9 research outputs found

    Facing The Digital Divide In A Participatory Way - An Exploratory Study

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    One of Brazilian's grand challenges in computer science research concerns a "Participative and universal access to knowledge for the Brazilian citizen". In order to develop design solutions to address this challenge, we first need to understand these citizen's abilities and the context in which they are immersed. For that, we have been conducting practices actively involving a group of representatives of the diversity of users we have in the population. This paper presents the first results of this investigation, pointing out some lessons learned so far regarding the relationship they have with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and how they make sense of different models of interaction to accomplish a simple task related to the exercise of citizenship. Among other findings, we were able to notice how their previous experience reflects on their behavior and the benefits of using an avatar in future systems. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.272143154(2006) Anatel, , http://www.anatel.gov.br, Accessed 12 Feb 2008Casa Brasil, , http://www.casabrasil.gov.br, Accessed 12 Feb 2008Chand, A., Anind, K.D., Jadoo - a paper user interface for users unfamiliar with computers (2006) CHI, , MontréalDrucker, P., Sociedade Pós-Capitalista. Pioneira, São Paulo (1993) Translated from the original, , The Post-Capitalist SocietyEiriksdottir, E., Nees, M., Lindsay, J., Stanley, R., User Preferences for Auditory Device-driven Menu Navigation (2006) Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting(2005), http://www.ibge.gov.br/home, Accessed 12 Feb 2008The Next Steps (2006) In Development Gateway Special Report, , http://topics.developmentgateway.org/special/informationsociety/index.do, Information Society:, Available at, Accessed 12 FebJamet, E., Le Bohec, O., The effect of redundant text in multimedia instruction (2007) Contemporary Education Psychology, 32 (4). , ElsevierKensing, F., Blomberg, J., (2004) Participatory Design: Issues and Concerns. In CSCW, , Springer, NeatherlandsLanzara, G.F. The Design Process: Frames, Metaphors and Games. In Briefs, U. & Ciborra, C. & Schneider, L.: Systems Design For, With and By the User. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam (1983)Leahy, W., Chandler, P., Sweller, J., When Auditory Presentations Should and Should not be a Component of Multimedia Instruction (2003) Applied Cognitive PsychologyMarcus, A., Metaphor Design in User Interfaces (1998) Journal of Computer DocumentationMelo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., An Inclusive Approach to Cooperative Evaluation of Web user Interfaces (2006) ICEIS, 1, pp. 65-70Minocha, S., Requirements Development in User-Centred System Design (1999) IEE Colloquium on Making User-Centred Design Work in Software DevelopmentMuller, M.J., (2002) Participatory Design: The Third Space in HCI, , IBM Watson Research Center. Technical reportNorman, D.A., (1990) The Design of Everyday Things, , Currency and Doubleday, New YorkRamachandran, D., Kam, M., Chiu, J., Canny, J., Frankel, J., Social Dynamics of Early Stage Co-Design in Developing Regions (2007) Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, , CaliforniaReeves, L.M., Reeves, L.M., Lai, J., Larson, J.A., Oviatt, S., Balaji, T.S., Buisine, S., Wang, Q.Y., Guidelines for Multimodal User Interface Design (2004) Communications of the ACM, 47 (1)Ribeiro, V. M.: Retramento no Brasil: reflexões a partir do INAF 2001. Global, São Paulo (2003)Rocha, H.V. and Baranauskas, M.C.C.: Design e avaliação de Interfaces Humano-Computador. NIED/UNICAMP, São Paulo (2003)Sánchez, J., Flores, H., Memory Enhancement through Audio (2004) ASSETS'04, , ACM, Georgia(2006) Grand challenges in computer science, , http://sistemas.sbc.org.br/ArquivosComunicacao/Desafios_ingles.pdf, SBC The Brazilian Computer Society , Accessed 12 Feb 2008Shneiderman, B., Universal Usability - pushing human-computer interaction research to empower every citizen (2000) Communications of the ACM, May, 43 (5)Unesco. Towards knowledge societies: UNESCO world report (2005), , http://publishing.unesco.org/default.asp, Available at:, Accessed 12 Feb 2008Varian, H.R., Universal Access to Information (2005) Communications of the ACM, 48 (10). , OctoberWorld Bank, http://devdata.worldbank.org/external/ CPProfile.asp?PTYPE=CP&CCODE=BRA (2006). Accessed 12 Feb 200

