191 research outputs found

    Rational Maps and Maximum Likelihood Decodings

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    This paper studies maximum likelihood(ML) decoding in error-correcting codes as rational maps and proposes an approximate ML decoding rule by using a Taylor expansion. The point for the Taylor expansion, which will be denoted by pp in the paper, is properly chosen by considering some dynamical system properties. We have two results about this approximate ML decoding. The first result proves that the order of the first nonlinear terms in the Taylor expansion is determined by the minimum distance of its dual code. As the second result, we give numerical results on bit error probabilities for the approximate ML decoding. These numerical results show better performance than that of BCH codes, and indicate that this proposed method approximates the original ML decoding very well.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Mie-Scattering Ellipsometry

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    The size and refractive index of particles can be analyzed through the measurement of polarization state of scattered light. The change of polarization state in Mie scattering has been represented by ellipsometric parameters, Ψ and Δ, like the reflection ellipsometry. The analysis method is called Mie-scattering ellipsometry. By in-process Mie-scattering ellipsometry, the growth processes of carbon particles in argon plasma and in methane plasma were analyzed. It was found that carbon particles grow by coagulation in argon plasma, while they grow by carbon coating in methane plasma. It is also shown that imaging Mie-scattering ellipsometry has the potential for the easier confirmation of optical adjustment from a long distance, as well as for the analysis of spatial distribution of particle size

    Observation and Analyses of Coulomb Crystals in Fine Particle Plasmas

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    Observations of crystal-like ordering of fine particles in plasmas were first reported in 1994, when we succeeded to observe it by growing carbon fine particles in a methane plasma. Video cameras and Mie-scattering ellipsometry were applied for the analyses of fine particles and their crystal ordering. 3D and 2D crystal structures were observed for smaller and larger particles, respectively. The former structures were fcc, fco, and bct, but bcc structure was not observed. The result is due to the fact that the rearrangement from fcc to fco or bct occurs with both constant particle density in horizontal planes and constant interplane vertical distance. Behaviors of fine particles under microgravity were observed and analyzed using ready-made and injected fine particles. Its experimental result showed that the resultant force composed of electrostatic and ion drag forces pushes fine particles outward from the center forming a void

    Diffuse Lewy Body Disease : An Autopsy Case

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    A 67-year-old male patient initially showed memory disturbance followed by tremors a year later. The symptoms rapidly aggravated to dementia and Parkinsonian symptoms, and the patient died 2 years and 6 months after the onset at the age of 69 years and 5 months. Autopsy revealed numerous senile plaques in the cerebral cortex and Alzheimer's neurofibrillary tangles in the inferior temporal lobe and hippocampus. A number of Lewy bodies were found in the cerebral cortex and brain stem. Lewy bodies were found abundantly in the third layer of the pyramidal cells in the gyrus parahippocamalis. The distribution of Lewy bodies in the cerebral cortex was similar to that of inflated cells in Pick's disease.</p

    The Influence of Latvian Labor Emigration Abroad on Latvia's Competitiveness

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    Today, as the world is becoming more global, countries are competing against each other on different terms. Country competitiveness depends on different factors that distinguish one nation from another. As labor force is a valuable asset for any nation, the emigration of it can affect the country in many ways, thus affecting the country's competitiveness. This thesis aimed to find out how Latvian labor force emigration to work abroad will affect Latvia and its competitiveness. Moreover, the thesis also strived to answer how competitive is Latvian economy, who are the people who emigrate from Latvia and what are their experiences, what are the possible consequences for this emigration of Latvian workforce, as well as how these consequences might affect Latvia's competitiveness? To be able to answer the above mentioned research questions quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. First, an Internet survey was made to collect data from Latvian emigrants who have gone to work abroad themselves. After that, a structured interview with researchers from Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia's project about emigration was conducted. The research found out that the emigration of Latvian workforce affects Latvian economy and its competitiveness both in positive and negative ways. The research found that the factors regarding emigration that influence Latvia's economy are: leaving of young and educated people, remittances sent back to Latvia, possible brain drain and brain waste, relief of Latvian economy as well as changing level of entrepreneurship and innovation in the country. The results also showed that emigration has a positive influence on the entrepreneurship in the country, thus improving Latvia's competitiveness among other countries.Tänään, koska maailma on yhä maailmanlaajuinen, maat kilpailevat toisiaan vastaan eri ehdoin. Maa kilpailukyky riippuu eri kertoimiin, jotka erottavat yhden kansakunnan toisesta. Koska työvoima on arvokas voimavara kaikille kansakunta, maastamuutto se voi vaikuttaa maan monin tavoin, mikä vaikuttaa maan kilpailukykyä. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten Latvian työvoiman maastamuutto työskennellä ulkomailla vaikuttaa Latvian ja sen kilpailukykyä. Lisäksi opinnäytetyön myös pyritty vastaamaan kuinka kilpailukykyinen on Latvian talous, jotka ovat ihmisiä, jotka muuttavat maasta Latvia ja mitkä ovat niiden kokemuksia, mitä mahdollisia seurauksia tälle maastamuuton Latvian työvoiman sekä miten nämä seuraukset voivat vaikuttaa Latvian kilpailukykyyn? Voidakseen vastata edellä mainitun tutkimuksen kysymyksiä määrällisiä ja laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä käytettiin. Ensinnäkin, Internet-kysely tehtiin kerätä tietoa Latvian siirtolaisten jotka ovat menneet ulkomaille töihin itse. Sen jälkeen, jäsennelty haastattelu tutkijoiden instituutin filosofian ja sosiologian University of Latvian projekti noin maastamuutto tehtiin. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että maastamuutto Latvian työvoimasta vaikuttaa Latvian talous ja sen kilpailukyky sekä myönteisiä että kielteisiä keinoja. Tutkimus havaitsi, että tekijät, maastamuutto, jotka vaikuttavat Latvian talous ovat: jätetään nuorten ja koulutettujen ihmisten, rahalähetykset takaisin Latviaan, mahdollinen aivovuoto ja aivotuhlauksen, helpotus Latvian talouden sekä muuttaa tason yrittäjyyden ja innovaatioiden maassa. Tulokset osoittivat myös, että maastamuutto on positiivinen vaikutus yrittäjyyteenyrittäjyyttä maassa, mikä parantaa Latvian kilpailukykyä muun maissa

    Field-Cooling Effect in the Amorphous Magnetic Oxide

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    Amorphous magnetic oxides of BaO-Mn_2O_3-B_2O_3 system are prepared by a rapid quenching technique. Magnetic measurements down to 4.2 K reveal weak ferromagnetic components with T_c~50 K. The origin of the ferromagnetism is suggested to be due to manganese-rich clusters arising from concentration fluctuations in the glass. The field-cooling effect in this system is compared with that in the amorphous BaO-Fe_2O_3-B_2O_3 system

    An autopsy case of spinal arteriovenous malformation (Foix-Alajouanine syndrome).

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    An autopsy case of spinal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) was reported. The patient was a 75-year-old male and his initial neurologic symptoms were paraplegia, paresthesia below the umbilical level and urination difficulty. Subsequently night delirium and parkinsonism also appeared. The clinical and pathological findings in this case are identical with those in the spinal AVM except for Parkinson's disease. In addition, the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord in the middle thoracic segment showed pallor: Under light microscopy, the funiculus was spongiform, with a thinner wall of the myelin sheath, enlargement of the axon and the perivascular infiltration of phagocytes without plasma exudation. The changes in the lateral funiculus seemed to indicate early congestive changes.</p

    Host Cytokine Responses of Pigeons Infected with Highly Pathogenic Thai Avian Influenza Viruses of Subtype H5N1 Isolated from Wild Birds

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) of the H5N1 subtype has been reported to infect pigeons asymptomatically or induce mild symptoms. However, host immune responses of pigeons inoculated with HPAIVs have not been well documented. To assess host responses of pigeons against HPAIV infection, we compared lethality, viral distribution and mRNA expression of immune related genes of pigeons infected with two HPAIVs (A/Pigeon/Thailand/VSMU-7-NPT/2004; Pigeon04 and A/Tree sparrow/Ratchaburi/VSMU-16-RBR/2005; T.sparrow05) isolated from wild birds in Thailand. The survival experiment showed that 25% of pigeons died within 2 weeks after the inoculation of two HPAIVs or medium only, suggesting that these viruses did not cause lethal infection in pigeons. Pigeon04 replicated in the lungs more efficiently than T.sparrow05 and spread to multiple extrapulmonary organs such as the brain, spleen, liver, kidney and rectum on days 2, 5 and 9 post infection. No severe lesion was observed in the lungs infected with Pigeon04 as well as T.sparrow05 throughout the collection periods. Encephalitis was occasionally observed in Pigeon04- or T.sparrow05-infected brain, the severity, however was mostly mild. To analyze the expression of immune-related genes in the infected pigeons, we established a quantitative real-time PCR analysis for 14 genes of pigeons. On day 2 post infection, Pigeon04 induced mRNA expression of Mx1, PKR and OAS to a greater extent than T.sparrow05 in the lungs, however their expressions were not up-regulated concomitantly on day 5 post infection when the peak viral replication was observed. Expressions of TLR3, IFNα, IL6, IL8 and CCL5 in the lungs following infection with the two HPAIVs were low. In sum, Pigeon04 exhibited efficient replication in the lungs compared to T.sparrow05, but did not induce excessive host cytokine expressions. Our study has provided the first insight into host immune responses of pigeons against HPAIV infection