54 research outputs found

    Trans-to-cis isomerization of a platinum(II) complex with two triphosphine ligands via coordination with gold(I) ions

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    The version of record of this article, first published in Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, is available online at Publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10847-024-01228-2.The reaction of a square-planar platinum(II) complex containing two bis(2-diphenylphosphinoethyl)phenylphosphine (triphos), [Pt(triphos)2](NO3)2, with [Au(tu)2]Cl (tu = thiourea) gave a new trinuclear AuI2PtII complex, [Pt(triphos)2{Au(tu)}2]Cl2(NO3)2, through Au-P coordination. While the [Pt(triphos)2]2+ unit in [Pt(triphos)2](NO3)2 adopted the trans-meso configuration, only the cis-racemic isomer was observed for [Pt(triphos)2{Au(tu)}2]Cl2(NO3)2. 31P NMR spectroscopy indicated rapid equilibrium among the possible isomers of [Pt(triphos)2]2+, which facilitated the trans-to-cis transformation at the PtII center in this system. Additionally, we observed that this structural transformation led to an increase in the emission intensity

    Facilitatory effect of insulin treatment on hepatocellular carcinoma development in diabetes

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    Background: To evaluate the effect of insulin treatment on the incidence and/or severity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a mouse model of HCC based on diabetes. Methods: We recently reported that neonatal streptozotocin (STZ) treatment causes type 1 diabetes and subsequent HCC in ddY, Institute for Animal Reproduction (DIAR) mice. Newborn male DIAR mice were divided into three groups based on STZ and insulin (INS) treatment. STZ was subcutaneously injected (60 mg/g) into the STZ-treated group (DIAR-nSTZ mice, N = 13) and the STZ/insulin-treated group (DIAR-nSTZ/INS mice, N = 20). A physiologic solution was injected into the control group (DIAR-control mice, N = 8) 1.5 days after birth. Insulin was subcutaneously injected into the DIAR-nSTZ/INS mice according to the following protocol: 2 IU/day at 4–5 weeks of age, 3 IU/day at 5–7 weeks of age, and 4 IU/day at 7–12 weeks of age. All mice were fed a normal diet and were subjected to physiological and histopathological assessments at 12 weeks of age. Results: DIAR-nSTZ mice had significantly lower body weight and higher blood glucose levels than DIAR-control mice, whereas no significant differences were observed between DIAR-nSTZ/INS mice and control mice. At 12 weeks of age, lower weight of paratesticular fat and higher levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, and free fatty acids were observed in DIAR-nSTZ mice compared to DIAR-control mice, whereas there were no significant differences between DIAR-nSTZ/INS mice and DIAR-control mice. In the livers of DIAR-nSTZ mice, HCC was observed in 15% of cases, and dysplastic nodules were observed in 77% of cases. In the livers of DIAR-nSTZ/INS mice, HCC was observed in 39% of cases and dysplastic nodules were observed in 61% of cases (p = 0.011). Moreover, the average tumor size was significantly larger in STZ/INS-treated mice than in STZ-treated mice. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the expression of ERK1/2, downstream substrates of insulin signaling that activate cell proliferation, was significantly higher in STZ/INS-treated mice compared to STZ-treated mice. Conclusions: Insulin treatment promoted, rather than inhibited, the progression of liver carcinogenesis in DIAR-nSTZ mice. Hyperinsulinemia rather than hyperglycemia can accelerate the progression of HCC via insulin signaling


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    Zakopani električni luk ( engl.Buried Arc ) je općenito poznat kao jedan od fenomena ponašanja električnog luka pri kojem je električni luk zajedno s vrhom rastaljene žice posstavljen ispod razine površine rastaljenog metala zavara. S obzirom na to da je izvor topline postavljen dublje u odnosu na konvencionalan električni luk,može se postići veća penetracija,što ovaj modalitet električnog luka čini prikladnim za zavarivanje debljih materijala. U ovom radu je predstavljen sustav za zavarivanje " D-Arc " koji koristi zakopani luk te su dani primjeri primjene na rzličitim oblicima spojeva.The buried arc phenomenom is conventionally known as one of arc phenomena in gas shielded arc welding in which an arc is generated with the wire tip position being deeper than the molten metal surface.Since heat input by the arc is applied to a deeper portion of the base material than the usual arc phenomenom,very deep penetration can be obtained. In this article welding system based on buried arc called " D-arc " is presented with results of application on different weld joint types.Der vergrabene Lichtbogen ( engl.Buried Arc ) ist generell bekannt als ein Phänomen wobei der Lichtbogen beim Schweissen,zusammen mit der Elektrodenspitze,sich unterhalb der Ebene des Schmelzmetalls befindet. Dabei kann man eine besser Penetration erschaffen und deshalb ist so ein Prinzip für dickere Stahlbleche besser geeignet. In dieser Arbeit ist das Schweißsystem " D-Arc ",der den vergrabenen Lichtbogen benutz,beschrieben und an mehreren als Beispiel gezeigt

    Primary Biliary Cholangitis : Its Pathological Characteristics and Immunopathological Mechanisms

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    Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), formerly known as primary biliary cirrhosis, is an organ-specific autoimmune disease that predominantly affects middle-aged women and is characterized by the chronic progressive destruction of small intrahepatic bile ducts with portal inflammation and, ultimately, fibrosis. The serological hallmark of PBC is the presence of anti-mitochondrial autoantibodies (AMA). Several mechanisms have been proposed for immune-mediated bile duct damage in PBC, including the roles of T cells, B cells, other cell phenotypes, and AMA. A sign of fragility of biliary epithelial cells caused by apoptosis, senescence, and autophagy has also been noted. Several complex steps and mechanisms appear to be involved in the induction and progression of cholangitis and biliary degeneration in patients with PBC

    A Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Conjunctiva as Initial Sign of Systemic Cancers

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    The purpose of this report is to present the findings in a case of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the conjunctiva which was the initial sign of systemic cancers. A 94-year-old woman without known systemic diseases developed a mass in her right conjunctiva. She was referred to our hospital 5 months after the onset. She was diagnosed with conjunctival SCC by biopsy. Systemic CT before the surgery revealed multiple liver lesions, lung legions, and a large mass surrounding the appendix. The patient requested the surgery, and the main aim of the surgery was cosmesis. Histopathological examinations of the specimen led us to the final diagnosis as SCC. She did not receive any other therapy because of her age. As no other surgical procedures were undertaken, it is uncertain as to whether the conjunctival lesion was primary or secondary. Although, it is extremely rare that SCC of the conjunctiva is the initial sign of systemic cancers, careful systemic examinations to find other cancers should be made


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    Background: Metabolic syndrome is one of the most important health issues worldwide. Obesity causes insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and various diseases throughout the body. The liver phenotype, which is called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), frequently progresses to hepatocellular carcinoma. We recently established a new animal model, Tsumura-Suzuki obese diabetic (TSOD) mice, which spontaneously exhibit obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and NASH with liver nodules. Methods: We examined the effects of coffee intake on various conditions of the metabolic syndrome using TSOD mice. The daily volume of coffee administered was limited so that it reflected the appropriate quantities consumed in humans. To clarify the effects of the specific components, animals were divided into two coffee-intake groups that included with and without caffeine. Results: Coffee intake did not significantly affect obesity and hyperlipidemia in TSOD mice. In contrast, coffee intake caused various degrees of improvement in the pancreatic beta cell damage and steatohepatitis with liver carcinogenesis. Most of the effects were believed to be caused by a synergistic effect of caffeine with other components such as polyphenols. However, the antifibrotic effects of coffee appeared to be due to the polyphenols rather than the caffeine. Conclusions: A daily habit of drinking coffee could possibly play a role in the prevention of metabolic syndrome

    Case Report A Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Conjunctiva as Initial Sign of Systemic Cancers

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    The purpose of this report is to present the findings in a case of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the conjunctiva which was the initial sign of systemic cancers. A 94-year-old woman without known systemic diseases developed a mass in her right conjunctiva. She was referred to our hospital 5 months after the onset. She was diagnosed with conjunctival SCC by biopsy. Systemic CT before the surgery revealed multiple liver lesions, lung legions, and a large mass surrounding the appendix. The patient requested the surgery, and the main aim of the surgery was cosmesis. Histopathological examinations of the specimen led us to the final diagnosis as SCC. She did not receive any other therapy because of her age. As no other surgical procedures were undertaken, it is uncertain as to whether the conjunctival lesion was primary or secondary. Although, it is extremely rare that SCC of the conjunctiva is the initial sign of systemic cancers, careful systemic examinations to find other cancers should be made

    Chromobox 2 Expression Predicts Prognosis after Curative Resection of Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Background/Aim: To investigate the function of chromobox 2 (CBX2) in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Materials and Methods: We used real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) and immunohisto - chemistry to determine CBX2 expression levels in 13 human OSCC cell lines and clinical specimens of two independent cohorts of patients with OSCC. Results: PCR array analysis revealed that CBX2 was co-ordinately expressed with WNT5B in OSCC cell lines. RT-qPCR analysis of clinical samples revealed a high tumour-specific CBX2 expression compared with normal oesophageal tissues. High CBX2 expression was significantly associated with shorter disease-specific survival, hematogenous recurrence, and overall recurrence. Analysis of tissue microarrays of one cohort revealed that patients with higher CBX2 levels tended to have a shorter disease-specific survival. Conclusion: CBX2 overexpression in OSCC tissues may serve as a novel biomarker for predicting survival and hematogenous recurrence