    Towards A Framework For The Affective And Emotional Faces Of Usability

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    Usability and accessibility have been guiding interaction designers in their endeavor for better user interfaces. Recently, emotions and human values are gaining space, demanding new directions for the design of systems. As an emerging subject, the need for models that associate emotions and affective quality with human-computer interaction design is still to be addressed. This paper presents a literature review and critical analysis about existing frameworks and models, organizing the state of the art in emotional quality, towards educational system design. This review puts in evidence the missing core in the subject. We then present the concept of Affectibility as the guiding point from which the use and design of system-user interaction could be treated. Similar to the concepts of Learnability and Playability, Affectibility refers to the aspects that make the system of good-or bad-affective, emotional and hedonic qualities, potentially evoking certain affective responses in the users. © 2011 IEEE.7279Alsmeyer, M., Luckin, R., Good, J., Developing a novel interface for capturing self reports of affect Proc. of CHI 08, pp. 2883-2888. , Florence, ItalyAntle, A.N., The CTI framework: Informing the design of tangible systems for children (2007) TEI'07: First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, pp. 195-202. , DOI 10.1145/1226969.1227010, TEI'07: First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction - Conference ProceedingsBarendregt, W., Bekker, M.M., Towards a framework for design guidelines for young children's computer games (2004) Proc. of the 2004 ICEC Conference, pp. 365-376. , Eindhoven, The NetherlandsBoehner, K., DePaula, R., Dourish, P., Sengers, P., How emotion is made and measured (2007) International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 65 (4), pp. 275-291. , DOI 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2006.11.016, PII S1071581906001844Bødker, S., When second wave HCI meets third wave challenges Proc. of the 4th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Changing Roles, pp. 1-8. , ACM, New York, NYCastells, M., (2000) The Rise of the Network Society, the Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, 1. , Cambridge, MAOxford, UK: BlackwellChorianopoulos, K., Spinellis, D., User interface evaluation of interactive TV: A media studies perspective (2006) Universal Access in the Information Society, 5 (2), pp. 209-218. , Springer, Heildelberghttp://dictionary.reference.com, Accessed in May, 2011Drucker, P., Sociedade P6s-capitalista (1993) Pi One Ira, Sao Paulo. Translated from the Original "the Post-Capitalist SocietyDruin, A., The role of children in the design of new technology (2002) Behaviour and Information Technology, 21 (1), pp. 1-25Friedman, B., Kahn Jr., P.H., Borning, A., Value sensitive design and information systems (2006) Human-Computer Interaction and Management Information Systems: Foundations, pp. 348-372. , M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, N.YFurtado, E., Furtado, V., Vaconcelos, E., A conceptual framework for the design and evaluation of affective usability in educational geosimulation systems (2007) Proc. of INTERACT 2007, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 497-510Gardner, H., (1983) Frames of Mind, , New York, New York, NY: Basic BooksGelderblom, H., Kotze, P., Designing technology for young children: What we can learn from theories of cognitive development (2008) Proc. of SAICSIT'08, pp. 66-75. , Wilderness, South AfricaGorguen, J.A., Semiotics, compassion and value-centered design (2005) Virtual, Distributed and Flexible Organisations-Studies in Organisational Semiotics, , SpringerHarrison, S., Tatar, D., Senger, P., The three paradigms of HCI (2007) Extended Abstracts CHIHassenzahl, M., Beu, A., Burmester, M., Engineering joy IEEE Software, 18 (1), pp. 70-76Hayashi, E.C.S., Neris, V.P.A., Martins, M.C., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Piccolo, L.S., Costa, R., Avaliando a qualidade afetiva de sistemas computacionais interativos no cemirio brasileiro (2009) Usabilidade, Acessibilidade e Inteligibilidade Aplicadas em Interfaces Para Analfabetos, Idosos e Pessoas Com Deficiencia-Resultados Do Workshop. Campinas: Funda9ao CPqD, 1, pp. 55-62Höök, K., User-centered design and evaluation of affective interfaces (2004) From Brows to Trust, pp. 127-160. , Z. Ruttkay and C. Pelachaud (eds.)Hoonhout, J., Let's start to create a fun product: Where is my toolbox? (2008) User Experience Evaluation Methods in Product Development Workshop in CH1'08, , Florence, Italy, AprilIp, H.H.S., Kwong, B., A conceptual framework of affective context-aware interactive learning media (2007) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4469, pp. 391-400. , Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment - Second International Conference, Edutainment 2007, ProceedingsIsbister, K., Hook, K., Sharp, M., Laaksolahti, J., The sensual evaluation instrument: Developing an affective evaluation tool (2006) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2, pp. 1163-1172. , CHI 2006: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Conference Proceedings SIGCHIKhan, M.M., Ward, R.D., Ingleby, M., Classifying pretended and evoked facial expressions of positive and negative affective states using infrared measurement of skin temperature (2009) ACM Trans. Appl. Percpt., 6 (1). , Article 6 (February 2009), 22 pagesKleinginna, P.R., Kleinginna, A.M., A categorized list of emotion definitions, with suggestions for a consensual definition (1981) Motivatioin and Emotion, 5, pp. 345-379Kort, B., Reilly, R., Picard, R.W., An Affective Model of Interplay between Emotions and Learning: Reengineering Educational Pedagogy-Building a Learning Companion (2001) Proc. of ICALT 2001, Madison WisconsinLang, P.J., Bradley, M.M., Cuthbert, B.N., (2005) International Affective Picture System (LAPS): Instruction Manual and Affective Ratings, , Technical Report A-6, University of FloridaLeung, E., Underwood, J., Abstract affordance and affect in promotional websites (2007) Proc. of ACIS, pp. 1120-1131Liu, H., Lieberman, H., Selker, T., A model of textual affect sensing using real-world knowledge (2003) ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, pp. 125-132. , January 2003, MiamiLim, C.P., A theoretical frarnework for the study of ICT in schools: A proposal (2002) British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 (4), pp. 411-421Mandryk, R.L., Atkins, M.S., Inkpen, K.M., A continuous and objective evaluation of emotional experience with interactive play environments (2006) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2, pp. 1027-1036. , CHI 2006: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Conference Proceedings SIGCHIMelo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Soares, Design com crianvas: Da pnitica a urn modelo de processo (2008) Revista Brasileira de Informatica Na Educav1io, 16 (1), pp. 43-55Miranda, L., Arniel, T., Arantes, F., Martins, F., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Formação de professores em cenarios contextualizados no âmbito do projeto XO da UNICAMP (2010) Memo NIED UNICAMP N., 1. , in portugueseNeris, V.P.A., Almeida, L.D., Miranda, L.C., Hayashi, E.C.S., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Collective construction of meaning and system for an inclusive social network Approved to Be Published in the International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (LJISSC). ISSN: 1941-868X, , to be publishedNorman, D., (2004) Emotional Design: Why We Love (Or Hate) Everyday Things, , New York: Basic BooksO'Brien, H.L., Toms, E.G., Engagement as process in computer-mediated environments (2005) Proc. of ASIS&T. Charlotte, North Carolinahttp://one.laptop.org, Accessed in May, 2011Picard, R.W., (1997) Affective Computing, , MIT Press, CarnbridgePicard, R.W., Bender, W., Blumberg, B., Breazeal, C., Cavallo, D., MacHover, T., Resnick, M., Strohecker, C., Affective learning-A manifesto (2004) BT Technology Journal, 22 (4). , OctoberPiccolo, L.S.G., Hayashi, E., Baranauskas, M.C.C., The evaluation of affective quality in social software: Preliminary thoughts (2010) 2nd WAIHCWSPlutchik, R., Emotions and life: Perspectives from psychology, biology, and evolution (2002) M: APA American Psychological Association), , I. ed., novhttp://www.premo-online.com, last access: Oct., 2010Ravaja, N., Saari, T., Turpeinen, M., Laarni, J., Salminen, M., Kivikangas, M., Spatial presence and emotions during video game playing: Does it matter with whom you play? (2006) Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15 (4), pp. 381-392. , http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/pres.15.4.381, DOI 10.1162/pres.15.4.381Romani, R., Baranauskas, M.C.C., GWIDO-Games with interaction design objective Proc. of IADIS Internetional Journal on WWW/lnternet, 8, p. 1Russell, A.J., Affect grid: A single-item scale of pleasure and arousal (1989) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57 (3), pp. 493-502Scherer, K., What are emotions? and how can they be measured? (2005) Social Science Information, 44 (1), p. 695. , SAGE PublicationsSellen, A., Rogers, Y., Harper, R., Rodden, T., Reflecting human values in the digital age (2009) Commun ACM, 52 (3), pp. 58-66. , MarSluis-Thiescheffer, R.J.W., Bekker, M.M., Eggen, J.H., Vermeeren, A.P.O.S., Ridder, H., Development and application of a framework for comparing early design methods for young children (2011) Interacting with Computers, 23, p. 1Zhang, P., Li, N.A., The importance of affective quality (2005) Communications of the ACM, 48 (9), pp. 105-108. , DOI 10.1145/1081992.1081997Zheng, S., Bromage, A., Adam, M., Scrivener, S.A.R., Surprising creativity: A cognitive framework for interactive exhibits designed for children (2007) Proc. of the 6th ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity & Cognition, , Washington, DC, USAZaman, B., Abeele, V.V., Towards a Likeability Framework that meets Child-Computer Interaction & Communication Sciences (2007) Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Interaction Design and ChildrenGiannakopoulos, T., Pikrakis, A., Theodoridis, S., A dimensional approach to emotion recognition of speech from movies (2009) Proc. of ICASSP IEEE International Conference, Taipei, pp. 65-6

    Schools As Organizations: A Semiotic Approach Towards Making Sense Of Information Technology

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    Low cost educational laptops have the potential of transforming educational practices in the public schools from developing and emerging countries. However, in order to be effectively incorporated into schools' daily practices, technology has to make sense to the people that constitute these schools. This paper reports on the initial activities with the members of an elementary public school in Brazil, facing the challenge of constructing meaning for a new digital artefact. Concepts and practices from Organizational Semiotics (OS) and Participatory Design (PD) were adapted as a methodological frame of reference for the analysis of structure and context. Preliminary results indicate that, although originally designed for the business and work domains, practices from OS and PD were suitable and revealed information that other approaches would hardly reveal, regarding a prospective use of technology in educational contexts.3 HCIEA/-1524Inst. Syst. Technol. Inf., Control Commun. (INSTICC)Baranauskas, M.C.C., Schimiguel, J., Simoni, C.A.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Guiding the process of requirements elicitation with a semiotic approach (2005) Proc. of HCI International, 3, pp. 100-111Baranauskas, M.C.C., Socially aware computing (2009) Proc. of ICECE 2009, pp. 1-5Bonacin, R., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Semiotic conference: Work signs and participatory design (2003) 10th HCI International, pp. 38-43Cervantes, R., Warschauer, M., Nardi, B., Sambasivan, N., Infrastructures for low-cost laptop use in mexican schools (2011) Proc. of CHI'11, pp. 945-954(2010) ICT Education 2010: Survey on the use of Information and Communication Technologies in Brazilian Schools, , http://www.cetic.br/tic/provedores/index.htm, CGI (last accessed: Feb. 2012)Corrêa, A.G.D., Assis, G.A., Ficheman, I.K., Venâncio, V., Lopes, R.D., Avaliação de Aceitabilidade de um Computador Portátil de Baixo Custo por Criança (2006) Proc. of SBIE, , 2006Escalona, M.J., Torres-Zenteno, A., Gutierrez, J., Martins, E., Torres, R.S., Baranauskas, M.C.C., A development process for web geographic information system (2008) ICEIS 2008, pp. 112-117Flores, P., Hourcade, J.P., One year of experiences with XO laptops in Uruguay (2009) Interactions, 16 (4), pp. 52-55Furtado, M.E.S., Kampf, T., Piccolo, L.S.G., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Prospecting the appropriation of the digital TV in a Brazilian project (2009) Computers in Entertainment, 7, pp. 10-32. , 2009Guimarães, M.S., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Martins, E., Communication-based modeling and inspection in critical systems (2008) ICEIS 2008, HCI, pp. 215-220Lim, C.P., A theoretical framework for the study of ICT in schools: A proposal (2002) British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 (4), pp. 411-421. , 2002Liu, K., (2000) Semiotics in Information Systems and Engineering, , Cambridge University PressLiu, X., (2001) Employing MEASUR Methods for Business Process Reengineering in China, , PhD Thesis University of Twente. The Netherlands: Grafisch Centrum Twente, EnschedeLiu, K., Sun, L., Tan, S., Using problem articulation method to assist planning and management of complex projects (2007) Project Management and Risk Management in Complex Projects 2007, (PART 1), pp. 3-13Melo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., De Soares, S.C.M., Design com Crianças: da Prática a um Modelo de Processo (2008) Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, 16 (1), pp. 43-55. , 2008Resumo Técnico - Censo Escolar 2010, , http://portal.mec.gov.br/index.php?option=com_docman&task= doc_download&gid=7277&Itemid=, MEC/INEP (last accessed: Feb., 2012)Moody, L., Schimidt, G., Going wireless: The emergence of wireless networks in education (2004) Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 19 (4), pp. 151-158Muller, J.M., Participatory design (1993) Communications of the ACM, 36 (6)Neris, V.P.A., Almeida, L.D., Miranda, L.C., Hayashi, E.C.S., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Collective construction of meaning and system for an inclusive social network (2011) International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC)OLPC, , http://one.laptop.org/, (last accessed in Jan. 2012)Papert, S., (1993) The Children's Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer, , HarperCollinsSchimiguel, J., Melo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.M.B., Accessibility as a quality requirement: Geographic information systems on the web (2005) Proc. of CLIHC'05, pp. 8-19Schuler, D., Namioka, A., (1993) Participatory Design: Principles and Practices, , Hillsdale, NJ: ErlbaumSilva, B.F., Romani, R., Baranauskas, M.C.C., SOO Brasileiro: Aprendizagem e Diversão no XO (2008) Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, 16 (3), pp. 29-41Stamper, R.K., Social norms in requirements analysis - An outline of MEASUR (1993) Requirements Engineering, Technical and Social Aspects, , Academic PressStamper, R.K., A semiotic theory of information and information systems / applied semiotics (1993) Invited Papers for the ICL/University of Newcastle Seminar on "Information", pp. 6-10. , SeptStamper, R., Liu, K., Hafkamp, M., Ades, Y., Understanding the roles of signs and norms in organisations: A semiotic approach to information systems design (2000) Journal of Behaviour & Information Technology, 19 (1), pp. 15-2

    Affective Aspects Of The Experience With Low Cost Laptops In Educational Context

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    The dissemination of the use of information and communication technologies in developing and emerging countries are a promise for leveraging education, contributing to universal and democratic access to education. The emotional and affective states of students regarding technology may be an ally in their learning process. While technology and affective responses are important in children's education, little is known about students' effective affective responses towards to the use of technology at school. In the challenge of conducting quantitative research on such subjective/qualitative aspect of interaction, this study involved 340 participants from an elementary school in Brazil where the deployment of low cost laptops has been taking place recently. We point out the importance of a systemic approach to assessing the affective states of children within learning environments mediated by technology.6368UNESCO: ICT in Education, , http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/themes/icts/(2010) Resumo Técnico - Censo Escolar, , http://portal.mec.gov.br/index.php?option=com-docman&task= doc-download&gid=7277&Itemid, MEC/INEP., Available at, (last accessed: Feb., 2012)(2011) Worldbank, Data & Statistics: Country at a Glance Tables, , http://devdata.worldbank.org/AAG/bra_aag.pdf, Brazil : estimate from 2009:, Last accessed: Feb. 2012Flores, P., Hourcade, J.P., One year of experiences with XO laptops in uruguay (2009) Interactions, 16 (4), pp. 52-55Näslund-Hadley, E., Kipp, S., Cruz, J., Ibarrarán, P., Steiner-Khamsi, G., OLPC pre-pilot evaluation report (Haiti) (2009) Inter-American Develpment Back Education, Working Paper #2Foundation making miles for millennium Evaluation Report: Introduction of XO Laptops for (Visually Impaired) School Students in Pskov and Nizhny Novgorod, , Russia. Harrie Vollaard/Gertie Clabbers, The NetherlandsCervantes, R., Warschauer, M., Nardi, B., Sambasivan, N., Infrastructures for low-cost laptop use in mexican schools (2011) Proc. CHI'11, pp. 945-954. , Vancouver, CanadaHourcade, J.P., Beitler, D., Cormenzana, D.F., Flores, P., Early OLPC experiences in a rural uruguayan school Proc. CHI'08, pp. 2503-2511. , Florence, ItalyMiranda, L.C., Hornung, H., Solarte, D.S.M., Romani, R., Weinfurter, M.R., Neris, V.P.A., Baranauskas, M.C.C., (2007) Laptops Educacionais de Baixo Custo: Prospectos E Desafios, , SBIE, São Paulo, BrazilVenâncio, V., Telles, E.O., Franco, J.F., Aquino, E., Ficheman, I.K., Lopes, R.D., (2009) UCA - Um Computador Por Aluno: Relato Dos Protagonistas do Piloto de São Paulo, , NATE- Núcleo de Aprendizagem, Trabalho e EntretenimentoCorrêa, A.G.D., Assis, G.A., Ficheman, I.K., Venâncio, V., Lopes, R.D., Avaliação de aceitabilidade de um computador portátil de baixo custo por criança (2006) Proc. SBIEDevantier, N., (2007) Experts Test XO Laptop - and the Kids Love It, , PCWorld, September 23Dumas, D., Review: OLPC XO Laptop - The eagle has landed (2007) Wired Magazine, , December 10(2007) Laptop with a Mission Widens its Audience, , The New York Times, Oct. 4thCanal, M.C., Miranda, L.C., Almeida, L.D.A., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Analisando a simplicidade do laptop da olpc: Desafios e propostas de soluções de design (2011) Proc. SEMISH'11, , BrazilGibson, J.J., (1986) Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, , New Jersey, Lawrence ErlbaumBradley, M.M., Lang, P.J., Measuring emotion: The self assessment manikin and the semantic differential (1994) Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 25, pp. 49-59Lang, P.J., Bradley, M.M., Cuthbert, B.N., International affective picture system (IAPS): Affective ratings of pictures and instruction manual (2005) Technical Report A-6. University of Florida, , Gainesville, FLBethel, C.L., Salomon, K., Murphy, R.R., Preliminary results: Humans find emotive non-anthropomorphic robots more calming (2009) Proc. HRI'09, , California, USAMamykina, L., Mynatt, E.D., Kaufman, D., Investigating health management practices of individuals with diabetes (2006) Proc. CHI 2006, pp. 927-935. , Montréal, QuébecNass, C., Kerkow, D., The fulfillment of user needs and the course of time in field investigation (2010) Proc. CHI 2010, pp. 4541-4552. , Atlanta, GAAxelrod, L., Hone, K., E-motional advantage: Performance and satisfaction gains with affective computing (2005) Proc. CHI-EA 2005, pp. 1192-11955. , Portland, OregonCai, H., Lin, Y., Modeling of operators' emotion and task performance in a virtual driving environment (2011) International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69 (9), pp. 571-586. , 2011Petrie, H., Harrison, C., Measuring users' emotional reactions to websites (2009) Proc. CHI-EA 2009, pp. 3847-3852. , Boston, MABroekens, J., Pronker, A., Neuteboom, M., Real time labeling of affect in music using the affectbutton Proc. AFFINE 2010, pp. 21-26. , FirenzeYusoff, Y.M., Ruthven, I., Landoni, M., The fun semantic differential scales (2011) Proc IDC 2011, pp. 221-224. , Ann ArborRomani, R., Baranauskas, M.C.C., GWIDO - Games with interaction design objective (2009) IADIS-WWW/Internet, pp. 351-358. , RomeMcManis, M.H., Bradley, M.M., Berg, W.K., Cuthbert, B.N., Lang, P.J., Emotional reactions in children verbal, physiological, and behavioral responses to affective pictures (2001) Psychophysiology, 38, pp. 222-23

    Identifying Interaction Barriers In The Use Of Remote Controls

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    The constitution of a culture mediated by the new media of Interactive Digital Television (iDTV) will depend directly on the artifact for physical interaction available to the user. This work presents the results of an experiment whose objective was to observe users' interactions with television using the remote control, in a scenario of diversity of access to technology. Based on in loco observation of barriers related to the use of remote control in the television setting, we identified project requirements that should be considered in the design of new physical artifacts of interaction with iDTV. © 2009 IEEE.97104Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan,Universidad Autonoma de Baja California,Gobierno del Estado de Baja CaliforniaBarros, G.G., A Consistência da Interface com o Usuário para a TV Interativa, (2006), M.Sc. Dissertation, University of São Paulo, BrazilBerglund, A., Augmenting the Remote Control: Studies in Complex Information Navigation for Digital TV, (2004), Doctoral Thesis, Linköping University, Sweden(2006) Grand Challenges in Computer Science Research in Brazil: 2006-2016, , http://sistemas.sbc.org.br/ArquivosComunicacao/Desafios-ingles.pdf, Brazilian Computer Society, Online, Available:, Accessed: Nov. 18, 2006Cesar, P., Bulterman, D.C., Jansen, A.J., Usages of the Secondary Screen in an Interactive Television Environment: Control, Enrich, Share, and Transfer Television Content (2008) Proc. European Conference on Interactive Television (EuroITV, pp. 168-177. , Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-540- 69478-6-22Cesar, P., Chorianopoulos, K., Jensen, J.F., Social Television and User Interaction (2008) ACM Computers in Entertainment, 6 (1), pp. 1-10. , May, doi:10.1145/1350843.1350847Darnell, M.J., How do People Really Interact with TV? Naturalistic Observations of Digital TV and Digital Video Recorder Users (2007) ACM Computers in Entertainment, 5 (2), pp. 1-12. , Aug, doi:10.1145/1279540. 1279550Darnell, M.J., Making Digital TV Easier for Less-Technically- Inclined People (2008) Proc. International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video (UXTV, pp. 27-30. , ACM, doi:10.1145/1453805.1453812Lessiter, J., Freeman, J., Miotto, A., Ferrari, E., A Comparative Study of Remote Controls for Digital TV Receivers (2008) Proc. European Conference on Interactive Television (EuroITV, pp. 318-322. , Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-69478-6-42L.C. Miranda, E.C.S. Hayashi, and M.C.C. Baranauskas, An Experimental Scenario to Investigate the Remote Control as Artifact for Interaction with Television, Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Brazil, Tech. Rep. IC-09-22, 2009Miranda, L.C., Hornung, H.H., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Prospecting a Gesture Based Interaction Model for iDTV (2009) Proc. IADIS International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 09), pp. 19-26. , IADIS PressMiranda, L.C., Piccolo, L.S.G., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Artefatos Físicos de Interação com a TVDI: Desafios e Diretrizes para o Cenário Brasileiro (2008) Anais Simpósio Brasileiro de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 08), SBC, pp. 60-69Miranda, L.C., Piccolo, L.S.G., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Uma Proposta de Taxonomia e Recomendação de Utilização de Artefatos Físicos de Interação com a TVDI (2007) Proc. Workshop on Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities for Human-Computer Interaction in Latin America (CLIHC 07), pp. 1-14Nielsen, J., Remote Control Anarchy, , http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20040607.html, Mar. 15, 2004, Online, Available:, Accessed: Mar. 29, 2007Rice, M., Alm, N., Designing New Interfaces for Digital Interactive Television Usable by Older Adults (2008) ACM Computers in Entertainment, 6 (1), pp. 1-20. , May, doi:10.1145/1350843.1350849Teixeira, C.A.C., Melo, E.L., Cattelan, R.G., Pimentel, M.G.C., User-Media Interaction with Interactive TV (2009) Proc. ACM Symp. Applied Computing (SAC 09), pp. 1.829-1.833. , ACM, doi:10.1145/1529282.152969

    Perspectives On The Evaluation Of Affective Quality In Social Software

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    Enormous changes in the computing field are being experienced, altering the way we relate ourselves with computational technology. If computers had at first limited function and presence in our lives, they are now being used everywhere, all the time, for a multitude of purposes and interaction means for interactivity, supporting even our social relations. This shift calls for new ways of evaluating systems, demanding attention not only to usability and accessibility issues but also to the emotional and affective ones. This paper presents a brief review on theory and methods for affective evaluation of computer systems, as a preliminary discussion on the suitability of existing methods for social software applications. The discussion is instantiated in inclusive social software - Vila na Rede, a system developed under a participatory design approach with the purpose of fostering a digital culture among the less favoured segment in the Brazilian society. 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    On Feelings Of Comfort, Motivation And Joy That Gui And Tui Evoke

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    New ways to interact with technology are gaining ground over the familiar Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). The Tangible User Interfaces (TUI) are one example of this. However, while it may seem intuitive that such interfaces should evoke rather positive responses from users - e.g. feelings associated with pleasure - little has been studied in this sense. In this challenge of understanding the feelings that GUI and TUI have the potential to evoke, we present our findings from a research that involved more than a hundred people. The research question that guided our endeavors was: What are the relations between the feelings of joy, motivation and comfort when using TUI and GUI? We analyze the results and discuss some hypotheses to explain the behavior observed. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.8520 LNCSPART 4273284Bernstein, D., (2013) Essentials of Psychology, , Cengage Learning BelmontBradley, M.M., Lang, P.J., Measuring emotion: The self-Assessment manikin and the semantic differential (1994) Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 25 (1), pp. 49-59Doering, T., Beckhaus, S., Schmidt, A., Towards a sensible integration of paper-based tangible user interfaces into creative work processes (2009) CHI 2009 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 4627-4632. , ACM, BostonFishkin, K.P., A taxonomy for and analysis of tangible interfaces (2004) Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8 (5), pp. 347-358Garzotto, F., Gonella, R., An open-ended tangible environment for disabled childrens learning (2011) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, pp. 52-61. , ACM, MichiganHayashi, E.C., Baranauskas, M.C.C., The affectibility concept in systems for learning contexts (2011) International Journal for E-Learning Security (IJeLS), 1 (1-2), pp. 10-18Horn, M.S., Solovey, E.T., Crouser, R.J., Jacob, R.J., Comparing the use of tangible and graphical programming languages for informal science education (2009) Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 975-984. , ACMIshii, H., Lakatos, D., Bonanni, L., Labrune, J.B., Radical atoms: Beyond tangible bits toward transformable materials (2012) Interactions ACM, 19 (1), pp. 38-51Ishii, H., Ullmer, B., Tangible bits: Towards seamless interfaces between people, bits and atoms (1997) Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 234-241. , ACMIshii, H., The tangible user interface and its evolution (2008) Communications of the ACM, 51 (6), pp. 32-36Kaltenbrunner, M., Reactivision and TUIO: A tangible tabletop toolkit (2009) Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, pp. 9-16. , ACM, BanffNorman, D.A., Cognitive engineering (1986) User Centered System Design, pp. 31-61. , Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publisher, New JerseyNorman, D.A., Emotion &design: Attractive things work better (2002) Interactions ACM, 9, p. 4Oxford Dictionaries Language Matters, , http://www.oxforddictionaries.comPatten, J., Ishii, H., A comparison of spatial organization strategies in graphical and tangible user interfaces (2000) Proceedings of DARE 2000 on Designing Augmented Reality Environments, pp. 41-50. , ACM, New YorkRussell, J.A., Mehrabian, A., Evidence for a three-factor theory of emotions (1977) Journal of Research in Personality, 11, pp. 273-294Strawhacker, A., Sullivan, A., Bers, M.U., TUI, GUI, HUI: Is a bimodal interface truly worth the sum of its parts? (2013) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, pp. 309-312. , ACM, New YorkSylla, C., Branco, P., Coutinho, C., Coquet, E., TUIs vs GUIs: Comparing the learning potential with preschoolers (2012) Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 16 (4), pp. 421-432Xie, L., Antle, A.N., Motamedi, N., Are tangibles more fun?: Comparing childrens enjoyment and engagement using physical graphical and tangible user interfaces (2008) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, pp. 191-198. , ACM, BonnXu, D., Design and evaluation of tangible interfaces for primary school children (2007) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, , ACM, Aalbor

