Miller & Owen (2001) and optical spectroscopy and high resolution radio images to remove AGN, we assess the FIR/radio correlation of cluster galaxies from the centers of the clusters out well past the classical Abell radius. The FIR/radio correlation is shown to hold quite well for star forming galaxies, and the FIR and radio fluxes for cluster AGN are also well correlated. In the case of AGN, the relative radio- to-FIR fluxes are greater and the scatter in the correlation is larger than those seen for star forming galaxies. We also find that there is a rare but statistically significant excess of star forming galaxies with enhanced radio emission in the centers of the clusters, and that the degree of this enhancement is typically a factor of two or three. The FIR/radio correlation for cluster star forming galaxies is also tested against line-of-sight velocity relative to the cluster systemic velocities, but no significant correlation is found. While the radial dependence of the FIR/radio correlation is consistent with the model wherein ram pressure increases the cluster galaxies' magnetic field strengths through compression, the velocity data do not confirm this model. Although a contribution from ram pressure can not be ruled out, the thermal pressure due to the ICM alone is an equally viable alternative. The high resolution radio images largely reject the hypothesis that the increased radio emission arises from an AGN component, strengthening the claim that the change in the correlation is caused by a change in the environment of the galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, including 5 figures (uses AASTeX 5.0). Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa
