25,163 research outputs found

    How Rare is the Bullet Cluster?

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    The galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56 has a bullet-like subcluster that is moving away from the centre of the main cluster at high speed. Markevitch et al. (2004) recently estimated a relative velocity of V_bullet = 4500 +1100/-800 km/s, based on observations of the bow shock in front of the subcluster. The weak lensing analysis of Clowe et al. (2004) indicates that a substantial secondary mass peak is associated with this subcluster. We estimate the likelihood of such a configuration by examining the distribution of subhalo velocities for clusters in the Millennium Run, a large LCDM cosmological simulation. We find that the most massive subhalo has a velocity as high as that of the bullet subcluster in only about 1 out of every 100 cluster-sized halos. This estimate is strongly dependent on the precise velocity adopted for the bullet. One of the ten most massive subhalos has such a high velocity about 40% of the time. We conclude that the velocity of the bullet subcluster is not exceptionally high for a cluster substructure, and can be accommodated within the currently favoured LCDM comogony.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    New Relations for Excited Baryons in Large N_c QCD

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    We show that excited baryons in large N_c QCD form multiplets, within which masses are first split at O(1/N_c). The dominant couplings of resonances to various mesons are highly constrained: The N(1535) decays at leading 1/N_c order exclusively to eta-N rather than pi-N, and vice versa for the N(1650). This multiplet structure is reproduced by a simple large N_c quark model, well studied in the literature, that describes resonances as single-quark excitations.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, ReVTeX 4. Includes new discussion of previous work on excited baryon tower

    Entanglement of multiparty stabilizer, symmetric, and antisymmetric states

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    We study various distance-like entanglement measures of multipartite states under certain symmetries. Using group averaging techniques we provide conditions under which the relative entropy of entanglement, the geometric measure of entanglement and the logarithmic robustness are equivalent. We consider important classes of multiparty states, and in particular show that these measures are equivalent for all stabilizer states, symmetric basis and antisymmetric basis states. We rigorously prove a conjecture that the closest product state of permutation symmetric states can always be chosen to be permutation symmetric. This allows us to calculate the explicit values of various entanglement measures for symmetric and antisymmetric basis states, observing that antisymmetric states are generally more entangled. We use these results to obtain a variety of interesting ensembles of quantum states for which the optimal LOCC discrimination probability may be explicitly determined and achieved. We also discuss applications to the construction of optimal entanglement witnesses

    Quantum hypothesis testing with group symmetry

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    The asymptotic discrimination problem of two quantum states is studied in the setting where measurements are required to be invariant under some symmetry group of the system. We consider various asymptotic error exponents in connection with the problems of the Chernoff bound, the Hoeffding bound and Stein's lemma, and derive bounds on these quantities in terms of their corresponding statistical distance measures. A special emphasis is put on the comparison of the performances of group-invariant and unrestricted measurements.Comment: 33 page

    The law of action and reaction for the effective force in a nonequilibrium colloidal system

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    We study a nonequilibrium Langevin many-body system containing two 'test' particles and many 'background' particles. The test particles are spatially confined by a harmonic potential, and the background particles are driven by an external driving force. Employing numerical simulations of the model, we formulate an effective description of the two test particles in a nonequilibrium steady state. In particular, we investigate several different definitions of the effective force acting between the test particles. We find that the law of action and reaction does not hold for the total mechanical force exerted by the background particles, but that it does hold for the thermodynamic force defined operationally on the basis of an idea used to extend the first law of thermodynamics to nonequilibrium steady states.Comment: 13 page

    Two quantum analogues of Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation

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    We discuss two quantum analogues of Fisher information, symmetric logarithmic derivative (SLD) Fisher information and Kubo-Mori-Bogoljubov (KMB) Fisher information from a large deviation viewpoint of quantum estimation and prove that the former gives the true bound and the latter gives the bound of consistent superefficient estimators. In another comparison, it is shown that the difference between them is characterized by the change of the order of limits.Comment: LaTeX with iopart.cls, iopart12.clo, iopams.st

    Exponents of quantum fixed-length pure state source coding

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    We derive the optimal exponent of the error probability of the quantum fixed-length pure state source coding in both cases of blind coding and visible coding. The optimal exponent is universally attained by Jozsa et al. (PRL, 81, 1714 (1998))'s universal code. In the direct part, a group representation theoretical type method is essential. In the converse part, Nielsen and Kempe (PRL, 86, 5184 (2001))'s lemma is essential.Comment: LaTeX2e and revetx4 with aps,twocolumn,superscriptaddress,showpacs,pra,amssymb,amsmath. The previous version has a mistak

    Control of carrier transport in GaAs by longitudinal-optical phonon-carrier scattering using a pair of laser pump pulses

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    We demonstrate optical control of the LO phonon-plasmon coupled (LOPC) modes in GaAs by using a femtosecond pump-pulse pair. The relaxation time of the plasmon-like LOPC mode significantly depends on the separation time (\Delta t) of the pump-pulse pair. Especially it is maximized when \Delta t becomes simultaneously comparable to the half period of the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon oscillation and resonant to the 3/4 period of the plasmon-like LOPC oscillation. We attribute these observations to the modification of carrier-LO phonon scattering and ballistic motion of the plasmon-like LOPC mode.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Multi-copy and stochastic transformation of multipartite pure states

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    Characterizing the transformation and classification of multipartite entangled states is a basic problem in quantum information. We study the problem under two most common environments, local operations and classical communications (LOCC), stochastic LOCC and two more general environments, multi-copy LOCC (MCLOCC) and multi-copy SLOCC (MCSLOCC). We show that two transformable multipartite states under LOCC or SLOCC are also transformable under MCLOCC and MCSLOCC. What's more, these two environments are equivalent in the sense that two transformable states under MCLOCC are also transformable under MCSLOCC, and vice versa. Based on these environments we classify the multipartite pure states into a few inequivalent sets and orbits, between which we build the partial order to decide their transformation. In particular, we investigate the structure of SLOCC-equivalent states in terms of tensor rank, which is known as the generalized Schmidt rank. Given the tensor rank, we show that GHZ states can be used to generate all states with a smaller or equivalent tensor rank under SLOCC, and all reduced separable states with a cardinality smaller or equivalent than the tensor rank under LOCC. Using these concepts, we extended the concept of "maximally entangled state" in the multi-partite system.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, revised version according to colleagues' comment