    Towards A Socially-constructed Meaning For Inclusive Social Network Systems

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    Information and Communication Technology has the potential of benefiting citizens, allowing access to knowledge, communication and collaboration, and thus promoting the process of the constitution of a fairer society. The design of systems that make sense to the users' community and that respect their diversity demands socio-technical views and increased knowledge of the involved parties. We have adopted Organizational Semiotics and Participatory Design as theoretical and methodological frames of reference to face this challenge in the design of Inclusive Social Network System for the Brazilian context. This paper presents the way we are using some artifacts adapted from Problem Articulation Method to clarify concepts and prospect solutions. Results of this clarification fed the Semantic Analysis Method from which we present and discuss an Ontology Chart for the domain.247254Almeida, L., Neris, V., Hayashi, E., Hornung, H., Baranauskas, M., (2008) An Exploratory Design for Inclusive Social Networks, , www.ic.unicamp.br/reltech, IC-08-11Baranauskas, M.C.C., Bonacin, R., Liu, K., Participation and signification: Towards cooperative system design (2002) IHC 2002, 1, pp. 03-14Baranauskas, M., Schimiguel, J., Simoni, C., Medeiros, C., Guiding the process of requirements elicitation with a semiotic approach a case study (2005) HCI 2005, pp. 100-110(2006) E-Cidadania, , www.nied.unicamp.br/ecidadania, FAPESP-microsoft research instituteGibson, J., The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, , Lawrence Erlbaum AssocHayashi, E., Neris, V., Almeida, L., Rodriguez, C., Martins, M., Baranauskas, M., (2008) Inclusive Social Networks: Clarifying Concepts and Prospecting Solutions for E-Cidadania, , www.ic.unicamp.br/reltech, IC-08-29Kolkman, M., (1993) Problem Articulation Methodology, , PhD Thesis, University of TwenteLiu, K., (2000) Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering, , Cambridge University Press, NY USALiu, X., (2001) Employing Measur Methods for Business Process Reengineering in China, , PhD Thesis, University of TwenteNadin, M., Interface design: A semiotic paradigm (1988) Semiotica, 69 (3), pp. 269-302Neris, V., Martins, M., Prado, M., Hayashi, E., Baranauskas, M., Design de interfaces para todos - demandas da diversidade cultural e social (2008) XXXV SEMISH/CSBC, pp. 76-90Schuler, D., Namioka, A., (1993) Participatory Design: Principles and Practices, , L. Erlbaum Associates Inc. Hillsdale, NJ, USAStamper, R., Althaus, K., Backhouse, J., MEASUR: Method for eliciting, analyzing and specifying user requirements (1988) Computerized Assistance during the Information Systems Life Cycle, pp. 143-163. , Olle, T. Verrijn-Stuart, A. and Bhabuts, L. (eds). Elsevier Science Inc. NY US